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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
BAN HIM INSTANTLY. He´s already OP and his PASSIVE AND E(Passive) AND R ignore your Turtle-Like Armor. Get Armor as long as his E is weak and then go just for Life and Movement speed. Don´t throw him while he charges his Q or you will get the Strong hit of it.
1. You totally dominate your Lane, nobody except the Enemy Toplaner tries to push you back and you got the 2nd Tower in about 15 Minutes and the 3rd in 20-25 Minutes and maybe the Inhibitor too. GG YOU WON THE GAME. NOT EVEN SKT FAKER STOPS YOU NOW
2. You are able to push as good as in Option 1 but you get 4-Player-engaged. Tell your team to take objectives and push other lanes while you distract the whole enemy team. 90% Winrate if this Scenario occurs (10% losses because of your dumb team not understanding anything of this strategy)
3. The Enemy Toplaner is fed (not always of you, but very often) and you got a typical Singed KDA like 2/8/5. Only Proxy when you got Ult AND Ghost up and try ganking Midlanes to Support your Midlaner. If you win is now decided by your Team´s Teamwork, Fedness and Skill. Try your best.
By Proxying, you go behind the Enemies Tower to kill the Minions without the help from allied minions. As a Result, You will get the full Farm, Your Minions Push to the Tower and your Enemy can´t farm. You can also proxy behind the second enemies Tower or even in their Base! But beware the jungler coming to kill you. in that case, Trigger Ghost and Ult and RUN or Execute yourself. Sometimes the Toplaner will also come for you so always watch the Minimap!
search in YouTube for more information and watch some "Proxy Singed Gameplays"
1. Troll as much as you can(THE ENEMY, not your Team!)
2. Spam your Laugh and your Level 5/6/7 Singed Mastery at your Enemies
3. Buy ZZROT and RIGHTEUS GLORY no Matter what
4. Don´t Buy any Core Item doubled, it´s just stupid and not OP
5. In Teamfights, run as deep into the Enemies as you can to get Focused by 3 People. Then your team can 4v2 the Rest. GG
6. Your Joke isn´t funny, don´t Spam it
7. Your Taunt is a bit funny, use it frequently
8. Don´t go afk and don´t leave the Game
10. Follow all these Zips, including this one
Tips against Singed
1. Mute him before the Game starts
2. Mute Champion Voice
3. Report Singed
4. Don´t Follow Singed
6. write "/remake" in the Chat
7. If 6. doesn´t work, ff@20
8. Go afk or leave the Game
9. Ban Singed
10. Don´t take these Tips seriously
2. Shortly activate your Q near lowlife Creeps and instantly do an Auto Attack for best lasthitting Chances
3. Make Enemy Minions Follow you Gas Trail
4. Throw enemies into your Glue to Root them
5. Bait for a Gank by recalling near the Enemy so that it gets somehow canceled and then don´t move for a while, the Enemy thinks you are in the Shop Menu and will tr to Attack you. Call your Jungler in, Glue behind you and throw the Enemy into your Glue. Easy Kill. Works 127% of all Times
Singed, you are very toxic,
Singed, the Playstyle is PROXYc.
you get all the hate,
but that´s your fate.
You are awesome as Hell,
i can surely tell.
people not only follow you on Twitter,
for them it is bitter,
because you accidentally kill them with your Q,
but for you that´s nothing new
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