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Ivern Build Guide by Doglightning

Support [Challenger]🌲Ivern Support Guide🌲

Support [Challenger]🌲Ivern Support Guide🌲

Updated on February 14, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Build Guide By Doglightning 185 16 518,962 Views 17 Comments
185 16 518,962 Views 17 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Doglightning Ivern Build Guide By Doglightning Updated on February 14, 2024
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Runes: Offensive Page

1 2 3
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Lane Summoners
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

[Challenger]🌲Ivern Support Guide🌲

By Doglightning


I am updating one guide a week for the next 10 weeks. If this message is not at the top of the guide then it has been updated
Welcome! I am Doglightning an grandmaster Neeko Support main. I stream off meta supports like Neeko, Taliyah, Anivia, Zoe and Seraphine! My goal is to make off meta supports viable in high elo and be an inspiration for people who like to think outside the box but get put down in solo queue. I hope you enjoy my content uwu

Why Ivern support?
Why not? Seriously though? He has a shield and root which is exactly the same as Morgana but his W Brushmaker is way better than hers. Also arguably Daisy is a better ultimate as well for disruption and engage potential. Another interesting note is that Iverns shield Triggerseed has the same base as a Janna shield with a better ap ratio on a lower CD.
Please check out my twitch it really helps support me in making content like this:

Why Smite Ivern Support Works?

The idea stems from the fact that Ivern can one shot camps at level 1 with his passive Friend of the Forest and Smite. The whole idea of this strategy is you are constantly putting the enemy jungler behind while your bot laner is getting solo exp. I say bot laner as I found this start works well with mages bot as they can farm 1v2 and love solo exp. Make sure you start the jungle item Hailblade. If you don't you won't hit lvl 2 off the first camp and will be behind for lane in exp. On first back sell the Hailblade for the support item!

How to level 1 invade

There is a blue and red versions of the start depending what side you are on. To start you want to rush the M brush. Blue side you walk to blue M and red side you walk to red M. You then get an angle on the J bush and Rootcaller the J brush. If the enemy is in the brush ward it. If not walk up and ward over the wall on the buff. After this back for a sweeper so when you walk in the enemy jungle you will know whether you are walking on vision or not.

If you got vision on the buff just wait in the river for it to spawn. If you don't see the enemy jungler on the buff you warded then pop sweeper and walk in to steal it by hoping the wall with your Rootcaller. If you do see the jungler on the buff you warded then go to the one you didn't ward. Make sure you watch your side laners if they aren't showing don't enter the jungle. They could be waiting for you but every second they waste not going to lane is cs and exp they are missing. Wrost case take wraith camp.

If you could only get the ward in the J bush then just steal wraiths as going for buffs blind is risky.

How play rest of game

Now that you got your level 2 camp steal head bot you should get there by the second wave. (tip I usually tell my adc to let wave push to them level 1 so they don't over extend and die.) Just chill bot till 3:15 and walk to the bot scuttle crab and steal it. If enemy jungle is there just leave it. Once you back sell your Hailblade for the support item so you can start to work towards your wards. At any point if you see the enemy jungle top you can scout the enemy bot side for free camps to steal putting their jungle farther behind.

At the 6 minute mark you unlock your spellbook summoner swap. If you stole the enemy top side buff you can swap for a Teleport to tp top and steal the top buff on respawn. You can also take Exhaust if you summon Daisy! at 6 with Exhaust on the enemy adc you can pretty much solo them in a all in.

A cool thing is you can actually solo Dragon or Herold with Daisy! and secure it with your Smite!

example video

Here is a good example of how to do the invade strat and how to adapt based on what happens. In this video I go to blue after I see twitch but a good note is I also could have took wraiths to hit lvl 2 and gank mid.

+ Good Peel
+ great vision control
+ can play smite cheese strat
+ Amazing Dragon control
+ Daisy adds tons of disruption
+ Scales well

Ivern adds a ton of utility to the team with his vision control and peel/shield. He can use his Triggerseed and Rootcaller to peel his team while diving the enemy back line with Daisy! creating chaos and disruption. You can play a cheesy smite strategy where you play to counter jungle and hover bot putting the enemy jungle behind

- Team reliant
- can get caught Stealing camps
- Not much lane prio
- Team might tilt
- Daisy is hard to use well

One of the worst things about Ivern is he is very team reliant. You cannot really do much alone so find out whos doing well on your team and play around them. If you go the cheese smite strategy make sure to not get caught as it will tilt your teammates. Also daisy is very hard to micromanage and really makes this champ skill ceiling extremely high.

FLASH: This is just a great summoner. If you get caught it can save your life and flash Rootcaller can make picks for team.
IGNITE: Ignite is a direct counter to Heal which almost every adc takes so be sure to use it before the enemy Heals for some early kills. In teamfights put it on whoever is getting the most healing.
EXHAUST: Ivern has an incredibly weak lane phase early. In most cases ignite will be a huge waste. You really just want to let adc farm while you shield and counter engage fights.
Smite: Iverns passive Friend of the Forest allows him to 1 shot camps with smites. When I run this I usually like to have a adc/mage bot who is okay 1v2 farming while I counter jungle and put the enemy jungle behind.


Ivern has a very weak early game and really is waiting until Daisy! at 6 to start getting kill pressure. Because of this you are usually playing safe early game and Guardian really helps you have that extra survivability in lane to scale.

I would especially recommend this runes vs kill lanes. example Nautilus, Pyke, Leona, Lucian, Tristana, exc...
Font of Life is great for scaling. Once you finish Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer it will make the AoE slow detonation AoE apply basically a mark where if ally's hit it the are getting those item buffs. Also as Iverns hp scales later into the game this will start to heal more.

If you want extra lane pressure than Shield Bash is okay. Not only does it make your shield give you extra resistances but it gives you a little extra auto damage if you plan to auto harrass in lane a lot.

Conditioning is good if you have an easy lane and plan to just scale into late game.

Second Wind is good into poke lanes where you are just constantly taking damage.

Bone Plating is good vs all in lanes where you wanna avoid getting bursted.
Revitalize is great because Iverns sheild Triggerseed gets to a low CD and will be spammed a lot.

If enemy has a lot of cc than Unflinching is really good. You can get this and Mercury's Treads to avoid getting cc chained.
The free ability haste is great from Transcendence as Ivern is a heavy CDR reliant champion.

I'm kind of obsessed with the late game vision control that Zombie Ward offers but I do think it falls off in lower levels of play where the enemies aren't warding as consistently. Ghost Poro is also a great option for lower levels for early vision control.
other options in the tree are fine but I personally love Waterwalking I find a lot of the times as Ivern I'm running up and down the river a lot.

Relentless Hunter is just a staple when it comes to support roaming ability. If you are not getting Mobility Boots then you should consider this rune.
Ivern loves ability haste so I give him Ability Haste so he is happy. Then I took defensive runes because most likely you picked guardian as a safe page to live in lane.


If you are playing Ivern into a winning lane then Summon Aery is the best offensive summoner. Iverns main source of damage is from auto attacking in brushes thanks to Brushmaker. Since you are constantly autoing then you will be constantly procing the Summon Aery damage.

Also Summon Aery adds extra shield to people you use your shield on or who your moonstone is procing on. Because of this you will be efficiently procing the aery shield portion in team fights if you are not able to use the damage portion of the item.
Manaflow Band is just the best in this portion of the tree. It will make it so you can spam spells all game without running out of mana. I don't think you should ever choose the other options over this.

The main stat for any enchanter is always ability haste. This makes Transcendence one of the best runes in the game for Ivern and you should defiantly choose it.
Scorch is for if you want the most early game pressure possible. You will be trying to get and early lead and snowball with scorch.

Waterwalking is my preferred choice and it allows you to roam up and down the river for early roams and helping your jungler.

Gathering Storm is for games that you think will be going to the late game. The extra ap will make your shields on Summon Aery and Triggerseed bigger.
I'm kind of obsessed with the late game vision control that Zombie Ward offers but I do think it falls off in lower levels of play where the enemies aren't warding as consistently. Ghost Poro is also a great option for lower levels for early vision control.

Font of Life is great for scaling. Once you finish Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censer it will make the AoE slow detonation AoE apply basically a mark where if ally's hit it the are getting those item buffs. Also as Iverns hp scales later into the game this will start to heal more.
Relentless Hunter is just a staple when it comes to support roaming ability. If you are not getting Mobility Boots then you should consider this rune.

Revitalize is great because Iverns sheild Triggerseed gets to a low CD and will be spammed a lot.
Ivern loves ability haste so I give him Ability Haste so he is happy. Then I took adaptive force for more kill pressure and defensive to counter the adc.


This rune set is based around running Smite as your summoner spell for counter jungling with Iverns passive Friend of the Forest.

The idea is you don't want Smite in team fights or when fighting at lvl 6 in lane. You can use Unsealed Spellbook for different runes throughout the game.

Teleport is good for a first summoner at the 6 minute mark because it is when the buffs are respawning. If I take Teleport I usually TP gank top then take the top buff on respawn.

Exhaust is also a great early option for if you want to fight at lvl 6 in lane with Daisy!

Ghost is great for rotating to fights.

Heal/ Barrier are good defensive options if you are getting dove my assasins.
Hextech Flashtraption is good when doing the smite cheese strat because it can help you be sneaky in finding ways in and out of the enemy jungle. Here is an example clip of me showing off the power of hexflash.

Can't go wrong with Perfect Timing. A perfect moment will arise every game where this stopwatch will make the difference in a fight.

Biscuit Delivery gives back 10% of you missing mana so do not use it until you are literally out of mana. This rune just allows you to spam spells early game without worrying about mana.
Cosmic Insight is really good now because it reduces the cooldown of Flash by 40 sec which opens a huge window for making plays.

Time Warp Tonic instantly heals you when you pop potions. This can save you life vs hard engage supports like Leona or Nautilus.
I'm kind of obsessed with the late game vision control that Zombie Ward offers but I do think it falls off in lower levels of play where the enemies aren't warding as consistently. Ghost Poro is also a great option for lower levels for early vision control.

The free ability haste is great from Transcendence as Ivern is a heavy CDR reliant champion.
Relentless Hunter is just a staple when it comes to support roaming ability. If you are not getting Mobility Boots then you should consider this rune.

other options in the tree are fine but I personally love Waterwalking I find a lot of the times as Ivern I'm running up and down the river a lot.
Ivern loves ability haste so I give him Ability Haste so he is happy. Then I took adaptive force for more kill pressure and defensive to counter the adc.
Friend of the Forest (Passive): Iverns passive is used by walking up and clicking on a jungle camp. This will mark it and start a timer for when it is ready for harvest. When it's ready for harvest you click on it again and you get the exp and gold for the camp instantly. If you smite a camp after you mark it you can skip the waiting process and instantly kill it. This is why the counter jungle Ivern support works. You can start at the enemy buff and steal it instantly denying the enemy jungle exp and cs.

Rootcaller (Q): Rootcaller is a skillshot that roots an enemy hit much like Morganas bind.
The major difference is any allys who auto attack a target that you hit will instantly fly into auto attack range. This is very good with melee champs as it allows them to get onto you target without having to blow gap close abilities.
Daisy! will also swap onto a target you hit and fly into melee range.

Brushmaker (W): Brushmaker has two parts. The first part is you can place brushes on the map which can be used to hide in and deny vision from the enemy. These are super good when setup around objectives. A cool trick is you can place a brush and put a ward in it. What this does is stops enemy control wards from spotting you ward at baron fights.

The second part is Iverns auto attacks get impowered and do more damage when Ivern is standing in a brush. Keep this in mind and if possible make sure you are in brushes when auto attacking to increase your damage.

Triggerseed (E): This is Iverns sheild. When Triggerseed expires it will explode doing AoE damage around the person the shield is on while slowing the enemies. When you combo this with a melee champion diving the backline the AoE damage and slow can really impact a fight. It's also good for peeling an adc because the slow will help them kite enemies. Another cool thing is you can put Triggerseed on Daisy! to help keep daisy alive and help her stick to the enemies.

Daisy! (R): Daisy! without a question is the hardest but most fun part about Iverns kit. Basically you summon Daisy! and can control her by pushing r. If you push R on a enemy Daisy! will attack that enemy and if you push R on yourself she will follow you. As Daisy! attacks an enemy she marks them and at 3 attacks she will perform a knock up.

You can use Daisy! to face check or hold vision. Engage a fight or dive the enemy back line. She can be used to peel or even just to zone the enemy team. She literally makes the fight a 6v5 but you have to me able to micro manage her and yourself. She has such a skill cap that it is impossible for me to go over everything you can do with here in this guide and would recommend finding youtube videos going over how to master her.

Standard Playstyle

Starting Triggerseed is good because you can shield yourself as you walk into auto range
and hit the explosion's damage. After that you take Rootcaller as it provide ways to make
picks and peel. Finally you get your Brushmaker as it doesn't add as much as the first two
spells. You max the spells in this order as well because it is important early to get a big shield
on a low cooldown.

Counter Jungle Playstyle

The reason when doing the counter jungle startegy you need to start Rootcaller. Is because
you need Rootcaller to face check brushes to get early deep wards down. It also helps
because you can use it on the buff to hop the wall and hit level 2. Since you will be level 2 after
the buff you will come to lane still with Triggerseed.

Starting Items

  • Great in lanes where you can trade a lot as the mana regen will help and you can stack it fast.
  • Good if you cannot trade as you can consistently stack off killing minions. Also really good for shoving lanes after you gank if doing the smite strat.
  • Start this if going for the smite strat. This is because you need this item to hit level 2 after first camp. Sell it on first back for support item.

First Back

  • Sell your Hailblade for one of these on first back so you can start stacking gold for your warding quest.

  • Great gold efficient item. Should buy this every game on Ivern if you can afford.


  • Really good boots since they are cheap and give ability haste which is Iverns main stat. Would really recommend if you have Relentless Hunter.
  • Really good if you know you are going to be roaming a lot in your game.
  • If you want to roam but don't back with enough for Mobility Boots. Also really good into teams with a lot of slows as it gives slow resistance.
  • If the enemy team has a ton of crowd control then merc treds is a great option

Core Items

  • This item will heal teammates around you when you are in combat. Since you can keep yourself in combat spamming Triggerseed and using Daisy! it makes this item super gold efficient.
  • Imperial Mandate fun when snowballing. This is because your shield Triggerseed will AoE slow people marking them. Then your ally will hit them giving them move speed. This interaction is interesting because you can with the shield slow the enemy and speed your team in one combo.

Situational Items

  • again great synergy with Moonstone Renewer giving attack speed to allys getting healed from moonstone or shielded from Triggerseed. Only get this is ad heavy teams.
  • If the enemy team is poking your team out really hard before team fights then you cannot go wrong with Redemption. Pop it to heal your team but you can also use it to help split pushers win a 1v1 or scout the baron.
  • If your adc is getting 1 shot by assassins' like Rengar or Zed then grab this so they don't rage quit babaHype
  • Really great into teamcomps filled with cc. Can save your adc a ton of gold getting QSS and can solo counter champs like Lissandra or Ashe
  • Great item if the enemy team has a lot of assassins' diving you. Can get 2nd item if needed.
  • Great if enemy team has a bunch of dive ad's. Things like Master yi get countered my this item.
This section will cover the early game going traditional support Ivern. Look near start of guide for how to do the counter jungle strat.

As Ivern you aren't very strong in lane until level 6 when you get Daisy!. You however have really good ganks and can play really well off your jungler. Beacause of this you will want to roam as much as possible and it's why I prefer to take Waterwalking.

In lane use your shield your ally to prevent damage and look for picks with Rootcaller. In general you really cannot win many all ins and just want to counter engage the enemies all in's. Use Brushmaker to create pressure in lane and see if you can sneak off for a gank. Them thinking you are in the brush while you are secretly roaming mid is really strong!!!

Once you hit 6 you are online. Since you have been playing safe all lane the enemy will still think you are weak. When then over step summon Daisy! and run the enemy adc down with a Triggerseed on her. You almost always win 2v2's once you have Daisy!. Another cool thing is you can sneak dragons with Daisy! tanking for you.

In the mid game you should try and roam the map with the jungler to make picks and get vision down. Be mindful of which objectives are coming up and get vision around those objects.

Use Brushmaker like you did in lane to create pressure. Walking mid and putting a brush down can be very impactful because the enemy mid laner has to respect the fact that you could be in that brush still. This gives who ever is mid a sorta 2v1 pressure while you are actually roaming.

Ivern has great baron and dragon control. You can close of the entrance to the pit with your Brushmaker and force the enemy to face check you. Also if the enemy team is doing baron with a Control Ward on it. You can Brushmaker over the wall and place your ward in it to give vision as the enemy control ward cannot spot wards in your brush.

While team fighting do not over extend to auto attack. Its better to just almost afk behind your team shielding people. This sorta "afk" strat will make it easier to micro manage Daisy! in the fight. Remember even if Daisy! dies sometimes just running the enemy adc down with her creates enough time for your team to dismantle the enemy front line.

I used JHOIJHOI guide Making a Guide to create this.
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