Generally speaking you are countered by very high damage and cc.
Despite being a tank with cc, you can usually beat him in 1v1's and he usually isn't a problem. Can however become a problem if fed. In any case, you scale way better lategame.
Master Yi
Many other Viego mains would describe this matchup as a competition as in whoever gets more fed wins. But he is better at ganking, and in low-elo your teammates aren't that careful, so he usually gets the upper hand. To prevent this, make sure your team picks champs with a lot of cc and try to warn them to stay safe early. This way he can actually be dealt with in lategame. You also have the chance to beat him at early levels, so try to take advantage of that for example at scuttle.
You can beat her 1v1 at early game, but she can become a problem later on, especially if she has allies with cc. If her team has little cc to protect her, you shouldn't have a problem. Try to kill her first in teamfights, as possessing her is powerful.
Stacks armor with E, and can also use it to dodge your W. Is also very good at invading you. A big threat, but in low-elo people aren't that good at kiting or invading properly, so there is a lower chance of actually facing a good Graves main. Try to pick a fight when he has no stacks on E.
Remember to pick tenacity in runes. Try to handle vision for your teammates, so it can't get free kills. You can usually beat it in 1v1s and remember to save W for its W.
Diana has lately become a threat to Viego, ever since she started building tankier builds. You can win her in 1v1s early, but if she has even a little bit of a lead over you, you will lose. Try your best to not feed her, that would usually lead to an early loss. You scale better to lategame, so in case of being behind, focus on scaling.
Hard to kill and deals a lot of dmg. Especially good with new tank items. Avoid fighting, and try to invade camps and countergank to slow her down.
You beat him in 1v1's early, and you scale better. Try your best to be more fed than him, and if he gets fed, try to kill him as long as you aren't behind.
You can usually beat her 1v1, but try to handle vision for your team so she can't get free kills and get fed, because then you might have some problems.
While he rarely can kill you, he is very slippery, and you probably can't kill him either because of that. When trying to kill him, make sure that he isn't leading you to his teammates.
Jarvan IV
Ganks a lot, but you can usually kill him in 1v1's. Try to make sure he doesn't get his team too much ahead. You scale better.
Rarely a jungler, but be aware that when he is against you, he can use his infamous Evasion to block your aa's. IMPORTANT: your R is an aa, so be sure to not waste it!
You can kill him easily if you get close to him. But be aware that he can kill you in his passive. He is also a great threat to your team even when behind because of his R. But other than that, you should be able to carry better.
If he goes blue, it is harder to catch him, but you can kill him easier. If he goes red, he is harder to kill and thus can often kill you before you kill him. Because of this it is recommended to abuse him before he gets a form, as you actually can kill him at that point.
If they can kite and dodge your W with Q, they will kill you. But because such skills are rare in low-elo, you can usually kill them 1v1. A problem comes with their ultimate, which can deny you your resets if properly used.
Kha'zix used to be an easy matchup because Viego built Shieldbow, but now with the current builds he can actually kill you midgame. Try to get ahead early and try to countergank, but you scale better lategame.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin is one of the Viego matchups, which actually are determined by whoever is more skilled. Lee is way stronger than you in early game, so don't fight him then. The later the game goes, the better you scale so play safe early.
Usually not a jungler, but if he is on the enemy team, be aware of his blind, which makes all your aa's useless. THIS INCLUDES YOUR R!
Hecarim isn't that much of a threat to you early, but if he gets a lead with his great ganking, he will start to be a threat and will kill you in 1v1s. However you will scale better late, and can win him early.
Lillia can get fed and be a problem, but you can kill her 1v1 if you W into her while she charges her Q (spinning attack).
You can kill him 1v1, and he usually doesn't get that fed. Maybe look for an early invade.
Recently has become a good jungler. Avoid fighting him without your teammates, and if he ults you just try your best to survive. In teamfights you can take him down with the rest of your team.
In my personal opinion I don't find Nidalee that good of a champ right now overall, and especially in low-elo she is both rare and hard enough to play that I don't find her a threat. For tips, in case you don't know how she works, she does more dmg to full hp targets when she is a human, and more dmg to low hp targets when a cougar. Also try your best to dodge her spear, as it deals most of her dmg.
Nocturne beats you in 1v1s before lvl 6, but after that you can beat him almost always, unless he gets too far ahead of you. Try to counter gank, especially after lvl 6 as he becomes a huge threat to your teammates.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu is really great at ganking his teammates, and can that way make your team lose. You can try to countergank and in other ways stall the game, as you become much stronger lategame. You beat him in 1v1s early, and you can cancel his ultimate with your W. Be aware that he can deal more damage than smite with his Q, so he can steal drakes easily.
Olaf beats you in 1v1s, but you are stronger lategame and in teamfights, so aim to stall the game until that.
Tanky, has a lot of cc, denies your W with her W. You can beat her early and scale better lategame.
Your dmg is based on attacks, and Rammus is a great counter for that. He also has cc. You beat him very early and scale better lategame, but his taunt can screw you over in teamfights.
Rek'sai has a lot of burst dmg and can be considered a threat, but she requires skill to play well and you scale better. When she is burrowed she can only see things that are moving or right next to her, so you can possibly bait her by standing still.
Like Kha'zix he can burst you down at midgame before you can properly react, but unlike Kha'zix Rengar can face some issues with good rng, like the map losing almost all bushes due to infernal dragon. But he is also quite good early.
A lot of cc and is strong because of the new preseason tank items. You can beat her 1v1 early though and scale better. But her cc can become a problem in teamfights.
Can be a threat because of his high dmg, especially on his AD builds. Also can beat you early when taking ignite and invading, so look out for that. However you scale way better lategame as he slowly becomes quite useless.
So rare to face him that I can barely even remember what is it like to play against him. But from what I remember is that he isn't that big of an issue, and you beat him in 1v1s unless he somehow becomes fed. Be aware that he can use his R to for example force you under their turrets.
He didn't use to be much of an issue, but recently his dmg has been so high that you can't win 1v1s if he is even slightly ahead. But if he is behind you should be able to kill him. Falls off lategame so you should automatically win if the game reaches that point.
A banworthy champion. Beats you 1v1 always, no matter how fed you get. On top of that, he can burst turrets down in seconds while in his W, so be prepared to answer to splitpushing.
New Udyr has been a coinflip for me atleast. He usually won't be able to kill you, but can be a threat when ahead, and it is almost impossible to catch him when he's running away.
Vi can beat you in 1v1s at the early stages of the game, and she can burst you midgame if she goes Eclipse (her dmg build). In teamfights if she decides to use her lockdown cc for you, it is not possible for you to survive. But if she, for example, goes for your adc, you can go to their carries as she is no longer peeling them. You scale better than her and she probably can't kill you in midgame if she is going Divine.
Hard to kill, has cc, kills you in early 1v1s. Just try your best to avoid him early game. He is however somewhat predictable, and thus can be played around. Also you beat him in teamfights and scale better.
You usually can't win him in 1v1s, so try to bait him to 1v2s, or just avoid him. When fighting him with your team when he is fed, stay just outside of his range so he can't heal out of you, and you can use your Q and W on him. Buying antiheal can be considered, especially if you are new to Viego and they have other champs who heal a lot. He is only 'even' because he hasn't lately been much of an issue as he once was, mainly due to me being able to stay away from him while my team kites him to death.
Haven't played much against him as he is somewhat new to jungle and somewhat rare. But he is really good at 1v1s, and he can easily escape you. While he can be a threat midgame if fed, you scale better.
A whole bunch of cc and tankiness. Is also good at ganking. Try to put some armor penetration into your build, Dominik's is usually good. Before getting armor pen it is hard to kill him and thus you shouldn't fight him.
When Zed is played in jungle, he has a harder time getting fed than in mid, atleast in my experience. When Zed isn't too much ahead of you, you should be able to win him in 1v1s. The fact that red smite was removed from the game makes this matchup harder than it used to be, but I still don't find him that much of a threat.
Practically never played in jungle, but if he is on the enemy team in any role, be aware of him ulting a target you are about to kill, and remember that his W (a visible aoe effect on his floating sword) makes all attacks miss, and this includes your R!
Xin Zhao
Haven't seen him lately, but he hasn't been good for a while now. He has a slight advantage early game, but after that you just win him every fight.
To be honest, if you are actually looking for genuine tips on how to beat Yuumi as Viego, you might have some issues playing the game.
Can do some dmg, but you can kill her quite easily if she can't kite well, which is usual in low-elo.
Rarely a jungler, but if you face him make sure to invade early to set him behind. Still try to avoid fighting him if you are for example lower on health than he is because he is really strong in 1v1s.
Generally speaking you get most use from good heals/shields, and good cc (like any champ).
Gives you healing, dmg, and movement speed. Very great at enabling your carry potential, as long as she stays with you.
Great at keeping you alive, as long as realises to support you apart from you adc.
A lot of lockdown cc, which allows you to burst enemies down without a problem.
Can use R on you, allowing you to do riskier plays when invading or diving, as long as you can rely that they actually ult you.
Has good cc to get a kill, like Blitzcrank but sligtly worse.
Illaoi is a great frontliner to enable you to go squishier dmg builds like Kraken Slayer.
A great frontliner to protect you and enable a squishier build, just like Illaoi. Can also take their carry away from your team to save you sometimes. However he can also deny this way your resets.
Gives you shielding and movement speed to take down enemies.
Can heal you a bit and make you invulnerable for a couple of seconds. Good Kayle can really be a lifesaver.
Has great lockdown cc like Blitzcrank.
Has cc if she hits it, and can shield you from cc and a bit of magic dmg.
Great cc and a lot of dmg and also healing and shielding. Basically has everything to help you, if she lands her skillshots.
Good lockdown cc like Blitzcrank.
Can upgrade your mythic to make it give more stats, has great aoe cc for teamfights, and is a good frontliner.
Has some cc and can distract and execute enemies.
Haven't seen much, but can shield you, has great peel and cc.
She can use her R to quickly come to your rescue or to secure the kill if you are dying and she is nearby.
Renata Glasc
Has some cc and shielding, and her R can really make a difference in a fight.
You can teleport to a fight with him
Provides great lockdown cc, if she hits her abilities. can be a frontliner.
Can heal you a lot
Tahm Kench
A good frontliner to protect you, and can save you with his R
Great cc. Remember to click the lantern!
Can give you movement speed, and gives you a free GA.
Generally speaking you get most use from good heals/shields, and good cc (like any champ).
Gives you healing, dmg, and movement speed. Very great at enabling your carry potential, as long as she stays with you.
Great at keeping you alive, as long as realises to support you apart from you adc.
A lot of lockdown cc, which allows you to burst enemies down without a problem.
Can use R on you, allowing you to do riskier plays when invading or diving, as long as you can rely that they actually ult you.
Has good cc to get a kill, like Blitzcrank but sligtly worse.
Illaoi is a great frontliner to enable you to go squishier dmg builds like Kraken Slayer.
A great frontliner to protect you and enable a squishier build, just like Illaoi. Can also take their carry away from your team to save you sometimes. However he can also deny this way your resets.
Gives you shielding and movement speed to take down enemies.
Can heal you a bit and make you invulnerable for a couple of seconds. Good Kayle can really be a lifesaver.
Has great lockdown cc like Blitzcrank.
Has cc if she hits it, and can shield you from cc and a bit of magic dmg.
Great cc and a lot of dmg and also healing and shielding. Basically has everything to help you, if she lands her skillshots.
Good lockdown cc like Blitzcrank.
Can upgrade your mythic to make it give more stats, has great aoe cc for teamfights, and is a good frontliner.
Has some cc and can distract and execute enemies.
Haven't seen much, but can shield you, has great peel and cc.
She can use her R to quickly come to your rescue or to secure the kill if you are dying and she is nearby.
Renata Glasc
Has some cc and shielding, and her R can really make a difference in a fight.
You can teleport to a fight with him
Provides great lockdown cc, if she hits her abilities. can be a frontliner.
Can heal you a lot
Tahm Kench
A good frontliner to protect you, and can save you with his R
Great cc. Remember to click the lantern!
Can give you movement speed, and gives you a free GA.
Runes: Burst & Snowballing
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace
Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter
Coup de Grace
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Hello there. I am Bhyure33. You probably have never heard of me and that is simply because I practically am a nobody on the internet. I have played League of Legends actively for about 2 years now and have reached Silver 1 in solo ranked. What you are currently reading is my first ever guide on Mobafire, and I decided to make it about my most played main Champion, Viego, the Ruined King. Now, I hear you ask "Why would I use your guide, you are only silver", and I answer that that is a good point and a reasonable reason for you to not use this guide. However, what I'm aiming by making this guide is to make a guide for low-elo players, by a low-elo player. That makes sense, right? Anyways, I'm not a man of many words, so this guide basically only tells you the essentials to playing this amazing champion. For more details and other points of view, please check out r/Viegomains on Reddit, and Elekktro's Viego guide here. His Viego guide is the one I used to learn this champion, and he still keeps it up to date so I highly recommend it. But without further ado, let us proceed, shall we?
Changelog & note from the author
November 25th, 2022: The Guide is released.
February 24th, 2023: Updated most of the guide now that the season changes have truly settled and Viego's build was majorly changed.
Hi. I also wanted to leave a message here for any possible readers. So first of all, sorry for not updating this guide in a while. I just haven't felt like spending time to change these up to date, until now. What pushed me to do this update was the fact that finally after months of struggling, Viego was finally buffed in patch 13.4, and it was a buff to his crit damage. This meant that he is now stronger overall, and not overly strong in pro play. I have now played a little on this patch and he definitely is stronger than before, so now is a good time to pick him up if you still haven't. In addition, ranked games now give and take more LP per game than before, so now it is also a good time to start climbing. Anyways, I'm thankful if this guide is of any use to you, make sure to comment and vote if you have any suggestions on the guide, but in the end, we'll see again when Viego gets a major update. Have a good one.
Pros and Cons of playing Viego
- Very fun and satisfying to play
- Relatively easy to pick up
- Is a hypercarry
- High skill ceiling
- Gets skins quite often
- Many hard matchups
- Playing well requires knowledge of every single champion in the game
- Relatively weak in skirmishes before level 6
- A little weak in current meta
- Not the best choice in low-elo
Basic combo / fighting enemies
Basic combo & fighting a 1v1
TL;DR: W -> AA -> Q -> AA -> ability spam, AA and smite -> R when enemy is low hp.
You initiate fights with your W. If you have time to charge it before the fight, do it because it increases the stun duration. However this becomes harder mid- to lategame, so you should just release it whenever it can hit the enemy. After hitting your W, the enemy gets marked by your Q's passive (which gets applied by hitting any damaging ability). This mark is consumed by using an attack, and what consuming the mark does, is that the attack you use to consume it hits twice. This is why it is very easy for Viego to proc PTA and Conqueror. These marks also work when possessing an enemy, so make sure to utilise that.
After using W and attacking the mark, use Q as soon as the attack animation finishes to maximize dps. Q also applies it's passive, so swing another attack after it. When you do this, you have now hit the enemy enough times to activate conqueror, which means that you have successfully done the basic combo. After that you can E to stick to the possibly now escaping enemy, unless you already used it to get near them to use W. Now just spam Q and W whenever you get them, make sure to proc Q's passive marks, and use R when the enemy is low on hp.
When teamfighting, you primary goal is to get resets (=kills and thus passive). Do this by focusing either the squishiest enemy or the one with low health. Use the basic combo described above, and when an enemy dies, attack it to possess it. When possessing, use the enemy's abilities and attacks to the most, you don't have mana to worry about! Even when possessing, your goal remains the same: focus one enemy to possess them. By doing this you aim to create a domino effect, in which you deal large amounts of dmg to the enemy while healing and becoming untargettable every few seconds as you get kills. However be careful when for example possessing their 0/10 adc, because then you should just spam R to get out before you get one shot. Also when fighting keep in mind that you deal less dmg the lower the enemies get, as both your Q's passive and BOTRK, which are your main dmg sources, deal current health % dmg.
Jungle Clear
A full clear is always Red->Krugs->Raptors->Wolves->Blue->Gromp->Scuttle. Smite should be used for Large Krug and Scuttle. Start charging W just before getting to the camp to maximize its distance and stun duration. Your starting attack speed is just enough to proc Q's passive 3 times until the marks disappear. This is essential knowledge when clearing raptors, where you should proc the marks on the large raptor and 2 highest health raptors. This way you make everyone low for your jungle pet to finish them off, while focusing the large raptor so that it dies about the same time as the small ones.
Some ending words
So I think I have now covered everything that's essential to play Viego. I will update this guide whenever Viego's itemisation or gameplay changes drastically, but until then, this is a goodbye from me. Leave a vote and a comment to let me know what I should add or do better with this guide. Have a good one.
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