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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hello, I'm Rukt, I'm currently Silver 1 and I'm writing this guide to show people what I think is the right build for ![]() I've seen a lot of builds for ![]() ![]() ![]() This build for ![]() ![]() ![]() This is my first guide so it's really basic but I hope you enjoy my guide and dominating people as ![]() |

The Scorn of the Moon
An unyielding avatar of the moon's power,

Though she was born to the Solari,

"The sun does not reveal truth. Its light only burns and blinds." -

Champion Spotlight
+ High burst damage + AOE pull with a slow + Mobile with ![]() + Can initiate Team Fights + Ult CD reset + Great ganks with ult + Impossible to kite |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
- Melee - Weak early game - No mobility until 6 - ![]() - ![]() - Very mana hungry - Falls off against Tanks late game |
One of the biggest problem ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Runes I run are meant to help
Diana survive more in the late game then in the early game.
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power.
This will give you some early AP to help with clearing camps and ganking lanes. These will also help give you more AP from the 5% from
9x Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration.
Diana synergies really well with Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration because of three reasons. First, she is a melee champ. Second, her abilities scale off of Ability power. And lastly, the main reason, is her
Moonsilver Blade passive. The armor pen and magic pen work with the on hit affect extremly well. This is the main reason I take these. You can also take 9x
Greater Mark of Attack Speed if you prefer more attack speed for faster early jungle clear.
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor.
After playing around with different runes, I've found that 9x
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor is a lot more beneficial then 4x
Greater Seal of Armor and 5x
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor. The By the time you come out to gank (Level 6) you will already have 9 armor, which is the same as running 9x
Greater Seal of Armor. The 27 armor late game will help you a lot especially with
Zhonya's Hourglass.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
Just like the with the
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor, the 9x
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist will help you is much more beneficial then 3x
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist and 6x
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist. The same at level 6 with 9x
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist, you will have 9 MR which is more then 9x
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist. And with
Athene's Unholy Grail you will have a lot of MR late game making you harder to kill.


This will give you some early AP to help with clearing camps and ganking lanes. These will also help give you more AP from the 5% from

9x Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration.


After playing around with different runes, I've found that 9x


Just like the with the

I run a 21/6/3 on
Diana when I jungle as her. The 21 in the Offensive Tree for that Extra AP , Magic/Armor Pen and damage. The 6 in the Defensive Tree to help reduce some damage from Jungle camps and enemy basic attacks. And the 3 the Utility Tree for that extra move speed for ganking. (The number next to the Mastery name is the amount you put into it.)
Offensive Tree
Double-Edged Sword
(1) -
Diana is a melee champ so she gets 2% more damage for 1% increased damage.
Sorcery (4) - Early 5% CD to help clear Jungle camps.
Mental Force
(3) - Gives some AP per level and a little late game.
Arcane Mastery (1) - Give 6 flat AP, helps early game clearing.
(3) - Gives you 5% extra damage to targets under 50% health, ganking low health targets.
Dangerous Game
(1) - Gives you 5% of Max health back after a kill, can save your life after a duel.
(3) - Gives you 5% AP, helps with your late game AP.
Arcane Blade
(1) - Adds some more damage to your Auto Attacks, adds to
Moonsilver Blade 3rd hit.
Devastating Strikes
(3) - 6% extra Armor/Magic Pen, adds to your 9x Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration.
(1) - More Damage, why not?
Defensive Tree
(2) - Reduces Auto Attacks of enemies by 2, helps during ganking.
(1) - Reduces all incoming damage for Melee by 2 and Ranged by 1.
Tough Skin
(2) - Reduces damage from Jungle Monsters by 2.
Bladed Armor
(1) - Does 1% of current health of Jungle Monster when they attack you.
Utility Tree
Fleet of Foot (3) - 1.5% extra movement speed give you +5 move speed. Helps ganking, chasing, escaping, etc.

Offensive Tree

Defensive Tree

Utility Tree

Every 3rd attack cleaves nearby enemies for 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 105 / 120 / 135 / 155 / 175 / 200 / 225 / 250 (15 + 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 at each level) (+ 80% AP) magic damage. The counter will reset if

In addition,

Range: 830
Cooldown: 10 / 9 / 8 / 7 / 6
Cost: 55 Mana
Magic Damage: 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+ 70% AP)

If all three spheres detonate, the shield is reapplied and the duration is refreshed. This second shield stacks with the original shield.
Range: 200
Cooldown: 10
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 Mana
Magic Damage per Orb: 22 / 34 / 46 / 58 / 70 (+ 20% AP)
Maximum Magic Damage: 66 / 102 / 138 / 174 / 210 (+ 60% AP)
Shield Strength: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85 / 100 (+ 30% AP)
Maximum Shield Strength: 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 / 200 (+ 60% AP)

Range: 250
Cooldown: 26 / 24 / 22 / 20 / 18
Cost: 70 Mana
Slow: 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55%

When used to teleport to an enemy afflicted with Moonlight,

Range: 825
Cooldown: 25 / 20 / 15
Cost: 50 / 65 / 80 Mana
Magic Damage: 100 / 160 / 220 (+ 60% AP)

All abilities but


These are the two combos I do if I'm fighting someone pre-6. I try not to fight or gank before level 6 because


These are the 5 most used combos when you play

Also here's a tip on

Ranger's Trailblazer - Magus - The AoE smite helps clear camps faster, get 15% of missing health and mana back on smite, and Magus gives you the 20% CDR and AP you need.
Sorcerer's Shoes - 15 Magic Pen and move speed. What more could you ask for?
Athene's Unholy Grail - Gives you 2% of missing Mana back every 5 seconds.
Diana is really mana hungry in the early game and even the late game. Gives you MR and 30% of max mana on kill or assist. This will allow you to keep fighting in Duels and Team Fights.
Zhonya's Hourglass - I've been getting this item a lot lately as my 3rd buy. After playing around with this, I prefer this before
Luden's Tempest because the passive. Gives you Armor to help when you are fighting the enemy ADC. The passive will let you buy time for you abilities to come back up.
Luden's Tempest - This item is AMAZING on
Diana. Her Q, W and R proc the charge. Her R and W also adds Stacks to the charge. This allows
Diana to get two
Luden's Tempest charges off in a Q>R>W>E>Q>R combo.
Void Staff - Gives you some more AP and ignores 35% of your targets MR. Great item on
Diana. Allows her to Duel Tanks and pick off Squishes even faster.
Lich Bane - Gives you a proc on your next Auto Attack. Every one of your abilities proc the Sheen passive. This allows you to have an INSANE amount of burst if timed right with your passive
Moonsilver Blade
Rabadon's Deathcap - Gives you a lot of AP and the passive gives you 30% more AP. Only get this if you are really fed.
Hextech Gunblade - This is a good 6th item if you need to out sustain your target.
Diana has a hard time against Tanks late game and this eliminates this a little.
Nashor's Tooth- This item is a great switch for your Ranger's Trailblazer - Magus. It gives you that 20% CDR, Attack Speed and an On-Hit affect at the cost of losing 20 AP and your AoE smite. By late game, you wont even notice the 20 AP missing and your passive will clear through creeps even faster so the AoE isn't gone all the way.

The Jungle Route I take is a little different from most other people's. For your first buy before leaving base, you want to only buy one
Health Potion. You will have just enough money after doing my route to buy.
*IMPORTANT* Always start your Blue Sentinel first. This will give you the much needed mana to go though the jungle and an early 10% CDR. And do not smite it. I prefer spawning on Top side of the map for the better leash from my ADC and Support. You can still accomplish this on Bot side of map but your Top laner isn't going to give you that big leash that all jungler's dream of.
Here is the normal Jungle Route I like to take as
Spoiler: Click to view
Spoiler: Click to view
If you feel like the enemy could be trying to invade your Red Brambleback ask your Support or Top laner to ward your red at 1:40. The ward should still be up by the time you are done with your Gromp.
Gift of the Toadstool is your friend. Always try to
Smite Gromp before you go to gank a lane, contest/do
Dragon or Team Fight. The damage from it may save your life if you get in a fight with the enemy AD Carry.
Diana is also able to solo
Dragon around level 7/8 with a blue buff. If you get a successful gank Bot lane ask for help on an early
Dragon if they aren't too low.

*IMPORTANT* Always start your Blue Sentinel first. This will give you the much needed mana to go though the jungle and an early 10% CDR. And do not smite it. I prefer spawning on Top side of the map for the better leash from my ADC and Support. You can still accomplish this on Bot side of map but your Top laner isn't going to give you that big leash that all jungler's dream of.
Here is the normal Jungle Route I like to take as

If you feel like the enemy could be trying to invade your Red Brambleback ask your Support or Top laner to ward your red at 1:40. The ward should still be up by the time you are done with your Gromp.
Gift of the Toadstool is your friend. Always try to

Thank you for reading my
Diana Guide. This was my first guide so it's not really flashy but it gives you good info on
Diana and a great build for her.
I will try to add more as I learn more about
Diana and try to make this one of the best
Diana Guides here on Mobafire
Some Comments/Feedback would really help me improve my guide a lot.
I also want to thank LoopyNiko on YouTube for putting out
Diana's abilities in the videos. All credit to him. Thank you again.
Also, there may be some typos/errors I didn't catch so if you find any let me know.
Thank you

I will try to add more as I learn more about

Some Comments/Feedback would really help me improve my guide a lot.
I also want to thank LoopyNiko on YouTube for putting out

Also, there may be some typos/errors I didn't catch so if you find any let me know.
Thank you
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