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Kindred Build Guide by LambWolf

Jungle [14.21] Kindred the Solo Carry Machine

Jungle [14.21] Kindred the Solo Carry Machine

Updated on October 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LambWolf Build Guide By LambWolf 1328 54 1,504,290 Views 62 Comments
1328 54 1,504,290 Views 62 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LambWolf Kindred Build Guide By LambWolf Updated on October 28, 2024
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Runes: Basic runes

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hello! I'm LambWolf I've been playing Kindred since season 8. I have achieved 2 Million points on Kindred but, it's across all the accounts. I also have peaked Grandmaster 565LP on EUW. I'm here to give simple guide about Kindred for newer Kindred players.

I bet you have more questions, because I didn't cover everything. You can always come ask the questions in my stream.

My stream
+ Mobile
+ Ranged
+ High burst potential
+ High damage out put
+ Can jump over walls
+ Can sneak dragons

Kindred's Dance of Arrows gives Kindred her mobility and attack speed. Using your Dance of Arrows within Wolf's Frenzy makes her q lower coldown.
So miss placing Wolf's Frenzy loses a lot of her mobility and makes her more vulnerable.
- Squishy
- Very weak if behind
- Coin Flip Ult
- Hard to learn
- Low AA range pre 4 Marks
- Mark system doesn't feel rewarding

Kindred is very squishy. So you really have to watch out for any burst damage. Kindred's ultimate Lamb's Respite helps you keep yourself alive. If you don't have Black Cleaver you have to play like an adc, instead of champ like Graves.
Mark of the Kindred
Kindred's passive Mark of the Kindred is one of a kind ability in League of legends. It stacks infinitely and enhances her abilities. There is section about marks, in this guide, because there is so much to tell.
Dance of Arrows
Kindred's Dance of Arrows is her main ability. You max this ability first, because your Dance of Arrows cooldown decreases in your Wolf's Frenzy. You can use this ability to hop over walls to avoid choke points and reset your autoattack.
Wolf's Frenzy
Kindred's Wolf's Frenzy lays down an area where Wolf will engage on targetable units. Wolf deals current health damage. Wolf also gives vision so you can place it over a wall to get vision.
Mounting Dread
Kindred's Mounting Dread is her main damaging ability which deals missing health damage. This ability can critical strike to deal extra damage. Conditions for this ability to deal extra damage is that the target has to be below 15% hp but critical strike can increase it to 65% hp.
Lamb's Respite
Kindred's ultimate Lamb's Respite makes units invulnerable when they are at 10% hp or below. After 4 seconds Lamb's Respite heals both allies and opponents for 250/325/400 depending on ultimate lvl. This ability can turn team fights completely.
Press the Attack
Press the Attack is the best rune for Kindred at the moment. It gives you a lot more damage early on. Extra damage helps a lot in ganks and dueling. It gives you a lot of freedom during early game, because of the huge damage procs it gives.
Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo is my favourite precision rune. Choice between Lethal Tempo and Press the Attack is just your own preference. Do you like attempt to snowball early game with burst? Go PTA. Do you want to attempt to hard carry fights with a lot of attack speed later on? Go LT. Both options are good, but lethal tempo is aimed more for teamfights compared to press the attack that shines in duels and skirmishes.
Triumph is the best option most of the time, unless you are going manamune that I don't personally like. It gives you a lot more survability and most of the time you survive tower dives just beucase of Triumph.
Legend: Alacrity
Legend: Alacrity gives you the attack speed you need. Going alacrity helps you get you the rest of the attack speed in this build path. Wouldn't recommend going Legend: Bloodline.
Last Stand
Last Stand works in almost every situation. You will be a bit lower on hp when you are dueling. It usually helps with your Mounting Dread, because it's usually procked when enemies are below 50% hp (atleast should be).
Sudden Impact
Sudden Impact is taken most of the time, because it increases early game damage quite a bit and it's easy to prock as Kindred. With this rune you will be aswell assasinating at late game so the extra lethality really helps. Eyeball Collection can be good if you are playing kraken slayer instead of shieldbow.
Relentless Hunter
Relentless Hunter helps you to move faster across the map so you should be taking this most of the time. If opponents have 2+ assasins don't be afraid to take Ultimate Hunter, if you are squishy you will get focused by assasins constantly so it helps to have ult up in most of the scenarios that will happen during the game.
Magical Footwear
Magical Footwear is really gold efficient rune. You will save 300gold and you will get 10 extra movement speed from slightly magical boots. You will be able to buy your mythic faster than usual, if you dont mind being a bit slow till you get them.
Cosmic Insight
Cosmic Insight let's you have your smite up more in the early game and that collerates to your clear speed. You also have flash up more often. Also if you like playing [Galeforce], you will have it up more often aswell. Basically best inspiration secondary rune along side Magical Footwear.
- When you have 0 marks will always come to
- First to third marks will come to
- Fourth to Seventh will come to
- eighth+

- After mark is killed it takes 40 seconds to respawn.
- Placing mark on champion takes 8 seconds.
- You can use your mark on enemy to make them back off from pushing.
- If your teammate kills jungle camp which has stack on. You get the stack if you have done damage within 6 seconds to it.
- Best way to get a mark is to predict where it will spawn. Try to track enemy jungler and be there for the stack, don't let the stack be there for you.
1st pathing
To start you should do 4 camp clear and mostly start from red brambleback and head to greater murk wolf to gromp which you use your Smite on. And then take blue sentinel. This is the most consistent clear, because you will have your wolves and gromp Tier 2, instead of just gromp.
2nd pathing
You can also skip wolves and go for 3 camp clear red brambleback, blue sentinel, gromp and look for gank at mid and side lane.
3rd pathing
There is also cheesy pathing that is your red brambleback and look to steal opponents blue sentinel and maybe, gromp if you know your opponents pathing. Watch out for agressive junglers, who might go from buff to buff, like Lee Sin.

Remember to Ward
Try to remember to drop a Stealth Ward on river before 50 seconds, so you can recall and get your Oracle's Lens.

All of the pathings above are viable. But remember to react to whats going on the map. Full clear is also an option, but I do not recommend, because Kindred's lvl 3 powerspike is huge and with the help of red buff your ganks are deadly. The earlier you are able to impact the game state. Better you laners will succeed (atleast I hope).

At your first clear you should mostly Smite gromp, because gromp deals a lot of damage.
Ganking can be hard for starting junglers as Kindred. You don't have cc and you are squishy, so you have to synchronize with your laners.

Kindred is terrifying with early on with red buff. So try to gank as much as you can with your first red buff. You can use Dance of Arrows as gap closer which helps you to apply slow on your enemies from your red buff earlier. They have to burn Flash most of the time, because of that.

For example if you are ganking top after your 3-4 camps that you have already taken. You will have red buff. You can walk behind them and use Mark of the Kindred just before you gank, so you can get your first stack from first gank. If you ganked top the enemy should probably have Teleport try to stick around and be aware if enemy tries to teleport back to lane. If he uses teleport try to regank the lane again.

You can hop over walls with Dance of Arrows to avoid wards. So you can make gank that enemy laners don't have any idea about. For example hopping over Dragon pits wall to get into better position to walk to lanes.

Try to use your Mounting Dread when opponents are around 50% of hp or you will be missing a lot of damage. I have seen many people lose many kills, because they use Mounting Dread too early.

Learning how to dive as Kindred is very important. You can get so many free kills if you know how to use Lamb's Respite during dives. You can for example take the tower aggro attack till you are something like half hp. Walk back to towers max attack range cast your Lamb's Respite. So your teammates can finish of the dive.
I really do not recommend this tactic, because it's hard to do in lower elo and you shouldn't trust your teammates too much. But if you have learned the art of diving use it with your duo, if he knows how to dive aswell.
As Kindred you have to invade to get stacks. You should track enemy jungler to know what camps are up. So you can do process of elimination to find out where your mark will spawn. You are really mobile, because you can jump over walls with your Dance of Arrows. You can be in and out from enemy jungle in an instant. Remember to be at the stack before it actually shows in the map.

When you are invading you should always leave one small monster to the camp so it stays on cooldown. For example leave one of the small Murk Wolf to the camp so opposite jungler just finds one and he needs to kill it before jungle camp goes on timer. You need to be very careful about invading champions like Lee Sin, because he is mobile and is very strong early on.

Invading immobile champion like Karthus can get you really easy kills if you catch him by surprise. Remember to dodge Karthuses q's or you don't win against him. If you are able to dodge them make that power farming jungler cry his eyes out. Remember to use Oracle's Lens when invading that you are not standing on a ward. You need to get out of their jungle as soon as possible if you see laners leaving their lanes.
Quicksilver Sash
Is good for example getting out of Mordekaiser's Realm of Death or Malzahar's Nether Grasp. You can also use Quicksilver Sash during knock up to ultimate while you are in air.
Wit's End
Wit's End is the best onhit item at the moment. It's insanely viable if there is even 1 ap champion at enemy team. You should consider going this after any mythic item.
Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder should be built most often when opponents have a lot of healing for example Yuumi or Soraka. If they have like adc who is building lifesteal Mortal Reminder wouldn't always be the best option. Your burst is very nice so just go more damage.
The Collector
The Collectoris very good second item. This gives you a lot of burst and the execute feels amazing. If this is your second item while going crit. You should be able to kill enemy adc within 2.5 seconds.
Phantom Dancer
Phantom Dancer is very valuable if enemy has for example 2 tanks. You will have easy time getting the attack speed benefit of Phantom Dancer and you will be able to output way more damage during the fight. Shoulnd't build when enemy doesn't have targets that you can free hit during fight.
Rapid Firecannon
Rapid Firecannon can be very useful against champions who are fast like Nidalee. It helps you to apply smite slow on them and you don't have to waste your e instantly for the slow to catch them. This item also makes chasing way more easier than normal. You lose a bit of damage for utility.
Runaan's Hurricane
Runaan's Hurricane is solid option against 3 melee champions. Usually as 4th or 5th item. During teamfights you are able to deal way more damage during your ultimate. 3 Melee champions is usually the factor why you are building Runaan's. Since you are able to get the full value way more easily.
Tips and Tricks
- You can increase Kindred's Dance of Arrows distance by jumping over some walls.
- You can use your abilities during Dance of Arrows.
- Timing your Mounting Dread while dragon is low on hp and time a smite, you can do super smite.
- You can save Herald from dying with Lamb's Respite.
- You can bait opponents smite by using Lamb's Respite on dragon or baron nashor.
- If Mark of the Kindred spawns on opposite Rift scuttler take another camp and wait till the mark comes to your Scuttle.
- Kindred's Mounting Dread deals missing health damage. So cast it when opponent is around 50% for more damage.
- Kindred's Wolf's Frenzy gives vision, so you can use it over walls to get vision without wards.

I really didn't think you would read this far. Hope I was helpful <3.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LambWolf
LambWolf Kindred Guide
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[14.21] Kindred the Solo Carry Machine

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