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Udyr Build Guide by Sengir

Jungle 😼 UDYR CRAZY TIGER 😼| 11.8

Jungle 😼 UDYR CRAZY TIGER 😼| 11.8

Updated on April 14, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sengir Build Guide By Sengir 6 1 9,053 Views 1 Comments
6 1 9,053 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sengir Udyr Build Guide By Sengir Updated on April 14, 2021
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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


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Challenging Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Champion Build Guide


By Sengir
This is mainly a Wilding Claw Udyr jungler guide. (You can also go Top too, being a split pusher, but it's less useful.)

And this Udyr is not a commonly tanky Udyr that only goes annoying in team battles. This is a solo fighter Udyr, a killer Udyr, a chaser Udyr, a split pusher Udyr, a CRAZY TIGER UDYR.
This is a Udyr that if played correctly will carry most games.

Basically your main objective is to FARM LIKE CRAZY. Go autistic jungler and keep your jungle always clear and kill the Dragon as soon as it is born every time since level 4. Kill all your jungle and the opponent's jungle whenever you can, put wards and kill the Rift Herald. You MUST be the lord and master of all the jungle. You don't have any second to waste on unproductive ganks, only gank when it's a 100% free kill. If you go this way you will have more level, gold and items than your opponents and then you will be able to kill them free one by one while they go crazy trying to chase you.

Mid/late game, once you are the biggest threat and can kill 1v1 any enemy champ, don't try to fight as 5v5. You must go continue cleaning enemy's jungle and go split push running with bear to push any empty lane and destroy towers. Enemy team will be forced to go crazy trying to stop you with two or more champs, and meanwhile, your team will have the adventage in other parts of the map.
You are a destroyer crazy Wilding Claw Udyr with Sonic speed. If you are smart and brave enough, no one can stop you.

You should start in Blue Sentinel because Udyr's skills spend a lot of mana early game and you want to clear jungle asap.
Then go Gromp, Murk Wolf, Raptor, Red Brambleback, and run with Blazing Stampede to kill Rift Scuttler before the enemy jungler. Then go to Rift Scuttler and recall.
Now, depending on your gold, buy 2 Long Sword and Boots or 2 Long Sword and 1 Control Ward. Also change your trinket to Oracle Lens because now you are going to RUN TO DRAGON!!
Use Control Ward and Oracle Lens to cover yourself and kill Dragon ASAP!
Now just keep jungling. You must have your jungle always clear. If you can, go for Rift Herald every time you can. Also try to invade to clear enemy's jungle too. And go to kill the Dragon as soon as it respawns.
You must farm and farm all the time. Only try to gank when it's a totally free kill, if not, keep farming all the jungle. Also if there's a chance, help to destroy towers with Rift Herald or with your own powerfull Bruce Lee Wilding Claw punches.

This way you must be above the average champs level and gold, and now, if you fight, you can kill almost anyone 1v1, you are becoming a monster.
Now that you are a super sonic Monster, maybe you think you should try to fight enemy team, but NO!

Now it's the time to win the game, and you generally don't will win the game generating 5v5 fights. Your biggest strength is on your great movility and 1v1 fighting. So now you should go for turrets and inhibs. You are now a split pusher. Go to the lane where your team isn't, and PUSH, and DESTROY. The enemy team will be forced to chase you, but they can't, you are faster. And because you should win every 1v1 fight, the enemy team needs to stop you with at least 2 champs. And that means that your team will have the numerical advantage on the other sides of the map.

Don't joing forces as 5 unless it's obvius that you will destroy the enemy team. Keep going solo and the enemy team will lose the game only because they can't defend theirselves from this map split tactic.

And now just keep destroying every lane until inhib. When a lane is without inhib avoid you and your team going there, because Super Minion will push that lane for themselves.

So keep split pushing safe and destroy more, and when every inhib is broken, you just can do free Baron Nashor and finish the game. So simple, but so efficient.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sengir
Sengir Udyr Guide
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