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Creator: Laftahl March 8, 2011 4:39pm

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FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 6:55am | Report
Not really.
The ap it gives is lower compared to rabbadons for example, now ofcourse if you already have it getting a second is not that wise as you waste a possible good Unique passive/active.

But getting the Hourglass is not required like the infinity edge on ashe.

Example is when you are facing highly mobily champions like yi, ezrael, kassadin, you should get the point by now, you will have literally no use for zhonya's/ultimate combination as those champions can escape out of your ultimate so easily and don't expect good players to stick around, they won't as they KNOW it will murder them should they stay.

It is an option you can choose to get but it is not by any means required.

There are always situations where you might say lets get it, it will help alot, but saying it is always required is like saying you can put out a fire by adding oil to it slowly but steadily, it's not true.

If i'm not mistaken if you are CC'd you can't use it, if i'm correct on this making yourself get focused by for example a heavy CC group is not really the wise thing to do either.
Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 7:01am | Report
thats why you get zhonyas

thank you for pointing out exactly why it's a requirement

additionally, in regards to "mobile champs", that's like saying playing any champion that requires close combat is useless against them

which is why you have 4 other champions on your team, hurr durr
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 7:28am | Report
Im not sure what you meant with thats why you get zhonya's, if you mean my first line, that was more as in, you should not get double items as it wastes your chance to get possible good Unique actives/passives, this does not mean you should get zhonya's, it means you could go for it but also for any other good ap item you don't have yet like void staff for mpen or w/e you are missing.

On the last comment.
I meant more as in, jumping into the fray with your ulti and going for a possible zhonya's active when they do make a move towards you, if you activate it those speedy champions will in nearly all cases just escape at least far enough out of your ultimate if not completely despite your allies being there.
Teleports, unslowability, these are all the enemy of this trick and in those situations it is pretty much a waste to get zhonya's instead of an health or magic resist item when the opponents have high armor penetration or ap damage.

You believe it is required because you apparently had good experiences with it, but in certain cases it is pretty much wasted and thats why your build should always be optional *with certain limit ofcourse, can't go attack speed items all of a sudden on ap morgana but you should get the idea*
If you truly want to play like a pro like you seem eager to, you should stay optional as pro's NEVER use 1 specific item in every game when playing a certain champion.
Why not? because you get to predictable with it aswell as getting focus countered when you try that.

If you don't want to play like a pro why state "dont play her if you dont get the item", because you obviously want people to use her in what you think is the pro way to go.
Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 7:52am | Report
i stopped reading what you have to say

zhonyas isn't a situational item, i don't care what you say, there isn't a situation where it's not good.

all you've said is "yes zhonyas is good when you're being cc'd, in the enemy team, you're on cooldowns anyway, you're against good DPS champs" which is all very important reasons why you SHOULD use it. your reason for it not being good is "high mobility champs" like kassadin, but even if you went 5 phantom dancers you wouldn't ****ing hit a kassadin. there isn't a valid reason besides that which has been stated, you know why? because it's a ****ing core item

yes there is always a core item/build for every champion that isn't a tank, and even then some tanks have core items (randuins would be an item you always get on say, malphite and rammus), i could give you a list of every champion and one core item on them if you really want me too.

do not say things like "this is what pros do" because you obviously have zero clue how to even build a basic champion, and you do not understand terms like "tanky dps"

tl;dr don't say **** from the point of view of a pro when you are struggling to come to the newbie concepts of the game, especially when that point of view is incorrect
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 8:45am | Report
Like you eever read anything people say, you only see what you want to see.
I write "It's on fire" and you claim i said "It's freezing".

all you've said is "yes zhonyas is good when you're being cc'd, in the enemy team, you're on cooldowns anyway, you're against good DPS champs" which is all very important reasons why you SHOULD use it.
Never said any of this but you did not read my post right? So i can't really blame your imagination.

You said you use this because you claim your ulti will not hit when you don't use it because of focus fire.
Heavy CC will stop you either way so theres no point in being able to stand still for 2 seconds if they can stop you before you use it and they run off.

This item includes armor, vs an full AP team that is good on CC this item just becomes HILARIOUSLY useless,tanky dps or rather tanking in general is ruled out when you are trying to (off)tank the opponents with the wrong defense item(s) so don't even start about the basics.

You apparently use armor against full ability power teams aswell since you think this item is required, do i really have to explain that aspect to you that armor does not reduce magic damage and ap teams rarely if not at all deal any attack damage?

When facing speedy champions you won't hit them not matter what, EXACTLY MY POINT, why get an item to get in their faces and be able to stick there for 2 seconds if they just leave the area when you try it.

You are making obvious mistakes here, yes for specific builds there are core items, but this was not an tanky dps build unlike what you stated, hence i said zhonya's was optional, also even for a tanky dps if the opponent team is like i said full ap your getting the wrong item......

And since you haven't read as usual, i never said from the point of view of a pro either.
I said that you who seems so eagered to talk about what is pro and if anyone doesn't agree he or she shouldn't play the champion should really know that pro's play optional *sometimes tanky, somtimes dps, sometimes a bit more tanky but still dps etc* in their games and don't stick to 1 specific type of play *tanky dps in every match* which you claim is the only way to play.

But you know what, you can post whatever in this thread for all i care atm, i'm not even going to waste any more time on you on this topic, all you care about is winning an argument even if you are completely off-subject.
Jet's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 8:51am | Report
stop talking
Jet has been banned for trolling and blatant racism.
FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 8:53am | Report
Sure cupcake.
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 12:13pm | Report
Both sides have their own point of view - go ahead and build Morgana like a mage, build her like a support tank - clearly both options have worked, and perhaps you may prefer one of them.

The point is, whatever comments you're bringing onto the forums cannot turn into a flame war against someone else. When you make a comment, address the point, not the commenter.

The entire "argument" was incredibly childish, and I'm quite shocked at the behavior.
FreestyleZer0's Forum Avatar
Feb 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 2:08pm | Report
Guess i got a bit childish here, though i'd love to blame it for getting angry at such disrespectfull odd posts from him i still acted a little childish here on my own accord, i am sorry it got this far.
So by this, i appologize.
Laftahl's Forum Avatar
Mar 7th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 9, 2011 7:07pm | Report
DEWO wrote:

The next guide i plan to release is either Urgot or LeBlanc. (didnt decide yet)
I am not a pr0 Morgana player since i treat her more or less like an offensive support and i rarely play supports.
Yes i played alot of Morgana so i know WTF to do with her but not enaugh to write a guide that would satisfy my needs.
I have some guides scetched in my documents but Morgana isnt one of them unfortunatly so you cant tell if i ever release a guide for her.

How i play her?
Like any other caster more or less.
Clarityor Ignite / Flash
9/0/21 Masteries
Sapphire Crystal + Health Potion + Mana Potion
i rush ASAP Sorcerer's Shoes
Than i go with either Catalyst the Protector (if i take Clarity) or Tear of the Goddess (if i took Ignite)
Than i finish it into Rod of Ages or Archangel's Staff.
Than i rush instantly into Rabadon's Deathcap for pure AP power.

Rest depends on the team
if i can go offensive, i go with Lich Bane
if i want to support a bitsy i take Will of the Ancients
if i want to go superior supportish Shurelya's Battlesong

The sidenote is that this new item Morello's Evil Tome to let your cd's run a bit faster.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter is also good for some HP boost if you feel that you get focused too much.

Thanks I am definitely going to look at a few of these items into my rotation, I find that in 3s I get focused alot, last game I went with an AP/Health build and went 6/0/3 I know it isn't an amazing stat but it was working out pretty well for me with Sion/Yi trying to kill me. I always forget to go with Rabadon's Deathcap first I usually put that at the end... But thanks everyone for your tips I will definitely be looking into it.

Btw that last game we won was actually a 3v2 for the first half of the game my teemo was afk like 15 mins..

@Jet This was a thread me asking advice as I am fairly new to Morgana, you turning this into a flame war flaming everyone who has different opinions doesn't help me, nor does it help the entire Mobafire community. How does it affect the community you may ask? Well if you flame people, some people take that personally and never post again. Then some people who have great knowledge may never share that knowledge with other people. So please be more respectful in your posts, and if you can't don't post. As for your opinion on the Hourglass thanks for the opinion it is dually noted.

@everyone else, thank you for all of your all of your thoughts on the matter.

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