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Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
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Annoyin little rat, get mr and farm under turret, at first 4 lvls wait in brush then go when minion is low to cs. Wait Ganks, thats all you can do
I played Singed every season as my main Top Laner.
Singed is AP OFFTANK top laner, who is exceptionally good at pushing/splitpushing. His main form of dmg is DoT (Damage on Time). He can be peeler for carries.. If you are new to singed, try him. I can guarantee you at least fun, but also wins :D
+ Easy to play, hard to master + Hard to chase with Ghost, Insanity Potion Rylai's Crystal Scepter + Great farmer mid/late game + Great at pushing and splitpushing + Great for Top lane if you lack magic damage and tank + Can peel with Fling + Can push even if you are behind |
Great overall pick if you have AD mid and AD jungler, Singed does good vs champs that have hard time lasthitting under turret. Best Champion in league when it comes to fall back |
+ Hard to master + Has hard time farming vs ranged opponents + No dashes, easy to kite + Weak before lvl 4 + Fling costs lot of mana early |
Easily counterpicked by ranged Top but if he manages to get some farm he becomes pushing/splitpushing Master |
- Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: I really like this quins on singed, cause he is most chased champ in League. Logic is simple if you are faster then opponents they wont be able to get you, just to chase and get owned by your poison trail. :D
- Greater Mark of Magic Penetration: Singed does mostly magic dmg, Can be switched for hybrid penetration, ap or armor
- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: 5X Standard for tanks
- Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist: 4X Standard for tanks
- Greater Seal of Armor: Standard for tanks
Prefer Ghost over flash, ghost fits singed kit better. With 6.10 ghost on singed became even stronger. Pick it all the time.
Standard spell for Top laners in S6
Also good. Take it with some matchups where you have to flash to avoid Hard CC, like Jarvan or Yasuo.
Can be switched with Teleport for early game kill potential
Standard spell for Top laners in S6
Also good. Take it with some matchups where you have to flash to avoid Hard CC, like Jarvan or Yasuo.
Can be switched with Teleport for early game kill potential
Empowered Bulwark
// Increases Singed's health by .25 for each mana point he has.
// Free hp from mp. Reason why i like building tear of the goddness on Singed.
Poison Trail
// Singed leaves a trail of poison behind him that lasts for 3.25 seconds. Enemies caught in the path are poisoned for 2 seconds and dealt magic damage each second for the duration. Continual exposure renews the poison.
// Max first. Your main form of dmg. Singed leaves trail that puts poisoned DoT on enemies. Spell that make Singed Singed. That is why you never chase singed. Your main form of dmg. Use it for farming, when they chase you,when fighting... It is Toggle Spell so pay attention to your mana
Mega Adhesive
// Singed covers the target area in a potent adhesive for 5 seconds, Slow icon slowing all enemies within for the duration.
// Slows in area, but if you Fling (E) them into Mega Adhesive (W) they will be rooted. I like to take first point of this at lvl 8/9.
// Singed flings the target enemy over his shoulder, dealing them magic damage that is capped against minions and monsters. If the target lands onto his Mega Adhesive, they are temporarily rooted.
// Singed flings enemies over him. If he flings them into W they will be rooted. Simple spell, but have much uses. You can use it for getting away from gank, for isolating carries, for dmg, for setting up ganks... Max this second, after Poison Trail
Insanity Potion
// Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting himself ability power, bonus armor, magic resistance, movement speed, health regeneration and mana regeneration for 25 seconds.
// Simple spell, after using gives you stats boosts for 25 seconds. Use it when fighting, when running (gives MS boost), when chasing (gives MS boost)...
// Increases Singed's health by .25 for each mana point he has.
// Free hp from mp. Reason why i like building tear of the goddness on Singed.
Poison Trail
// Singed leaves a trail of poison behind him that lasts for 3.25 seconds. Enemies caught in the path are poisoned for 2 seconds and dealt magic damage each second for the duration. Continual exposure renews the poison.
// Max first. Your main form of dmg. Singed leaves trail that puts poisoned DoT on enemies. Spell that make Singed Singed. That is why you never chase singed. Your main form of dmg. Use it for farming, when they chase you,when fighting... It is Toggle Spell so pay attention to your mana
Mega Adhesive
// Singed covers the target area in a potent adhesive for 5 seconds, Slow icon slowing all enemies within for the duration.
// Slows in area, but if you Fling (E) them into Mega Adhesive (W) they will be rooted. I like to take first point of this at lvl 8/9.
// Singed flings the target enemy over his shoulder, dealing them magic damage that is capped against minions and monsters. If the target lands onto his Mega Adhesive, they are temporarily rooted.
// Singed flings enemies over him. If he flings them into W they will be rooted. Simple spell, but have much uses. You can use it for getting away from gank, for isolating carries, for dmg, for setting up ganks... Max this second, after Poison Trail
Insanity Potion
// Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting himself ability power, bonus armor, magic resistance, movement speed, health regeneration and mana regeneration for 25 seconds.
// Simple spell, after using gives you stats boosts for 25 seconds. Use it when fighting, when running (gives MS boost), when chasing (gives MS boost)...
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