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Very annoying to deal with, trading is nearly impossible. Her e absorbs all damage from your q and will make poke non existent. Wait till you have sunfire before trying to fight.
Probably one of the hardest matchups for you. Try throwing your q out to push him out of lane. Ask jungler for help, you setup ganks nicely.
If you're lucky enough to go against a rengar top then the matchup should be fairly easy. Watch out for an early cheese by him and you should be fine.
All round pain in the ass. His passive blocks your w damage and his spears are just flat out annoying. Rush some armor ASAP and try to focus on farming till then.
He will straight up outduel you throughout the game so do not fight.Just focus on farming and maybe roam a bit with your cc.
This bitch is brutal. Since your e is so easy to react to going in is just suicide. She suffers heavy from early poke and if she goes for vitals w e q her and it should scare her off.
Doesn't do much to you but avoid trading for extended periods of time. Short trades will work into him.
Very pokey, very annoying. Will most likely poke you out of lane quite often. Build some armor and just wait to teamfight.
Generally an evenly matched lane don't e onto him or else you will die. If he all ins you can just cc him or run away.
This is going to be a fairly passive lane with lots of farming. Nothing to explain here.
Super easy lane. Take thunderlords and make early trades. Your surprise burst should scare him off. If he overextends for farm just all in him.
Pretty annoying. Avoid fighting near a wave of his creeps or tower as taunt will fuck you over. Try to roam as he can't shove waves.
He's annoying. If you e aggressive he will fling you and most likely die. Early trading can be beneficial however.If he goes into proxy mode just ult him into a tower and free kill.
Another brutal macthup. Avoid trading at all costs. He can perma slow with q and e so just disengage if he engages onto you.
This lane is a fucking joke. He e's at you just e back and win the trade. You bully him way too hard for him to do much.
Just rush armor and he becomes completely useless. Be careful of his early trading though.
You can trade with him if you trade your e+w with his q but just do not fight if his e is up. It will kill you.
Dr. Mundo
Just max w and you should be alright.
Very even matchup. Both have good sustain and good base damage and cc. Be careful of using e when he uses w.
I don't even know what this champion is.
Rush a spirit visage and hope he shoves. Do not e towards him or you will get cc chained.
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