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Lulu Build Guide by Dotje

Support [11.13] ✨Dotje's guide on Lulu

Support [11.13] ✨Dotje's guide on Lulu

Updated on June 26, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dotje Build Guide By Dotje 160 4 418,985 Views 13 Comments
160 4 418,985 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dotje Lulu Build Guide By Dotje Updated on June 26, 2021
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Lulu
    Summoners rift (Support)
  • LoL Champion: Lulu
    Machinegun lulu

Runes: Basic runepage (Click 1,2,3,4) ---->

1 2 3 4
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

[11.13] ✨Dotje's guide on Lulu

By Dotje
˙.˙Hey fellow summoner!˙.˙

Welcome to my guide! This is my third guide and I would like to inform you that: I'm NOT a pro. Please keep in mind some of my advice is experience/opinion based!

Everybody has their own playstyle and opinion, and I try to consider that! Just keep that in mind you have to find out what works for you. And don't assume I know everything or am right about everything!

If you've seen my Nami guide you can see some resembelence, but don't worry, I looked trough it all! Some advice just applies to most enchanter supports.

˙.˙Short about me˙.˙

Hello I'm Dotje, I'm a support main and I've been playing league for several years now. I'm from the Netherlands and I'm 23 years old. Playing games for me is about having fun. I play on the EUW servers and sometimes on NA. The reason I main support is because I enjoy empowering my teammates and because I used to always have internet and fps issues. Recently I have been practising new champions and roles but support is my go to. :)

My absolute main is Nami but I am a decent Lulu player and have had a lot of practice on her recently. I hope this guide will give you the information you need because I really try my best to give the best possible information also by playing her a bit more.
Drawn by dakun87 on devianart

My most informative guide is my Nami guide, it has a bit more info than this one. If you enjoy playing Lulu you must also enjoy my personal favourite! You can check me out on twitch where I will stream my game play sometimes. I'm not planning on growing but if you're interested or got any questions leave me a follow and drop by :)

˙.˙Empower and peel˙.˙

If you're considering playing Lulu I will give you some insight into the pick here. Generally I think Lulu is a great way to finish off a team comp, because she has a lot of variety inside her kit. This makes her a lot of fun to play every game because every game gives you a possible different role. I do think without a frontliner getting this enchanter support is not the best idea, but especially in low elo you can let Lulu make someone a frontliner by peeling them insanely hard.


[+] Insane lategame
[+] Engage
[+] Disengage
[+] Shields
[+] Can shutdown carry champions
Lulu is one of those champions who has a very adaptive play-style. I tend to aim for the insane peel, but you can go aggressive on her too. She has many ways to shut down engage with slows/knockups and her most powerful move "the polymorph" when this is maxed you basically shut someone down for 4 full seconds! Her kit makes her able to make any carry a super carry, which is very satisfying to carry teamfights with. Her damage in early game laning is stronger than expected, which could get you an early lead.


[-] Needs one front-liner to really work
[-] Squishy
[-] Doesn't work well with every botlaner
[-] Mana consuming when aggressive

Even though she is a great support, I don't think she works well with every laner. I am sure you CAN make it work with every one, but it's often best to pick another champion instead. Lulu does need a front-liner to reach her full potential, but can be fine without it if the enemy doesn't know what they're doing. Compared to other support champions I find it harder to defend myself on Lulu than others.
˙.˙Support item˙.˙

A support item is a must-have as support, else you will lose a lot of gold income and vision control. Because lately Relic Shield is a viable option you have to choose. I recommend Spellthief's Edge for the casual players. In season 11 Spellthief's Edge is the better choice because it grants you more gold, but make sure you're able to proc this. If not, you can safely go for Relic Shield.

Shard of true ice
You buy it as Spellthief's Edge and it upgrades into Frostfang into Shard of True Ice as you gain gold. When you attack an enemy it stacks gold and automatically upgrades into an item that can place wards at 500 gold. Make sure to attack the turret when you can as this also grants you gold.

Bulwark of the Mountain
Consider this item vs hook matchups or matchups you prefer not trading against. This not only helps denying the enemy support gold if they have Spellthief's Edge (by not trading), but also keeps you healthier to sustain. You can save your mana for heals and ganks. Make sure you try to use all its charges on canon minions and melee minions for most amount of gold. At 500 gold this item automatically upgrade into an item that places wards.


Always get boots! Consider getting them earlier when you're against a hook lane like Blitzcrank because you are able to dodge and position faster. There's a lot to consider for boots, but 9/10 games I get Mobility Boots or Ionian Boots of Lucidity. Skipping boots for an earlier item is also a strategy, but it does make you much weaker at roaming.

Boots of speed
Movement speed is important for dodging abilities and getting out of a fight. Though if you are able to sustain without them, you could use that gold to finish another item faster.

Boots of mobility
These boots are always a good choice because you can roam well, position better, and get your wards down quicker. The boots also give quite some pressure and allow you to dodge better too! People tend to rush these when botlane is miserable because you can help the rest of your team better and quicker.

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Ability haste goes great with Lulu making this a pretty good buy. Combined with Cosmic Insight you'll have your sums up constantly. Comparing to Mobility Boots and Boots of Swiftness you do get a less movement speed from these.

Mercury's treads
These boots are a great option when you're playing against a comp with a lot of cc. Getting stunned means you're not able to do anything, or even die. It's best to position a way you won't get hit but there are some champions that are hard to avoid like Leona and Nautilus and not even the pros can dodge everything.

Plated steelcaps
I've bought this item a lot of times on tanks, but on Lulu this doesn't feel worth getting. You could consider it when the enemy is full ad and you gathered some HP, but honestly you better get another kind of boots and stack some armor/hp. Unless you're getting focused by a Rengar I recently learned this item can be quite the addition to you build.

Boots of swiftness
These boots have always been my favourite, and in 10.5 they have rebuffed it to make it viable again. It's now cheaper as Mobility Boots and has a consistent speed buff. This makes it easier to get out of fights and reposition. You should try it out!

˙.˙The mythics˙.˙
In the preason mythics items got added. You can only choose one of the mythics to fit your build. As the patches go on, every mythic has started to become a viable option. Make sure to check out what fits the game, but going Moonstone Renewer should always be a decent choice.

Moonstone renewer
This item is good for sustaining trough fights. You basically give a heal every 2 seconds. Especially on Lulu I think you never make a bad choice going this item because of the ability haste and constant heals it gives.

Imperial Mandate
I think this item is the best when your team is snowballing, especially when your team is good lategame as well. The bonus movement speed and damage are not to be underrated. You can easily proc this item with your Q or E+Q combo as well as your W or R knockup.

Shurelya's Reverie
In combination with a good engage this item will be most useful. Now together with the movementspeed all allies affected get a damage boost for the first 3 attacks. I'd usually get this item for a better disengage or position in fights. But this season you need to consider if taking this item will be more worth over the others mythics.

Locket of the iron solari
If your team has the better lategame composition I'd go for another mythic item. If your team is not snowballing or needs a little more defense against burst, I'd go for this item. Right now the assasins are very bursty so you can't go very wrong getting this item.
The shield also procs Ardent Censer for your team.

˙.˙Optional items˙.˙

To finish up your item build you should always consider what your team needs, the enemy has, or what you need. Your team can't kite fights, your carry gets bursted/cc'd down. Maybe you just keep getting killed, which makes you unable to help the team. Take these circumstances into consideration and try to use items to save these fights!

Ardent censer
This item gives your adc a lot more power. If you have an ap champion in botlane you can rush this item later on as you probably have other champions in your team that can benefit from this. It's easiest to proc this item with Summon Aery but if you went Guardian it will also be enabled by Font of Life. Make sure to hit you Q Glitterlance on the enemy and they will get the Ardent Censer buff after attacking the target. If you're getting Redemption too you can turn around or empower a lot of fights.

Staff of flowing water
This item is a good alternative for Ardent Censer, especially if your carry does well with ap like Kai'Sa and Ezreal. I'd still take Ardent Censer especially with a strong carry. Summon Aery, Guardian and Font of Life also triggers this item.

Mikael's crucible
When your carry (doesn't have to be your 'adc') get's shut down by cc it's great to get a Mikael's Blessing this item also empowers your heals by 20% instead of 10% which should not be underestimated. The new Mikael's Blessing now also gives a small heal! I also suggest taking this item if you're in need for some magic resist. Just make sure not to forget using this item as it can really save a fight.

Vigilant Wardstone
If you're facing a Twitch, Viego, Evelynn, Shaco or maybe a Teemo it can be important to counter them and their traps with control wards. Buying the Watchful Wardstone will allow you to bring 3 control wards and after an upgrade allows you to place 2 of them too!

Because of patch 11.11 the item gives an increase on most of your stats when you're level 13 and have 20 wards placed. It won't give you the movement speed anymore but it still gives a fair amount of ability haste when it's upgraded.

This item gives a big aoe heal that is really strong in teamfights when placed well. Combined with other healing buffs and Ardent Censer it can give a huge comeback to fights.

Knight's vow
This item is slightly changed in the pre-season. It gives you a lot of health regeneration, reflect some damage from your assigned ally, and it gives you movement speed towards your ally when they're low. I haven't been testing this item much yet, but I think it could be a decent option to make you and your ally a little tankier, especially because it gives 400hp with a lot of hp regeneration now!

Frozen heart
If their comp based on ad like Nocturne you can consider taking this item. It gives an aoe att speed slow and making it possible to shut down an ad. Just keep in mind the passive of Frozen Heart doesn't work on a yi inside his ult. You choose this item over other armor items because of the cooldown it gives. I rarely buy this item, but it has done it's job whenever I needed it.

Zeke's Convergence
This item has a lot of ability haste and makes you tankier. They changed this item, proccing when you immobilize an enemy. This means it will only work on your polymorph W Whimsy or the knockup from your R Wild Growth. Theoretically I think this item can work on Lulu but I haven't been testing it.

˙.˙Whenever you're ahead or think it fits better˙.˙

Whenever you're ahead, or think this fits your comp even better these are some considerable items. It's important to have fun in your games, especially normal games.

Chemtech putrifier
Instead of Morellonomicon this is the anitheal item for supports. It gives ability haste and mana regeneration so you're not missing out on too much. Because of the recent buff to this item you may consider getting this item. Every shield you give will ensure a 60% antiheal debuff on the enemy.

Banshee's veil
Againt heavy ap based comp you can consider taking this item but Mikael's Blessing is more viable for magic resist. It's often better to get more HP trough Redemption, get more magic resist by buying Locket of the Iron Solari or get personal anti burst with Zhonya's Hourglass.

When the enemy team has too much heals, and your team refuses to get an item against that get some anti healing yourself by getting this item. I recommend getting Chemtech Putrifier because it also gives mana regen, and the 60% healing reduction applies to immobilizing champions. Morellonomicon applies the 60% healing reduction on targets below 50% so make sure to consider what works best.

Dark seal
I like getting this item when I'm ahead and in no risk of dying. If you're really far ahead and already have some core items you can upgrade this into Mejai's Soulstealer

Rabadon's Deathcap
We all know why you will build this item, lots of ability power! Try it out, your shields will become massive and your damage will be stronger too.

˙.˙The basic rune page˙.˙
Summon aery
This keystone is the best go-to option on every shield/heal support. This guarantees to add more poke to your abilities. And an extra shield to also proc Ardent Censer. This ability doesn't really have a cooldown also, you just need to pick up the little aery up to proc it again.
Manaflow band
Manaflow band is unmissable on most supports. Lulu can use quite some mana if you have to shield a lot, so this is a great way to increase your mana pool while trading/poking
Ability haste without having to buy items is great, the ability haste bonus can make a big impact. At level 11 you even get 20% cooldown refunds on takedowns! I think ability haste and cooldown reduction works great on Lulu.
This rune feels as the best choice for me at the moment, Lulu is great with a little lane dominance and this rune allows you to get just that bit more damage off.
Biscuit delivery
This rune makes sure you're safe losing HP while trading in lane which allows you to get more spellthief's stacks. Also when you need that little mana for the kill/safe you can eat your cookie mid-fight. I've had this happen to me a lot.
Cosmic insight
This rune now gives you summoner spell haste and item haste. I'm not sure if this rune is more worth than the Magical Footwear rune right now. The item haste is a nice add-up if you're planning on going for Mikael's Blessing or Redemption. And the summoner spell haste lets you use your summoners spells a bit more, it does make you a little harder to get to.
˙.˙Tanky sustain runes˙.˙
This keystone is a great option vs heavy engage, it gives movementspeed when procced. And you don't really lose much power in teamfights. Hitting your Q Glitterlance W Whimsy or R Wild Growth knockup/aura still procs your Ardent Censer because of Font of Life. You and the person you were able to shield gets a little tankier.

Font of life
This rune works on slowed or immobilized enemies, which means it should be fairly easy for you to trigger this in teamfights. It gives tiny heals for any ally hitting the target and apparently it triggers Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water
Bone plating
This rune grants you better trades, and a tanky feeling early game. You're the strongest lategame anyway! Because this rune is basically only useful lategame, I've been replacing it with Conditioning which is more helpful later in the game.
This rune grants more heal and shield power, even more powerful when the target is below 40% hp. A real life saver!
Biscuit delivery
This rune makes sure you're safe losing HP while trading in lane which allows you to get more spellthief's stacks. Also when you need that little mana for the kill/safe you can eat your cookie mid-fight. I've had this happen to me a lot.
Cosmic insight
This rune gives you a little bit more ability haste, and item haste. That little bit more haste will make you able to spam your E Help, Pix! to always buff an ally. The item haste is a nice add-up if you're planning on going for Mikael's Blessing or Redemption.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Mix it up!﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

Font of life
This rune works on slowed or immobilized enemies, which means it should be fairly easy for you to trigger this in teamfights. It gives tiny heals for any ally hitting the target and apparently it triggers Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water. Combined with the Sorcery tree this rune and Revitalize are the strongest for scaling.
This rune grants more heal and shield power, even more powerful when the target is below 40% hp. A real life saver!
Presence of mind
This rune used to be really good for a champion like Lulu right now it feels a LOT weaker, but still gives you back some mana when you trade. So now that Spellthief's Edge more worth it again, it's also not bad to take this rune with it.
Legend: tenacity
While going Guardian I tend to take precision second if I am expecting to sustain trough the lane. Presence of Mind speaks for itself, but as second rune you probably want to go either Legend: Tenacity, Legend: Alacrity or Cut Down. Because I like attack speed I tend to go Legend: Alacrity this helps you with faster spellthief stacks and ward clearing which makes you a little less vulnerable.
˙.˙What are Lulu's abilities?˙.˙

It's useful to know what your abilities are, and how to use them. There are different ways to use them in different team comps. So keep in mind to think for yourself, but I wrote some utilization tips you should know to get started. (I hope they're not too obvious)
˙.˙Ability sequence˙.˙

For support maxing your E Help, Pix! is essential, it's more reliable damage than Q Glitterlance. And ofcourse the shield gets bigger, which makes it easier for your ally to survive. Because as support we don't really need damage, and the slow doesn't increase we max Q Glitterlance last. When you badly need to Polymorph someone in fights with W Whimsy you can try to put some points in this ability before maxing E Help, Pix!.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

˙.˙Pix, Faerie Companion˙.˙


Lulu is assisted by Pix, a faerie, who fires a barrage of 3 bolts to her target every time she uses a basic attack against an enemy, dealing 5 − 39 (based on level) (+ 5% AP) Magic damage bonus magic damage with each bolt for a total of 15 − 117 (based on level) (+ 15% AP) bonus magic damage per basic attack. The bolts can be blocked by units in the way of Lulu's target.

Casting Help, Pix! Help, Pix! on an ally champion transfers Pix's help to them for 6 seconds.

This passive is why Lulu's base damage is very low. It gives you a lot of poke potentional when the bolts don't get blocked by other units like minions. Shielding your ally makes Pix jump onto them empowering their attacks with your passive.


Active: Lulu and Pix Pix each fire a magic bolt towards the target point, each one dealing magic damage, reduced to 70% against minions, and slowing them by 80%, decaying over 2 seconds.

If an enemy is damaged by both bolts, they take 25% bonus damage and the duration of the Slow icon.png slow is refreshed.

This ability great to harass with, when you're able to hit it the slow makes it possible to get some auto attacks off. You can play around using Help, Pix! on minions or enemies to extend the range of your Q Glitterlance as this gets cast by Pix as well.

Later on you'd want to use your Q Glitterlance mostly for peel because the slow is very intense. Unless you're trying to catch an enemy then it's great to use Help, Pix! on the enemy for a secured slow.


Enemy Cast: Lulu launches a spell on the target enemy champion, polymorphing them into a harmless critter and reducing their base movement speed by 60 for a short duration.

Ally Cast: Lulu casts erratic magic upon an ally champion or herself, giving the target bonus attack speed and 30% (+ 5% per 100 AP) bonus movement speed for the next few seconds.

This ability is what makes Lulu very annoying to deal with. If there's an enemy going very deep into your backline like Jax you can simply use your W Whimsy on him to make him unable to do anything for 2.25 seconds at max rank. This is why I suggest maxing this earlier when you have trouble against a fed Jax, Master Yi or someone like Camille.

Using this on your ally increases their attack and movementspeed, so make sure you use it wisely. Because it can greatly increase an ally's damage, or greatly reduce an enemies damage output. Just keep in mind this ability has a travel time and can get blocked by Yasuo's windwall. Experienced Yasuo's will abuse this.

˙.˙Help, Pix!˙.˙

Enemy Cast: Lulu sends Pix, Faerie Companion Pix to the target enemy, dealing magic damage and revealing them for 4 seconds.

Ally Cast: Lulu sends Pix, Faerie Companion Pix to the target ally, shielding them for 2.5 seconds if they are a champion.

In lane you can decide to use this to apply more creative poke. Using this ability on minions will make you able to cast Q Glitterlance from Pix's position. The best way to poke would be using E Help, Pix! on an enemy and following up with your Q Glitterlance. In lategame I suggest using this ability rather for shielding, but if you need to catch up to someone, or revealing an invisible champion like Wukong or Vayne you can decide to cast it on the enemy champion.

˙.˙Wild growth˙.˙

Lulu enlarges the target allied Champion icon champion or herself for 7 seconds, initially knocking up enemies around the target for 0.75 seconds. Additionally, the target gains bonus health and slows nearby enemies for the duration.

When I was new to Lulu this ability was my lifesafer just like Soraka's ultimate Wish. But as you get more experience this ability has way more uses than just a lifesafer. The knockup and slow it has is great for a follow up on an engage. Or a disengage to interrupt Katarina or Malzahar. So keep in mind there's much more use out of this ability.

˙.˙What is the support role?˙.˙

There are mixed opinions on what the support role is supposed to be. But as far as I know is your main objective supporting your teammates to empower them, especially the (ad)-carry. You achieve this mainly by:

[✩]Protecting your carry/teammates
[✩]Granting vision control
[✩]Engaging teamfights
[✩]Disengaging teamfights
[✩]Roaming to gank/ward or assist your jungler

Also by:
[✩]Keeping an eye on summoner cooldowns for your teammates, maybe even write them collectively down in chat for your team.
[✩]Keeping a good eye on the map and ping wherever necessary
[✩]Buying supportive items
[✩]Shotcalling for your team


A big part of being a support is focusing on vision control. Down here I will try to go over some tips and insight about what vision control is all about. If you want to know more about this I suggest looking up this guide about vision control because it goes super in-depth for every role. Besides all the info you may gather, experience will surely teach you the most.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Where do you place wards?﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

Listed below are some general tips on where you need to place wards. Make sure to expand the spoiler below for more in-depth tips about warding in specific situations.
[✩]Ward to get vision over the enemy. A little straight forward maybe. But it's important to know where enemy champions are to know if you can pick fights, contest an objective or even dive an enemy.
[✩]Ward according to the objectives. It's important to gain vision control over the area you're about to contest. This makes it easier for your team to position for a potential fight and harder for the enemy to contest the objective properly.
[✩]Ward the enemy jungle camps. By doing this you know where he's pathing and your team will have plenty of time to react.
[✩]Ward your own jungle camps. Especially when you're playing from behind it's important to cover your own jungle.
[✩]Place wards where enemies will engage from If you're sieging a turret or contesting an objective. Champions like Fiddlesticks, Zac, Rek'Sai and Nunu & Willump can set up powerful engages on your team from odd-places.
[✩]Cover a split-pushing ally or fed ally the enemy team will probably send more than 1 champion to kill this ally. Knowing they are around keeps your ally safer and can allow your team to respond by taking another objective.

[✩]Keep in mind you do not always have to ward where the enemy will be, but more likely will pass. Unless you do not pay attention these wards can be more useful.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤When do you place wards?﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

Even though you have a lot of free time to place wards, it’s still an art to time your ward placements. You need to make sure the vision is on the right place at the right time so that you have the advantage over the enemy. Here are some things to keep in mind:
[✩]]Especially early game you should try not to miss too much xp while going for a ward. It can be a disadvantage to be lvl 6 later than your opponent.
[✩]Don’t leave your carry vulnerable unless your adc is a champion Tristana Ezreal you should make sure your carry is safe. Be ready to instantly walk back to lane if the enemy decides to hard-engage.
[✩]When your jungler is around and possibly invading it’s the best time to place wards. He can back you up, and you can back him up if he plans on making a play somewhere.
[✩]When drake, herald or baron is about to be up and your team is taking control of the river it’s best to go for vision control. You can do it before your team arrives, but you’ll be less safe and the enemy can easily sweep your wards.
[✩]If you’re about to switch trinkets and got an extra ward, just place it wherever. Even if you’re just backing and got an extra ward make sure to place it. Random wards can be very effective.
[✩]Don’t rush dropping your last ward[/b] in case you need it mid-fight or for another objective.
[✩]Keep in mind wards last a total of 150 seconds (2 minutes and 30 seconds) Rift scuttler lasts 90 seconds. Think ahead!

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Do not die while placing wards﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

Oh man.. The amount of supports that die while warding is tragic. If you know when the enemy support is warding you can often catch them off-guard. Make sure you're not that support! Here are some tips:

[✩]Make sure the enemy doesn't know your position! Some notice you leaving lane or spotted you with a ward. This is why using sweeping lens during warding is really handy.
[✩]Use an ability in a unwarded bush to be safe
[✩]Know where the enemies are! If they just backed it's the safest moment to slip in some wards.
[✩]Try not to place wards alone. Bring an ally with the assistance ping + a ping on your warding item. This is my communication method. Don't be frustrated when you go alone, teammates often have better things to do.
[✩]Do not go for risky wards. If you do, make sure you have an opportunity to escape. It's often better to place a slightly worse ward, as long it grants vision on the enemy's position.
[✩]Not dying>vision. Keep in mind vision control is just an advantage. Just like a 4v5 is. If you're dead you might give the enemy a better advantage than vision control.

More in-depth tips about warding (new+under construction)

˙.˙Supporting in lane˙.˙

You're also supposed to help your adc in lane. Your role is helping your adc get more farm, and try to get the enemy adc to farm less. You also want to 'win' you lane. I'll cover laning tips in another chapter. But I find it important here to mention how to help your adc control the wave and farm. Here are some tips to cover that.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Farming under turret﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

Farming is what your adc does, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't help him doing that. It's helpful, especially when the minions are under turret, to help your adc last hit them. Keep in mind, the melee minions need 2 towers shots and one auto attack to die (so you probably don't want to touch them) and caster minions need 1 tower shot and 2 auto attacks (before your adc bought ad). When you get the hang of this you should try to predict what the wave needs to be killed as optimal as possible. Try to start practicing as soon as possible, because your adc will love you.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Freezing the wave﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

You probably do not want to attack minions at all, unless it's your intention to push, or get a level up sooner. Freezing the wave is when you try to keep the minions at 1 position. You mostly achieve this by tanking the minions on the spot you want them to crash. And also by last hitting the minions as late as possible, this is what your adc does. Freezing is best when you need to play safe, or withhold the enemy from farm by zoning them while you freeze the wave at your side of the lane.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Pushing the wave﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

Another option is pushing the wave, you most often want to try this when the enemy is backing, or not present in lane. You do this by killing the minions as soon as possible. Keep in mind your adc still want to last hit them, so you probably should stop hitting them when they're getting low, or getting a lot of aggro by your minions.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Before the minions crash in lane﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

League of Legends offers a lot of variety each game, which is why you should always consider your priorities in a game. Before the game actually starts it's not bad timing to consider:
  • What do I do in this matchup botlane? You need to know how argressive you can be, and where you should spend your mana on.
  • How can the enemy jungler gank us? You need to know where to prioritize your ward and how safe you have to position when the enemy jungler is around.
  • Should I roam to the midlane? Because the enemy midlaner's mobility can be low and/or your midlaner snowballs well.
You often consider this automatically, but to be aware of what's going on and you'll have better decision making.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Early game﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

In the first waves you should always try to get level 2 before the enemy does, else back off!(level 2 happens when 3 melee and 3 caster minions have died) You can try to hit the minions to help them die faster for this advantage.
When your lane is going well, try to keep track of where the enemy jungler is, ping his starting position. And frequently look at the mini map to help your allies know when to stay alert.

You basically want to trade, especially if you have Spellthief's Edge. Your sustain is decent and you should try and use this to have some lane advantage (more HP, XP and a better position). A basic attack could already be good enough, the best moments to try and go for these cheeky auto attacks or trades are:
  • When the adc is about to last hit a minion, because then she cannot attack you (yet)
  • Especially when the enemy is going for a canon minion is a good moment to trade also because the adc will move perdictable.
  • When the melee support needs to execute a minion for their support item
  • When the enemy wasted their abilities (and should be afraid of you)
It's also great to get spellthief stacks off turret, when my adc recalls I often drop a few auto's off the turret because I recall as well. These opportunities are also great to get a trade off, remember you don't HAVE to trade. But if you don't the enemy possibly will.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Getting into mid-game﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

Just fighting and chasing it not (always) the way to win. You probably want to try and get some objective control. You get this by not fighting recklessly when you are planning on getting one. It's best to back before you do, get some vision control, and try to be in the right position. Especially in the lower rankings your team doesn't always want to take objectives you so nicely set up, which is fine, it's always a good practice. Place some wards, sweep the area and especially don't die while doing that. (so try to take your teammates with you using the assistance ping)

Defensive wards are important too, this way you can defend better or even turn the fight around. When you notice the enemy grouping/going for an objective like a turret. Just place some simple defensive wards to make sure your team can play around it well.
These are great wards for sieging tier 2 turrets and general vision (creator=Picklepants)

Roaming is very important. I sometimes roam at level 2/3 already when something's up in river. When you're getting used to looking at the minimap all the time your response time is a great oppertunity for some free kills and (deep)wards.
You basically want to roam when:
  • Your lane is pushed in
  • When the enemy botlane backed
  • When the enemy botlane is dead
  • Maybe even when your ad died and their botlane doesn't move
  • When you come back from base
  • Whenever you can follow your jungler
    There are more oppertunities, but it comes with experience. Just keep in mind not to miss too much XP and try to protect your ADC with a ward.

‧˙✰.‧˙﹤Finishing the game﹥˙‧.✰˙‧

It's really important to know how to finish a game, especially lower rankings don't know how to do this. which is why you probably need to take control and type/ping your team to do certain things. Especially in soloQ it's impossible to control your team, so try to point them into the right direction, but make sure to be nice.

There are few ways to finish a game, it's often decided between taking inhibitors, baron or elder dragon. An open inhibitor gives a lot of pressure pressure, and in my opinion a more secure win in the end. You can consider going baron after getting an inhibitor, or back instantly to prevent the enemy from getting it. It is also possible, especially in team play, to have your toplaner split push, take inhibitors or end while you put pressure on baron.

If your team is planning on sieging/splitting for turrets, make sure to get vision in between the lanes. Don't force fights, unless you can easely dive the enemy at the moment because of split pressure. Sieging goes slowly, but surely with patience. If people tend to dive, make sure you live yourself, but try and help your team anyhow!

If your team has control over a major objective like dragon(soul), baron or elder dragon. You probably want to get vision control too, take 2 control wards and make sure the enemy has to risk their life to contest this objective. This could also be just a bait by your team. Your vision control in these cases can be the win for the team. Make sure you position a way so you can quickly help the team if someone engages in a fight. But don't hug your team so you are safe, and thus able to help your teammates better.

It's important to know what your role is in a teamfight. Try to find your role, compared to their champions, fed champions and carry potentional of your specific teammates. Lulu has a lot of variation when it comes to teamfighting. To keep it simple we divide this into 4 objectives engage, disengage, peel or empower.


If your team is in a great spot, or already engaging you have a decent follow up. Make sure to not overuse your abilities in case you need to peel anyone. When someone of the enemy is getting picked your Q Glitterlance can be a great way to slow them, and your W Whimsy can make sure they aren't able to use abilities. What I often see understimated is using your ultimate Wild Growth for the knockup and slow, this is great for your frontliner.


Disengaging is somewhat harder for Lulu but if you have the item Shurelya's Battlesong you can use this to get your team in a better position. Make sure to shield Help, Pix! on the furthest ally to give the most effective slow with your Q Glitterlance. USe your W Whimsy on an ally who is in need for additional movementspeed.


Peel is pretty much your main role as a support. If your team/adc really needs peel from someone like Jax, Aatrox or someone like Camille I suggest saving your W Whimsy to polymorph them. This gives you a great breathing window to kill them, or get away from them. Make sure to Q Glitterlance enemies to make your team able to kite them better. As well as using your items like Redemption, Locket of the Iron Solari or Mikael's Blessing if you have them. Here you also have to choose to E Help, Pix! the person in need, or your adc to give them more damage depending on the situation.


Lulu also has great empowerment, especially when she has Ardent Censer. Make sure to know what's needed in the situation. When I'm playing with a Kog'Maw, Twitch or Vayne I tend to keep empowering them by spamming W Whimsy and E Help, Pix! on them so they can run down their enemies. It's fun, but make sure to have a backup like your R Wild Growth.
˙.˙Play for fun!˙.˙

Lulu is a chill and reliable champion to me. Making me and my adc enjoy the game more, because who doesn't like to be pampered by a Lulu. I hope you got some useful information out of my guide, if you did, feel free to give this a like and maybe even a comment! I appreciate you reading the bottom part of this big guide.

Please remember this guide is made out of opinion and experience, be nice if you critisize, opinions are fine too! Feel free to ask any questions, because I didn't cover everything.
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