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Recommended Items
Runes: My favourite
+10% Attack Speed
+2% Movement Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Teemo can constantly poke you, even when you are Proxying. You have no chance laning against him, since you will neither be able to withstand his damage nor do you have enough regeneration against it. Proxy, but beware of his auto attacks aswell as ignite!
I love this comp, speed boost is insane on Singed
I love this comp, speed boost is insane on Singed
Champion Build Guide
This Guide's Intention is to give the community a viable Guide, since there are no especially Proxy Singed Guides out there. Furthermore I want to show my kind of view on Proxy Singed.
I will mention the art of proxying to provide you the best information needed.
To give you a few information about my person, I am a 25 years old, German Singed Player, who has peaked at Diamond in Season 7.
+ Top Lane Pressure + Gold / Experience Advantage + Jungle Pressure + Very Fun To Play + Very Rewarding Learn Curve Singed is a very unique champion. Furthermore his Proxy Playstyle gives him even more uniqueness which is pretty much a privilege that has to be kept throughout every meta. The reason why you will Proxy is simply the gold advantage and immense pressure on the enemy team. You running around enemy lines, denying last hits from their top laner and pressuring his turret hp are high priority focuses for your specific early game. Proxying can be very frustrating and exhausting when you will start to learn it, but its reward is priceless. The more experience you get the better will be you're abuse, aswell as pressure on not just their top laner through your proxy, but also on their jungler by stealing camps in between waves with Smite to create a even bigger gold lead since you'll have Unsealed Spellbook, aswell as setting up kills or jukes with your own jungler, since Insanity Potion leads to a huge power spike at level 6. Ghost is your life insurance, Teleport is essencial to get back to lane after your first Proxy and is unbelievebly strong mid game for those big brain macro plays. Double Proxy will also be mentioned in this Guide. It's a very rare and situational play, but absolutely insane gold and pressure wise if executed properly. |
- Hard To Play / Master - High Skill Cap Knowledge Wise - Vulnerable - Conflicts With Your Team - Frustrating Playstyle If Camped - Relies On Team Since you are constantly behind enemy lines and will always have to play smart to avoid getting killed instead of executed or denied, a Proxy Singed player is very vulnerable to inting and simply loosing the game on his own. It is very hard to learn this technique, since you need insane knowledge about matchups and have to constantly think about the three Ws. |
Checkpoint Two Head out to number two to obtain more vision. |
Checkpoint Three Number 3 will be your go to waypoint, since it allows you and your team to get possible vision of the enemy jungler, which will help predicting his jungle route. If noone is spotted at number 1 or 2, you can cleary choose this route. |
Checkpoint Three.One This route is the worse choice, since you are not able to infiltrate their jungle. If they are covering their red buff (or are starting at red buff), you will have to take the other route (3.1) to safely pursue with your Proxy and avoid early fights 1v2 / 1v3. |
Checkpoint Four Number 4 is your last stay before you start Proxying. You should be there at around 01:12 to make sure you don't miss the enemy minions since they spawn at 01:05. |
Checkpoint Five Let the Games begin! |
Red Site Start
Checkpoint One The same principle applies for the Red Site, the only difference is that your way will be shown to you as a mirror-image. For this reason, it's not quite the same, since the Summoners Rifts' Layout isn't 1 to 1 translatable (as you know). You will immediately walk to Number 1 and from there it's the same process just with different ways. Gain Vision of the river and prepare your Proxy through sight control (as you already learned). |
Checkpoint Two Head out to number two to obtain more vision. |
Checkpoint Three At this Point you need to choose the right way, as you are already familiar with from "Blue Site Start". Take Number 3 if you have a clear sight, take 3.1 if you spot enemies on your way to your target location. |
Checkpoint Three.One Your fallback option, which weakens your chances a litte bit. Pursue your Proxy. |
Checkpoint Four Number 4 is your last stay before you start Proxying. You should be there at around 01:12 to make sure you don't miss the enemy minions since they spawn at 01:05. Make sure to meticulously read the map since the Red Site Start differs between two positions on the map at this checkpoint! |
Checkpoint Five Let the Games begin! 2.0 |
After your first 3 Waves of proxying you have enough gold to buy Boots or Amplifying Tome, which is providing a level 3 Power Spike when you move back to Top Lane after your Execute or Backport.
This very situation provides a huge opportunity for you. You outtrade almost every single champ and can simply faceroll him, forcing him out of lane, getting summoner spells or getting a kill.
Afterwards you can push the wave, continue proxying, since he will likely Teleport to lane, to increase your advantages even more.
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