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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

IceCreamy's Item Insights #2: Banner of Command!

Hey everyone, welcome back for another blog article in my series, Item Insights. This time I want to talk to you about yet another incredibly impopular item, namely Banner of Command. With a
popularity of 0 %
, rarely anyone buys this item. If we look more closely, we see this item is almost exclusively bought on supports. Let's see why exactly that is:

  • Costs 2360 gold
  • Builds out of an Emblem of Valor and a

ADC Maths P.1: Ashe, LW, BotRK and more

Welcome to the first post of a blog series in which I combine mathematical analysis with logic to investigate building ADCs. Why ADCs? I feel they are the easiest role to mathematically analyse and more importantly, the most relevant ones to do so. A very simplistic view of the ADC is someone who outputs consistent high DPS on the closest target. There are varying degrees of auto-attack reliance between ADCs, but many can have their damage output easily modeled.

Table of Contents

Closing Words


As a brief disclaimer, numbers alone do not give an accurate picture of what happens in the Summoner's Rift, other effects must be taken into account, those are discussed in my conclusion.

I started investigating Last Whisper after an article on Reign of Gaming extolled the virtues of building it sooner than many appear to do without of…

Weekly Diamond Jungle Musings - Madreds Vs Spirit Stone

Hey guys, this week I'm going to take EVERY jungle champion and let you know which jungle item to buy on them. Most of this is based off of MY opinion. They aren't set in stone so feel free to argue. Just know that this comes from watching the pro scene diligently and playing at the highest levels on a regular basis. If spirit stone is the right call I'll also give you the correct upgrade path as well. If I don't mention a champion its because I don't think they are a jungler.

This will just be done alphabetically.

Amumu - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Cho'Gath - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Ancient Golem.

Dr. Mundo - Spirit Stone - Spirt of the Ancient Golem.

Elise - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

Evelynn - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard (burn OP).

Fiddlesticks - Dorans Ring - Zhonyas

Gragas - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Spectral Wraith.

Hecarim - Spirit Stone - Spirit of the Elder Lizard.

Jarvan IV - Preference - If you want to …

League of Legends - Fantasy Draft

For those interested some people put together a Fantasy League of Legends site for pro players, I think it looks cool so I've decided to make a league (details found here) for anyone interested in Mobafire.

And since I haven't done a blog in a while I've decided to post this as my blog. Basically I'm going to break down my draft order which is an easy way to give some insight into the pro scene. I might do another blog in the future actually explaining my thoughts about the current pro scene (not involving some fantasy draft which obviously skews my picks. It's also important to note that these are only NA and EU professional players, so in that regard the two regions are isolated and this does factor into some play.


So let's get this out of the way, my fantasy team which would never exist would be:
  • Top - Voyboy - NA - Curse
  • Jungle

Get off my AD Carry! (Support 101: part 2)


So basically I wanted to cover warding, but I wanted to cover GP10's and sightstones because the sighstone is a key element in warding. Thats why I'm going to explain some itemization first :)

Sightstone vs Gp10
Let's start with a comparison in the amount of gold returned on your investment. The Sightstone gives 2 wards in 3 minutes, which equals 50 gold per minute. A Ruby Sightstone comes down to 75 gold per minute and a philosopher's stone is 30 gold per minute. When not looking at the stats the item gives, the sightstone will take you 19 minutes to completely pay for itself, ruby sightstone is about 21 minutes and the philo stone is just over 23 minutes.

This makes sightstone the most beneficial item to rush, especially when you consider that health is the best defensive stat in the early game. Because a kage's lucky pick only gives 4 gp/10, bringing it at 24 gold per minute while being more expensive than a philo stone, this item is a NOT BUY.

I only go for p…

Champion Design Review: Featuring Quinn

Hey MOBAFire and welcome to another blog post of mine. Well, as an aspiring game designer I decided to analyze designs in other games and League of Legends is one of them. I won't just cover champion designs but also other aspects such as Roles, Wards, Items and perhaps even the Maps. Also, don't expect just League of Legends designs. I will also discuss other games such as Skyrim, Civilization, Legend of Zelda, etc.

Anyway, my first blog will cover

IceCreamy's Item Insights #1: Executioner's Calling

Hey everyone!

Today marks the start of a new series of blogs I will write! I will try to write a blog like this weekly, taking a different item every week of course.
This week I want to talk about Executioner's Calling - one of the least bought items according to Elophant. As you can see in the second graph, the popularity is about 0 %. I've been wondering why this percentage is so low, and to find out, let's get into a more detailed description of the item!

  • Costs: 1900 gold
  • Builds out of:

Get off my AD Carry! (Support 101: part 1)

So I just got the completely random idea to start writing about my experiences as support, and mentoring supports. My goal with this is to write some sort of a support-101 guide to help any aspiring support players. While writing this, I have been inspired by guides/streams by EG.Krepo and TSM.Xpecial. I would recommend anyone to check these players out!

First of all, I would like to cover the common misconception that a support cannot carry games. This is 100% incorrect. The reason people think this, is because they are simply playing too defensively, and simply assisting their carry instead of making plays themself. As a support, you are the brain of your carry. Basically, the only things your carry should worry about, is farming and positioning. As a support you are dealing with anything else. About 90% of the other things are orchestrated by the support.

That is why you are not a good support, when you are sitting back and waiting for something to happen, instead of making the …

A lesson to be learned...

A lot of people complain about their teams and when friends come to me and ask what they can do in certain situations in order to not lose a game that is going poorly they pretty much always state that it was out of their hands because "bot fed" or "top did nothing but farmed and never actually joined in the teamfights when we needed."

Statements like the ones listed above bother me because there is always something that you could have done in order to try to move things into your team's favor. I'm not saying you can win every game just from being clever, but there are things that can be done when it comes to your own gameplay that could have made a difference and it is going back an identifying these instances that will really help you grow as a player.

I'm going to pull a few specific quotes from a statement sent out by Scarra yesterday that is an honest and true assessment of his gameplay during the LCS Allstar competition to which I respect fully.

"I did not play my best this w

Throatslasher's S3 *DIAMOND* -SOLO QUEUE- Tier List...

Tier 1: Hecarim, Nautilus
Tier 2: Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Volibear, Sejuani, Nunu, Evelynn
Tier 3: Udyr, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Amumu, Zac, Cho'gath(^), Trundle(^), Nasus(v), Elise(v)
Tier 4: Kha'Zix, Shen, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Pantheon, Taric, Olaf, Skarner, Warwick, Jax, Maokai, Zed, Vi, Rammus
Tier 5: Rengar, Master Yi, Shyvanna, Malphite

Kennen Tier: Kennen
Tier 1: Rumble, Nidalee(AD), Shen, Elise, Jayce, Renekton(v)
Tier 2: Lee Sin, Jax, Kayle, Teemo, Singed, Vladimir, Zed, Irelia, Cho'gath, Vlad, Zac(v), Riven(v)
Tier 3: Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Tryndamere(AP), Olaf, Yorick, Trundle, Nasus(v)
Tier 4: Volibear, Tryndamere(AD), Garen, Jarvan IV, Akali, Rengar, Nidalee(AP), Xin Zhao(vv), Katarina(v)
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank, Vi, Pantheon

Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Lux, Diana, Fizz, Kha'Zix(^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Nidalee, Jayce, Zed, Swain, Syndra, Pantheon, Rumble, Cho'gath, Morgana, …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide