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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Goes Where He Pleases (PASSIVE)
Dr. Mundo Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You usually buy Spirit Visage so you increase the heal she gives as well, she can keep Mundo alive insanely hard.
You usually buy Spirit Visage so you increase the heal she gives as well, she can keep Mundo alive insanely hard.
Champion Build Guide
On League I go by Federals1, and since 2018 I have hit challenger with at least 900 lp every single season.

I have also hit Challenger on EUW

I was also the number 1

Over the years have gotten top 10/5 on

I will be livestreaming at https://www.twitch.tv/federals123 , so if you want to check it out and see how it's going be sure to tune in! I will be answering any questions and trying to give my thought process while playing, giving general tips and such. I hope if you end up checking it you will enjoy your time.
I will be making more guides in the future, some already being in the works. My goal is to make a guide for every single champion I am extremely confident with, and ones I've been playing for a very long time where I have unique insights to share.
I am currently working on multiple guides but I cannot give an exact date when they will be out. I will post them gradually as I finish them, so if you want to see when they are out for a new champion you can follow and be up to date. To make sure they are done quicker not all of them will them will have a matchup spreadsheet at the start, that alone takes me a week by itself, it's massive.
While you wait in the loading screen, or even before minions spawn, go on an external website and check what runes your opponent has. I use op. gg or u. gg, but any website that show runes in full works. You will be able to see exactly what your opponent's runes are, and it can play a big part in your very first trade and knowing exactly how you might want to play out the first few waves. Here's an example: you see the enemy has
Resolve secondary. It's extremely important to see what he has in
Resolve. You can check and let's say they have
Bone Plating and
Overgrowth. Now you know you should play out your first trade a bit differently, trying to proc down
Bone Plating first, or knowing that if you go for a trade he has that extra block power. This is something you should look to do every single game to gain an advantage.

Here you will find every single champion matchup in the entire game and the way I tend to play them most often.
Here you will find every single champion matchup in the entire game and the way I tend to play them most often.
xMid Game xLate Game
xAll final items explained xAlways Titanic before Overlord's |
xPros xCons |

You don't look for fights in the river with your jungler or look to invade, your entire game plan is to scale up, so much so that when you hit level 6 you use your ultimate

It goes without saying but, if you get hard counterpicked you're not a champion, you're basically just a minion. If you fight someone like

Once you get to this part of the game it is much better for you. Once you get your rank 2 ultimate
you are now an actual threat. You can look to fight a lot more champions, tank more, and be an actual threat, in both the 1v1 and teamfights.
That being said, if you happen to fight %
health damage champions like
Gwen, etc. they will still very much melt you and even some non top lane champions like
Brand or any % health damage dealer will murder your
health most of the time.
If your enemy laner has better split push power than you, like a
Tryndamere or
Fiora, you have 2 options: either go and force a 4v5 teamfights, or match them in the side lane.
Dr. Mundo can wave clear quite well due to his E
, so he can actually stonewall a lot of split pushers in the side lane.
If the enemy has better teamfighting but is noticably weaker on side lane like
Malphite or
Ornn, your best bet is to just keep forcing that person to answer you in the side lane, and if they cannot clear the waves quick enough you can just destroy turrets. If it is a cannon wave you can guaranteed get a
Demolish proc on the turret and anihilate its health.

That being said, if you happen to fight %

If your enemy laner has better split push power than you, like a

If the enemy has better teamfighting but is noticably weaker on side lane like

This is
Dr. Mundo's peak in power. Once you gain your rank 3 ultimate
it is go time all the way. You will regenerate
like crazy, and if you have items like
Titanic Hydra or
Overlord's Bloodmail you will deal a TON of damage. You can straight up walk into 5 people and rush for the carry, and the enemy team will need to all focus you down, or else they might risk you unironically 3 tapping their main dps.
But like before, %
health damage is still your biggest enemy, and now it might be worse than ever in terms of how quick you die from it. If you play vs
Gwen she will still destroy your
health, same for a full build
Kai'Sa, or
Brand, or
Fiora, almost any and all %
health damage will make you go from unkillable raidboss, to dying before even half your ult
is done.
If the enemy team has no %
health damage, then you can just perma force a 5v5 and run them down extremely hard, because they will need to use everything they have on you, and even that might not be enough.

But like before, %

If the enemy team has no %


Once you hit level 15 you can have your passive


Not a whole lot to say here, just a few interactions to point out. If you have healing reduction you, the Q


The first 0.75 seconds store 80-95% of the damage you take, so try to time your W

IMORTANT DETAIL: If you are low


This will reset your auto attack timer, so make sure you always auto attack first and then use E


This is the ability that makes


Tier 2 boot upgrades:

Tier 3 boot upgrades:

The reason you want to always do
Titanic Hydra before
Overlord's Bloodmail is because
Titanic Hydra ALWAYS outdamages
Overlord's Bloodmail. I actually made a video to showcase this:
You can see that even at literally full build, having
Titanic Hydra is going to give you more dps almost always, you need to get the full value of being low health on
Overlord's Bloodmail for it to BARELY deal more damage, and that doesn't account for the fact that
Titanic Hydra has an AOE effect and an active that deals even more damage, and that also resets your auto attack timer, enabling you to do even higher damage. Even though it shows you have more AD with Overlord's
Titanic Hydra also has an effect that gives you more damage, just not AD. It makes your basic attacks deal % max
health damage, but because
Dr. Mundo has no AD scalings and only deals damage through his auto attacks and E
, it acts exactly like actually gaining AD.

You can see that even at literally full build, having

Grasp of the Undying: You are running this keystone 99.9% of the timme. It is the most consistent rune for
Dr. Mundo. Not much to say about it, it's just the keystone rune that fist him best in almost every situation.
Phase Rush: This is an extremely matchup specific rune. You use it into champions like
Tryndamere and
Olaf, where if you get slowed by them you just straight up die as you have no way to pry them off you, so you use
Phase Rush to run away.
Unsealed Spellbook: This rune is taken into matchups where both
Phase Rush and Grasp
and unusable, basically when you would get anihilated if you walked up to proc Grasp
but also where the speed from
Phase Rush doesn't help, so matchups such as
Varus etc.
Triumph: It can be okay to take if you want to, it's actually really good in the late game for the healing.
Legend: Alacrity: You can take either this or
Legend: Bloodline.
Legend: Bloodline:
Dr. Mundo can actually use the
lifesteal rather well due to the high amount of AD he gets.
Last Stand: The best one out of the 3 from its respective space.
Taste of Blood: Decent sustain tool due to the fact that you gain more healing because your E
gives you more AD and you can proc it through minions.
Deep Ward: Best one from its respective space generally.
Ultimate Hunter:
Dr. Mundo needs his ultimate
to function later on into the game on every single fight, so the reduction from this helps quite a bit.
Nimbus Cloak: Generally good rune.
Axiom Arcanist: It works with your ultimate
to increase the healing you gain, and it can work quite well. You can get very good value out of it.
Dr. Mundo likes to gain
Ability Haste for his ultimate
so this works rather well for that.
Celerity: It buffs up your
Phase Rush speed and your ultimate
speed, so it can be okay.
Gathering Storm: The only usable rune in its respective slot for
Dr. Mundo.
Demolish: Best rune in its slot by far, the push power is massive.
Conditioning: More scaling as you get into the mid game, but the
Second Wind healing is usually needed for the laning phase.
Second Wind: Best rune in its respective space for sustaining in the lane. It also heals more when you get
Spirit Visage.
Overgrowth: Best rune to take on that slot, the other ones never.
Magical Footwear: Usually you will take this on the secondary rune page, they feel good for
Dr. Mundo.
Cash back: When taking
Unsealed Spellbook you might take
Cash Back over
Magical Footwear to try and cheat out as much gold as you can because you're already gonna get destroyed if you need to take Spellbook
as your keystone.
Triple Tonic: The extra skill point isn't that great for
Dr. Mundo but it can be decent. The second pot is also basically completely useless and it won't allow you to win a 1v1 with the increased AD.
Biscuit Delivery: I actually take this quite a bit because the sustain helps out a lot at first in lanes where they will constantly poke you down. Use them when you are low to gain some good value from them, and if you combine them with your ultimate
, you will surprise your opponent due to the amount of
health you gain.
Approach Velocity: Best rune for
Dr. Mundo in it's respective space, you also generally take it on your secondary runes alongside
Magical Footwear.
Cosmic Insight: You take this over
Approach Velocity when your keystone rune is
Unsealed Spellbook as the lower
Teleport cooldown comes in handy very well.


+Decently safe lane as he can farm from afar with Q
+Good poke due to his Q and E
+Extremely tanky going into the mid game
+Forces enemies to buy heal reduction just for him
+Close to immortal when you get to the late game
+Is a monster at taking down turrets
+Mixed damage that doesn't fully fall off later on
+Can be permanently cc immune late game if the enemies don't walk over his passive canister
+Can soak up a lot of pressure in the late game, you basically need 3/4 people on him at all times to kill him
+Good poke due to his Q and E
+Extremely tanky going into the mid game
+Forces enemies to buy heal reduction just for him
+Close to immortal when you get to the late game
+Is a monster at taking down turrets
+Mixed damage that doesn't fully fall off later on
+Can be permanently cc immune late game if the enemies don't walk over his passive canister
+Can soak up a lot of pressure in the late game, you basically need 3/4 people on him at all times to kill him
-Absolutely no early game pressure, you're never getting priority
-If he gets hard counterpicked he's completely useless and can do close to nothing
-% health damage will always murder him even in the late game, he gets shredded by it
-Has no hard cc, he only has his Q slow
-Gets outscaled in some matchups but also doesn't bully them in lane
-Has no peel, if an assassin jumps on a squishy the best he can do is throw a slow
-If he gets hard counterpicked he's completely useless and can do close to nothing
-% health damage will always murder him even in the late game, he gets shredded by it
-Has no hard cc, he only has his Q slow
-Gets outscaled in some matchups but also doesn't bully them in lane
-Has no peel, if an assassin jumps on a squishy the best he can do is throw a slow
This is a video I made going in depth on the matchup between
Dr. Mundo and
Camille. In my eyes I am of the opinion that
Dr. Mundo actually COUNTERS
Camille and not the way around. Hopefully the video does a good job of explaining why I think that is the case and how you can win the matchup more reliably:

If you liked this guide, perhaps you would like to check out some of my other ones as well. As I make more guides for more champions this list will be updated to contain all of them. Simply click on the words below the champion portrait and it will take you to the respective guide.

Volibear Top Guide

Darius Top Guide

Olaf Top Guide

Garen Top Guide

Mordekaiser Top Guide

Udyr Top Guide
Here there will be a list of all the significant changes I am going to make going forward on the guide, so you can look here to see what the newest updates are, or old ones:
24th January 2025:
- added
Axiom Arcanist as a possible rune to take
Patch 25.S1.1
17th January 2025:
- changed
Sterak's Gage to
Unending Despair in the standard build
Warmog's Armor can no longer be taken as the 1st item on
Dr. Mundo
- added tier 3 boots to the items section
- added tier 2 and tier 3 boots to the all final items explained guide chapter after all the legendary items
Eyeball Collection has been removed, so the new rune
Deep Ward has been placed in its place as a possible rune you can take
- removed
Nullifying Orb as a rune you can take on
Dr. Mundo as it has been removed from the game
7th December 2024:
- added
Udyr to the other guides chapter
Patch 14.22
9th November 2024:
- added the link to the matchup spreadsheet as it has been completed
- added
Chempunk Chainsword and
Mortal Reminder as possible item choices
Patch 14.20
9th October 2024:
- added
Mordekaiser to the other guides chapter
Patch 14.19
5th October 2024:
- added other guides chapter
- added table of contents
25th September 2024:
- added some visual flair and coloring to every guide chapter section exept pros and cons, no need for those
Update Log
Season 15
Patch 25.S1.224th January 2025:
- added

Patch 25.S1.1
17th January 2025:
- changed


- added tier 3 boots to the items section
- added tier 2 and tier 3 boots to the all final items explained guide chapter after all the legendary items

- removed

Season 14
Patch 14.237th December 2024:
- added

Patch 14.22
9th November 2024:
- added the link to the matchup spreadsheet as it has been completed
- added

Patch 14.20
9th October 2024:
- added

Patch 14.19
5th October 2024:
- added other guides chapter
- added table of contents
25th September 2024:
- added some visual flair and coloring to every guide chapter section exept pros and cons, no need for those
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