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Choose Champion Build:
The Bear Supreme.
Healer Nidalee.
AP Tank Nidalee.
AD Tank Nida Jungle WIP
AD Nidalee Top. WIP
Midalee isn't Shidalee.
Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This guy will mess you up. He has ridiculous early damage, and can stick to you very easily. Vision around lanes and near objectives is the way to beat this guiy, since he shreds objectives and has good ganking potential, especially around blue side bomb plant.
Champion Build Guide
Can Hypercarry a game.
Phenomonal duelist and counterjungler.
Great objective taker and ganker.
If you fail early you can throw pretty hard.
VERY mechanically difficult.
Falls off late game.
I prefer

AP: If you are planning on going Full AP Nida, I would recommend

For AP Tank Nida Top I would do the same thing, just change the secondary runes to

For laning with Nidalee, you can change things up a bit.
AP - When you are going AP Just keep maxing Q. It scales the best and the attack speed isn't that important.
AD - If you are going AD, I would put 2 points in Q for the early cheese, then Max E for the Attack speed. Or, you can alternate points between Q and E.
However, you can also start W then go for raptors, to red, to blue, or start top and go for a bot lane gank early. Another strategy is to start wolves with W to throw of the enemy jungler tracking you. Honestly, just be creative. If you are good at Nidalee, you can start anywhere and make it work. For the new scuttle XP, you want to make sure you have control over the river. Scuttle has become a Semi-important objective in comparison to before.
Now, since it gives you more XP and gold, it isn't a bad idea to grab one level 2. Remember, always go for that scuttle!

1. Starting camps on the way - you can start camps by hitting them with a max range spear on the way to them.
2. Pounce Resetting: Pounce resetting is when you hit a target with a spear and lead a trap in front of them, then jumping on them before the trap hits, effectively giving you a second empowered pounce almost immediately. This can make you do a bit more damage to your camps, and keep your pounce up more in the event of an invade.
3. Clearing two camps at once: When going to fight

1. Abuse the wave: When ganking as Nidalee, you should wait for your opponent to walk next to a wall or minion before you chuck a spear, so that they have less space to dodge the spear.
2. Predicting the enemy's movements: Everybody in League dodges a certain way, and generally they form the habit of, when given the option, dodging in the same direction. What you can do is look and see how each person dodges a couple of your spears, then start to throw them a little in that direction, in order to clip them with it.
3. Lane ganking: I love lane ganking! Lane ganking (especially in low elo) is a very effective and sneaky way of ganking abusing enemy vision. This only works in top and bot lane, but what you do is have your lane push up a bit in front of one of the bushes, so that you can sneak into the bush from behind the lane without being seen, then gank from there. A lot of times, the enemy will walk right into you.
Putting behind laners
Warding effectively
Tracking the enemy jungler and roams from laners
You have to be on the ball at all times, and you can not miss a single beat. Use Nidalee's early power to push out the enemy jg, and grab dragons, and try to get your laners to help.
Generally, what you need to do is flank from behind and wait for your team to go in, while taking precise shots to either hit the ADC or corral them into a bad spot. Then, jump in when a carry is caught out or you hit a great spear allowing you to jump in and kill the damage dealers before you get popped by them.
Laning with top lane Nidalee can be a bit tricky into certain matchups, and completely faceroll easy into others. To start, you need to understand the advantages you hold over your enemy.

So lets think about this:
If you are going AP: Nasus shreds at close range, so try to land your spears through minions and push him out of lane, making it hard to stack minions. Ward a bit deep into the enemy jg, so you have plenty of advance notice of a gank. I would also try doing some jungle invades for kills if you push Nasus out of lane and are healthy and confident enough in your skills. Remember: carrying the game is a lot easier if the enemy jungle is behind as well.
If you are going AD: This matchup is super easy, just poke him out of lane when he tries to go for minions, you can't miss auto attacks, and your spears still chuck early. If he tries to chase you down and you don't have the damage to instakill him, just

I will put out matchup details for every champ in the game within the next couple of weeks, so be prepared for that. Top lane is all about knowing your matchup and adjusting how you lane according to that.
Laning with mid lane Nidalee is pretty straightforward on paper, but is a lot more difficult in the execution than top lane in my opinion. Just like with top lane, you must first see what advantages you have over your enemy. Nidalee is a high burst champion when going AP, and a consistent ranged threat when going AD, so abuse these attributes while you lane. Depending on how good your knowledge of gank patterns is (I'll cover this) she can either be better at spotting ganks with her

Lets take a look at both champions ability to lane, and what strengths and weaknesses they have:

Here is how to fight that matchup:
When going AP:

When going AD:

I will put out matchup details for every champ in the game within the next couple of weeks, so be prepared for that. Mid lane is all about keeping lane pressure and trying to influence the map with how you play.
Laning with ADC/APC Nidalee is honestly not that hard since she has good range and a nice heal. Playing it with your support well can be a bit tricky, however. Like in every lane, you need to evaluate what strengths and weaknesses you and your enemy have, only now, you have 4 people to think about. Since every game is different and there are endless combinations of bot laners, I will add matchup information on all of them in the matchups section within the next couple of weeks. Generally though the rules on laning apply to bot lane the same as mid lane.
Nidalee is a high burst champion when going AP, and a consistent ranged threat when going AD, so abuse these attributes while you lane. Remember to use her

I will put out matchup details for every champ in the game within the next couple of weeks, so be prepared for that. ADC is about transforming individual strength into powerful teamplays, just because you are in bot lane doesn't mean you can't influence the map.
Support Nidalee is a bit more strict build-wise than other roles, but has 2 distinct playstyles that you will need to master and interchange between to be effective. Aggro kill Nidalee, and healer-poke Nidalee.
Aggro kill Nidalee: Aggro kill Nidalee is done best into lanes where executing the ADC or support immediately is your main priority and can be done effectively without much risk. Most notably against low mobility ADC's and Supports such as:

Healer-poke Nidalee: Healer-poke Nidalee is most effective into chmaps who can't be assassinated easily or can prevent you from playing aggressive. This build is safer and is more effective into champs such as

I will put out matchup details for every champ in the game within the next couple of weeks, so be prepared for that. Support is all about halping your team come out on top in skirmishes, and about setting up awesome plays with getting preemptive vision and crazy setups.
Shoutout to DutchWolf114 for helping me out with this section! He is a really great guy and you should check out his guide to Nida supp here.
Happy Climbing,
- The Top Bear
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