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Xin Zhao Build Guide by UlisesFRN

Top Xin Zhao Top (Updating as i play him)

Top Xin Zhao Top (Updating as i play him)

Updated on December 6, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UlisesFRN Build Guide By UlisesFRN 19 0 45,611 Views 0 Comments
19 0 45,611 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author UlisesFRN Xin Zhao Build Guide By UlisesFRN Updated on December 6, 2021
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Runes: Tested, does well

1 2 3 4
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Cheap Shot
Ravenous Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Works, as always
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Xin Zhao Top (Updating as i play him)

By UlisesFRN
This is a guide, that im going to update as i play Xin Zhao Top this se***on. There are 2 possible outcomes:
1, I grow tired of getting stomped by meta-picks and abandon the project
2, I manage to write a decent guide for the people who like to play exotic picks, after a lot of games and hard testing.

I played a couple matches with him, and find out Xin Zhao is a rather fun Champion to play. He excels at 2v2 skirmishes, where a well timed Ult can secure the fight. He also seems to be good at snowballing. Once you get a kill lead, you should be able to fight 1v1 for the rest of the game, until the late game champs start to outscale you. Even then, you still have enough damage and utility to be decisive at teamfights, and also pick down key targets like a pesky feed ADC. He seems to play like a Renekton with less tankiness and CC, but far better utility and damage. In the early stages the Croc can survive through most matchups by being tanky and having good sustain, while Xin needs to play more aggresive and risky, lacking a point&click stun. In the mid to late game tho, when Rene becomes a Stun Bot, Xin Zhao can still apply preassure, beat many champs in 1v1, dive the backline more easily, and be relevant in Teamfights

We also have a good advantage in our poke. Wind Becomes Lightning is a great poking tool, that also triggers our passive, and benefits from Omnivamp and Lifesteal both. We also have a great engage with Audacious Charge, so we should be able to reach pesky ranged tops.
Currently Testing
Currently, im testing a build based around my second Rune Page, with Conqueror to have a better late-game. Also, im going to test how good is Blade of the Ruined King as first item, since Xin needs to get a lead early, and the Blade is a huge powerspike. AA reliant Champions like Irelia and Jax have already shown how good it can be. Another thing i want to test is Divine Sunderer as our go to Mythic. Sheen pasive may be good in the Toplane, while Xhin Zhao needs Goredrinker for sustain and clear in the jungle, we can trade that Omnivamp with the Lifesteal from BOTRK, and Sheen is great in 1v1. We also become a tank killing machine with these two items.
While adding tankiness to the build, Bone Plating may not be worth it, and both Cheap Shot and Approach Velocity seems great runes on Xin Zhao
Also, since we need to rush 2 items ASAP ( BOTRK and Sunderer ) the rune Magical Footwear can be great to save us 300G in the build. We can also use Biscuit Delivery if we have Mana issues early (he does have them) and dont want to go Presence of Mind
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UlisesFRN
UlisesFRN Xin Zhao Guide
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Xin Zhao Top (Updating as i play him)

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