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Olaf Build Guide by Theredy42

AD Offtank FUS RO DAH - Olaf the Tanky DPS Dovahkiin

AD Offtank FUS RO DAH - Olaf the Tanky DPS Dovahkiin

Updated on August 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Theredy42 Build Guide By Theredy42 32 4 123,325 Views 39 Comments
32 4 123,325 Views 39 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Theredy42 Olaf Build Guide By Theredy42 Updated on August 6, 2013
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Olaf, the Berserker

>> Hi there, I am Theredy42, and this is my first guide on MobaFire. It is about Olaf, the amazing tanky DPS / offtank champion who I feel is very underrated. He can go solo top or jungle, and can be very powerful if played correctly.

>> Who is Olaf? As I said, he is a tanky DPS / offtank champion who goes top or jungle. He is seriously underrated right now, and has one of the lowest win-rates in the game. He has had an unfortunate past of being nerfed BADLY, and now people don't play him anymore. I feel that he is still VERY strong. He has a powerful slow, powerful built in sustain, true damage, and an escape that can only be countered by damage. He also has some pretty decent base stats. Anyway, I'm going to stop rambling and get on with this guide. Enjoy! :D

>> SPECIAL THANKS: Credits to jhoijhoi for her "Making A Guide" guide

NOTE: If there are any spelling mistakes, items I missed, things I could add, or any general recommendations, leave a comment please. Thank you, and hope you enjoy the guide! :D

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Pros / Cons


+ True damage with Reckless Swing
+ Can be tanky with his DPS
+ Has CC with his Undertow
+ Is not too difficult to play
+ A great solo top champion
+ He's a freaking viking

- His Reckless Swing costs health
- Can fall behind without enough farm
- Is item dependent
- Is team dependent
- Only one ranged ability
- Squishy early game

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Offensive Masteries

Gives a bit more AS for dealing a bit more DPS.

Deal bonus damage to minions, helping you to last hit a bit easier.

Some AD per level is always nice for that bit of damage to deal more later in the game.

5% bonus damage on towers is awesome to help destroy towers faster, in turn helping you win faster :D

2% more damage, a mastery that CAN come in useful, better than and Lethality as you don't crit till late in the game if you get a Phantom Dancer

8% Armor Pen. is always fun

A little bit of AD, self explanatory really.

I get this mainly for Executioner , but getting through the enemy's armor never hurts.

This is great in fights, as you deal more damage against low health enemies, and if you are at low health yourself, it goes great with Berserker Rage.

Defensive Masteries

108 extra health at level 18. That can never hurt.

Bit of extra armor, mainly for Veteran's Scars .

Bit of extra MR, mainly for Veteran's Scars .

30HP at the start of the game? Ignite deals 70 true damage at the start of the game, so this mastery lets you survive almost half an extra Ignite. Pretty good mastery.

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NOTE: Never get armor penetration for both your marks AND quints! Get them as marks with AD quints, them as quints with AD marks, or get both quints and marks as AD.

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Summoner Spells

Ignite: Great for finishing off enemies when they think they're safe. I have trolled many a foe by killing them with this.

Flash: A great spell for getting away, especially when used over a wall in a jungle. Effective on 90% of champions.

Ghost: Great for when you aren't level 12, or your opponents have high mobility, and flashing will not do.

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Ability Explanation

  • Berserker Rage: For each 1% of health missing, Olaf's attack speed increases by 1%.

    If you're at low health, in a 1v1, this will usually make your enemy retreat, or deal enough damage so when you die that Hecarim can come in to ruin someone's day. This passive is awesome.

  • Undertow (Q): Olaf throws an axe to a target location, dealing 80 / 125 / 170 / 215 / 260 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage) physical damage to units it passes through and slowing them by 24 / 28 / 32 / 36 / 40 % for 2.5 seconds. This slow fades over the duration.

    If Olaf picks up the axe, the ability's cooldown is reduced by 4.5 seconds.

    Your main source of CC, Undertow is great for catching up to escaping enemies, especially when they least expect it. Get one point in it at level 2, then max it last.

  • Vicious Strikes (W): For 6 seconds, Olaf's attack damage is increased by 7 / 14 / 21 / 28 / 35 base damage plus 1% of his max health. While active, Olaf gains 9 / 12 / 15 / 18 / 21 % lifesteal and spell vamp.

    Great in a team fight, giving you extra damage, lifesteal and spell vamp. The main reason you build Olaf so tanky. Max this unless your Reckless Swing or Ragnarok can be leveled up.

  • Reckless Swing (E): Olaf deals 100 / 160 / 220 / 280 / 340 true damage to his target and inflicts 40 / 64 / 88 / 112 / 136 true damage to himself.

    A great tide turner in a fight. This deals true damage, so it ignores armor and MR. It can absolutely demolish people, and can help against any neutral monsters *cough* Dragon *cough* you may fight. Be careful of when you use it though, you could end up leaving yourself one basic attack away from dying. Max this whenever you can, except when you can level up Ragnarok.

  • Ragnarok (R): Breaks any crowd control effects. For 6 seconds, Olaf is immune to disables, gains 30 / 45 / 60 armor and magic resist and 10 / 20 / 30 armor penetration.

    Ah, the ulti. The core ability of every champion, well almost every champion *cough* Udyr *cough*. For Olaf, it's quite similar to Master Yi's Highlander, except he can't be disabled (hit with any form of CC), with Highlander only giving immunity to slows, and doesn't give Olaf a MS buff, unlike Highlander, which does. It is great for getting out of team fights when at low health, especially if you're running Ghost, and good for tower diving, as you can't be slowed by anything ( Noxious Trap), and since towers deal damage, you will get at them with more health to give away, because of the armor buff given, however, I generally tend to avoid doing that. Also, the armor penetration can be pretty helpful, despite armor penetration's decreased usefulness. Max whenever you can.

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Ability Sequence Order

> > >
For your first four levels.
> > >
This is what you prioritize maxing after level 4. Ragnarok you level up when you can, as is standard with any ulti. Reckless Swing comes after as it is your main damage source. Tough It Out is levelled up more often later as team fights should occur more often around the time you start leveling this up and Undertow is least prioritized as it is mainly used for its slow.

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Item Sequence

Berserker's Greaves 1100
Ravenous Hydra 3300
Warmog's Armor 3100
Frozen Mallet 3100
Spirit Visage 2900
Frozen Heart 2500


Get this for that extra MS early game.

Get 3 along with your Boots to give a bit more sustain at the start.


The best boots on Olaf, as it is his main source of AS early game. Replace them (if needed) Ninja Tabi if the other team is AD heavy or get Mercury's Treads if they have lots of CC / are AP heavy, or even Mobility Boots if you're fed and roaming a lot.

Rejuvenation Bead is the core of your core, going into 2 of your core items: Ravenous Hydra and Warmog's Armor. These give the early health regen, and will go into our Tiamat, and eventually Ravenous Hydra later. Get 2.

Your potions should've run out by now, so get this for the life steal, which will stack up with your Rejuvenation Bead to give you much more sustain in lane.

This item... It's just brilliant. It gives you AD, health regen and your basic attacks deal splash damage around your target. And it gets better. Like, Ravenous Hydra better. Have fun.


Your upgraded Tiamat, giving you more AD and now comes with life steal! One of your core items, you really make everyone else your female dog with this item.

This is your main tank item. It gives you 1000HP, and heals 1% of your HP every 5 seconds. This is the item that gives you most of your health regen. It boosts your Tough It Out substantially, and you become that one guy who cannot be stopped.

This is your balance. You get health, and AD, great for any tanky DPS champion. Also, squishy targets are screwed if you catch them with this, due to the passive slowing them (Make sure to keep Teemo's skull as a trophy!). Overall, a great item on Olaf.


This item gives you AS, MS, and MOAR crits. Also, you ignore those pesky minions so you can get away from those enemies while they have to strafe around. Yay!

AD and lifesteal. A great item on Olaf. Destroy everything while you heal!

AD, AS, CDR, MS and tenacity. A fantastic mobility item, and a good alternative to a Phantom Dancer, if you need AD more than crits.

This item is beastly for destroying tanky teams. AD, AS, life steal and a passive that shreds the health of a tanky opponent. A good item on Olaf.

This item is for those annoying tanky characters that stack tons of armor. Combined with Weapon Expertise , and sometimes a Black Cleaver, their amount of armor will be insignificant.

This item is best if you have a team with a majority that deals physical damage, and you find the target you are focusing won't go down. If you land enough hits on the target, your entire team will go through 25% of their armor, and it gives you some health, so you can take more hits. Great when combined with Weapon Expertise and a Black Cleaver.

A decent Phantom Dancer replacement, get this over it if you find yourself pushing a lot, as its passive is great for doing just that, but I wouldn't recommend getting it if your ADC already has one, but hey, I can't tell you how to play your game :P


Gives some CDR, health, MR, and a bonus 20% health regen, lifesteal and spell vamp. Use if you need more tankiness.

Gives you some AD and MR. Good if you want to survive against an AP heavy team but still have a lot of bonus damage.

A cheaper alternative to a Mercurial Scimitar. Less AD and MR, but its passive grants you a pretty good escape mechanism, and its other passive grants some pretty good bonus AD. A cheaper substitute that I would generally get over a Mercurial Scimitar.

An item that grants armor and MR. A lot of it. It also gives you a free revive. Sweet. Use it if they have Blade of the Ruined King and you want to counter it. It's a good item, very good in fact, but comes in handy in very certain situations.

Ah, the Randuin's Omen. A brilliant item. Gives you loads of armor and HP, and the passive really helps destroy those ADCs in their prime. Try to build armor and MR if you want to utilize the active of it.

This item gives the most armor of any item in the game. Its main feature though is the passive, which can really make those AD and AS builders regret buying 3 Phantom Dancers and 3 Bloodthirsters. Not only does the armor render their damage pretty weak, you also deal 30% of that damage back as magic damage, before armor is applied. Pretty good.

This item gives armor. Sweet. It also gives health. Ooh! It ALSO deals 40 magic damage each second to enemies within a 400 range of you. YAY! BURN THEM TO DEATH! Also, it's a freaking cape, your argument is invalid.

Armor and crits! AD is also given, dependent on your health, so if you want to take advantage of that, build some more health. If it's enough for you already, get something else.

Another beastly defensive option, the second most armor giving item in the game, great for those teams which are very AD and AS based, as that will be reduced by 20%, and also gives you some CDR, which is nice, and even mana, which, while unorthodox, is always decent :D

A great item for when they have extremely annoying spells like Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab, or Thresh's Death Sentence, heck, even Karthus's Requiem, or any other annoying spell, plus some MR, health and mana, to spam more abilities.


Get this enchantment if you need more movement speed and you feel you're too slow. Pretty good enchantment.

This enchantment is generally for AD carries, but I like it if I find myself chasing opponents a lot, not something you should do often, but still is a great choice.

This enchantment is great if you are losing and you need to defend your base. Also, you can now beat Rammus in a race! Congratulations!

NOTE: I would recommend not building too much health, as if you have, say, 5000HP, you will be demolished by someone with a high AS and Blade of the Ruined King, unless your opponents are absolutely stupid and have no idea on how to counter you, also, you can't utilize Berserker Rage as much, and also, if you want, try to get some CDR when buying your items, as then you can spam your abilities more often, and dealing 340 true damage every 3 seconds sounds kinda good to me.

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Thank your for reading this guide, leave a rating and comment depending on what you thought about it. I hope you enjoyed reading this and helped you pick up a couple of tips along the way. Olaf is a tanky DPS who can also be a jungler. He's not too difficult to pick up, but knowing when to use your abilities is key! It just takes practice. And remember, GL and HF ripping apart opponents with Olaf :D Bye!

SPECIAL THANKS: Credits to jhoijhoi for the template, which you can find here, RIOT for making such an awesome game, and YOU, *insert summoner name here* for taking the time to read this guide.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Theredy42
Theredy42 Olaf Guide
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FUS RO DAH - Olaf the Tanky DPS Dovahkiin

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