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Ezreal Build Guide by nZk01

ADC [12.13] Ezreal Basic Guide

ADC [12.13] Ezreal Basic Guide

Updated on July 23, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01 Build Guide By nZk01 1,480 Views 0 Comments
1,480 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01 Ezreal Build Guide By nZk01 Updated on July 23, 2022
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Runes: First Strike

1 2 3
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Eyeball Collection
Ingenious Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

[12.13] Ezreal Basic Guide

By nZk01
- Stack Passive pre fights if possible
- you can hold up passive in lane with W'ing anything thats targetable if you cant hold it with Q. You can also just E for mobility and use Q on jungle camps to get CD back or once again just hold passive stacks up
- You can input Q on ezreal and it iwll cast towards where you had your mouse before other inputs, so you can Q flash to get more range/get around people and input E Q very easily, this also allows to input Q in front of you while flashing forward to actually throw the Q behind you (like cassio ult cancel)
- Dont use W > Q, just use W when you dont have Q up, so Q > W etc, you can proc W with other things you dont need to delay Q or other inputs with W, just use it when you dont have any other inputs
- After Q spam Threshhold or when you AA > Q > AA you need to input a movement command otherwise your next AA or Q will be delayed
- You can use ult to clear waves or jungle camps as your CD goes down a lot with just Q'ing
- You can AA > Q and get the sheen proc on the AA, this can help with A LOT of things and is one of the hardest things on the champ to get this consistently and understand how it works, this can help with last hitting, changing DPS better or just understanding who to get certain damage onto, understanding sheen timers on this champ is INSANELY HUGE, just go into a custom for 30 mins and practice AA > Q and learn the CD by heart
- You can E F to get over a lot of distance, even multiple walls at once
- AUTO ATTACK! Ezreal uses AA's very well cuz of how sheen works on this champ and how easily he can input AA's in between combos
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01
nZk01 Ezreal Guide
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