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Heimerdinger Build Guide by Wedi Asmera

AP Carry Heimerdinger Mid Guide

AP Carry Heimerdinger Mid Guide

Updated on December 2, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wedi Asmera Build Guide By Wedi Asmera 7,172 Views 0 Comments
7,172 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wedi Asmera Heimerdinger Build Guide By Wedi Asmera Updated on December 2, 2016
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Heimerdinger is a flexible champion and can do so much. He can engage, counter engage, follow up on an engage, defend the back line, control a zone and much more, unlike Annie or LB for example, who jump in attempt to chunk and one shot the back line and voila. It really depends on what you build and how you play him.
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Pros and Cons of Heimer


You're not a popular champion and your damage dealing capability is deceptive. People know your turrets deal a lot of damage, but don't respect them. They'll see you with one turret and after taking a couple of autos from it they'd misjudge your damage output and be fooled into thinking they can tank the turret and what's more to come for the duration it takes to kill you, which where you get most of your lane kills. This applies to junglers too, where they think they can 1v2 you with the laner because you're overextended. They also tend to forget you have a stun/slow and rockets (both of which deal respectable damage early and a lot more later); not just turrets.

You're versatile with your ult. You can over kill with R + W, zone and control an area with R + Q, or land a linear hard CC with R + E. The enemy doesn't know what to expect so you zone and have amazing objective control specially with rylai; be it baron, towers or drake (with your impressive dps for a mage).

Solo tower diving with upgraded turret chokes enemy and they have NO WHERE safe to be. Tilt. This takes quite some practice and preparation to do and consumes everything in your arsenal, so make sure you're safe afterwards and have enough tank stats to initiate the dive.


Very useless without turrets during laning phase, so in an unfavorable match-up you can be rendered useless. Hard match ups for Heimer are worse than hard match ups for any other champion due to his reliance in turrets to be a reliable dps source.

You have a lot of micro to deal with. You have to place your turrets so that they don't die to AoE and they're not so far to be ineffective, so they don't push when you don't want them to or don't push when you want them to, they go for the desired target, are out of range from certain champions or skill shots like Jinx's Q or Zigg's Q and much more. All this adds great depth to him and one thing done wrong could easily cost you your influence in a team fight.

Deciding what upgrade to go for and knowing where and who to target. Eg using ult on rockets or e to yasuo or braum is just you giving in in a team fight or using q when Nunu jungle is around. Landing W and E is also quite hard to do, sometimes may even seem glitchy, specially with an un-upgraded e so knowing its interaction with certain champions/abilities and getting a feel for the hitbox
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wedi Asmera
Wedi Asmera Heimerdinger Guide
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Heimerdinger Mid Guide

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