[WILDRIFT] [PATCH 3.2] Full Guide to get Fed and Destroy them with your own Wolf

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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Full Step to Upgrade
Hemorrhage (PASSIVE)
Darius Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You can always perma ban this champ Don't fight at early,just trade 1st skill When you are level 3,if she waste her 3rd skill then you can rush and kill her. I recommended you to use flash and ignite and ask your jungler to help you. Be sure to freeze lane and don't get stunned by her 3rd skill ability. Don't forget to rush Plated Steelcap (Armor Boots)
The best synergy ever. Just tell lulu to used ultimate on you and buffed. Participate when the objective is active and try to help and gank lulu. You will get become fed and you successfully win teamfight with lulu
The best synergy ever. Just tell lulu to used ultimate on you and buffed. Participate when the objective is active and try to help and gank lulu. You will get become fed and you successfully win teamfight with lulu
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