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Hi ! I'm solarus , I'm gold 1 at the TR server and I really enjoy playing the Millonaire playboy of the rift, Jayce,and think I play him decently well.I wished to write this guide due to some misconceptions jayce players have , so you can fast forward thtough these problems and smash faces. |
Before reading the guide ,feel free to watch don't feed by Ciderhelm ,this video is much more realistic than the champion spotlight.
+ Potent Poke + Pseudo Shurelia's + Flexable gameplay + Great pushing capabilities |
Jayce is a melee ranged hybrid champion who excells at laning and skirmishes.He packs a lot of poke and a good bit of burst damage with the cost of lategame potency unless fed.He has a teamwide movespeed boost,attackspeed boost for pushing,little bit of innate tankyness from his hammer form , %health damage, both physichal and magic damage AND a badass hammer/cannon.What else could one ask for ? |
+ Lacks lategame potency + Blows up when you go in at the wrong time + Hard to master + No actualy ways to escape ganks |
As explained previously,His damage is lategame is nothing to laugh at, though is incomparable to his damage early on.He has no massive aoe so is better suited for skirmishes than teamfights.Although he has a ms buff, He tends to struggle escaping ganks if not seen early enough. |
Recommended Runes are:
- greater quintessence of Armor Penetration: If you feel like throwing away your potent early game for a meh late game feel free. I do not recommend these.
- greater mark of armor penetration:same as before.Just stick with ad.
- Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: Use this against ap.
- Greater Seal of Health: Use these if against ap with minimal autoattack poke.
The masteries are quite generic,Your everyday ad caster page, really.
SorceryAllows Jayce to switch stances and cast abilites more often , which are his main damage sources.
Butcher Just simply makes last hitting easier.
Brute Force Gives a nice bit of much needed late game AD.
Martial Mastery Is every ad casters dream mastery.Free 4 AD.A must have.
Executioner Is an interesting one,I think it may and will allow one to deal that extra bit of damage at close fights, and Be more potent at diving low health targets.
Warlord Gives us more AD, The More AD we have.If you didn't get it yet,We love AD.
Dangerous Game Is another interesting one, though I think is a much earned point.This really shines at teamfights and first blood attempts.If you both have ticking over your head,you getting the kill first will help you survive.Encourages offensive playstyle.
Devastating Strikes Gives us much needed armor and magic PEN.Jayce deals a significant amount of both, So all good.
Havoc We came so far, might as well pick it up for the extra Damage.
Recovery is a nice little bit of sustain , also adds up in time.
Unyielding Also is an amazing trading tool ,Really matters through time ,especially in early game.
Veteran Scars Extra hearlth is just straight up good,And has synergy with the other defensive masteries we picked up.
Juggernaut Braum is here !Jokes aside ,nice little bit of hp ,If you have three thousand hp , you get 90 for free, nothing to laugh at just for a point.
Double-Edged Sword
gives higher damage , at the cost of taking more ,and as a champion who doesn't get close until it no longer matters to get damage, Its just earning free damage.SorceryAllows Jayce to switch stances and cast abilites more often , which are his main damage sources.
Butcher Just simply makes last hitting easier.
Brute Force Gives a nice bit of much needed late game AD.
Martial Mastery Is every ad casters dream mastery.Free 4 AD.A must have.
Executioner Is an interesting one,I think it may and will allow one to deal that extra bit of damage at close fights, and Be more potent at diving low health targets.
Warlord Gives us more AD, The More AD we have.If you didn't get it yet,We love AD.
Dangerous Game Is another interesting one, though I think is a much earned point.This really shines at teamfights and first blood attempts.If you both have ticking over your head,you getting the kill first will help you survive.Encourages offensive playstyle.
Devastating Strikes Gives us much needed armor and magic PEN.Jayce deals a significant amount of both, So all good.
Havoc We came so far, might as well pick it up for the extra Damage.
is great against autoattack poke , and really adds up.Recovery is a nice little bit of sustain , also adds up in time.
Unyielding Also is an amazing trading tool ,Really matters through time ,especially in early game.
Veteran Scars Extra hearlth is just straight up good,And has synergy with the other defensive masteries we picked up.
Juggernaut Braum is here !Jokes aside ,nice little bit of hp ,If you have three thousand hp , you get 90 for free, nothing to laugh at just for a point.
When starting ,The Doran's Blade will be our pick as it now gives % lifesteal, and will be our lifesteal item until we finish our Essence Reaver , as it will help us to get the Pickaxe before the Vampiric Scepter.It also brings a good amount of health for duels.
After rushing Essence Reaver for Jayce's mana issues,We pick up our tier 2 boots for mobility.After our boots we grab our Last Whisper in order to go through armor and Grab our resistence item of choice which either could be A Banshee's Veil , or A Randuin's Omen. Randuin's Omen is still amazing post nerf and Jayce already has enough sticking power without it.If the enemy team has AP threats grab a Banshee's Veil instead.After go ahead And pick your Youmuu's Ghostblade for its active sticking power , After this Go ahead and pick up a Guardian Angel And you're good to go !
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Pick it up instead of Youmuu's Ghostblade if you feel like you need the tankyness , and could put the passive to use.
Feel free to get this instead of a randuins for a more glass cannon build , though be warned, you WILL be squishy.
Get this if against ap , rushing the Hexdrinker,and buying Mercury's Treads in conjunction with it,switch it with the youmuu's.
If you feel that the game is going to go on for a long time pick this up early on instead of the Essence Reaver ,due to the fact that Muramana is Amazing lategame.
I recommend swapping boots with this lategame as it provides enough movespeed, tenacity, and extra stats of attackspeed and AD.
Pick this if against people who do not benefit from attackspeed ,though I would almost always pick Randuin's Omen over it.
Pick this up severely underrated item if you feel like you end up getting cclocked quite often.Drop the Youmuu's Ghostblade for it.
"If you end up picking up a early Sheenbut end up needing to build tanky because you are not doing so hot ,feel free to get this.
Although quite a nice item for Jayce, helping his kiting ,giving him tankyness with damage,At the moment the build path is awful.Pick it up if feeling like sticking to blue ,or you have the money to buy it at once.
Feel free to get this instead of a randuins for a more glass cannon build , though be warned, you WILL be squishy.
Get this if against ap , rushing the Hexdrinker,and buying Mercury's Treads in conjunction with it,switch it with the youmuu's.
If you feel that the game is going to go on for a long time pick this up early on instead of the Essence Reaver ,due to the fact that Muramana is Amazing lategame.
I recommend swapping boots with this lategame as it provides enough movespeed, tenacity, and extra stats of attackspeed and AD.
Pick this if against people who do not benefit from attackspeed ,though I would almost always pick Randuin's Omen over it.
Pick this up severely underrated item if you feel like you end up getting cclocked quite often.Drop the Youmuu's Ghostblade for it.
"If you end up picking up a early Sheenbut end up needing to build tanky because you are not doing so hot ,feel free to get this.
Although quite a nice item for Jayce, helping his kiting ,giving him tankyness with damage,At the moment the build path is awful.Pick it up if feeling like sticking to blue ,or you have the money to buy it at once.
Max To The Skies! / Shock Blast first for the damage, Lightning Field / Hyper Charge second for consistent and reliable damage and mana sustain, Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate last for teamfight utility,and to shred health stackers.Grab a point in Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer whenerver you can as it will give you more resistence reduction after switching to cannon and more burst with tankyness when switching to hammer. Some people tend to max e second ,If you are really accurate with the To The Skies! / Shock Blast Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate combo's ,or there is a health stacker on the enemy team,consider maxing it.Overall Lightning Field / Hyper Chargeis much more consistent. |
Jayce's passive Hextech Capacitor gives him 40 bonus movement speed and allows him to go through units whenever he uses his Ultimate , Mercury Cannon / Mercury Hammer
Quite a useful passive in name of going in for and out of trades,or just spamming to go around faster.
Jayce's Q ability, To The Skies! / Shock Blast is his main damage source in both stances.While in Cannon Form ,It blasts a aoe skillshot nuke dealing 60 / 115 / 170 / 225 / 280 (+1.2 per bonus attack damage) physical damage, which can be further enchanced by his E ability Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate.
While in Hammer Form , Jayce leaps to his target ,dealing 20 / 65 / 110 / 155 / 200 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage and slowing enemies by 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50% for 2 seconds.Please note that although it is a point and click skill , it can be avoided with a flash , and Jayce will not follow.
His W , Lightning Field / Hyper Charge is unlike his other two non ultimate skills , is not a mechanically complex one.It is just there for pure damage.While in cannon form , Jaycegains a burst of energy, increasing his attack speed to maximum for 3 attacks. These attacks deal 70% / 85% / 100% / 115% / 130% damage.
This skill is amazing for persistent damage output , and following foe's,dealing massive damage in higher ranks.
While in Hammer Form, jayce passively gains (6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 14) mana back by autoattacking ,and when activated he casts a electric aura dealing [100 / 170 / 240 / 310 / 380 (+ 100% AP)] magic damage over 4 seconds to nearby enemies.
It is notable that both instances of the skill persist through forms.
While in cannon form ,when cast deploys an Acceleration Gate for 4 seconds, increasing the movement speed of all allies who pass through it by (30% / 35% / 40% / 45% / 50%) for 3 seconds.The bonus fades away during the duration.If shockblast is fired through it ,It's damage is increased by %40.
While in Hammer form ,Deals magic damage equal to a percentage [8% / 11% / 14% / 17% / 20% (+100% Bonus AD)] of the target's maximum health, knocking the target back a short distance. This damage is capped against monsters at 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600.
While in hammer form, Transforms the Mercury Hammer into the Mercury Cannon, gaining new abilities and ranged attacks.
The next attack in Cannon Stance reduces the enemy's armor and magic resist by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% for 5 seconds.
The next attack in Cannon Stance reduces the enemy's armor and magic resist by 10% / 15% / 20% / 25% for 5 seconds.
While in Cannon form Transforms the Mercury Cannon into the Mercury Hammer, gaining new abilities and (5 / 15 / 25 / 35) bonus armor and magic resist. The next attack in Hammer Stance deals [20 / 60 / 100 / 140 (+40% AP)] additional magic damage.Feel free to spam it to travel faster.Try to get the oh hit effects as often as possible in lane to maximize your damage output.
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FlashIs a must have in ranked/ competitive play.It essentially is a get out of jail free card ,And as Jayce who has no built in "actual " escapes, It's exactly what we wish.You also can make some cool insec plays with your
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As Jayce , or as any lane Bully , (looking at you ,
) ignite is a necessity,as it massively increases your kill potential.The damage from ignite at early levels is very significant, and could usually mean the diffrence between a foe running with 5 hp , or you looking like a Cool guy not looking at explosions as you walk away from an ignited enemy.Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible text!Invisible |
If you follow the competitive scene ,you will see that teleport is being used widely in name of map pressure , and being unable to lose lane.However the problem with taking Teleport is that Jayce Early on, does not pack enough of a punch to kill your opponent without ignite, unless they are dummies .Your job is not to sustain through the lane , your job is to crush it.With the patch before, tp was made to have a 200 second cooldown when used on turrets, so early game bullies were worse than before, as their foe would just return to lane , and keep farming it up.With patch 4.10 , it is now 240 seconds, giving bullies some more chance. |
These are where I recommend warding at ,I'll walk you through them.
1.Green spot :If you playpurple side, and pushed your enemy out of lane ,First of all, push to the tower, and then check the timer to see if the buff's are about to come up.If so ,ward their blue buff so you and your team can potentially contest it.
2.Yellow spot: If you, once again are the purple side ,ward here so that you can see the enemy jungler as he leaves the jungle and comes to gank you.
3.Black spot : If on the blue sideWard here in conjunction with the :
4.Red spot : So that you can see if the enemy jungler as he leaves the jungle from the tribush to come gank you.
5.Blue spot :If you play blue side ward here After you push your enemy out of the lane , and the minions to the tower ,and you believe their red is almost up.This ward makes it so that you can potentially contest it ,though be warned, the red buff is placed much deeper in the jungle than it's bluecounterpart,And it could end up with you getting caught.
To Summarize , Jayce is an amazingly strong
and fun champion to play , and one who definently has carry
Feel free to leve any helpful feedback ,to report typo's,or say anything in general.English is not my mother tongue so If I made grammatical errors , feel free to be a Nazi about it.Have a wonderful day.
jhoijhoi for her guide making tips
To Ciderhelm For making amazing videos which helped me save a lot of time !
Link to his youtubez
Link to his youtubez
Thanks to "Justin Gordon ",whose video I used to show a correct q e combo.
Link to HIS youtubez
Link to HIS youtubez
to Metalocif for helping me with enlarging the build options [
And To the MOBAFIRE community, who took time to read it !(that's you pal.)
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