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Zac Build Guide by Blacyes

Top Super Buu [Zac Guide]

Top Super Buu [Zac Guide]

Updated on March 31, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Blacyes Build Guide By Blacyes 12,877 Views 3 Comments
12,877 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Blacyes Zac Build Guide By Blacyes Updated on March 31, 2013
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Zac
    Super Buu
  • LoL Champion: Zac
    Do you Even Lift?
  • LoL Champion: Zac
    Jungling Goo?!


Hey Guys, you are Welcome to my Zac Guide!

This is the very first Full Guide for Zac on Mobafire and i hope you will enjoy it ;)
But wait Ladys and Gentleman thats not all!

I tell you ZAC is Hardly Broken!
He can be the OPest Champ in the Game!
You ask yourself why?

The truth Secret Weapon is his [W]
Lets take a closer look to that:
Unstable Matter: Zac’s body explodes outward, dealing flat damage to surrounding enemies. Enemies struck also take damage based on their maximum health.

Now see...
The Skill deals 8% of the enemys Health [+1% for every 50 ap]
which mean if you take my Guide it will deal Max. 20% Hp Dmg!!!
Aaand this Skill has a cooldown of 4secs! with maximum cdr [40%]
You will be able to spam it every 2 seconds!
Then also between this 2 secs Lich bane gets Activated Dealing about 400 Magic Dmg and also Liandrys which Deals another 10% of the enemys Health as Magic Dmg (cause of the slowing eff of Rylais)

So in 2 secs you will be able to deal 30% hp + 500 dmg to all nearby enemys and that again and again!

Did i promised you to much? Test it yourself and Vote Positive!

( do not spam this broken element in the community so that it will not get nerfed Ty :) )
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Pros / Cons

[Super Buu]
+ Pros
- Super High AoE Dmg late Game
- Endless CC
- You can Play the APC
- No Mana issues

- Cons
- Hard to Achive
- Useless Early Game
- Master Him
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Gameplay [Super Buu]


Champion Spotlight

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Gameplay [Tank] (typical Top laner)

coming soon
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Gameplay [Jungler]

coming soon
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Passive: Cell Division

Each time Zac hits an enemy with an ability, he sheds a chunk of himself that can be reabsorbed to restore 4% of his maximum health.
Upon taking fatal damage, Zac splits into 4 chunks that attempt to recombine. If any of these chunks remain after 8 seconds, he will revive with 10-50% health depending on the health of the surviving chunks. Each chunk has 12% of Zac's maximum health, and 50% of his armor and magic resistance. This effect cannot happen again for 300 seconds.

[Q] Stretching Strike

Zac lashes out with an elastic punch, dealing 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 50% AP) magic damage to enemies in a line and slowing them for 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% for 2 seconds.

Range: 550
Cooldown: 9 / 8.5 / 8 / 7.5 / 7
Cost: 4% of current health
[W] Unstable Matter
Zac's body erupts, dealing magic damage 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 plus a percentage of their maximum health 4% / 5% / 6% / 7% / 8% (+ 2% per 100 AP) to all nearby enemies (max 200 damage against minions and monsters).

Cooldown: 4
Cost: 4% of current health

[E] Elastic Slingshot
Zac faces the cursor and begins channeling. After channeling or after reactivating the ability he launches himself towards the target location, dealing 80 / 130 / 180 / 230 / 280 (+ 70% AP) magic damage to all enemies hit and knocking them back for 0.5 seconds. The range of Elastic Slingshot increases based on how long 0.9 / 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 Zac channels.
Can be cancelled by moving; refunding 50% of the health cost.

Range: 900 / 950 / 1000 / 1050 / 1100
Cooldown: 24 / 21 / 18 / 15 / 12
Cost: 4% of current health

Let's Bounce [Ultimate] Let's Bounce!
Zac leaps into the air and begins to bounce on the ground, up to a maximum of 4 bounces. Each bounce deals 160 / 240 / 320 (+ 25% AP) magic damage to nearby enemies, knocks them up for 1 second, and slows them by 20% for 1 second. Enemies hit more than once take half damage and are not knocked up.

Zac gains an accelerating movement speed buff (20-50%) and 75% crowd control reduction while active (does not reduce Suppression). Zac can right-click to move while in the air. While active, Zac is unable to activate Stretching Strike or Elastic Slingshot.

Max Magic Damage to the same target: 400 / 600 / 800 (+ 62.5% AP)
Cooldown: 130 / 115 / 100
Cost: No cost

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Explanation is coming soon
(notice ive told you everything in the introduction ;D)
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Masteries and Runes

Pretty standard Ap Caster style with going on Health
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Thanks for tuning in i hope

i could help you...

Have fun and Rate this Guide Positiv ;)

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