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Aphelios Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Aphelios Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Aphelios Jungle

Updated on December 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 5 1 6,932 Views 2 Comments
5 1 6,932 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Aphelios Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on December 12, 2024
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Runes: Sustain

Fleet Footwork
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Ability Order "Recommendation"


Attack Damage

Attack Speed


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Aphelios Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Aphelios, The Weapon of the Faithful
Marksman, Bot Laner, Mana, Ranged, Physical
Clearing: Unhealthy [3:42]
Ganking: Inconsistent
Speciality: Versatility and Unpredictability
Why Jungle Aphelios? Aphelios is a constantly changing jungler. With every gank or teamfight he's apart of, he has a different kit and a different playstyle. He could be a CC machine, a burst adc, a close-ranged "assassin", or a long range poker. This is what makes him so good in the jungle, as enemy laners will never know what to expect when you walk into their lane. Plus, the versatility in clearing and killing makes for an ever-evolving and fun challenge.
Pros and Cons


High Damage
Incredibly Versatile
Very Fun


Very Complicated
Unhealthy Early Clear
Weaker than Most ADC's
Limited Bullets
No Abilities LVL 1

Crit Aphelios is the standard when he is played in his normal role as an ADC. It provides a large amount of damage, especially in the late game, and with his kit being so versatile it allows for a regular build typing without the need to change it up as much as other champions.
Ability Usage in Jungle
The Hitman and the Seer
Aphelios has access to an arsenal of 5 weapons. He equips two weapons at any one time, one as his main weapon and one as his off-hand. Each weapon has a unique ability, basic attack, passive, and ultimate. Aphelios begins the game with Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle and Severum, the Scythe Pistol.

Weapons spawn with 50 bullets of ammunition which is consumed on auto attacks and with ability usage. Once his main weapon is exhausted of ammo, it is moved to the end of the queue and Aphelios assembles his next available weapon over 1 second to equip it from his reserve.

Aphelios cannot improve his abilities with skill points. Instead, he gives himself points in Attack Damage, Attack Speed, and Lethality .

Weapons of the Faithful
Weapons of the Faithful
The active effect of Aphelios' Q varies based on his current main weapon. The individual abilities per gun do not share a cooldown.
Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle
Aphelios gains extra range on his auto attacks. Enemies damaged by Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle through an ability are marked for a short time, revealing them. Aphelios' next auto attack against a marked target uses the current off-hand weapon and has a very far range.

The empowered attack will consume the marks from all targets, dealing bonus physical for each mark consumed.

In the Jungle, this weapon is primarily used for generalized damage and ranged fights, keeping Aphelios in a safe position and less likely to be dove.

This scales off of Attack Damage.

Aphelios fires a bolt of energy in the target direction that deals physical damage to the first target hit.

In the Jungle, this ability is primarily used for long-range engagements. It works very well with the Cannon to stun from afar.

This scales off of Attack Damage and Ability Power, with AP being more.
Severum, the Scythe Pistol
Severum, the Scythe Pistol's attacks heal Aphelios on every auto for a small amount. Healing from Severum in excess of Aphelios' maximum health are converted into shield instead.

In the Jungle, Severum, the Scythe Pistol guide is the most optimal for clearing single target jungle camps as it heals Aphelios on every auto attack.

This shield scales off of Health.
Aphelios enters an onslaught for a short time, gaining Movement Speed and rapidly damaging enemies near him.

The movement speed scales off of Ability Power while the onslaught scales off of Attack Speed.

Attacks alternate between Severum, the Scythe Pistol and his current off-hand weapon, each dealing physical damage. Aphelios cannot cast his ultimate or switch weapons during this time.

In the Jungle, this ability is a good engagement or disengagement tool. It does heal him, but the movement speed provided allows for great kiting and escaping without burning a summoner spell.

This scales off of Attack Damage.
Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon
Auto attacks with Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon slow enemies.

In the Jungle, Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon's auto attacks are perfect for ganks, though they fire a bit slower than some weapons, so kiting can be difficult.
Binding Eclipse
Aphelios roots all enemies affected by Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon's slows, dealing magic damage in the process.

In the Jungle, this ability is your primary ganking tool. Especially in the early game, as Aphelios struggles to get anything done without it until later on.

This scales off of Attack Damage and Ability Power, with AP being more.
Infernum, the Flamethrower
Auto attacks with Infernum, the Flamethrower shoot a fire bolt that upon arrival splits into a cone of 4 lesser bolts behind the target, dealing damage to enemies they pass through. This deals physical damage.

In the Jungle, this weapon is most optimal for AOE camps as it has strong damage in a cone. It is also good for wave clear and attacking enemies hiding in minion waves.

This scales off of Attack Damage.
Aphelios unleashes a wave of energy in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit and locking onto each of them. Then, Aphelios fires a volley of attacks at each locked-on target from his current off-hand weapon, dealing more physical damage.

In the Jungle, this is my favorite Aphelios ability as it just has such strong damage, it can be used for ganks and teamfights as well as clearing multi-target camps.

This scales off of Attack Damage and Ability Power, with AD being more.
Crescendum, the Chakram
Auto attacks with Crescendum, the Chakram hurl the blade at the target, which lingers for a short moment before flying back to Aphelios. He is unable to declare auto attacks until he retrieves Crescendum, the Chakram.

Whenever Aphelios casts an ability that would require him to throw Crescendum, the Chakram, he instead fires a spectral Chakram at the target that similarly returns to him. Aphelios accumulates the Chakrams he catches, up to 20, which last for 5 seconds or until Crescendum, the Chakram is depleted of ammo.

Auto attacks with Crescendum, the Chakram are empowered to deal bonus physical damage depending on the number of Chakrams.

In the Jungle, this is best used on objectives. Position Aphelios as close as possible to an objective and attack with this weapon. It will burn through bullets, but it is his fastest method of clearing.

This scales off of Attack Speed.
Aphelios deploys a turret nearby that shoots bullets from his offhand weapon. The sentry grants vision of its surroundings.

In the Jungle, Sentry is a teamfighting tool used to apply the effects of your offhand gun. It is especially good at applying the slow from the cannon weapon, but it is useful outside of that as well. It will continue to fire if you are stunned, so it can score kills for you.

This scales off of Attack Damage and Ability Power, with AD being more.
Aphelios switches between his main weapon and off-hand weapon over 0.25 seconds.
Moonlight Vigil
Aphelios casts forth a lunar spotlight in the target direction that briefly grants sight of its surroundings. It stops upon encountering a champion and illuminates them. Alune smites the area centered on the illuminated target, dealing physical damage to enemy champions struck and locking-on to each target hit.

This scales off of Attack Damage and Ability Power, with AP being more.

After 0.3 seconds of the illumination, attacks based on Aphelios' current main weapon will launch from the sky against each locked-on target, dealing bonus physical damage.

This scales off of Attack Damage.

Calibrum, the Sniper Rifle applies an empowered mark that deals bonus physical damage per mark consumed.
Severum, the Scythe Pistol heals Aphelios if at least one enemy champion is hit.
Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon increases the initial slow to 99% and empowers Binding Eclipse to root targets.
Infernum, the Flamethrower deals bonus physical damage (scaling with Attack Damage on the initial blast. Attacks splash around nearby. Enemies will take damage from overlapping areas.
Crescendum, the Chakram generates 5 additional spectral Chakrams that return to Aphelios from the first enemy champion hit, for a total of 6, on top of those from other targets hit.

In the Jungle, Moonlight Vigil is primarily used to kill enemies. Though some effects of the ultimate have different uses, such as Gravitum, the Gravity Cannon applying the passive slow and being able to be followed up with a stun. Or Severum, the Scythe Pistol being able to keep Aphelios alive in long-term engagements with it's big heal.
Aphelios cannot solo first dragon without Crescendum, the Chakram, but even then he shouldn't. Wait until next dragon is up or go for voidgrubs.

Aphelios benefits the most from Infernal Soul. The bonus attack damage is especially good for him. Who doesn't like more damage?
Aphelios can solo voidgrubs as long as he is extremely close to them and using Crescendum, the Chakram at full ammo. Using Smite of course.
Aphelios has little issue with herald. It's an easy way to get gold and exp so long as there is vision around the enemy jungle.
Aphelios cannot solo this objective, but he should prioritize it as soon as possible for his great wave and tower clear with most guns.
Aphelios can solo elder by this point in the game. Wait for an enemy to die before initiating the fight, or be prepared to interrupt enemies when they are fighting it. He isn't the best at stealing and will likely die, so focus on killing the enemies rather than smiting if applicable.


Aphelios should not be starting red side, as the AOE camps do too much damage, even with Fleet Footwork, to sufficiently clear without being at a serious risk for dying. By the time he finishes blue side, he will have Infernum, the Flamethrower to deal with camps like Raptors. After blueside, he should go Raptors into Red Brambleback then fight at Scuttle before Krugs. Blue Sentinel should be where Aphelios starts, either with the help of his bot laners or top laner. He does not struggle with mana, but these camps are easier to kite with the weapons he starts with. After buff, go Gromp then Wolves before moving onto redside.
Core Items

Berserker's Greaves > ATTACK SPEED
Aphelios doesn't build much attack speed until later on, and Berserks is a very cheap, regular item for adcs. This gives him an early boost in damage, especially with certain attack speed oriented weapons.
Boots of Swiftness > SLOW RESIST
If there is a large amount of slows of the enemy team, like an Ashe or Nasus, then build these instead to keep yourself alive in fights longer instead of locked down and killed.

EARLY GAME: Aphelios is simultaneously useless early and in desperate need of early kills in order to succeed. His clear is slow and reliant on the type of weapon he has equipped, and his ganks are even more reliant on having CC or engage tools. He should look for something easy to kill while also playing safe and focusing on getting collector.
MID GAME: Assuming he has some kills under his belt, Aphelios should be looking for teamfights early. Or at least fights involving many people so he can dance around them, stun the priority picks, and finish off any stragglers with his team. He struggles to position properly, so keep an eye on where exactly you are and don't get greedy.
LATE GAME: In the late game, Aphelios is an absolute powerhouse capable of dishing out some very serious damage numbers in a large amount of different ways. Long range, short range, with omnivamp or without - everything is possible, and he does a lot of things all at once very well.
Patch Notes
10/25/2024: Guide Created.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer
AverageLilliaPlayer Aphelios Guide
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The ALP Guide to Aphelios Jungle

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