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Volibear Build Guide by Prizum

Jungle [12.13] Prizum's Meta Volibear Jungle Guide

Jungle [12.13] Prizum's Meta Volibear Jungle Guide

Updated on July 27, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prizum Build Guide By Prizum 26 4 96,481 Views 0 Comments
26 4 96,481 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Prizum Volibear Build Guide By Prizum Updated on July 27, 2022
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Runes: Standard Rune Page.

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner Choice
LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[12.13] Prizum's Meta Volibear Jungle Guide

By Prizum
About Me
I am normally a Master Jungle Main on EUW and I am a League of Legends Solo Queue Coach.

I often play Volibear on my stream and love snowballing games with him.

I also make YouTube videos explaining the thought process of Challenger players/myself to explain how to improve and climb.

You can find my videos at:
You can find my stream at:
Note: I normally stream FROM 09:00 - 12:30 Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri London Time.

You can also join my discord server to get in contact with me, ask questions or to join a community of like-minded players who are all trying to improve ^^
Why Play Volibear Jungle?
Volibear is an extremely powerful meta champion at the moment who is often picked in Challenger games and in Pro Play.

He is an amazing champion to one-trick for climbing the solo queue ranked ladder or to build a champion pool around because he will perform in any elo range whether it be Iron, Gold or Challenger.

Volibear is also really great because he really lets you get in on the action with his ganking tools Thundering Smash and Stormbringer. These abilities allow Volibear to gank, skirmish and dive lanes often and what this means is that you can have a large game impact that will allow you to really influence the outcome of your games as a result.
Pro's & Con's
+ Super ganker.
+ Very strong 1v1.
+ Huge Burst Damage.
+ Really good at diving lanes.
+ Easy to play and execute with.
+ Easy to snowball games and carry with.
- Falls off super late game.
- Struggles vs extremely mobile champions.
- Can be kited easily 1v1 by ranged junglers.
- Can struggle against long range if he is the only engage.
Press the Attack allows us to lean into Volibear's early game power and burst potential. It makes it so that one combo ( Sky Splitter Thundering Smash Auto Attack Frenzied Maul Auto Attack) essentially one shots anyone (squishy) early game if you land everything.

If you somehow don't one shot your target, the increased damage after activating PTA means you should have no issue finishing off your target.

Also, at the later stages of the game Press the Attack will also help your carries carry the game by doing more damage to whoever you activate Press the Attack on. That can be extremely valuable for your carries for shredding a pesky tank or for melting an overly fed carry. Again it also makes your burst combo extremely potent with Turbo Chemtank and Dead Man's Plate mid-game.

Triumph helps out a lot in skirmishes and teamfights in keeping you healthy (combined with your ultimate and tank items it makes you much harder to kill helps you out with close dives.

Legend: Tenacity covers one of Volibear's weaknesses which is being smacked with crowd control and being kited. If you get CC'd you will have to spend more time catching up to the enemy but if you have tenacity you will be able to close the gap sooner and secure more kills.

Last Stand because you will be relatively low hp at times due to the nature of Volibear always being front-line, diving in onto targets, diving people under towers, engaging with Turbo Chemtank and so on.

Celerity, this leans into Volibear's gank strength with Thundering Smash by increasing his movement speed and it also covers his weakness of being kited.

Waterwalking, because you will be ganking a lot you want to have this so you can move around the map quickly and go from jungle camp > river > lane > successful gank quickly. It also helps with early scuttle fights, dragon/herald fights and chasing people through river since you get not only move speed in river but also damage which helps Volibear to smash everyone early game in skirmishes.
First Clear
At the start of a game when you're in loading screen identify if top or bot lane are easy for you to gank.

(Immobile enemy laner like Jinx Kayle Veigar Samira Draven Miss Fortune and CC/Gap Closing ally laner like Renekton Leona Karma Ahri Shen). If you see a side lane like this you want to path TOWARDS them! This is so you can find ganks to snowball yourself and your laner and dives to snowball even harder to win the game.

For Volibear's clear speed you can comfortably do 6 camps before 3:15 even without a leash, because of this you will always look to do a full clear pathing in your first clear.

So your go-to clears depending on the side you start on will be:
1. Blue Buff Gromp Murk Wolves Raptors Red Buff Krugs Rift Scuttler
2. Red Buff Krugs Raptors Gromp Blue Buff Murk Wolves Rift Scuttler

So let's say you want to path TOWARDS top lane because you have a Renekton and the enemy has a Kled Kayle Volibear Yasuo what have you, you should start on the bottom side of the map with a leash and do either clear #1 or clear #2 depending on whether you are red team or blue team.

Important Note: DO NOT ALWAYS follow clear #1 or clear #2 exactly every game. Your goal as Volibear is to make ganks happen, so while you are on your clear #1 or clear #2 route you need to look out for ganks once you hit level 3 (after finishing the 3rd camp in both clears) and if you think that you can make a gank happen you should consider ditching the clear and GO FOR IT! If not, just continue the clear!

For Smite usage it is fine to use on your first camp or second/third camp and have smite again for Rift Scuttler. You can also use your 2nd smite on your 6th camp if your clear is a bit slow since you won't have to struggle with Rift Scuttler shield if you just use your Thundering Smash.

Example OF First Clear Pathing:

Renekton Trundle (YOU) VS Kayle Top.
You are on blue team (bottom half of map).

Do Red Buff Krugs Raptors and if you see Kayle is pushing up slightly or is say 75% hp in the lane and not too close to tower then GANK KAYLE AND ABANDON THE CLEAR!!! then you can probably do Rift Scuttler ( Blue Buff Continue Clear) Recall usually..

The important thing here is to adapt and make sure you're focusing on ganks after you hit level three but if you don't see any on the side of the map you're on you can just continue the clear ! As long as you are efficient with your clear you will almost never fall behind!
Gank Approach
For ganking, ideally you want to wrap AROUND and get BEHIND the enemy laner.

If you CAN successfully get behind them and the tower is quite far away, DO NOT use your abilities. Just walk up to them in auto attack range and then once you are on top of them unload your full combo so that they do not have a chance to react with Flash so you can secure a one shot kill on the target with your assisting laner.

If somehow the target does not die but you successfully make the enemy use Flash in a gank you need to engrain that in your brain as a memory for life. From now on (especially if they are an immobile laner) you can literally just RUN at them with Thundering Smash and Sky Splitter and they will struggle to get out alive.

In the scenario where the lane is relatively even you can usually run in with Thundering Smash and prepare Sky Splitter to land before you arrive so you can slow them and lock them up for your team to come in.

Limit test a bit for yourself in your games and you will get a feel for how far away you can use Thundering Smash and how to line up the timing with Sky Splitter.

Chilling Smite and Turbo Chemtank will help you a lot also in making ganks happen.
Early Game
Your job early game as Volibear is to assert dominance, gank lanes, kill enemy laners and in turn put your laners ahead so that you can take dragons, heralds, towers and win the game.

Your approach to the early game will always be the same.

Follow clear #1 or clear #2 and when you see a gank that looks like you can kill, go for it. If there are no ganks available after finishing off clear #1 or clear #2 then you can recall and restart the clear and keep looking around again for opportunities.

Be careful of lane priority for Rift Scuttler, you DO WIN the majority of 1v1 fights early game if you land everything but you can always be rotated on by the enemy mid laner for example if they have lane priority.

There are more advanced things that you can do with jungle tracking, counter-jungling, counter-ganking but I cannot explain these over text to you. That's where YouTube/Stream/Coaching comes in..

So check this out for more depth to get more familiar with ganking and how much damage Volibear deals:
Mid + Late Game
For the mid and late game if you have followed through correctly so far you are usually in a spot where you are 4/0, your teammate(s) are also 3/0 or something, you have 2 dragons, took a few towers whatever.

From this stage onwards your job is to group up with laners who are strong when they push out lanes, when an objective spawns (dragon/herald/baron) and to pick off targets who are alone in the side lane by diving them with your teammates using Stormbringer. If you do this successfully you can have vision control around objectives, around the enemy jungle and try to suffocate the enemy.

When you are ahead like this you can usually pick off targets with your Turbo Chemtank or try to start fights with it so that you can win them which will allow you and your teammates to push towers. Just make sure not to take fights which risk you giving away big shutdowns like 700g.

Look for dives if you can find them even if you don't have Stormbringer and try to start stealing away enemy camps with your laners who are strong and are pushing lanes. Just make sure to move as a unit and not blind invade solo.

Your own jungle camps become really unimportant at this stage so you can almost ignore them but do make sure to farm them when your laners are in base/aren't pushing/are dead etc..

You want to choke the enemy out slowly with dragon soul, elder dragon, baron etc so don't feel like you have to force things to happen.

If you end up falling behind because you didn't make any ganks happen or you made some mistakes the best you can hope for is for the enemy team to make some mistakes and give away their shutdowns.

Maybe you can find picks or find people are not grouping up from the enemy team so you can 5v3 mid etc ..
Get familiar with maxing Thundering Smash for games where you have a lot of gank opportunities and Frenzied Maul in games where you are farming a lot.

Do not be scared to limit test on Volibear as he is extremely strong early and wins the majority of 1v1 fights.

Ensure you use Thundering Smash as an Auto Attack Resetter.

Make sure to run around the map with Thundering Smash to arrive faster. For example when you recall and are coming out of base back to your jungle.

Get familiar with using Sky Splitter and lining up the timing when it comes down with your Thundering Smash

Catch me streaming for more depth on Jungling or even join my discord server

Watch the video I added into the guide in the Early Game section.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Prizum
Prizum Volibear Guide
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[12.13] Prizum's Meta Volibear Jungle Guide

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