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Rengar Build Guide by Filthy Rengar

AD Offtank Diamond Rengar Rework Guide

AD Offtank Diamond Rengar Rework Guide

Updated on March 11, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Filthy Rengar Build Guide By Filthy Rengar 28,656 Views 0 Comments
28,656 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Filthy Rengar Rengar Build Guide By Filthy Rengar Updated on March 11, 2017
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Hi, my name is Filthy Rengar. I've been a Rengar main since Season 4 and have been a diamond player since Season 5. I have played thousands of Rengar games over the years and even have a minimalist Rengar tattoo on my shoulder. I was excited upon seeing the Rengar rework but ultimately miss the old Rengar these days. However I do still enjoy Rengar's playstyle, and I think as long as he does good damage and has his unique passive I will enjoy him. Upon playing new Rengar I found 2 big differences off the bat, his W and his Q. Now this sounds like a dumb statement "obviously they're different he got reworked idiot!", but let me explain.

His Q: New Q is no longer an empowered AA, it's an AoE, 2 part spell that can't crit, or apply on hit effects. The nice part of his new Q is that it applies 2 very fast stacks of Black Cleaver. I've heard people say that the ability is clunky, but personally I've never felt this way. As someone who plays a lot of top Rengar too, the passive jump + Q combo feels smooth as ever. It also fully resets your AA which is a very nice way to juggle damage. Also the fact that it's AoE makes multikills easier than ever.

His W: This spell is bonkers. Old W was a stupid "click and forget" spell that was a minimal defensive steroid in a fight. You W'd as you went in for a free ferocity stack and didn't have to think about it anymore while it gave you resists, and then you got a free heal on emp W, scaling with missing health, castable whenever. His NEW W however is a whole new ballpark. It took a lot of getting used to in order to cast his W efficiently. You now need to delay the W cast and wait to use it after tanking as much burst as possible in 1.5 seconds. Most often it is best to save it for when you need to heal up instead of just casting it when it's available.

*Note for top Rengar*: Couldn't find a better place to put this so I will write it here. If you notice I take exhaust top lane with Rengar, it's because I think exhaust is the best spell in the game. It's a point and click buton that allows you to make someone irrelevant for 2.5s. It will allow you to win any matchup top lane as well as 2v1 their jungler too in some cases. It's perfect for laning against other carry champs and is also fantastic at turning close fights or nullifying an enemies burst. Now this is not without some downsides. The thing about Exhaust is that you need to know how to use it. Since it's a spell that reduces incoming damage you need to use it before your target has used their damage. This means you have to be thinking proactively and not reactively. If you exhaust after someone already used their burst then congratulations now you lose exhaust for next fight and you're dead. It's important to think ahead at what your opponent is doing. For example if Riven is on you doing a Q combo, it's best to exhaust after she has commit but before most of the damage comes through, this will make her stuck there with no CDs, doing no damage and wil be unable to escape. If you use it as a OH****IMGONNADIE panic button it will often be too late and it will not work out.
This spell also reduces armor and MR of the target, meaning even if you don't need it for the defensive properties it's sometimes good to just exhaust the target you are all inning in order to make them weaker and move slower to keep them close to you. Anyway, I take exhaust 100% of my top rengar games and I think it is an unbeatable summoner spell for the champ in the role.

Overall I still find him to be a fun champ and is also very strong right now. As much as I miss old assassin Rengar, I'm happy to play him in any optimal way that is available. And right now that style is bruiser/ offtank whatever you want to call it. With this build I can still manage to destroy squishy champs and contrary to the big problem with assassin rengar where teamfighting is extremely hard, bruiser rengar thrives in chaos, so big teamfights are his place to be. The two biggest roles Rengar can serve in a teamfight are Diving as well as Peeling.

Diving: this is your playstyle when you are ahead, or later on into games where you have plenty of resists and can play more recklessly. In a team fight situation it is often best to use your ult after the fight has already started, it's probably the ideal situation, but isn't always an option, so be sure not to tunnel too hard on waiting for the fight. Rengar is also good at initiating fights head on. If you can get a really nice flank on the enemy team grouping, it can be realy potent to dive right in on a squishy hiding in the back, if you have a chance to get your Ult crit on a squishy late game with a full combo, you will guarantee blow summoner spells or even get a kill, and this will kick off the fight.

Peeling: Rengar is also a strong peel champ if you need to protect your carries in a particular game. Some games you need to play more careful and quite frankly get carried if you have strong teammates, with your bola and good damage levels you can do wonders to help create space between your enemies and your allies.

As we go through the chapters I hope to make you as excited to play him as I have been for all these years.
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I've received multiple questions about the jungle items. Both warrior and cinderhulk, but frankly I don't ever buy either of them. I do think that red smite is incredibly strong in ganks and duels, however due to the cdr of BC and Visage, I will never build this item. Both warrior and cinderhulk are very cost efficient items, however their stats become a lot less appealing as the game goes on, 60ad and 10% cdr are the only combat stats you're getting on a 2625g item, compared to something like a youmuus which is similar in price but gives you a whopping 20 lethality. For these reasons I personally don't buy them, though I have nothing against them or the people who do prefer to buy them!

Black Cleaver : This item is your core. It's your bread and butter as offtank Rengar. Not only is it a fantastic spike upon completion it is a fantastic item at all points in the game. The base stats as well as the passives are all perfect for rengar. I will build this every game no matter what. A nice part of this item is that Q>AA>Q>AA applies 6 stacks almost instantly, allowing you to destroy tanks once completed.

Ninja Tabi : These boots are insane right now. With the current state of ADC's coupled with the last round of buffs for Tabi's (10%>>12% AA reduction) have made them in all honestly overtuned. I will buy these every game since I can avoid CC with my W anyway, so Merc's are much less efficient. Also once tabi are completed, ADC's are basically irrelevant.

Spirit Visage : This item synergizes very well with Rengar. It will round out your CDR as well as making your W heals extremely potent. With this a W>W combo will actually heal you for more damage than you originally took which is just absurdly strong on a bruiser champion. I choose to rush the kindlegem in order to cap CDR ASAP.

Dead Man's Plate : Great armor item, passive has great synergy with your ult movespeed as well as your passive. In case you didn't know your leap distance out of a bush scales with your movespeed as the leap indicator will actually linger for about 0.5s once you leave brush, therefore the further you can travel in that 0.5s, the longer your leap will be. Also free extra damage from the momentum stacks from the item's passive.

Ravenous Hydra : This item is great on Rengar. Notice I get it as a 4th item. This because BC is essential, and you need your tank items mid game. Once you transition later it is nice to pick up more damage. You'll find with tank boots , visage, and deadman's you are very hard to kill with proper W management. So now you are free to go more damage! If you don't like hydra I would very much recommend a lifesteal item of any kind (maybe not bork), Bloodthirster, Death's Dance and Ravenous Hydra are all great lifesteal items. I have a personal preference for Hydra since the active is a free 100% AD scaling ability.

Infinity Edge : I build this item 6th most of the time, first it's often hard to reach 6 items in games these days but I like this for a last item, a bunch more AD and your ult's free crit will hit like a truck. There are plenty of other good options for a last item on Rengar, this is really up in the air.

Youmuu's Ghostblade : Good first item since the lethality buffs. If you are going to invest in lethality I would recommend building more than 1 item of it.

Edge of Night : Another great lethality item. This item since it's recent buffs is actually amazing. Not only is the spellshield active on a 30 SECOND cooldown, but you can now ACTIVATE IT IN STEALTH. This is huge, previously you needed to use Edge and then ult. Meaning after waiting for the items channel and your ults jump delay you need to wait 3.5 seconds before actually getting to look for the fight. now you can pop ult like normal and pop the spellshield while camouflaged in order to leap in with some immunity!

Duskblade of Draktharr : Last lethality item, also got buffed recently. Pretty good item if you are stacking lethality already. This item is only a good buy if you are already buying lethality since the passive stacks off of it.

Mercurial Scimitar : Great AD item if you need an extra cleanse in fights.

Maw of Malmortius : Good item against APs, careful not to overcap CDR.

Mortal Reminder : There is a reason I list this Last Whisper item and not the other one. If you are building this it is because you need the Grevious wounds passive (against mundo, swain etc.) The armor pen can be nice against tanks, but otherwise BC is more than enough shred. If you feel you need to grevious wounds passive earlier, it is ok to build an Executioner's Calling as it's only 800g and will shutdown heal champs.

Sunfire Aegis : This is another option for armor if you feel you want more. I would still recommend Dead man's over this as a first armor item.

Guardian Angel : Great Item for late late game where 1 teamfight can win or lose the game. Plenty of uses.

Zz'Rot Portal : this is a strong item for adding extra pressure to a lane. Useful for drawing teams apart and being able to get a pick.

Randuin's Omen and Thornmail are both great anti-AD items. Both do different things so pick them when you need them. Randuins would be a fantastic item agaisnt the likes of Yasuo, Ashe, or other crit based champion. Also remember that Skills that crit (such as nid leopard Q or karthus isolated Q) and this item will reduce those crits as well.

Locket of the Iron Solari : This locket is uniquely good since the rework, it gives flat resists the same way guardian angel would, but also comes with a very powerful active, giving you and nearby allies a massive shield that decays over time. This item can actually be pretty fun and strong to build.

Banshee's Veil : Perfect item for anti burst from things like leblanc. Also a huge stat stick if you're in need of some extra magic resist.
Any other item I've listed is situational but good, if it is not listed here it is probably not a good build option.

Also on a random side note, I've noticed a lot of low level Rengar's build Sterak's Gage. Do not build this item, Rengar's base AD is already low, and boosting it will not benefit you in the least.
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Greater Seal of Armor : These are pretty generic, good defensive runes, help reduce damage from jungle camps on your first clear.

Greater Seal of Scaling Health : This is a little more experienced of a seal, it may be a little worse off in your first clear, but the +216HP by level 18 will quickly outscale the 9 armor given from the other seals. It's really preference though for whatever you want, they are both good. Since Patch 7.5, I no longer recommend these, unless you are a veteran Rengar player who is confident in his first clear.

Greater Mark of Attack Damage : These are super basic, easy to obtain and work great. Rengar scales very well off of flat AD making these god at all points of the game.

Greater Mark of Lethality : These are interesting. Since the recent buffs to lethality (0.6 starting value from 0.4) they are better but I still prefer flat AD just to make my early game/ clear stronger. A mix of both can be good.

Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage : These follow the same guidelines as the marks of AD. Good offensive stat, can't go wrong with more AD in the early game for a faster clear and good damage to champs as well.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction : I love these, and they are great at speeding you up to 45% CDR. You have two options with CDR glyphs, you can go 6 scaling which will give you a few percent every level all the way up to 18 eventually, or you can mix Flat CDR and scaling CDR. This will give you 5% flat and then the other 5% by level 18, but it will also take up all 9 Blue spots instead of leaving a few spots for your own choice.

Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist : I take these in the few remaining spots i have left as they are one of the better glyphs out there and will help you scale up into the late game, I choose scaling over Flat Magic Resist because 3 flat magic resist glyphs is a small amount of MR and since you won't be taking a lot of magic damage early it's nice to just go for the scaling version.
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Masteries are pretty straight forward:

Savagery : for the extra clear speed.

Runic Affinity : over the other options, though both other options aren't necessarily bad.

Merciless for obvious reasons.

Greenfather's Gift : for more damage.

Intelligence : this is an important mastery. As nice as bonus pen is, cooldown reduction cannot be underestimated. On a resourceless champion such as Rengar, you are fully fueled by CDR. The more CDR the more abilities you can cast and the faster you have access to your Ferocity ability. This is key to success on Rengar as the more rotations you can get off the more damage you will deal.

Precision : Not as great since the nerfs, still fine if you would prefer some damage over the 5% cdr.

Stromraider's Surge : Since the W nerfs to Rengar I think this mastery has become core. It can be reliably procced and makes chasing down targets very easy. Now that you don't have CC immunity for 1.5seconds I find the 3 second speed up (plus slow protection) help to make up for that when you dive into the enemy

I then dip into the Ferocity tree to finish off.
Sorcery : for more damage since Rengar is a caster and all 3 basic abilities benefit from Sorcery.

Fresh Blood for more damage, though Feast is okay if you feel you need a healthier clear.

Natural Talent for more damage.

Vampirism I take one point in this spell because some life steal>no lifesteal. You're hardly penalized for taking one point out of Nat. Talent and sustain is always valuable.

Bounty Hunter for the most damage.
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Early Game


Early jungling is pretty easy on Rengar, there are a million different paths you can take, and it's best to never get too comfortable with one clear path. It doesn't matter what camp you start, you will generally get a better leash starting bot side, but you risk setting your bot lane behind if the enemy doesn't leash, or even worse, brush cheeses your lane. The only important thing to remember for early clears is that Raptors is worth a lot of XP. Fortunately for Rengar he clears them better than most other junglers. From the bush (for the passive stack) you jump on the closest mini raptor, and Q the whole camp, wait for you W gray health to stack up and then W, and then W again when you can. Make sure to evenly auto the mini raptors as your Q and W>W will kill them all early. This will let you clear it with almost full hp if you manage your W's well to maximize damage healed.

Note: When killing scuttle it is worth it to walk to a brush and jump on it to start it if the opportunity is there. This will let you get 4 ferocity much faster and let you snare the crab so you can do way more damage. Also important early is that you may not want to use your W when killing scuttle. At level 1 it is still on almost a 20 second cooldown and you really do need it available if you run into their jungler or a laner roams on you. Without it you may find yourself dying due to not having a heal available and not being able to reach full stacks in the fight.

Often times it is best to not try to force ganks as early rengar. Top lane is usually your best option for an early gank, but it is very matchup dependent. Last thing you want is to try and save your low hp riven from that fiora, and then get double killed. You really need to gauge who your laner is and how the matchup is for him and how is lane is doing by the time you make it to that side of the map. If you don't have a gank opportunity you can also look to counter jungle. You can steal enemy raptors extremely fast, but when counter jungling I wouldn't recommend going to the bush for the extra stack, it's too risky to walk that far into the jungle and be facechecking bushes, if you do invade you need to be ready to fight at all times. I find more and more people rushing both buffs these days so if you do a long clear and then invade don't expect to find much unless they are a very slow clearer.

Another thing to keep in mind is that lane ganking top lane is seriously underrated. I find too many Rengar's only look for ganks through river, but if your lane is pushing to them and you can get into the top bushes unspotted it is a free kill 99% of the time. If you combo correctly with leap+EWQ, and then throw an Emp Bola, you earn that kill most of the time.


Early game with Rengar is his spotlight. He is, in my opinion, one of the strongest top laners in those levels (besides darius). His kill pressure at level 1 or 2 is very very high and you should trade aggressively in those levels in order to abuse his options to kill someone. A few things about Rengar's rework totally buffed him in top lane so lets talk about it.

His passive: His base leap range was massively increased and is no longer tied to his bonetooth, this means that Rengar top's threat range from top brushes is even bigger now, if the wave is centered it is extremely hard to get cs without being in range of Rengar's leap. This allows you to position very aggressively and keep your opponent the back foot. By being able to control the flow of the lane you get to dictate when trades happen, giving you a lot of dominance in lane.

His Q: Now that Q is a spell and not an auto attack a few of his bad matchups got vastly improved such as Jax and Teemo who can no longer absorb your Q, dissolving your damage. Now that Q is an AoE spell your trade pattern is stronger than ever. This is also great for lane control as you can shove waves incredibly fast with Q>Q.

Ferocity: Ferocity now decays, but was changed from 5 stacks to 4. This allows you to have an empowered spell immediately available after trading with a full combo, this allows combos such as Leap>E>Q>W>W where you get in do damage and run away healing and cleasing. Good short trade combo that allows you to heal up and often win the trade. There is also Leap>E>Q>W>AA>Q>AA. This is the big daddy combo and is your biggest damage trade, it can quite literally kill most laners from half health or at least blow summs or push them out of lane. Notice how I weave auto attacks in after my Qs in order to take advantage of the AA reset, maximizing my damage. Those are the main combos, I don't often use Emp E in lane aside from ganks, or if i need to lock down a fleeing/ranged target.

Keep your lane entrance warded as much as possible as junglers seem to love ganking Rengar top. Fortunately with Exhaust you can actually 2v1 more often than you'd think, even when you're only level 3/4/5 etc. Also if you find yourself shoving you opponent under tower early, if they are scared and sitting under turret or if they're low etc. It's usually a good call to go wander into the enemy jungle and see if you can find them. If you can pick up a free kill you will be very far ahead, and if not you can at least put some deep vision down for a huge team advantage.
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Mid Game


By now you should have your core items of Black Cleaver, Tabi, and at least a kindlegem. At this point in the game you should really be focusing objectives. (well you should be at all times of the game but now it's pretty much the only thing you need to focus on.) Is drake up soon? Is there a low tower you can prioritize? Often one of my favourite things to do as Rengar is have someone hard shove a side lane that you need a Tier 1 tower in, and I will just shadow their push from the bushes, often someone will come to save the tower, and will get baited into a fight that you are well prepared for.

At this time you should also be on the lookout for ult opportunities to turn ganks or skirmishes. You should also continue to weigh farm very heavily. You should be farming as often as you're allowed to, but don't get baited in to farming a camp when you should be pushing or heading to an objective. Also please for the love of god prioritize your teammates over jungle camps. Too often junglers will just say **** it to their laner that is getting chased down the lane from a gank, but you should always position to help them as soon as you can, maybe they'll blow summs trying to gank, or end up diving. Whatever happens you need to rotate because you might be picking up some free kills, free wins, or at the very least some free farm from the lane.


Your job around mid game is a roamer, you should only be going top in order to shove your wave back once it starts to build up towards your tower, otherwise you want to be looking for picks, skirmishes, fights that you aren't starting etc. It's easy enough to pick up farm from the jungle and other lanes while you're roaming so be wary of your cs level, but you should be able to make a huge impact through your presence. This is the optimal time to worry about your stacks! It is clearly harder to get 5 stacks early as you are top lane for so long but that's not too big of a deal, you now have free reign over the whole map, so get out there and hunt!
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Late game

I find this is the point where most Rengar players struggle the most. You're not really tanky enough to 1v5 their team like a Naut or Maokai, and you don't do enough damage to faceroll jump into their adc and one shot before dying. So you have to play fights a little smarter.

First thing to note is that any fight around brushes is already infinitely better for you. By having multiple ways to gap close you increase your chase and kill pressure by a huge margin. This is not to say that Fights in mid lane or wherever else you won't ave brush are bad, it just means that you have a large advantage when in the jungle or river.

This is where you will start building more damage as well. You will find that as you start building a life steal item, you become a huge threat again, tanks can no longer do much to you since they cant out damage your healing and you just out damage them as as a bruiser, especially with your Black cleaver shredding a ton of armor at this point in the game. This extra damage also lets you blow up squishies like you could at the 10 minute mark again.

Generally when teamfighting late game, unless you have a designated tank who will engage figts for you, it will be your job to either initiate, or cause chaos in their backline while the other team tries to initiate. NOTE: It is not a linear decision, you need to establish your role before a fight depending on the game. Sometimes it's jsut best to sit beside your ADC and peel for them if they have a lot of divers or your Carry is very strong and you need to keep them alive. Rengar is good at peeling late game due to his strong CC on bolas as well as the armor shred from your BC to help your adc destroy them.

If it is your job to initiate fights it is often best to look for opportunities that the enemy is slightly scattered. It is much easier to one shot their adc/apc when they need to travel a bit of distance to reach their team, as opposed to popping ult and having all 5 enemies huddle in a ball, making it very hard to do anything.

Generally when you jump in you will Leap+EWQ+ Emp W. This is a standard combo that lets you get in, absorb a bunch of cooldowns and then get out while dealing good damage. It's important again to manage your W properly, if you cast it too early you will take a ton of damage on the retreat, and if you pop it too late you will die before you can build up your fero stacks and cannot cleanse their cc. This is probably the biggest mechanic on Rengar, and where a lot of his skill ceiling comes from. Good use of W will differentiate a good Rengar from a bad one.
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Unique Skills

W: PASSIVE: Rengar stores 50% of the damage he's taken in the last 1.5 seconds as Grey Health (75% versus monsters).

Battle Roar
ACTIVE: Rengar lets out a battle roar, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and healing Rengar for his Grey Health.

This spell is the biggest change to Rengar's kit after his rework. This skill is incredibly strong and is often argued by high elo players to be OP (for good reason). It's for this reason that we max it second as you want to have it available as often as possible. It makes you nearly impossible to burst down, and you tend to win sustained fights easily due to no mana, low cooldown on Q and being tanky enough to last out the fight. I'd say these days I use Empowered W the most of my other empowered abilities. It is definitely not the best option all of the time, but in fights the ability to W>W and heal back 100% of the damage taken in the last 1.5 seconds is pretty unbeatable. I only use Emp Q if i need to burst someone very very fast, or its a close fight and I need that last chunk of damage more than a heal, whether it won't be a big enough heal, or I'll die if i don't kill my enemy right now. Emp E is mostly for ganking and chasing with a team. Be careful about using Emp E to chase a target alone because depending on the enemy, snaring them may get you killed. If you waste your Ferocity to snare someone you are banking on the fact that your basic abilities will come off CD fast enough that you can still kill him before he kills you. Things like some ADCs late game can annihilate you if you go to deep for them and use Emp E as you won't have enough damage to finish them off, regardless of if they're snared or not.

R: This was another massively changed skill since the rework. No longer makes you Invisible, no longer grants vision of everyone and no longer ONLY gives movespeed when you are closing in on a target. This makes for some interesting interactions with how you should use your ult. For starters, it now lasts for 12/16/20 seconds. So instead of before where you had to pop R and then jump on a squishy, your ult now is fantastic at zoning and creating pressure. If your team is seiging turrets it is good to pop ult and force people off of defending it, if you pop R the enemy team is guaranteed to re-position to deal with a potential rengar jump. This will make their carries have to play more scared and allow your team to hit the turret for free. If the carries get impatient with waiting your ult out or move out of position because they figure they are safe then you can take that opportunity to jump in, combo, and W>W out, this will greatly chunk if not kill their adc and/or potentially burn summoner spells, all while your team takes a free tower. This can be used again on the neutral objectives, baron and dragon. If the enemy team starts them and you are there before your team just pop ult and scout around, see where they are positioned, is anyone low? Is there a good angle to jump in? How far away is your team? Can you make a play here? These are the questions that you need to ask, with 12/16/20 seconds you are in no rush to decide how to play a fight, sometimes it's best to just sit in a bush and cancel your ulti in order to make people think you walked away, while in reality you are sitting in a bush ready to kill whoever nonchalantly walks past.

E is the exact same as it has always been except the fact that the slow doesn't decay over the duration. This makes it a very potent slow at all levels and is another reason to not level it until late.

Q we have discussed already and their isn't much more to say other than the fact that since it is a skillshot now be very careful not to miss your Q in a duel, especially your emp Q. Nothing feels worse than missing your emp Q and looking like a fool, you become a bit of a sitting duck as you just dealt 0 damage and spent all ferocity.
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Here i will list some cool mechanics with Rengar. A lot of these may be a bit advanced so don't worry about trying these out immediately if you are a beginner.

1. The dash on the second part of your Q can actually cancel knockbacks. For example if you leap on a blast plat, you can actually cancel the knockback by timing your Q correctly, letting you start to bounce and then immediately fall back to your starting position. Tried to find a video but could not, fortunately it's easy to practice. This can also be applied to champion knockbacks such as Vayne E, Jayce Hammer E etc.

2. Attacking plants will put you in combat for the sake of your passive, but will not cancel out of combat movespeed buffs such as cloud drake.

3. You can Q dash out of a brush in order to extend your leap range, this is especially useful when ganking mid lane, as if you do it correctly you can leap straight onto their mid laner or at least the creep wave, allowing you an instant gap closer. NOTE: since you are using your Q before the gank happens you will not be able to get full stacks instantly.

4. Sometimes its better to use your empowered ability just for the movespeed in order to catch up to a fleeing target, assuming you don't need the emp ability. Also note that since Emp abilities have no cooldown there is no penalty to using it for gap close. Also if you do use an Emp ability to gapclose make sure its W since its the only ability without a cast time.

5. You can actually escape enclosures in League (J4 ult, Yorick circle) with your Q dash. Note: this will not work on Camille ult because that spell is ********.

6. You can catch people off guard if they don't respect your positioning by simply walking at them, generating stacks. Say the ADC is alone trying to hold a push from your team, if you hit him with a normal E and proceed to close in on him, youre free to just cast Qs willy nilly in order to get to him while generating stacks, you can reach 4 stacks surprisingly fast just by casting spells off CD and walking towards and enemy, before you know it you have emp E up and if you land that your team has a full 1.75 seconds to add cc or blow up the target.

7. Your Q is a slight auto reset. This can be used for clearing as well as tower killing. By doing AA>Q>AA you can actually cut down the delay between your auto attacks. The better you time it, the more efficient your damage output is.

8. While jumping you should always look to bola mid air, it's nearly impossible to dodge mid jump unless they flash it since Q can't be cast mid air it is the best way to maximize your damage in a short amount of time.

10. The Q dash out of bushes I mentioned earlier can also be used to jump dragon and baron walls. This is extremely difficult to pull off and I don't recommend trying to get it in a real game as if you mess up it is a huge waste of time. It is an easy mechanic to practice in a custom game, and obviously the more movespeed you have the easier it is.

This is a good example of some jumps that can be performed. This is how you execute the jump, and over dragon/baron wall it works the same although you need to Q out of bush, then walk a step or 2 forward and then click on the objective, without accidentally pathing towards the pit entrance. This makes it very hard to pull off.
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Now for pathing there are 100 different choices you have at the start of the game. Your jungle path should never be linear,sometimes it's best to full clear, sometimes you have to gank after 2 camps. The important part is to be flexible and prepare for what the enemy lanes or jungle might do. If you have an aggressive matchup top you should probably influence it so it goes your way, or if your bot lane is getting shoved in very early, make a presence and you;ll get some summs at the very least. With that being said, here are a few examples for some early paths.

A standard clear:

This is a quick efficient clear that will finish top side, and depending on how well you cleared your camps you should have full hp. From here you can base, clear scuttle, invade, or gank.

A quick route for 3:

This will give you level 3 at around 2:45, great path for fast ganks top while they don't expect it.

The long clear:

Note: The red is first clear, the blue is your clear after basing. You'll want to pick up double long sword after your first back, also this is a leashless clear, smite where you feel the need (not raptors) but make sure you have smite for your buffs to avoid having them stolen by a sneaky enemy. This was clear discovered recently, and there is a youtube video on it where the guy actually leaves 3 baby krugs alive on his first time clearing them, this will actually give you almost the exact amount of xp you need for level 6. Whether leaving the krugs alive is worth the time of clearing I haven't been able to say, killing 3 baby krugs as rengar is quite easy, but i guess if you're going for maximum efficiency, then feel free to let them despawn on their own. Doing this clear correctly will give you 6 before 6 minutes which is quite potent, if you can afford it. Often times it is more worth it to gank before 6, mostly due to the current meta where ganking is a favored strategy. If you can get away with this build then it is well worth it, just remember you are leaving both your buffs up after your first clear, so be careful the enemy jungler doesn't just walk into your jungle and take them!
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That's all I have for now. If this guide gets any traction I will make sure to keep it updated and will work to add more sections over time. As I think of things or remember things I feel need to be said I will be sure to add them, so please take a look, let me know what you think, and get back to me! I love to talk about Rengar and give and recieve feedback so if you have any questions feel free to add me on NA: Filthy Rengar
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