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Doesnt outdamage you early you can alpha dodge and follow his Q
You are stronger then here but its hard to kill here because of her ult
Very hard matchup because she can just W that stealth takes 8 seconds meditate only 4 so you can lose allot of ult time or ult after she used it and lose allot of damage best option is to not use ult early then hopefully she wastes W then you finish here off but its likely she wont
Easy matchup if shes out of position but most of the she wont so thats why its hard with here passive most abilities can be dodged and your slow resitant so said its a passive lane medium dificulty likely get a cull and tp afk farming
Can be really anoying but you can counterbuild it easy not a diveable champ get some mr vs burst like maw edge of night or mercurial so you can win
Aurelion Sol
Well its a pretty meh lane you can dodge his stun and all in him well but his zoning and ect can be pretty anoying because if you alpha in you just get stunned so if you all in flash on him and use alpha to dodge his stun
Pretty hard because azir is such a save champ with save sums often if u get close hes always dead though and you can dodge his ult and follow his dash
Can be easily all inned cant hit stun on you easily use flash always to gap close in all in then alpha to dodge stun or follow flash
You go pretty even but you can dodge her stun and its really easy so you have the upper hand she cant keep up without the bonus attack speed from it can alpha with her e as an escape can
Truly depends on how slippery you are in dodging if you can it will be easy as she will be immobile and doesnt have an ult basicly but if you cant then it will be insanely hard
High sustain is were he shines but you all in allot so there you have the edge also you can dodge allot of ap cho's damage and you shred tanks
Easy to dodge ect only worry really is his escape
Can outrade him just dont get hit by q you need to alpha dodge else he heals and might outrade you are even win all in also can use meditate reset on his w and alpha cancel his ult if its canceled though and he is still alive he can do it again
Easy to all in can negate her burst can dodge here cc can follow here with alpha
Dr. Mundo
You outrade him you shred tanks not much to be said
You can dodge allot but after a zhonyas its pretty hard to dodge his stun and his ult is anoying if you try to kill him or all in him
Without gapclosers hes useless and in lane doesnt provide much can also be cheesed lv cus likely he doesnt start e but you never know
Know he isnt played much in lane but still hella anoying easy if you have ignite qss combo or cleanse executioners hard if you have none alse care for his ult its nothing to laugh about
You outdamage here in lane if she gets to the only thing that is hard is her ult if she gets it off you will be in a problem because the healing is pretty huge if she doesnt have ult heal you should pretty much always win if she becomes a problem build items like randuins tabis
also dont let here hit free shit on vitals and ult else you will get it hard
If he lands ult wait till it pops alpha dodge it can meditate his E can be outraded early
You shred tanks ez to dodge and all in like always
Really easy to all in and dodge shit
If he rushes tabis and stuff care if you wait for botrk you likely win dont take stupid trades early
Easy to dodge follow and all in buy things to sustain some poke like doran shield
Tank doesnt have a good escape ez to dodge and all in like always
does allot of damage shouldnt underestimate but you can duel if you dodge allot with alpha and surely with botrk abuse if he spams mana
Alpha does allot to turrets but he just a pain in the ass dodge all in care zhonyas
even though its hard still take ignite as heimer is still easy to cheese take it with doran shield start
Tank doesnt have a good escape ez to dodge and all in like always also doesnt have anything early on lv 1 and 2 just try to all in with ignite for a cheesy kill
It All Depends On Her Stun
Jarvan IV
Dont take short trades and if he gets tabis you have to wait till botrk if he tries to poke you out you have to dodge his knockup and meditate his ult damage if possible
Can be anoying to deal with cus of his E and if he gets tabis your fucked just try to out rotate him and take tp
can bully you allot early because of being ranged and having a disengage tool if he comes close in melee and you can alpha after his disengage you can likely win also meditate that hammer strike
can be easily outraded but her root is really hard to deal with as junglers can pressure your lane because of the good setup
can be cheesed fairly easy but he can get kills around the map with his ult and snowball on it focus on roaming
u want doran shield because kassadins spam Q you can cheese him early to because he still has shitty escapes and you can dodge his Q if needed
She jumps around the map if you dodge some abilitys you might be able to kill here but you need to dodge allot else you lose also bait out if your close to a dagger just alpha here or something close if she does it can give you advantage in minion waves pushing and letting you freeze or setting up an all in
honestly a huge pain because of the poke and ult i guess you pretty much have to rely on lv 1 or 6 and above
i dont know or you played vs kayn but its pretty easy you dont have to play perfect to win hes annoying but easy to 1v1 care if hes going tank though that shit is hard to deal with and also dont fight close to terrain if possible
You will need mercury threads its a hard lane because of jungle setup and undodgeable cc so you can only use alpha to so Q and W are useless and R time might get wasted
When he gets tabis you cant win likely also hard to outroam with is ult but should bet on roaming can all in easy because his passive comes up allot mid fight get sustain and you might have a way better lane tp might help also
would be easy but she can poke you and you can never chase her as she is to mobile so just go tp and roam
Lee Sin
If u meditate his abilities and he wastes everything instantly after go all in also pay attention to tabis you again might need botrk else it wont end well
its not an insane lane except the jungle pressence cus instant cc but it can be hard because she can get off a better teamfight if you play properly outroam or just kill here in general like winning lane you might stand a chance likely need qss and cleanse isnt bad if u think you might get camped also buying sustain works well for not getting ganked
he can do allot of damage with poke both can go tabis but if you can get close without using Q you likely can all in him or chunk him allot just care for if his dash is comming up he can chase you down
its not that hard she is just a cuck
easy to dodge all if u struggle with her e get sustain if she misses or you dodge her q go all in or at the least punish her hard
not a hard lane easier after botrk because bramble vest and tabis arent fun to deal with
Hard lane go tp try snowballing pre 6 because u win then try to tp where hes roaming ect those are your win conditions also dont forget cleanse doesnt work on supression ganking pressure and might need early qss rush for his ult qss rush is generly bad but instantly dying by not being able to escape is also pretty bad his cooldown most of the time at that time is higher then qss around 11 or some cdr u should lookout if your qss isnt up
not insane there is somewhat jungle pressure but not as much
you should try to meditate his third Q in an all in also pay attention to his W if its up he can use it to heal allot dont take short trades as he can go to scutle ect W and get half HP back might get doran shield vs E poke ect hard to deal with in laning
easy pre 6 because just dont waste alpha after 6 its hard because her ult doesnt give you much counterplay
easy to deal with as you are good vs tanks with low cc care still can set up well with the slow note aftter the buffs you win early but hes really strong in 1v1 u will need a bramble also try snowballing early and if so he gets as strong lv 6 if u get fed so just respect him
he can outrade you and not much skill if he has tabis also great gank set up
can do allot of early damage but not to hard to dodge or counter build vs
can be anoying with CC if you can manage to dodge his Q its pretty easy to fight him but his cc is a good disengage that makes getting a kill anoying and he makes outroaming hard because of his ult think you can win from him cleanse works really well vs him
Nunu & Willump
Its like a worse nasus still maybe go doran shield if you cant all in early maybe you know enemy jng path ect
hes very strong early
not to hard if u use flash to gapclose and alpha to dodge ult
hard to 1v1 his passive blocks allot of your double strikes also hard to play vs because easy gank setup and poke can be countered with your sustain
Can win if u just dodge her stun if she tries dont engage in short trades because her passive and Q is way better to take short trades with just dodge Q's ect not to hard also she can setup ganks well so care
yi doesnt like ranged matchups she has a good disengage and a blind hard to deal with except if u dodge allot just punish her missing things
You win 1v1s easy top after that can be anoying to deal with as you need qss to ignore him in teamfights ect also again good gank setup and new bramble vest
get doran shield because of his Q poke you should try to get long trades if he tries short trades but pay attention to there jungler because else you are screwed
lots of early damage but not to harmfull with cc you should win if you can outplay his bush play
its even but it gets really hard when she snowballs because it gets pretty extreme so pay heavy attention to there jungler getting armor works pretty well so you can try if needed
squishy no hard cc
good gank setup but thats it other then that you should win pretty easy maybe get doran shield and corrupting potion
you get fucked by alpha striking on him because boxes you should JUST ROAM and push in hard if he doesnt get much waveclear items also reed trinket gets the matchup to a way easier difficulty
waveclear shen is pretty anoying he has huge pressure on lane and with his ult
has good waveclear and good 1v1 should be able to outroam
Depends if he actually can go faster then you but i mean get botrk and mallet you probably will be fine
easy if you dont get cheese with a fully charged Q
doran shield counters him good but not needed bacause you can all in him pretty easy pretty much any time after 6 just you can all in always but u need ignite
i dont like syndra but its not that hard as u can dodge allot of damage and she is easy to all in
Tahm Kench
you likely wont win after botrk and he has some nasty setup and cheese
not that hard you can dodge er knockback
you just need to dodge allot and abuse his cooldowns its very easy though
anoying but not insanely hard to deal with as u can outplay him dodge his Q or meditate it not that hard of an all in
wont let you build defense but has allot of burst i often try to get lv 2 over him all in with Q and E ignite
U win pre 6 if u dont snowball the your gonna lose likely
Twisted Fate
easy matchup you can dodge his cards easy
udyr is really strong in an 1v1 early later he gets less relevant but he is stronger in laning u should avoid fights except if u have waaay more minions
hes really tanky and ranged
you can dodge his spells and get a good all in only go for it if hes far from his tower though
She is a very good lane bully the first one to hit 6 often wins what you can do vs here is dodge her condemn and your ult has a lower cooldown till she gets lv 2 ultimate alteast
Would be harder but because your a laner you can take cleanse so its pretty free if you dont let him scale for free
easy to dodge his abilities hard to dive because lots of velkoz players go defensive summoners
She has no damage early mostly spells that you can dodge
With cleanse your likely fine to deal with his stun so easy to all in but he can poke you pretty easy
Always go in on him u can dodge allot of damage he has no hard cc etc get exectutioners and maybe a hexdrinker
Not really much to say tbh
You have to dodge allot and outplay him pretty hard to win ignite him when hes on around 33 percent hp to cut his passive healing
meditate his combo then all in can get hard after 6
can zone very well but if you get on him he is dead for sure
Xin Zhao
not sure how new xin zhao is but most of the time just go in with more minions and win
easy lane just dont fuck up early if if you want to always win just go tp play safe till 6 then go all in at 6 and dodge his knockup
With ignite you easily 1v1 him you can dodge his W he can be dangerous when he hits W but you should be able to dodge it
Can be anoying but hes easy to all in
Just dont take short trades you can dodge his ult ONLY IF YOU DODGE JUST BEFORE HE LANDS ON YOU SO NOT AT THE START OF HIS ULT
Ziggs can be really good at zoning and spams push but if u get close hes dead and you can dodge his ult
Really hard after 6 especially when tanky and he denies resets with ult
Use alpha to dodge here root if pre six after six sidestep or flash then alphastrike here ult and should be easy to kill here can get hard when you dontt dodge here cc tough
This guides matchups are if both laners are skilled also when im talking about good gank setup that means the jungler from the enemy most likely will gank you because the enemy has good setup its seems obvious but some lower elos might not recognize this also most of the harder matchups that arent 10 can be countered by getting lv 2 first and just going in with Q and E if you know he wont hit lv 2 soon kind of cheesy
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