perma ban + dodge
unless the player is so bad you cant beat him
the best thing you can do is go even and even if that happend he can easily kill you if you make just 1 mistake
look to shove the wave roam
dodge or pick a counter for him
hate this match up
outsclaes you faster then most top laners
you really cant trade unless he trades first ( he q so you q then w )
your best chance in early game
try to make him trade inside your wave so it pushes into you and look to consistently poke him with your passive he does not heal from his passive
tale short trades with him and try to no get the full e damage
very hard even if you build mr he does so much damage
try to bait his q and sidestep his e
dont ever fight in his passive and save your R for when he ults you cause you lose anyway unless he is very low
stay in your wave so if he q you you dont take the full damage from it
aatrox in general has the upper hand in this match up
better range and damage
lvl 1 look to trade close to him so he q1 and q2 and walk away from q3
only w when he want to q3 and e
q1 + e or q2 + e you cant really avoid the damage from you w
if you cant escpae his w e the wave so you can
dont fight when he r unless he is very low just ult him
poke him with q and play at eqaul distance to his q
buy anti heal against
the most readable champ for poppy
get w lvl 2 and look for short trades
if she wants to hit you w her dash and q her
if you want to trade with her auto + q and w her dash and go back
your w has a long cooldown so play around it
w max is good against her
ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with her
sidestep her q
w her w
look to trade when she does not have abbiltes
a good e can remove a chunk of her hp since you can w her e which is her primry disengane tool
a fun match up
look to trade after she uses her passive since any trade against it is a lose trade
try to range out her w and poke her with q when she wants to farm
she can almost never engange on you since you can always w her e
but dont even stand too close cause she can instant e into you and you wont have time to w
becomes a late game beast so try to bully him early
he does have some good damge realy so be careful
poke with passive and q and look to e him always and dodge his q
get away from the wave when he has e up
if you ever find your self in a eqaul long health trade run since he can r you even when you are eqaul
Dr. Mundo
very easy
zone him from the 3 first minion of exp
and always sidestep his q which does a lot of damage
his passive helps you instead of helping him always look to e him take his passive and trade with him you just deal so much damage to him and even mid game you can still fight him with your q % health damage
kinda annoying match ups
grasp fiora is boring cause she want to short trade with grasp and q
other then that try to w her q
look to trade when she q into you
postion good so she cant hit her passive on you
she can parry you w for even if you are not hitting or stunning her with it so avoid that
try to not e into a wall immidetly cause she can parry that
if you are low on hp dont trade cause if she R you you are dead just run away
ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with him
your best trades will be when he is mega gnar since he is meele and will get close to you
in tiny form he is anooying to play against when looking for a gank try to w his dash so you can get the kill
same if you see him wanting to go on top of you
try to side step his q in tiny form and all of his skills in mega
you block his e so you make him useless in lane and team fights
in lane w his e and look to side step his barrels
he has mana issues early so look to abuse that
everytime he w you can tell he want to e you for a full combo so keep some distance
really easy match up
gwen is so strong
look to w her e when possiple and avoid her q when she has passive
very hard to play against can kill you even when behind
avoid long trades and look to poke and farm
if he want to play very aggersive early your only hope is your jgl
focus on farming and stay alive and manage the wave
i hate this match up
with illaoi it is just another game trying to sidestep he tencticals and her e
- look to trade when she does not have e
poke when she wants to farm with passive and q
you can w her w for some reason
this matchups is stupid she can kill you even when super behind
it is hard to w her e when it is on a short cooldown and yours is on a 20sec
look to play safe and farm and avoid long trades
e the wave to get out of his e
w his q for and easy trade
if you cant escape his e q at the last moment so he takes both procs of your q
an even match up whoever gets an advantge wins the lane
both of your q's has the same range so play around it
trading a full proc of your q against 1 q is winning trade
sidestep his q3 or stay out of its range
his w is so easy to block with your w
whenever he ults if you can try to ult him or run away he has armor pen and omnivamp while in his ult for whatever reason thx riot
w max is good against him
early levels is your chance to shut her down since she is meele
after 6 she becomes ranged and will be annoying
try to get good e angels so you can chunk her
dont fight her stright on lvl 1 and 2 since she can run you down but 3 is safe
poke with passive and q before 6
after 6 look to e her and trade as good as you cn
ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with her
he can stun poke and speed him self up really annoying hard to play around
with aery and ignite his early is so hard play safe and farm
even when you e him into a wall he can stun and ran away
the only way for you to kill him so try to poke him and avoid his skillshots
ganks are hard since he can r and stun both of you
very cringe match up
before a recall you can kill him but after that he will just ultra sustain with his passive even with anti heal he still heals so much
his q can either slow or stun but it has a very short range so play around it
his w makes him untargetable so he can dodge you passive or even dive you under tower
your early chance it to bully him early try to zone him from the 3 minions of exp so he can be always behind and try to look for an aggresive early kill if you do tht the match up becomes playable but later it is hard to kill him unless your team has good burst that out damages his heals
as poppy try to take the ult so you can save your adc since you are a fronline anyway
bully him early so he can never play
zone him for the first 3 minions of exp since he cant beat in a extended fight early
try to freeze and deny as him as much as possiple
good wave managment is so good against him since if you play you waves correct he can never farm
when ever he wants to farm act go aggrisve oh him and damage him with passive and q doing that a lot will but him in a bad postion where if he stays he dies or he recalls and losses a lot
good wave mangment will win the match up
very hard
can run you down if not careful
his q slows and and allows him to trade more with you
if he is not good you can play it like a normal lane but even with that it can be hard
never fight when he ults try to w away and sidestep his q always
he is meele which allows you to poke with q and passive
even when he is low he caan kill you with his kit so just play safe and look for ganks he can easily 1v2 if your jungle is not strong
late game he scales but you kill him easily early
poke with q and passive
you can always stand infront of his q so if he e into it you can w
ornn dash is so talagraphed so it is easy to counter
dont get hit after he uses w since it does a lot of damage
you can easily deny his r in lane or team fights just run into his face and w when he want to hit his ult it is a small dash so it will block it and denyies his ult
his eraly is strong but after that can fight him
dont stand close in early levels in his q range since a q with passive hits hard
stay at good distance so you can w his e since it is a short dash and a fast one
try to trade when he does not have q in the wave so you can have good trade
both of you dont get good powerspikes level 6 but yours can be chanied a full cc combo but he cant use it in a 1 v 1 unless he want to escape
try to time your ult when he lands with his ult so you can deny his engange
if n ally is near the point ff his ult where panth will land ult where you think panth will e into your ally
he breaks shields which can counter you every time you kill a minion with your passive or get a fimble proc
try to make him q when you are in the wave so the waves psuhes into you
stay at a safe distaance so you can w he e since it is kind short
dont ever get close to him his w is point and click stun and he can have a good trade with it
ult his ult since you cant win aginst it unless he is low
this match up is poppy favord a mistake by you can mean nothing but her mistakes is so much punchable
she is strong early she can kill you lvl 1 ONLY if she buffers her 3rd q and denys you the shield and manages to dodge the q
you on the other hand can kill her easily but most rivens start e against poppy
her e is kinda hard to block but her 3rd q is the most easiest one
try to poke her and be carfuel if not riven can kill you easily if you make mistakes
sett favoard but you can beat him
his e has simmailr range to your q so try to dodge and bait it
if he e you you can q for a full proq since he will q after that and and look to go backa full trade from him a better then your full trrade
try to trade when he does not have e or q since he cant do a good combo
try to dodge his w with either w or if you are close e on the wave for an easy escape
long trades are bad if he has counquer
if he has grasp the match up becomes much easier you can kill him even after he gets his first items
buy anti heal against him
sion is eaasily counterd by you
when you q for the wave you can get an easy q on him but try to hit him with the edge of it so you can get out of the q range
you can also e his q to cancle it and countine the trade
you can perma fight sion and wins since you can cancle his q which is his main soruce of damage
wave mamagent is good since he will hve tp and can ult back to lane
mid to late game you can fight him with black cleaver so dont be afraid to go fight im when he is psuhing the lane
if sion proxy try to ingore him since you going to kill him will waste your time + you will lose cs + the wave will bounce back to him if he is very low or you can gank him fast try to get the wave fast and kill him fast so you dont waste aanything
Tahm Kench
tahm has a lot of damage and sustain in his kit
best thing you can do is get 1 kill early and go even after that
tahm can run you down if you are outside your wave
poke with q and passive when he goes for a farm
sidestepping his q will deny him so much damage
dont try to trade with him near his tower since of he eats you and throws you under his tower you either flash or e the wave if it is near since his q also slows you downs shich means you will take more tower shots
you can cancle his e with your so you can kill him in team fights or deny him from getting into your back line
ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with her
teemo can be very annoying with his blind and mushrooms
try to poke with passive and look for trade with e
if he blinds you wait for the blind and q him
you deal so much damage if you both trade eqauly
play around bushes
very hard
he can run you down if you make a mistake try to poke with q and passive and everytime he want to all in you q where he is running to and w so you can deny him the trade then try to trade since all of his abbiltes are on cooldown
anti heal is not really good against him since he can heal from the wave if you dont poke him but buy it if you see him goung hydra
never fights when he ults you ult him away and try to play good waves since most trundle players will want to rune there tempo just to remove you tower
getting the tower asap can be really helpfull allowing you to push the waves and help your team
later you can deny him from getting towers he can destroy them fast and you dont deal enough damage if you see him ping your team and dont ever 1v1 you will lose it late game
very easy
you deal a lot of damage if you poke right
he cant engange on you since you block his e and if you manage to get a good e you will get very good trade since he cant escape with his e
try to poke him enough for him to ult then look for a kill if he does stay
ranged top lane treatment really
play safe early and just try to farm
after 1/2 recalls you can look to trade with her
as the same for teemo in a equal trade you deal so much damage to her try to get good e angels and try to not get hit buy her w passive as much as you can since she can chunk you
a voli can go 0/10 but will still be able to outscale you since his core build is good with his kit but the lane is easy
poke him with q and passive and when ever he want to run at you with q just q the way he is running and w
dont take long trade with him a full combo from him can chunk you a lot
any trade within his e is a lossing trade either e the wave to get away or e him out of the e so he does not get the shield
when ever he has his passive up stay away from the wave so yuo dont get damaged
buy antil heal and pray for the best a war wick can heal a crazy amount in a short time and his ult will switch the fight
poke and play safe
side step his q and q3
you can easily w his e for a good trade and try to e after a w stun for a better trade
bait your auto passive anamtion so he uses w and trade the passive after that
antiheal is good if he goes BORK
frozen heart later in the game can help your team aginst him
side step his q and q3
you can w his q3 but you need to move to the side so you dont get knoked up by it
bait his e with your passive
try to avoid as much skills from him and hit most spells you can so you can win the trade
frozen heart later in the game can help your team aginst him
pre 6 you beat him but after that it can become very annoying and hard
if he cages you you need to e the wave to escape
you can w his ghouls so you can play around them
side step or dodge his e if you can since that is where a chunk of his damage comes from
good wave manangment is good so you can deny him as much farm and stopping him from getting to your turret
look for early kills
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