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Kha'Zix Build Guide by Tyrfiel

Jungle Kha'zix Guide

Jungle Kha'zix Guide

Updated on July 16, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tyrfiel Build Guide By Tyrfiel 3,047 Views 0 Comments
3,047 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Tyrfiel Kha'Zix Build Guide By Tyrfiel Updated on July 16, 2016
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Hi mates i am Ao Guan playing on PH server and currently on Diamond V
I've played other roles before but it seems like the jungle really suited me.
I can play any champ in the jungle but im best at using assassins
It's fun playing Kha'zix especially when fed (of course killing isolated carries as fast as rengo does is fun :3)
Actually this is my first guide so i would be glad to have feedbacks and suggestions
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Pro's & Con's


+ Good clear speed and sustain (generally
+ Reliable slow with Unseen Threat
+ Huge burst potential on isolated targets
+ Resets with evolved Leap
+ Juking like a boss with evolved Void Assault
+ One of the best SoloQ carries


- Lack of CC
- If you get caught with Leap and Ult down you are screwed
- Pink wards will make your escape hard if you run with Ult
and also ruin you if you try and adjust positioning wit Ult
- You are almost as squishy as the targets you want to get to
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Early Game

Get gromp => blue => wolf
Gank or get scuttler first before ganking
raptor => red => gank or get scuttler =>Do first recall and buy first back items
Focus on objectives and assasinations and don't get caught
You are the supposed to be the one to ambush not get ambushed
You can 1v1 Dragon at level 6 if you upgrade your Q..asking for help would be better
Gank to kill not to give pressure

-Help in Warding
-Be patient just play and disregard flamers,TTs and throws
-Encourage them and do your job
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Mid Game

By now you are almost level 11.
Focus on assassinating their backline theb peel for your carries,
Positioning is important because the longer their carries do damage against your team the more harder it will be. are stronger on 1v1's burst down their carries as fast as possible and
Death's Dance will give you enough sustain to peel for your carries
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Late game

This part is EZ AF

Pick your fights and know your limits
Don't dive into their carry if you can't finish the job not getting the jump reset will be deadly for you
Basic Combo:
You can also combine this with your ult if it's not enough (after last AA)
While invisible you have to make the choice. Change position and finish the job or Change position for escape
It's Kill or be Killed
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Tips,Tricks and Conclusion

=Try to do AA first before Q to proc your passive
=Abuse isolated Targets
=Wait for the right time to dive unto enemy carries
=Position yourself near the enemy carry but far enough not to get initiated
=Use your kit wisely and don't make stupid decisions and you will be fine
=Do not fear you are using the Almighty Kha'zix (again,just don't be stupid)
=Choose fights wisely,know your capabilities and limits and don't get caught

Kha'Zix is a mobile,high damage assassin,best at killing enemies one by one
With a very fun playstyle,thanks to this predatory feels.
He can carry games by removing enemy carries from the fights and relies on positioning and timing
Abusing the function of his kit will give you great results
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Tyrfiel
Tyrfiel Kha'Zix Guide
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Jungle Kha'zix Guide

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