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Blitzcrank Build Guide by biscuitm8



Updated on January 24, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author biscuitm8 Build Guide By biscuitm8 20,491 Views 0 Comments
20,491 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author biscuitm8 Blitzcrank Build Guide By biscuitm8 Updated on January 24, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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- Can hypertank while doing tons of burst and cc with his mana barrier and kit
- Very easy to punish bad extends/chases/positioning of enemy laner
- Very unique top laner/enemy laner won't have much matchup experience
- Kit provides very good setup for ganks
- Easy to disengage/hard to chase
- Make ADCs cry by taking them out of teamfights before they begin


- Near useless if shut down early (hard to shutdown if played right)
- Non-meta top laner, harder to play than most top laners
- Farming pretty difficult before Archangel's/Seraph's
- Trading is very unique and will take practice to perfect
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Building The Cranker

An Optimal Blitz Build Has These Three Points Covered:
1. Mana: Mana is absolutely mandatory, and Seraph's goes beautifully with him. He gains a huge shield every time he gets low (mana barrier) and his abilities can be spammed alot if he has mana.
2. Tank: Blitz is a burst, tank period. He lacks sustain but he is very good at soaking up damage in team fights or in regular laning phase so most of his items will be picked around this point.
3. Ability Power: Blitzcrank has two 100 percent AP scaling abilities. His Q and R, and his R is Splash, which the radius is considerably larger than the animation shows. Plus, it has a 0.5 sec silence, very good if used properly.
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Laning as Blitz is extremely difficult, but it can be done very well. People will harass you when you go for farm, thus establishing early dominance is key. However it is much harder than it seems, people aren't scared of a Blitz top as other more meta top laners. The best way to establish dominance is to act as if you dominate lane, then when they all-in you (key point, enemy top laners will always want to duel a low level Blitz, wait for level 2, then proceed) let them get you low (not dangerously low, maybe 200 hp from max or roughly 75 percent hp early) then pull them as you get under turret. Or you may flash into turret and hook them in then auto attack reset with e, either burning their flash or killing them at low levels if done correctly. At that point farm and back and then tp back in. Then for an easy second kill, trade once (pull, auto, e, auto, w run away) and wait for ability cooldowns. Then get your jungler to gank and boom second kill. Top laner will likely ragequit and roam mid or bot so prepare as losing lane to Blitz top may seem ridiculous. By now farming should be pretty easy because you can use hook, auto, auto reseting+heavy damaging e, and ult to farm (ult very low cooldown). Be careful though, as you can no longer duel the top laner unless very fed. Get jungler to push tower down with you and roam mid or bot leaving top laner no choice but to stay top and push making team fights 4v5 or 3v5 (if you pick off adc, not to hard) or come mid or bot but top is wide open to spilt pushes, just in case, zz'rot is an item Blitz can often take because of resistances, it will help keep lane pushed very significantly, thus constantly making top laner stay top or lose another turret.
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Final Notes

This build is just for normals, it is a useful build, and you can surprise opponents with how well this strategy works. If executed correctly, you can carry games as Blitz, believe me, I've done it. There's nothing more fun than beating a top laner as Blitz because people don't expect how much damage he can do in trades and just how quick he can turn a duel at top in his favor. If you've got a game to spare, try this out in norms, I promise, it won't fail you (;
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League of Legends Build Guide Author biscuitm8
biscuitm8 Blitzcrank Guide
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