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Aatrox Build Guide by forlid

Top [25.S1.3] Fundamentals Of Aatrox // Diamond Guide [Remastered]

Top [25.S1.3] Fundamentals Of Aatrox // Diamond Guide [Remastered]

Updated on February 6, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author forlid Build Guide By forlid 66 3 244,950 Views 4 Comments
66 3 244,950 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author forlid Aatrox Build Guide By forlid Updated on February 6, 2025
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Runes: Conqueror // Most Matchups

1 2 3 4
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.3] Fundamentals Of Aatrox // Diamond Guide [Remastered]

By forlid

Hello everyone! I'm forlid, and I'm the creator of this Aatrox guide.

I began my journey on League in EUNE almost three years ago and focused a lot on Draft Pick with my friends, playing a plethora of different champions and roles, really just trying everything out. I eventually climbed to low Emerald a bit over a year ago and, as the split changed, also switched to EUW. Here I climbed up to Diamond II quite quickly but also started to feel a bit bored and started to create guides for some of my most played champions, Aatrox included. Later on, while I didn't exactly one trick him, I thought of him as my most solid pick on top lane and started to play him more and more.

This guide was created as the result of my experiences with Aatrox in Diamond and is still a work in progress, but I'll keep updating it as time goes on.

About Aatrox

Aatrox is one of the most popular toplaners and his playstyle mainly revolves around his omnivamp and combos. While he is not the most difficult champion when taken at face value, the skill ceiling of Aatrox is comparable to the more difficult champions in League overall. Aatrox excels in duels as well as teamfights but struggles with weaker scaling and gets easily countered by armor and grievous wounds.


+ Fun and immersive gameplay

+ Satisfying combos

+ Can be flexed to Mid and Jungle

+ Strong blind pick

+ Playable against ranged

+ Very valuable in teamfights

+ No mana costs


- Weaker scaling compared to others

- Easily countered with items

- Laning requires a lot of knowledge

- Very telegraphed kit

About Abilities

Passive Deathbringer Stance

Periodically, Aatrox's next basic attack deals bonus physical damage and heals him, based on the target's max health.

Aatrox's passive is a very powerful tool as it increases his auto attack range and deals a lot of damage for a basic attack. The cooldown of this ability is based on how many times you're able to hit your The Darkin Blade's sweet spots as well as auto attacks, as they both lower the cooldown for Deathbringer Stance. The cooldown for this ability gets gradually lower the more levels you gain and is eventually active pretty much every other second. Keep in mind that enemies will notice when you gain your passive based on a certain sound as well as how Aatrox positons his blade in a horizontal line.

Q The Darkin Blade

Aatrox slams his greatsword, dealing 10/25/40/55/70 physical damage. If they are hit on the edge, they are briefly Knocked Up and they take 16/40/64/88/112 instead. This Ability can be Recast twice, each one changing shape and dealing 25% more damage than the previous one.

Easily Aatrox's most imporant ability, The Darkin Blade is where your damage resides and it is extremely important that you master this ability. Whereas the inside of this ability does quite bad damage, the sweet spots are where you should always aim. To ease this you're allowed to dash with Umbral Dash while casting The Darkin Blade in every direction. This is how you'll be catching all of your foes who try to escape. Keep in mind that this ability is quite bad until level 4 where your second point in Q becomes available. The Darkin Blade has an extremely long cooldown early but it's reduced as long as you don't recast it after poking with it. This ability has three forms: the first cast makes a straight line and is used mostly as an engage tool as it has the longest reach; the sweet spot resides at the very tip of the blade. The second cast makes a huge horizontal line with the longest reach in both of its corners; the sweet spot resides in the very end of the blade with the entire line being the sweet spot. The third cast has Aatrox slamming his greatsword down in a circle with the sweet spot in its center.

W Infernal Chains

Aatrox fires a chain, Slowing the first enemy hit by 25/27,5/30/32,5/35% for 1.5 seconds and dealing 30/40/50/60/70 magic damage. Champions and large jungle monsters have 1.5 seconds to leave the impact area or be Pulled back to the center and damaged again for the same amount.

Infernal Chains is a pivotal part of your kit although far from the most useful. The main usage of this ability comes from comboing it alongside The Darkin Blade for an easier combo. This ability is widely known to be extremely inconsistent as its CC is very unreliable on its own. You can combo Umbral Dash alongside this ability for an easier hit and you can also last hit minions with it as it deals double damage to them. Enemies will often try to run to the side of the CC area in order to escape, so try to hit your Q1 or Q2 while they're escaping. This usually ends up in a huge trade in your favour.

E Umbral Dash

Passive: Aatrox heals for 16% (+0.9% per bonus health) of post-mitigation damage he deals against Champions.
Active: Aatrox dashes. He can use this Ability while winding up his other Abilities.

Aatrox's E is all of your mobility alongside World Ender's move speed boost, so use it effectively. You'll mostly be using this to catch opponents with The Darkin Blade or when you need to disengage. While the dash itself is pretty short ranged, it can pass through surprisingly tight walls such as raptors. Try to play around with it and learn where you can slip and where you can't. Umbral Dash pays another huge role in your kit as it's your main source of sustain. The amount of healing (percentage-wise) depends on the amount of bonus HP, but since the damage is post-mitigated, more damage overall will increase the healing. This means that lethality builds are still viable since you'll be building more damage overall, but the best outcome results from a fusion of both bruiser items and high AD items.

R World Ender

Aatrox reveals his true demonic form, Fearing nearby minions for 3 seconds and gaining 60/80/100% Move Speed decaying by 10% every 0.26 seconds. He also gains 20/30/40% bonus Attack Damage and increases self-healing by 50/75/100% for the duration. Champion takedowns extend the duration of this effect by 5 seconds and refresh the Movement Speed effect.

Aatrox's ultimate World Ender is where your damage gets boosted to the skies. It makes catching opponents much easier and makes your sustain one of the best in the game. Alongside giving you terrific AD it also gives you an insane disengage tool should the need arise for you to do so. Don't overlook the self-healing as it increases your regeneration as well as makes plants give you more HP. Don't always just insta ult when you see a target, rather try to observe and wait for the correct opportunity. In teamfights its also not always the call to instantly ult as you want to use it so that you're able to extend its duration. Now of course you'll use it if you're in a sticky situation, but IN GENERAL its not always best to just use all of your damage without a good reason. Enemies might just disengage as they recognize the danger you pose.

About Runes

Main Runes: Precision


Simply the best keystone for Aatrox. Conqueror allows us to fight for extended durations and the damage increase serves as an extra source of sustain since more damage equals more healing. Conqueror should always be your choice of rune unless you're facing someone who's extremely difficult to catch and who's ranged, such as Vayne or Quinn.


This slot is moreso just too one-sided due to Triumph heavily outvaluing both Presence of Mind and Absorb Life. Triumph is very valuable in teamfights and especially in 1v2 situations as the heal from a takedown might let you live or even turn the tide of a fight. You should also consider Triumph as a tower dive rune as the heal can possibly leave you alive after a successful dive: Aatrox is one of the best divers in the game due to the sustain he gains from a kill.

Legend: Alacrity OR Legend: Haste

This choice relies on whether or not you think you'll need the extra haste later on. I'm currently running Legend: Alacrity on most of my games as I think Aatrox doesn't need the extra haste. He gets enough from most of items to render the rune itself mostly useless. Alacrity also helps with your passive Deathbringer Stance as more auto attacks lower the cooldown of your empowered attack. Consider going Alacrity into matchups where you can get more auto attacks off. These include low mobility champions such as Malphite, Sion, Nasus and Dr. Mundo.

Last Stand

Since you'll mostly be committing into a kill, more often than not you'll find yourself quite low as the fight goes on. Last Stand allows you to deal more damage the lower you are so it's perfect for extended fights.

Secondary Runes: Resolve

Bone Plating

A very solid rune best taken into melee matchups where the enemy is unable to poke you without fully engaging. Think about someone like Darius: he has nothing on you unless you walk into his Q Decimate. Be wary of some melee matchups as the rune can easily be poked down. These include champions such as Volibear who can poke it through his passive The Relentless Storm and Yone who can just use his W Spirit Cleave on you.

Second Wind

Serves as an excellent anti-poke rune due to its healing through taken damage. Pairing Second Wind alongside Doran's Shield makes up for some insane healing and makes ranged lanes somewhat playable. Second Wind is also an excellent rune even in some melee matchups where Bone Plating isn't as useful and where the enemy can constantly poke you.


An excellent rune choice for Aatrox as it allows for more healing. The shield part shouldn't also be ignored as it effectively increases Sterak's Gage shielding as well. If you're unsure what to go, Revitalize should always be your choice as it's really powerful with both bruiser and lethality.

Alternative Main Runes: Sorcery

Arcane Comet

The sole reason this rune page is even viable on Aatrox. The poke from Arcane Comet leaves most ranged champions in a negative trade should they try to poke with you as the damage is guaranteed should you hit your sweet spots from The Darkin Blade. Consider going this only if the enemy laner has a lot of mobility AND is ranged. Otherwise Conqueror is way superior.

Nimbus Cloak

Contrary to popular belief Axiom Arcanist is actually completely useless on Aatrox since his R only gives STATS, not actual damage unlike something such as Requiem. Nimbus Cloak is superior as it gives you some movement speed after casting a summoner spell.


Synergizes well with your R World Ender and also boosts movement from various things such as Scuttle Crab and Cloud Dragon.


A really good rune for poke as the burn damage is actually very viable. Another contender here would be Gathering Storm but seeing as Aatrox isn't the best scaling champion, the extra AD won't most likely make a huge difference.

About Summoner Spells


Serves a very imporant role in your combos. Use it alongside The Darkin Blade to catch or finish off low HP opponents. Keep in mind that your combo is very easily predicted so try to bait their movement out before committing. The obvious usage of Flash is of course also disengaging and dodging out important abilities.


Teleport is very useful in top where the walk to lane is extremely long. It also allows you to split later on and join teamfights should they break out. The difference in power between Teleport and Ignite has narrowed quite significantly, but I still prefer the former in top lane.


More kill pressure compared to Teleport but also suffers from worse lane pressure and encourages fighting moreso than splitpushing. With Teleport deaths in lane aren't as bad as with Ignite, so it's really up to your playstyle. I personally think Teleport is still superior despite the nerfs in Season 15.

I don't really recommend picking any other Summoner Spells other than these three as they're not as valuable on Aatrox. Exhaust should never be taken on top and Cleanse is useless after Sterak's Gage.

Humble Beginnings


Aatrox is notorious as one of the weakest early game champions and has next to no real pressure against most other top laners until level 4. Thus, you should focus on farming and keeping up with your laner rather than directly threatening them. Of course there are exceptions to this rule but IN GENERAL you would do well to respect your opponent unless you're sure that they can't mess up your laning.


• Respect the strength of your opponent

• Focus on farming; don't engage if there's a chance you'll miss XP

• Learn to space well: champions such as Darius or Sett can and will punish you hard if you don't pay attention to their footing


• Avoid taking high-risk trades early, as you'll want to save your HP for your powerspikes (levels 4 and 6)

• Conserve your abilities; they have extremely long cooldowns, so don't throw them around like so

• Observe your jungler - if you're weaksided, you should always avoid pushing the wave: ward the river as well

Early game is the most important part of League, since in most cases it determines the rest of the game. Reaching level 4 should always be your priority as your second point in The Darkin Blade increases its damage by a lot. Moreover by that time grubs also become an option, so look to take them with your jungler if they're topside and you have prio on your lane.

This Is My Peak


During mid game you'll see your biggest powerspike yet. Aatrox absolutely dominates in mid game and the correct play here would be to of course further your lead. If you're massively behind, then you should of course be farming, but otherwise your objectives remain the same: take whatever objectives are available and help your team if they require it. However, don't forget your own lane: some top laners can just keep split pushing even if they're massively behind, so keep track of your laner.


• Push sidelanes, as this'll create pressure

• Concentrate on objectives and try to take them as often as possible

• At this point in the game vision becomes an extremely powerful tool, so ward key points in the Rift


• Avoid taking fights you're unsure about

• Never walk into enemy territory without certainty

• Don't give your enemies free towers, and avoid letting them pushing for free

During mid game you'll generally speaking not going to be laning and will rather join your team. Your most important role as Aatrox is, depending on your build, killing the enemy carry or being a draintank for your team. Either way, as a top laner, in most situations your team will expect you to engage, and so the shotcalling lies in your hands.

The Fall Off


At this point in the game you'll be fighting for two things: Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon, both of which are the deciding factors when ending a game. Your main objective as Aatrox in late game is to peel your carries and focus on deadlocking the enemy carry. Keep in mind that at this point Aatrox is really only useful with his R World Ender and that without it you will lose basically every single fight.


• Prioritize Baron Nashor and Elder Dragon, as they will decide the outcome of the game

• Play with your team

• Take careful initiates, so that your team can follow up


• Fight without your R

• Split; contradictory, but your splitpush power is kinda weak and you are more useful elsewhere

• DIE! If you die in late game you are out of combat for around a minute or so, which lets your team down into a huge disadvantage

There's not much else to say about late game than to just focus on objectives and teamfights. Your strengths here are your insane sustain and ability to soak up huge amounts of damage, but keep in mind that you are not unkillable. Aatrox is not the worst top laner in late game but he is far from the strongest. Learning his limits here will make a huge difference in games to come and will let you max out your effectiveness. Good luck on the Rift!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author forlid
forlid Aatrox Guide
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[25.S1.3] Fundamentals Of Aatrox // Diamond Guide [Remastered]

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