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Anivia Build Guide by Dragonplayz

Middle Anivia Guide - All about the Cryophoenix (Not finished)

Middle Anivia Guide - All about the Cryophoenix (Not finished)

Updated on March 26, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dragonplayz Build Guide By Dragonplayz 4,413 Views 0 Comments
4,413 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dragonplayz Anivia Build Guide By Dragonplayz Updated on March 26, 2021
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Runes: Mid Anivia - All round build

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mid Lane Anivia 1- For Creating Kill Pressure
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Starting items
Mid - Dorans Ring > Tear unless you are either bad at csing or want to get seraphs embrace early
Mid - Good against tough matchups and for mana sustain
Mid - Take this if you have a lot of kill pressure over your opponent

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Anivia Guide - All about the Cryophoenix (Not finished)

By Dragonplayz
Welcome to my guide about everything and anything Anivia. If you are looking for a specialized guide on only one particular Anivia role you have come to the wrong place. But if you are looking for a guide on everything Anivia then you are in the right place.

Hello I am Dragonplayz, also known as Sparkletinkercat. I love playing Anivia and I also love math so I decided I wanted to make my own guide for others to use and enjoy.

Keep in mind that this guide is not finished yet so come back later :)


What does this guide cover?-

This guide will cover both the meta builds and the off meta builds (for fun).

  • Support Anivia
  • Mid Lane Anivia
  • ARAM Anivia
and drumroll please!

...Jungle Anivia!

This guide also covers the following topics-

  • Runes and why and why you shouldn't build them
  • Tricks and tips for Anivia
  • Anivia Damage Calculations (Optional extra for those who want it)
  • And more......

Runes - Why or Why not?
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We all just love a good debate on runes, so lets start off the chapter with explaining what each rune does and why you would build it on Anivia or perhaps....Why not?
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Empowered Abilities and Resource manipulation.
This tree is centered around ability damage and utility making it good on Anivia.

Summon Aery

What does Summon Aery do?

Damaging an enemy champion signals Aery to dash to them, dealing 10 - 40 (based on level) (+10%) (+15% Bonus) Adaptive damage.

Abilities targeted at allied champions signal Aery to dash to them, shielding them for 35 - 80 (based on level) (+25%) (+40% Bonus).

Aery lingers on the target for 2 second before flying back to you, and cannot be sent out again until she returns to you. Aery is initially very slow, but gradually accelerates, and can be picked up by moving near her.

Why would you take Summon Aery on Anivia?

Normally Arcane Comet or any other rune is a better option to go for compared to summon aery as it doesn't output quite as much damage as the other keystones.
But it can be useful if you want the extra poke without giving your opponent the opportunity to dodge.
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Why would you not want to take Summon Aery on Anivia?

Anivia doesn't have a built in shield for her kit so half of Aery's rune is useless to her and the scaling on the rune compared to Arcane comet is worse.
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Arcane Comet

What does Arcane Comet do?

Damaging a champion with an ability hurls a comet at their location dealing 30 - 100 (based on level) (Adaptive ratio: +35% of Bonus Attack Damage or +20% of Ability Power) adaptive damage.

If Arcane Comet is on cooldown, damaging a champion with an ability reduces its cooldown (cannot occur more frequently than once every 0.5 second) as follows:

Single target spells: 20%
Area of effect and multi target spells: 10% per enemy hit
Damage over time: 5%
20 - 8 seconds Cooldown (based on level).

Why would you take Arcane Comet on Anivia?

You would take Arcane Comet if you can easily hit Q on your lane opponent and stun them to guarantee that you get that extra damage from arcane comet.

Arcane Comet is good for poke but not as great for burst damage as there is a delay before it hits and it is not guaranteed without your stun.
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Why would you not want to take Arcane Comet on Anivia?

If you cannot land a stun on your opponent (your opponent is super mobile) you are better off taking either phase rush or summon aery or going for another tree as missing arcane comet will reduce the amount of damage you can output per second and you would be better off taking any other keystone.
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Phase Rush

What does Phase Rush do?

Hitting an enemy champion with 3 attacks or separate abilities within 4 seconds grants 25 - 40% Movement Speed (40 - 60% for melee champions) and 75% Slow Resistance for 3 seconds.

15 seconds cooldown.

Why would you take Phase Rush on Anivia?

Phase rush works well on Anivia, especially for escaping ganks or your lane opponent. It allows for greater flexibility in team fights allowing Anivia to reposition herself quicker to avoid damage. It can even allow anivia to chase down fleeing opponents to wall them off or finish them off. Overall a great rune but not without it's weaknesses.
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Why would you not want to take Phase Rush on Anivia?

You wouldn't want to take it when your damage is more important than your mobility as the trade off for taking this rune over others is the loss in damage, possibly reducing your kill pressure against certain opponents.
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Nullifying Orb

What does Nullifying Orb do?

When you take magic damage that would reduce your health below 30%, gain a shield that absorbs 40 - 120 (based on level) (+10%) (+15% Bonus) for 4 seconds.

60 seconds cooldown.

Why would you take Nullifying Orb on Anivia?

You would take this rune when versing a magic damage champion with a lot of burst to increase your chances of surviving. Its best to take it when against a AP heavy team composition.
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Why would you not want to take Nullifying Orb on Anivia?

Because you would miss out on manaflow band or nimbus cloak and they happen to be the better option for that game or because you are versing a champion who can build either AP or AD.
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Manaflow Band

What does Manaflow Band do?

Hitting enemy champions with a spell grants 25 maximum Mana, up to 250 Mana.

Upon earning 250 Mana, Manaflow Band restores 1% of your missing Mana every 5 seconds.

15 seconds cooldown

Why would you take Manaflow Band on Anivia?

You would take manaflow band if you need the extra mana regen and have no other mana regen options (presence of mind, seraphs embrace or blue buff) or need a large pool of mana. It is generally easily stacked, requiring 10 hits of Anivia's spells to fully stack and is great early on for mana sustain.
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Why would you not want to take Manaflow Band on Anivia?

When you don't need the extra mana regen or nullifying orb/nimbus cloak are better options or when you have access to blue (either your jungler says you can take it or they are playing ivern)

Us Anivia mains really appreciate it when we are given blue buff :)
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Nimbus Cloak

What does Nimbus Cloak do?

Casting a summoner spell grants the ability to pass through units and provides a bonus of 5 - 35% movement speed (based on summoner spell cooldown) for 2 seconds.

Cooldown: 60 seconds, reduced by Cooldown Reduction.

Hexflash, Smite, Zoe's Spell Thief, ARAM's Mark: 15% movement speed
Heal, Ignite, Cleanse, Exhaust, Ghost, Barrier: 25% movement speed
Flash, Teleport: 35% movement speed

Why would you take Nimbus Cloak on Anivia?

Nimbus Cloak does not offer anivia much compared to the other runes, except for jungle anivia who benefits from being able to use the extra movement speed for kiting jungle camps, opponents or for just escaping or ganking. Anivia doesn't need manaflow when jungling as she has access to blue buff so the only other option would be nullifying orb which would only work well against and AP jungler or a laner meaning for jungle anivia nimbus cloak is the best option.

In lane it can be used to have an easier getaway but the cooldown is just so long it would be more beneficial to take either of the other options.
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Why would you not want to take Nimbus Cloak on Anivia?

It has a long cooldown if anivia is not using smite and the 2 seconds boost in speed is not very great on anivia as after that 2 seconds is up most other champions will outrun her.
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What does Transcendence do?

Gain bonuses upon reaching the following levels:

Level 5: 5 ability haste.
Level 8: 5 ability haste.
Level 11: On champion takedowns, reduce the remaining cooldown of your basic abilities by 20%.

Why would you take Transcendence on Anivia?

This rune offers great scaling potential doing and extra 10 * 0.098 = 0.98 extra damage per AP at level 8 over 10 seconds. This may not seem like much but this adds up over time.
Doing approximately 98 extra damage over 10 seconds for 100 AP + offering more utility? Its a nice buff especially with the reduction of Anivia's basic abilities cooldowns on takedowns, giving a nice bit of added safety.

Its great on Support anivia as the safety this rune supplies with the cooldown reduction on anivias wall and stun can help your laner out more often.
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Why would you not want to take Transcendence on Anivia?

When you cannot guarantee a late game or when you need to win lane in the early game to win, as this rune won't come online until level 5 and even then it comes nowhere close to absolute focuses 311.25 damage over 10 seconds if you can stay above 70% hp.
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What does Celerity do?

All movement bonuses are 7% more effective on you and you have 1% additional Movement Speed.

Why would you take Celerity on Anivia?

When you need the extra movement speed for roaming or need it to dodge certain abilities or catch fleeing champions and your team composition allows for it or you have runes like water walking which synergize with its passive well.
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Why would you not want to take Celerity on Anivia?

When having the extra damage or utility is important for winning trades and is of greater benefit than having the extra movement speed or you have a team composition which doesn't benefit you using the rune (aka no yuumi...). Or if you don't have the right runes to allow for Celerity to be the best it possibly can be and its providing minimal gain.
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Absolute Focus

What does Absolute Focus do?

While above 70% health, gain an Adaptive bonus of 1.8 - 18 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 3 - 30 (based on level) Ability Power.

Why would you take Absolute Focus on Anivia?

It gives you a large amount of AP around 12 extra damage at level 1 and up to 311.25 damage at max level over 10 seconds not including the added damage from Ability Haste. Its great if you need the extra damage early and later on. So just a generally great rune if you have no idea what else to go for.
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Why would you not want to take Absolute Focus on Anivia?

If you want the extra utility from Transcendence and don't need the extra damage to one shot, (Playing support anivia) or you need the extra movement speed from Celerity.
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What does Scorch do?

Your next ability hit sets champions on fire dealing 15 - 35 (based on level) bonus magic damage after 1 second.

10 seconds cooldown.

Why would you take Scorch on Anivia?

There are not many reasons why you would want to take scorch on anivia except for early laning phase, but even then this rune doesn't offer you much. This helps you poke down your enemy early on to try and get that surprise damage off and pick up some kills.
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Why would you not want to take Scorch on Anivia?

Gathering storm at 10 minutes offers 8 * 10.375 = 83 magic damage over 10 seconds compared to scorches maximum of 35 damage over 10 seconds. This is a massive difference and it means scorch is worthless after ten minutes and this isn't even counting ability haste.

Just.... don't take scorch please....
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What does Waterwalking do?

Gain 25 bonus movement speed and an Adaptive bonus of 3 - 18 (based on level) bonus Attack Damage or 5 - 30 (based on level) Ability Power when in the river.

Why would you take Waterwalking on Anivia?

Its really great for giving anivia a good damage boost in the river, for either roaming or dragon/baron fights. For this reason it works best on jungle anivia for those river skirmishes. The boost to anivias speed allows her to take those early roams to bot or top lane to get some kills. It also gets a boost from Celerity if you are running it.
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Why would you not want to take Waterwalking on Anivia?

When you won't be roaming much, this rune is useless if you are not in the river so it's normally better to take any other rune.
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Gathering Storm

What does Gathering Storm do?

Every 10 minutes, gain 1 (+1 per 10 Minutes) stacks of Gathering Storm. Each stack grants an Adaptive bonus of 8 ability power or 4.6 attack damage.

10 min: + 8 AP or 5 AD
20 min: + 24 AP or 14 AD
30 min: + 48 AP or 29 AD
40 min: + 80 AP or 48 AD
50 min: + 120 AP or 72 AD
60 min: + 168 AP or 101 AD

Why would you take Gathering Storm on Anivia?

If the game is going to end up being a long game as this rune is devastating late game especially if you have Rabadon's Deathcap. Its a good rune to take out of the other options since it gives anivia extreme damage late game.
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Why would you not want to take Gathering Storm on Anivia?

When you need to have the early game in order to win, Gathering Storm on comes on at 10 mins so if you lose horribly before then it's not going to help you out very much. The average game length for league is 35 mins meaning you are often not going to get that insane AP from the rune.
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Improved attacks and sustained damage.
This tree has some nice runes making it a great secondary tree on Anivia.
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Press the Attack

What does Press the Attack do?

Hitting an enemy champion with 3 consecutive basic attacks deals 40 - 180 (based on level) bonus Adaptive damage and makes them Vulnerable, increasing the damage they take by 8 - 12% (based on level) from all sources for 6 seconds (The increased damage starts after the damage from the attack that applies it).

While being Vulnerable, targets can not suffer further stacks from Press the Attack.

Attacking a new target removes all stacks from the previous target.

Why would you take Press the Attack on Anivia?

When you will benefit from three of the runes on precision over all three runes from another tree and can capitalize on the vulnerability and can hit your laner 3x with auto attacks easily. This keystone has a lot of potential with Anivia's ult but anivia will struggle to proc it which is why it isn't really used.
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Why would you not want to take Press the Attack on Anivia?

Unfortunately Anivia is just too slow to make use of this keystone early game and struggles to do it late game as well without either her stun or ult. And since her cooldowns take a while she is going to struggle to capitalize on the enemies vulnerability.
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Lethal Tempo

What does Lethal Tempo do?

Damaging an enemy champion begins a 1.5 second timer. Upon completion, you gain 40% - 110% (based on level) attack speed as well as removing the attack speed cap for 3 seconds. Attacking a champion while the effect is active will extend the duration to 6 seconds.

6 seconds cooldown.

Why would you take Lethal Tempo on Anivia?

If you were building off meta AD anivia because why not?
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Why would you not want to take Lethal Tempo on Anivia?

Anivia is a mage with abilities that scale with AP, she doesn't build AD so attack speeds effectiveness is cut significantly.
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Fleet Footwork

What does Fleet Footwork do?

Attacking and moving builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack is Energized.

Energized attacks heal you for 3 - 60 (based on level) (Adaptive ratio: +30% of Bonus Attack Damage or +30% of Ability Power) and grant +20% Movement Speed for 1 second.

On ranged champions, against minions, the healing is only 20% effective

Why would you take Fleet Footwork on Anivia?

It gives anivia some nice sustain and the bonus movement speed helps her to dodge skillshots. I think this keystone would be nice in specific matchups that have a lot of poke like xerath or even zoe as it allows anivia to stay in lane longer and avoid those attacks she otherwise would struggle to avoid. It's also good to take if you need all three runes in the tree.
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Why would you not want to take Fleet Footwork on Anivia?

It doesn’t offer any extra damage lowering anivia's kill pressure and most mages will not allow anivia to proc it for free.
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What does Conqueror do?

Damaging attacks and abilities grant 2-5 adaptive force (levels 1-18) for 6 seconds, stacking up to 12 times to a max of 24-60. At full stacks, you heal for 9% (6% for ranged) of your damage against champions. Melee champions gain 2 stacks per basic attack on-hit. Damage-over-time effects and ongoing sources of damage (ex. Yorick's Eulogy of the Isles.png Eulogy of the Isles) can grant one stack every 5 seconds

Why would you take Conqueror on Anivia?

It gives a good amount of sustain and sustained damage.
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Why would you not want to take Conqueror on Anivia?

Anivia is going to struggle to proc it meaning that its close to useless with other anivia runes offering more utility or damage.
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What does Overheal do?

Healing in excess of your maximum health is converted into a shield for an amount of up to 10 (+10% of Total Health). After 6 seconds, decays by 2.5% of the max shield value each second. Receiving healing, dealing or taking damage will refresh the shield duration to 6 seconds.

The rate of conversion is 20-100% (based on level) for healing from all sources.

Why would you take Overheal on Anivia?

Unless you are building omnivamp (aka tank anivia) you won’t get much shielding out of overheal except for maybe being in lane with potions or a support with healing or another rune.
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Why would you not want to take Overheal on Anivia?

Again it's hard for Anivia to proc it as she has no built in healing and it's unlikely that she is going to get over healed in a fight. And the other runes overshadow this rune for Anivia as well.
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What does Triumph do?

Champion takedowns restore 12% of your missing health and grants an additional 20 gold after a 1 second delay.

Why would you take Triumph on Anivia?

A pretty good rune that can help Anivia survive those team fights where she is likely to get kills. The extra gold is just a bonus allowing anivia to snowball is she's ahead.
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Why would you not want to take Triumph on Anivia?

Presence of mind is just that much better on anivia and anivia needs quite a lot of gold to snowball.
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Presence of Mind

What does Presence of Mind do?

Damaging an enemy champion increases your mana regeneration by 1.5 − 11 (based on level) mana per second, reduced to 80% effectiveness for ranged champions, for 4 seconds. When triggering this effect, energy users regenerate 1.5 energy per second, instead. Takedowns restore 15% of your maximum mana or 15% of your maximum energy.

Why would you take Presence of Mind on Anivia?

On a champ who eats up mana like candy, presence of mind is an amazing rune for her, giving her the ability to stay in fights for longer than she could otherwise. This rune overshadows the other two options a lot for the benefits it gives to anivia both early and late game.
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Why would you not want to take Presence of Mind on Anivia?

Honestly this one is hard, it’s just that good. Only reason I can think of is when you want to go biscuits for the sustain + mana or you want the benefits of a different rune tree over the mana regen.
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What does Alacrity do?

Gain 3% attack speed plus an additional 1.5% for every Legend stack (max 10 stacks) for a maximum of 18% attack speed.
Gain Legend stacks for every 20 points earned:
20 points for champion takedowns
20 points for epic monster takedowns
5 points for large monster kills
0.8 points for minion kills

Why would you take Alacrity on Anivia?

If you are building off meta AD anivia (not recommended)
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Why would you not want to take Alacrity on Anivia?

Let’s see……
Anivia doesn’t build AD so attack speed is pretty useless on her
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What does Tenacity do?

Gain 5% tenacity plus an additional 2.5% for every Legend stack (max 10 stacks) for a maximum of 30% tenacity.
Gain Legend stacks for every 20 points earned:
20 points for champion takedowns
20 points for epic monster takedowns
5 points for large monster kills
0.8 points for minion kills

Why would you take Tenacity on Anivia?

A great rune if you are against a CC heavy team or a laner who has a CC heavy kit or relies on the CC like zoe.
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Why would you not want to take Tenacity on Anivia?

If you can easily dodge the CC and it doesn’t threaten you that much or the opposing team has little cc in their kit.
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What does Bloodline do?

Gain 0.6% life steal for every Legend stack (max 15 stacks) for a maximum of 9% life steal.
Gain Legend stacks for every 20 points earned:
20 points for champion takedowns
20 points for epic monster takedowns
5 points for large monster kills
0.8 points for minion kills

Why would you take Bloodline on Anivia?

If you need the extra sustain against poke.
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Why would you not want to take Bloodline on Anivia?

Lifesteal isn’t too great on anivia since she doesn’t build attack speed or AD so it will be one of those runes you would never pick up.
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Coup de Grace

What does Coup de Grace do?

Deal 8% more damage to champions who have less than 40% health. This does not apply to true damage.

Why would you take Coup de Grace on Anivia?

It’s a good rune on anivia because it doesn’t just affect a singular target but multiple making situations where low health enemies get stuck in your ult devastating to them. Also works well early game in lane and is a good all round rune.
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Why would you not want to take Coup de Grace on Anivia?

When you need the sustain or utility over the damage. It will be better in some cases to take tenacity for example as the cc time reduction will help anivia more than the damage.
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Cut Down

What does Cut Down do?

Deal 5% more damage to champions with 150 more max health than you, increasing to 15% with 10%-100% more max health than you.

Why would you take Cut Down on Anivia?

It’s good when you are versing a very tanky composition with a lot of health with the amount of damage being higher than Coup de grace.
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Why would you not want to take Cut Down on Anivia?

When you are building tank anivia (she has a surprising amount of health) or when you will likely have more hp compared to your opponents.
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Last Stand

What does Last Stand do?

Deal 5% bonus damage while below 60% of your maximum health. This increases based on your missing health, up to 11% bonus damage while below 30% of your maximum health.

Why would you take Last Stand on Anivia?

It’s good when you are able to stay below 30% of your max hp or are playing tank anivia. But it’s not very consistent with the average being 8% meaning it’s probably better to go with Coup de grace.
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Why would you not want to take Last Stand on Anivia?

When you are taking absolute focus as both runes cannot be active at once making them both less effective.
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Hunt and eliminate prey.
This tree contains some decent keystones for Anivia and damage options.
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What does Electrocute do?

Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities within 3 seconds deals bonus 30 - 180 (based on level) (Adaptive ratio: +40% Bonus Attack Damage or +25% Ability Power) adaptive damage.

25 - 20 seconds Cooldown (based on level).

Why would you take Electrocute on Anivia?

If you want to be able to burst down opponents quickly. Good against squishy enemy champions.
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Why would you not want to take Electrocute on Anivia?

If you are versing a lot of tanks or bruisers or need a greater utility or poke will be more useful.
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What does Predator do?

Enchants your boots with the Predator active effect.
Channels for 1.5 seconds. You can move while channeling and the channel will be interrupted if you cast an ability or enter combat (except minions), putting the item on a 50% cooldown. Activating Predator will not break stealth.
Upon completion, grants bonus movement speed for up to 15 seconds. Grants 45% bonus movement speed for the first 1.5 seconds while moving towards enemy champions, until your next attack or damaging ability, which deals 40 - 120 (based on level) (Adaptive ratio: +40% of Bonus Attack Damage or +25% of Ability Power) bonus adaptive damage.
90 - 60 seconds Cooldown (based on level).

Why would you take Predator on Anivia?

It's a very nice rune on jungle anivia, giving her the speed she needs to be able to gank opponents well and get close enough to land stuns. You need to have boots for the keystone to be effective at all. In lane this rune allows for anivia's roams to be deadly as she can easily catch up to fleeing opponents and burn flashes. It also allows anivia to catch fleeing opponents or reposition during fights. It works well with Celerity.
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Why would you not want to take Predator on Anivia?

If you need the extra damage or in lane utility to stay relevant or will be unable to roam easily without getting punished. Or if you are taking inspiration (specifically magical footwear) and you don’t need the stopwatch.
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Dark Harvest

What does Dark Harvest do?

Damaging a Champion below 50% health deals adaptive damage and harvests their soul, permanently increasing Dark Harvest's damage by 5 (2 on ARAM).
Dark Harvest damage: 20-60 (based on level) (+5 damage per soul) (+25% bonus) (+15%)
Cooldown: 45s (resets to 1.5s on takedown)

Why would you take Dark Harvest on Anivia?

If you want the scaling damage on dark harvest and can either pick up some early game kills/ proc it early or if you are playing bot lane where you are likely to either get more kills or more chances to proc it on a low health enemy.
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Why would you not want to take Dark Harvest on Anivia?

If you cannot effectively stack dark harvest then the rune just isn’t worth taking. This rune is not the best in mid lane where your opponent is not going to give you the chance to get it for free, especially in higher elos. You also miss out on the utility you would get with another keystone or rune tree. You wouldn’t want to take dark harvest on anivia jungle as predators' usefulness and damage is way larger than dark harvest.
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Hail of Blades

What does Hail of Blades do?

Basic attacking an enemy champion grants 110% bonus Attack Speed for your next 3 basic attacks. While active, Hails of Blade removes the attack speed cap.
Hail of Blades lasts 3 seconds, and each basic attack refreshes the duration to 2 seconds.

Why would you take Hail of Blades on Anivia?

If you were building off-meta AD anivia.
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Why would you not want to take Hail of Blades on Anivia?

Anivia scales with AP and builds AP so attack speed will not have much effect on her and a different keystone would be better.
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Cheap Shot

What does Cheap Shot do?

Basic attacks and damaging abilities deal 10 - 45 (based on level) bonus true damage to slowed or immobilized enemy champions.
Note that attacks or abilities that impair the target will not trigger that bonus damage themselves, unless the target is already slowed or immobilized.
Cooldown: 4 seconds

Why would you take Cheap Shot on Anivia?

You would take it if you wanted to burst down targets, it's very easy for anivia to proc the rune with two of her abilities R and Q which both have slows. It allows anivia to have that damage early on, making it easier to kill opponents caught by her Q or for the added poke with it’s short cooldown.
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Why would you not want to take Cheap Shot on Anivia?

If you would benefit from the extra sustain of another rune or another rune page is more viable in a particular matchup.
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Taste of Blood

What does Taste of Blood do?

Heal for 18 - 35 (based on level) (Adaptive ratio: +20% of Bonus Attack Damage or +10% of Ability Power) the next time you damage an enemy champion.
Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Why would you take Taste of Blood on Anivia?

It's easy to proc giving anivia some nice in lane sustain which could be good against assassins or melee champions giving anivia enough hp to stay in lane longer.
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Why would you not want to take Taste of Blood on Anivia?

When you don’t need the extra healing or cannot proc it against the opposing champion easily (like a artillery mage)
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Sudden Impact

What does Sudden Impact do?

After exiting stealth or using a dash, leap, blink, or teleport, dealing any damage to a champion grants you 7 Lethality and 6 Magic Penetration for 5 seconds.
If the triggering effect deals damage it will also benefit from the penetration.
Cooldown: 4 seconds (On expiration).

Why would you take Sudden Impact on Anivia?

Maybe if you were taking a mythic with a lot of dashes, but you really don't want to take this rune on anivia.
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Why would you not want to take Sudden Impact on Anivia?

Anivia has no build in dashes in her kit meaning she is unable to proc the rune without either using a summoner spell on a very long cooldown or using an item making it do less damage for her overall compared to other runes.
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Zombie Ward

What does Zombie Ward do?

Takedown on enemy Ward causes friendly Zombie Wards to sprout from their corpses.
Gain an adaptive bonus of 1.2 Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power for every Zombie Ward spawned, up to 10.
After spawning 10 Zombie Wards, additionally gain 10 adaptive force.

(A total of 30 AP!)

Zombie Wards grant sight over 1100 units, are visible to the enemy team, have 1 health, last for 120 seconds and don't count towards your ward limit.
Killing a Zombie Ward will grant 1 gold.

Why would you take Zombie Ward on Anivia?

You would only take Zombie ward if you were going support anivia as the ability to take out your opponents wards to grant your own vision would be easily accessible in the bot lane especially as it is your job as support to clear vision!
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Why would you not want to take Zombie Ward on Anivia?

You wouldn't want to take zombie ward on anivia mid as she has no way to get rid of stealth wards, the most common ward type without trading her valuable yellow trinket for it to avoid ganks. If you wanted more vision in this case the rune ghost poro would be marginally better.
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Ghost Poro

What does Ghost Poro do?

When your wards expire, they leave behind a Ghost Poro, which grants vision for 60s. Nearby enemy champions scare the Ghost Poro away.
Gain an adaptive bonus of 1.2 Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power for every Ghost Poro spawned and when your GHost Poro spots an enemy champion up to 10 stacks.
After spawning 10 poros, additionally gain 10 Adaptive force.

Why would you take Ghost Poro on Anivia?

You would only take it if you are good at tracking the enemy junglers path in advance, wanted the extra vision and you would prefer to stack up to 30 Adaptive Force using vision rather than kills.
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Why would you not want to take Ghost Poro on Anivia?

It takes at least ten minutes to stack ghost poro, if not longer. So by the time it takes you to stack ghost poro the extra ap doesn’t do much for you. Eyeball collection is “apparently” quicker to stack, this needs more testing but I think that if you can time your ward placements and work out where the opposing jungler is going to be at a certain time, ghost poro might actually be a good rune.
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Eyeball Collection

What does Eyeball Collection do?

Collect eyeballs for champion takedowns. Gain an Adaptive bonus of 0.6 Attack Damage or 1 Ability Power, per eyeball collected.
Upon completing your collection at 20 eyeballs, additionally gain an Adaptive bonus of 6 Attack Damage, or 10 Ability Power for a total of 18 Attack Damage, or 30 Ability Power.
Collect 1 eyeball per champion takedown.


Why would you take Eyeball Collection on Anivia?

Because out of all three of the options eyeball collection is considered the easiest to stack on anivia. It's just the best one to take and it gives AP which anivia normally builds.
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Why would you not want to take Eyeball Collection on Anivia?

If you can take a different rune which will do more for you (domination is your secondary), or if it gets nerfed in the future.
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Ravenous Hunter

What does Ravenous Hunter do?

Gain +1.7% omnivamp per Bounty Hunter stack, up to 7.5% at 5 stacks.
Earn a Bounty Hunter stack for champion takedowns, up to one per unique enemy champion.

Why would you take Ravenous Hunter on Anivia?

If you're taking Domination as your primary tree and you need the extra healing/sustain rather than any item haste or out of combat movement speed. This rune is good if you are building tank anivia or you are playing anivia jungle as after you get a kill this rune will allow anivia to clear the jungle easier with less danger of dying and more hp.
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Why would you not want to take Ravenous Hunter on Anivia?

When you need the roaming power, taking ravenous hunter over relentless hunter if you are snowballing means you are going to struggle getting from lane to lane quickly in time to make plays or pull of ganks.
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Ingenious Hunter

What does Ingenious Hunter do?

Gain 10 (+5 per Bounty Hunter stack) item haste (Including Trinkets), up to 35 at 5 stacks.
Earn a Bounty Hunter stack the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
On Twisted Treeline, each altar counts as a champion takedown.

Why would you take Ingenious Hunter on Anivia?

It’s a nice rune giving you a pretty big cooldown reduction on both your passive or active items. This rune would be great if you are against assassins or are planning on taking some items like ludens tempest, everfrost, stopwatch, mikaels blessing or so on.
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Why would you not want to take Ingenious Hunter on Anivia?

If you plan on taking liandries as your mythic and you are not going to build many items which have a cooldown. You would get more use out of another rune in this case.
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Relentless Hunter

What does Relentless Hunter do?

Gain 5 (+8 per Bounty Hunter stack) out of combat Movement Speed.
Earn a Bounty Hunter stack the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
On Twisted Treeline, each altar counts as a champion takedown.

Why would you take Relentless Hunter on Anivia?

Anivia is a very slow champion and thus struggles to get anywhere fast, this rune can aid anivia in getting to ganks and fights she would otherwise miss. It also allows anivia to make plays she couldn’t before because she is too slow to do both and not miss out on an opportunity.
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Why would you not want to take Relentless Hunter on Anivia?

When you need the survivability in team fights especially against assassins. Relentless Hunter only aids anivia outside of fights and not inside meaning she misses out on a lot of damage and utility by picking this rune over the other options.
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Anivia Tricks and Tips
Tip: 1
Anivia's E only decides if it does double damage when it actually hits the opponent. This means you can throw out E right before Q actually stuns and still get double damage.

Tip: 2
Click on your opponent to place a wall behind them or sometimes in front of them and it will cause them to move slightly in towards you or away from you. Use this to move opponents into your Q, under turrets or trap them next to a wall acting like a temporary stun.

Tip: 3
Placing you ultimate in the fog of war/or on a wall when the opposing team cannot see you makes your ultimate create no sound allowing you to sneakily get some damage on your opponent.

Tip: 4
Anivia is great at stealing dragons/barons/rift heralds as she can place her ultimate over the wall and get it even without vision on the baron/dragon. Note that dragons/rift heralds are harder for Anivia to get as they can more around. She can also prevent enemy steals whilst still helping her team as well with this method.

Tip: 5
Anivia can take both rift herald and dragons at around level 8 - 9. She will be super vulnerable whilst doing so though so use this wisely. Also avoid your ultimate being canceled out by the dragons. (Remember to hit the rift herald from behind!)

Tip: 6
Tricking your opponents by giving them false information can both be hilarious and can get you some sneaky kills. Lets say that bot lane would be ideal for ganking, and they have a ward placed in the bushes at the side of bot lane and the enemy hasn't warded there. You make you way up top and your opponent sees you go and will probably ping caution for top lane. Make sure to stay out of vision and teleport to the warded bush in bot lane. Then lead a gank by throwing flash frost out to try and stun them, then dealing damage to one or both of them.

Tip: 7
Whilst in lane it's possible to hide your Q's animation, your opponent will probably only fall for this once though so make it count. Auto attack a minion/and or your lane opponent and as that animation is playing fire your Q at the enemy.

Tip: 8
Anivia has one of the longest auto attack ranges in the game, make sure you use it to poke your lane opponent.

Tip: 9
Use teleport before turning into eggnivia to make a quick escape.

Tip: 10
Flash + Wall can be used to cut off escaping enemies or make quick escapes.

Tip: 11
When you can try to fight in the enclosed spaces of the jungle as it will allow you to cut off entire sections or force enemies to take damage when engaging

Tip: 12
Placing a wall on top of an opponent when they are under tower will cause the turret to attack you if you are in range.

Tip: 13
You can delay your core mana item if you have easy access to blue buff. Only ask your jungler for it when it respawns the second time.

Tip: 14
Anivia can use her wall to block off jungle camps and prevent damage.
This chapter is about why you should build a certain item, and why Anivia specifically builds that item.

(WARNING: There is a lot of math in this chapter)
Doran's Ring V Tear of the goddess

It can take around 2 minutes to stack tear if you get all four charges on a champion every 8 seconds. And can give you 90 mana in 30 seconds.

Problem is this isn't great since Anivia will struggle getting the fourth/third stack every 8 seconds until she hits level 6 and even then only if she has enough mana to maintain it and actually hits her opponent.

So at the bare minimum Anivia will only get her around 22.5 mana per 30 seconds and at her maximum she will get around 45 mana every 30 seconds.

The extra mana she gains from Tear also isn't worth it as once it runs out it runs out and Anivia will need to recall to get that mana back.

This next section is optional and it is only for those who would like to make their own Anivia builds or for those who are curious.

Note that all of these calculations have been done over a total of 10 seconds in-game, with perfect timing on a champion with no magic resist, armor..... These will not represent how much an average human can actually get in-game.

Anivia's passive does no damage so it wasn't included in the calculations
Anivia's Q does both detonation and pass-over damage so this calculation has both a minimum and maximum damage range which goes into the final minimum and maximum categories respectively
Anivia's wall does no damage so it wasn't included in the calculations
Anivia's E does less damage to champions who are not chilled compared to champions who are so this calculation has both a minimum and maximum damage range which goes into the final minimum and maximum categories respectively. Keep in mind that for the maximum category the e was calculated as if it was always hitting a chilled target, this is the opposite for the minimum e damage calculation.
Anivia's R does both fully formed damage as well as not fully formed damage so R was calculated as if it was just placed down

1 Ability Powers Damage over 10 seconds---
    Maximum Damage
  • 10.375 Damage

    Minimum Damage
  • 8.512 Damage

    Gold Efficiency
  • 21.75 Gold

    Effectiveness Overtime
  • Same

    Max Effectiveness
  • None

1 Attack Damage damage over 10 seconds---
    Maximum Damage
  • 8.04 Damage

    Minimum Damage
  • 6.25 Damage

    Gold Efficiency
  • 35 Gold

    Effectiveness Overtime
  • Same

    Max Effectiveness
  • None

1 Ability Hastes Damage over 10 seconds per every 1 Ability Power---
    Maximum Damage
  • 0.093 Damage per AP

    Minimum Damage
  • 0.04 Damage per AP

    Gold Efficiency
  • 26.67 Gold

    Effectiveness Overtime
  • -0.001

    Max Effectiveness
  • 500 AH

1 Attack Speeds Damage over 10 seconds per every 1 Attack Damage---
    Maximum Damage
  • 0.069 Damage per AD

    Gold Efficiency
  • 25 Gold

    Effectiveness Overtime
  • Same

    Max Effectiveness
  • 271 AS

As you can see here this is why building Ability Power on Anivia is best. (Not that anyone else thought otherwise)
Anyway if you want to make a build with the highest damage potential for gold value you can use the above to figure it out.
Enjoy all you mathematics fans!!!
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