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Choose Champion Build:
General Purpose Build
AP Off-Tank Build
AP-Jungler Build
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Cell Division (PASSIVE)
Zac Passive Ability
Chapter I: Introduction

Before we continue, I just want to input a little about me:
My Summoner Name is demonlordraiden on the NA Server of League of Legends. I primarily play Junglers and Top Laners. I am currently not even Ranked yet (Bronze V for Ranked 3v3 Team), as I feel I need to get rid of my anger and raging first. I started playing right before the

Long ago, two Zaun scientists developed an organic substance that could withstand extreme conditions, spontaneously alter its biological structure, and generate tremendous amounts of kinetic force. As the scientists, husband and wife, watched the prototype grow from a spoon-sized droplet to a small blob, they noticed that their creation would respond to their presence. It sprung forward when they called and bounced when they sang. The couple began to see more than an experiment; they saw a small child, filled with affection and joy.
After testing the prototype one evening, the scientists placed the blob back in its cage. It slouched and shuddered in the corner, inconsolably sad. At that moment, the couple realized that their beloved creation wished for a free life outside the lab. They were struck by their conscience and could not allow the prototype to be used as a weapon. The husband and wife fled with the young blob, replacing its weapon designation – Zaun Amorphous Combatant – with a proper name:

That childhood ended when the Zaun laboratory finally found

"Even if you don’t have a spine, you still have to stand up for yourself."

Zac has great ganking potential with
Stretching Strikes,
Elastic Slingshot, Let's Bounce, and the Passive of
Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Zac is one tanky s.o.b while only building some tankiness.
Zac has quick cleartimes via
Unstable Matter.
Zac's Passive,
Cell Division, will save you so often.
- But most importantly, he's friggin' Flubber!
Zac players need to remember to pick up the bloblets dropped by his abilities.
Zac's Abilities use his health as a resource, which can kill you if you aren't careful.




- But most importantly, he's friggin' Flubber!


Well, while a majority was shown above in the beginning, I'll now justify my opinions.
For the General Purpose
Zac: Not much to explain here.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity will help you be able to use
Elastic Slingshot and Let's Bounce more often.
Spirit Visage is essential for any good
Zac, making the bloblets on his
Cell Division heal him for even more.
Iceborn Gauntlet is a fun item on
Zac. The
Sheen proc will help with farming and ganks, while the slow passive and the armor bonus will help you fight and chase.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter is pretty good on
Zac as well, due to it's slow passive to go onto
Unstable Matter and
Elastic Slingshot. On top of that, +500 Health is never a bad thing for
Sunfire Aegis helps
Zac farm, but it also helps him in fights. Again, 'dat health bonus.
Rabadon's Deathcap is essential for any AP Champion, and
Zac is no different. Imagine his damage output.
For the AP-Offtank
Mercury's Treads are great if you are being focused by stuns, snares, roots, etc.
Warmog's Armor is great on
Zac in general, but especially a tanky
For the AP-Jungle
Spirit of the Ancient Golem is good due to it's health boosting abilities, but...
Spirit of the Spectral Wraith is also great due to it's damage boost.
For the General Purpose







For the AP-Offtank



For the AP-Jungle



Like the Masteries, these Runes are quite standard. The Health Runes used are pretty great (but Armor can be used as well), the Magic Resistance is essential, and the AP Damage is just glorious.
Greater Mark of Scaling Ability Power make
Zac a happy blob.
Greater Seal of Scaling Health OR Greater Seals of Scaling Armor make
Zac more durable, whether in general or against AD Champions.
- Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resistance make
Zac more durable versus AP Champions.
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Ability Power,
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Health, or
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed all make
Zac great, each in their own way. AP makes him hurt, Health makes him heal more, and Movement Speed makes his ganks great.
Again, the Runes are more of a guideline. These depend on your play style.


- Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resistance make


Again, the Runes are more of a guideline. These depend on your play style.
Cell Division
Each time
Zac hits an enemy with an ability, he sheds a chunk of himself that can be reabsorbed to restore 4% of his maximum health.
Upon taking fatal damage,
Zac splits into 4 chunks that attempt to recombine. If any of these chunks remain after 8 seconds, he will revive with 10-50% health depending on the health of the surviving chunks. Each chunk has 12% of
Zac's maximum health, and 50% of his armor and magic resistance. This effect cannot happen again for 300 seconds.
Stretching Strikes
Zac lashes out with an elastic punch, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and slowing them for 2 seconds.
Unstable Matter
Zac's body erupts, dealing magic damage equal to a base amount plus a percentage of their maximum health to all nearby enemies (max 200 damage against minions and monsters).
Elastic Slingshot
Zac faces the cursor and begins channeling. After channeling or after reactivating the ability he launches himself towards the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit and knocking them back for 0.5 seconds. The maximum range of
Elastic Slingshot increases based on how long
Zac channels.
Can be cancelled by moving; refunding 50% of the health cost.
R: Let's Bounce
Zac leaps into the air and begins to bounce on the ground, up to a maximum of 4 bounces. Each bounce deals magic damage to nearby enemies, knocks them up for 1 second, and slows them by 20% for 1 second. Enemies hit more than once take half damage and are not knocked up.
Zac gains an accelerating movement speed buff (20-50%) and 75% crowd control reduction while active (does not reduce Suppression).
Zac can right-click to move while in the air. While active,
Zac is unable to activate
Stretching Strikes or
Elastic Slingshot.

Each time

Upon taking fatal damage,







Can be cancelled by moving; refunding 50% of the health cost.
R: Let's Bounce

Pretty simple, eh?
I feel that
Elastic Slingshot deserved it's own chapter. Use this for ganks. USe this for minions. Use this to escape. Use this to chase. Use this from brush to jump into mid-lane. Even better, the range gets more insane as you level it.

Well, this is my take on
Zac. You may see him differently, but this is just my view of how to use him. If you liked this/if this helped you, up it and comment, if not, tell my why below.

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