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Annie Build Guide by DatKawaiiBunny

Support [11.6] ♥ Bear Hug! | DatKawaiiBunny's Annie Support Guide

Support [11.6] ♥ Bear Hug! | DatKawaiiBunny's Annie Support Guide

Updated on March 24, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DatKawaiiBunny Build Guide By DatKawaiiBunny 195 15 622,459 Views 17 Comments
195 15 622,459 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DatKawaiiBunny Annie Build Guide By DatKawaiiBunny Updated on March 24, 2021
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Runes: Electrocute Runes

1 2 3
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Relentless Hunter


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[11.6] ♥ Bear Hug! | DatKawaiiBunny's Annie Support Guide

By DatKawaiiBunny

Welcome to my Annie support guide! I hope this guide helps you as you go along your journey of learning The Dark Child! In this guide, I will be going over many runes for Annie, pros & cons, abilities, items, spells, as well as gameplay tips and a warding guide.

Hello, I'm DatKawaiiBunny! I'm a Silver IV ADC, mid, and support main. I've been playing League of Legends since April of season 7 as an ADC main. My highest mastery champions are Lux, Sona, and Xayah!

I started playing Annie support a year ago. I liked taking Electrocute so I could burst down the enemy bot lane, but I've been experimenting on Annie support because of the 10.22 changes to Molten Shield. I've been taking Guardian and Summon Aery to see how they feel. I update my guide each time I play her with items, runes, etc. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read my Annie guide. Thanks a lot, and happy supporting! ♥


♥ Good Poke/Crowd Control

♥ Easy to Learn

♥ A lot of Teamfight Potential

♥ Decent Shield

With Annie's new changes from 10.22 to Molten Shield, she now has a pretty decent shield. It's quite strong with support items, and it adds to her teamfight potential, along with Summon: Tibbers and her crowd control with Pyromania. During the laning phase, she has a good poke and she deals quite a bit of damage.

♥ Short Range

♥ Struggles Early

♥ High Cooldowns on Abilities

♥ Relies on Pyromania to Engage

Now, I've had trouble with Annie in the early laning phase, mostly by tanky supports with crowd control, like Shen or Leona. Not only that, but she has high cooldowns, specifically Molten Shield. Her main form of crowd control comes from her passive Pyromania, which provides Annie with a stun, and Summon: Tibbers.

Electrocute is great for burst damage. After attacking an enemy target with three abilities within 3 seconds, it deals 30 - 180 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP) bonus damage. Poking the enemy or hitting them with a combo can deal more damage because of this rune, which is why I take it! Dark Harvest is another rune I've tried on Annie. If you get a lot of souls, her damage is great, but the problem is getting those souls. She has a good amount of range, but if the enemy is behind tower, or you and your laner are behind when it makes it difficult to get the souls. So, I don't really recommend taking this rune.

Cheap Shot
Now, I like to take Cheap Shot because it deals 10 - 45 bonus true damage (based on level) to enemies that are impaired, which overall provides Annie with extra damage since she has a stun with Pyromania. You can use Pyromania on the majority of her kit, besides Molten Shield. Taste of Blood is also an option for the healing aspect. You heal 18 - 35 (+ 20% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) health (based on level) when you deal damage to an enemy champion. I recommend taking it against counters, but I do think Cheap Shot is better for the later stages of the game.

Eyeball Collection
Out of all of the options, Eyeball Collection is the one you want to take. For every takedown, you collect one eyeball. You can get up to 10. You gain an adaptive bonus of 0.6 Attack Damage or 1 ability power per eyeball collected. You can collect up to 12 attack damage and 20 ability power. After completing the collection, you are awarded a bonus of 6 attack damage or 10 ability power. It works like a dark seal, except you keep your stacks. Zombie Ward is another good rune to take since it raises a zombie ward that lasts 180 when you destroy a ward or when your own ward expires. I think Zombie Ward is a better warding option than Ghost Poro, but you can still take it, if you prefer.

Relentless Hunter
When you get a takedown, you get a "bounty stack," one stack per enemy champion. You gain 5 out of combat movement speed (+8 per Bounty Hunter stack), up to 45 at 5 stacks. You can also take Ravenous Hunter, which gives you 1% (+2% per Bounty Hunter stack) omnivamp, up to 11% at 5 stacks. I prefer Relentless Hunter for the out of combat movement speed, which goes nicely with Molten Shield, but Ravenous Hunter is good for the extra healing.

Scorch is good with Electrocute because of the bonus 15 - 35 magic damage. If you want more damage in the mid/late game then take Gathering Storm. At 10 minutes in, you get 8 AP, which multiplies by 3 at 20 and so forth.

Annie has pretty good movement speed, especially with Molten Shield, and your choice of Boots. All bonuses are 7% more effective and you gain 1% movement speed, so it's good for engaging or disengaging.

Summon Aery
If you go more of a utility based Annie build, then I suggest taking Summon Aery because it provides both extra shielding and damage. It shields for 35 - 80 (based on level) (+ 25% AP) and it damages enemies for 10 - 40 (based on level) (+ 10% AP). You can also take Arcane Comet since it deals more damage, but you don't get the shield. It does 30 - 100 (based on level) (+ 20% AP) magic damage upon hitting an enemy champion.

Manaflow Band
Manaflow Band gives you 25 mana every time you hit an enemy champion with an ability. It also gives you up to 250 mana. This is an overall good rune to take since it benefits you throughout the whole game. If you want extra movement speed, then you can take Nimbus Cloak. Casting a summoner spell grants ghosting and 5 − 35% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds, which goes well with the Flash Summon: Tibbers combo.

Annie has pretty good movement speed, especially with Molten Shield, and your choice of Boots. All bonuses are 7% more effective and you gain 1% movement speed, so it's good for engaging or disengaging.

Now, I personally like Scorch instead of Gathering Storm since the rune benefits you throughout the whole game. Gathering Storm gives you extra AP every 10 minutes. When you use a damaging ability, it deals 15 - 35 bonus magic damage based on level after 1 second. It has a 10 second cooldown, so you can use it quite often.

Bone Plating
I always take Bone Plating when I use Resolve runes. It provides you with some extra sustain, especially againsts counters, like Leona or Zyra. After taking damage from an enemy champion, the next 3 spells or attacks you receive from them deal 30 - 60 less damage.

Annie's Molten Shield is strong early, and it continues to get stronger throughout the whole game. Revitalize helps increase the power because outgoing and incoming heals and shields are 5% stronger and increased by an additional 10% on targets below 40% health. This works well with a more utility Annie support, instead of full AP because of Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

♥ Passive: Pyromania

After casting 4 abilties, the next spell Annie casts will stun enemy champion(s) for 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 seconds. The duration changes every 5 levels.

♥ Disintegrate

Cost: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80

Annie throws a fireball at an targeted enemy champion or monster dealing 80 / 115 / 150 / 185 / 220 (+80% of ability power). If she kills a unit with Disintegrate, the cooldown is refunded by half, along with the mana cost.

♥ Incinerate

Cost: 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110

Annie casts a cone of fire that deals 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+85% of ability power) to all the enemies or monsters that are in the area.

♥ Molten Shield

Cost: 40

Annie grants herself, a target allied champion, or Summon: Tibbers a 40 / 90 / 140 / 190 / 240 (+40% of ability power) shield for 3 seconds and 20% - 50% bonus movement speed that decays over 1.5 seconds (depending on level). While Molten Shield is active, enemies who basic attack it are dealt 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 (+20% of ability power) magic damage.

♥ Summon: Tibbers

Cost: 100

Annie summoners her bear, Tibbers. He deals 150 / 275 / 400 (+65% of ability power) to enemies within the summon area. For the next 45 seconds, Tibbers can move and attack at Annie's will, while continually dealing 10 / 15 / 20 (+10% of ability power) to all surrounding enemies.

Summon: Tibbers has 1200 / 2100 / 3000 health, 30 / 50 / 70 armor and magic resist and deals 50 / 75 / 100 (+15% of ability power) per auto. If Summon: Tibbers is summoned while Annie uses Pyromania or if Annie dies when he's summoned, he gains 275% bonus attack speed and 100% bonus movement speed which decays over 3 seconds. Summon: Tibbers regenerates 50% of his missing Health and automatically targets Annie's killer if she dies while he's summoned. When he's put out of combat for 5 seconds, he regenerates 6.0% of his maximum Health every second. and he's gains movement speed towards Annie

  • Starter Item Gold: 400
  • Spellthief's Edge: The standard AP support item you take. If you take guardian or want more sustain, then take Relic Shield. You get 8 AP, 2 gold regeneration, 10 health, and 50% base mana regeneration. After you complete the quest, which is obtaining 500 gold damaging champions and towers, it transforms into Frostfang.
  • Upgraded Starter Item 1
  • Frostfang: This is the first transformation of Spellthief's Edge. It takes 500 gold and it upgrades out of combat. This item gives you 15 AP, 3 gold regeneration, 75 health, and 75% base mana regeneration. You also gain 3 Stealth Ward that are refillable when you visit the shop. The item transforms into Shard of True Ice after completing a 1000 gold quest.
  • Upgraded Starter Item 1
  • Shard of True Ice: This is the upgraded version of Frostfang and the final transformation of Spellthief's Edge. This gives you 40 AP 3 gold generation, 75 health, and 100% base mana regeneration. You gain one more Stealth Ward, a total of 4 wards that you can refill at the shop.

  • Mythic Item Gold: 2,500
  • Imperial Mandate: Not a bad mythic item to take on Annie, it's actually very good on her. It allows you and your allies to do more overall damage to enemies. You get 20 ability haste, 40 AP, 200 health, and 100% base mana regeneration. With Ornn, it gets upgraded into Seat of Command.

    Unique Passive: Abilities that slow or immobilize enemy champions deal 36 - 60 bonus magic damage (depending on level) and mark them for 4 seconds. Allied champions that damage initial application of slow/immobilize, champions deal 90 - 150 bonus magic damage (depending on target's level), and grant you and the triggering ally 20% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds (6 second cooldown per enemy champion).
  • Mythic Item Gold: 3,400
  • Luden's Tempest: The best item to take if you go AP Annie support. It was good before the preseason and it's definitely good now. You get 20 ability haste, 80 AP, 6 magic penetration, and 600 mana. With Ornn, it gets upgraded into Eye of Luden.

    Unique Passive: Damaging an enemy with an ability deals 100 (+10% of ability power) bonus magic damage to your target and 3 nearby enemies and grants you 15% bonus movement speed for 2 seconds (10 second cooldown).
  • Mythic Item Gold: 3,400
  • Hextech Rocketbelt: Now, this item has engage potential so this is a good viable first item. This goes well with all of the rune ( Guardian, Electrocute, and Arcane Comet). You get 15 ability haste, 80 AP, and 250 health. With Ornn, it gets upgraded with Hextech Rocketbelt (Masterwork).

    Passive Active: Dash in the target direction, unleashing an arc of rockets that deal125 (+15% of ability power) magic damage (depending on level). Then, gain 30% bonus movement speed toward enemy champions for 2 seconds (40 second cooldown).

  • Legendary Item Gold: 2,300
  • Staff of Flowing Water: If you go a more utility approach with Summon Aery or Guardian then this is the item you want to take first because it's one of the best support items and it goes so well with Molten Shield. You get 60 AP, 10% healing and shielding power, and 100% base mana regeneration.

    Unique Passive:Healing or shielding an ally grants you and them 15% bonus movement speed and 20 − 40 ability power for 3 seconds (depending on level).
  • Legendary Item Gold: 2,300
  • Ardent Censer: Another great item to take if you go more of a utility Annie support. Combine this with Staff of Flowing Water and Molten Shield will be fantastic in the mid/late game. You get 60 AP, 10% healing and shielding power, and 100% Base Mana Regeneration.

    Unique Passive:Healing or shielding an allied champion enhances you and the affected ally with 10 − 30% bonus attack speed (depending on target's level) and 5 − 20 bonus magic damage (depending on target's level) on hit on basic attacks for 6 seconds.
  • Legendary Item Gold: 2,500
  • Morellonomicon: If you go Arcane Comet or Electrocute, then this is the second/third item you want to go. However, if there isn't much healing on the enemy team, you can go one of the other optional AP items. You get 70 AP and 250 health.

    Unique Passive: Dealing magic damage to enemy champions inflicts them with 40% Grievous Wounds for 2 seconds, increased to 60% if the target is below 50% of their maximum health.

  • Magic Penetration Boots Gold: 1,100
  • Sorcerer's Shoes: 18 magic penetration and 45 movement speed. I recommend these if there's quite a bit of healing or armor on the enemy team. It also goes well with Arcane Comet and Electrocute.
  • Out of Combat Movement Boots Gold: 1,000
  • Mobility Boots: One of my favorite boots to take on supports. I love the burst of speed when you're out of combat for at least 5 seconds. It's good for both engaging and disengaging. It goes from 25 to 115 movement speed.
  • Enhanced Movement Speed Boots Gold: 900
  • Boots of Swiftness: If you want the extra movement speed, then I suggest you take these. They give you 60 movement speed. This is the second best thing if you want good movement speed that isn't only out of combat.

Flash teleports your champion wherever your cursor is. Annie can combine Flash with Pyromania and Summon: Tibbers as a way to engage. Plus, it's a key summoner spell for every champion, except Yuumi.

Ignite deals damage 70 - 410 true damage on a targeted enemy champion for 5 seconds and applies grievous wounds, which reduces all healing received and regeneration rates by 40%. This provides more kill potential in the lane and can be used when you stun the enemies with Pyromania.

Exhaust slows down a targeted enemy champion for 30% of their movement speed, and reduces their damage by 40% for 2.5 seconds. Exhaust can make engaging with Summon: Tibbers easier, along with disengaging.

Support is one of the most important roles. There's more to it than just playing the champion. You have to understand your job in the laning phase, teamfights, as well as warding, and wave control.

Early Game

♥ Level 1:

You just want to get level two. Preferably before the enemies level up. Your job is to set the tone for the lane by either being aggressive, or passive.

♥ Level 2:

Not only does it depend on wave control and lane pressure, but it also depends on which support item you bought. If you take Spellthief's Edge, you have to be aggressive and poke, in order to get the most use of your item. If you take Relic Shield, you have to play passively and get your gold from the minions. The minions that cost the most are melee minion (21 gold) and Siege minion (60 - 90 gold).

♥ Level 3 - 5:

Level 6 is when you get your ultimate, which is your strongest ability. Before then, your job is to get as much money as possible and to provide pressure so you can get objectives, like dragon and first turret. With Spellthief's Edge, you're going to poke with Disintegrate and make plays with Pyromania, even if your ADC isn't aggressive. With Relic Shield, you're going to play passively. You're going to do nothing extreme, but it will be your job to set up opportunities for your ADC or jungler to engage.

♥ Level 6:

Now, you have your ultimate, Summon: Tibbers, which is kind of like another teammate, similar to Ivern's darling Daisy!. You can stun with Summon: Tibbers because of Pyromania, so a good engage combo is to have your Pyromania at 4, so it can stun then using Summon: Tibbers. You can use Exhaust before to make it easier unless they have Flash or some form of escape. Molten Shield still works on Summon: Tibbers, but Annie doesn't get a shield as well. Once you get to level 6, you can either engage with your ultimate and passive, or you can stop the enemy from getting a kill since they will most likely have level 6. This depends on your lead, champions, jungle pressure, and wave control.

Mid/Late Game

♥ Roaming:

Personally, I like to roam when I have my ultimate, especially on Annie, but you can always roam earlier if you have Molten Shield and the stun from Pyromania. However, roaming can be a tricky thing, especially if you don't communicate with your team. On some occasions, you can roam towards top side for rift herald, or even switch lanes with your top laner. You should also roam if the support or ADC roams, so you can help out the mid laner because they're going to try to look for a kill. Some good times to roam are when:
  • You and your ADC recalled and the wave is pushed bot lane, you're pushed up and your ADC is farming safely
  • Mid has priority or the enemy is pushed up to the tower

♥ Teamfight Tips:

Teamfights are very important, and they can turn the game around. Annie gives her team a big advantage with Summon: Tibbers. As I said, it's kind of like having another teammate. He provides not only crowd control when used with Pyromania, but he also deals quite a bit of damage. He can kind of act as a temporary frontline for you and your team. You shouldn't be too cluttered together with your team, especially if they have a Leona. You should also either engage with Summon: Tibbers or follow up with your frontline or carry. Put Molten Shield on your frontline when they're engaging since it gives them some sustain and movement speed. Targeting the same enemy is also key, especially if they're fed. You should also communicate with your team and come from all angles.

Warding is very important throughout the game. Providing your team with vision can really turn a game around, especially if you ward objectives, such as dragon, rift herald, and baron. From my experiences playing support, you should ward about every 4 - 5ish minutes, if you have any available at that time. The key is to get as much information about the enemy team as possible. Warding entrances, objectives and jungle camps, as well as some bushes are the best places to ward.

Early Game

In the early game, you should prioritize warding as much as possible. You can get your item around 6 - 12 minutes in. If you're ahead, you should try to ward either the enemy's blue buff or red buff to get some vision on the jungler, just in case they plan to gank. If you can't do that, ward the tribush with a Stealth Ward or a Control Ward (it's better to ward the bush in the middle of the river over the tribush.) If you're experiencing issues with their jungler, ward the entrances to the bot lane (tribush, over the wall towards their tower, and in the river.)

Mid/Late Game

By this time, you should be out of the bot lane. Your upgraded support item gives you an opportunity to deep ward. You want to focus on warding the enemy's jungle. Specifically, near objectives, entrances, and blast cones. You should always keep dragon warded, preferably with a Control Ward. Buy an Oracle's Lens as soon as your item is upgraded and try to deny them vision by looking for wards they've placed in your jungle, as well as theirs.

♥ I would like to thank everyone for reading and voting for my Annie guide! I hope my guide helped you along your journey. I try to make them simple so it can help a wide range of people. Guides are always updated at the start of the new patch and throughout the month. I love answering questions and helping people, so feel free to ask as many questions as you want! Also, feel free to point out typos. I find some from time to time. I repeat runes at times, so.

💕 Also, thank you Sunlord Gwyn for loving the guides! Sorry that I didn't respond to you in-game!! 💕

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League of Legends Build Guide Author DatKawaiiBunny
DatKawaiiBunny Annie Guide
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[11.6] ♥ Bear Hug! | DatKawaiiBunny's Annie Support Guide

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