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Kai'Sa Build Guide by nZk01

ADC [12.13] Kaisa builds | very basic info dump

ADC [12.13] Kaisa builds | very basic info dump

Updated on July 14, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01 Build Guide By nZk01 13,326 Views 0 Comments
13,326 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01 Kai'Sa Build Guide By nZk01 Updated on July 14, 2022
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Champion Build Guide

[12.13] Kaisa builds | very basic info dump

By nZk01
Info Dump:
- Dirk after noonquiver makes you very strong and gives Q evolve very early
- You can use E in your Q and in your ult dash to use it faster or be invis in air / while hitting Q
- your W is a lot of damage early, try to poke with it in lane if possible
- you can cancel all your Evolves with recalling, evolve with your mouse and instantly press B upon upgrading it to cancel, you can do multiple evolves at once aswell, this is only really important for Nashor spike as it gives W and E evolve instantly most of the time - use W to scout stuff, dragons / bushes etc
- W follows direction regardless of Flash, so you can W flash and it will still hit the same direction, allows for backwards W with flash aswell without showing it
- you can use E when autoing the blasting plant to use the E 'offtime' in air and get the AS faster

Build info:
Crit is very good into squishies, DPS very good if you can hit your enemies a lot for free without any limited space/time, most damage possible.
Nashor/manamune build is interesting cuz its less DPS early but having W evolve and being more mixed can be very good if you dont have a lot of AP in your team or you lack range into the enemy team/cant walk up so you have to play from range etc

only go early dirk on Crit build even if ahead early.

on DPS you can guinsoos 2nd over Wits end if you just prefer DPS, if you want burst, more defensive stats and more AP onhit + Q evolve go wits end.

on Nashor go tear early on for manamune as you dont really stack it that fast on AD.
You get Q evolve on caulfields (+ long sword if you're underleveled)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author nZk01
nZk01 Kai'Sa Guide
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