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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Unseen Threat (PASSIVE)
Kha'Zix Passive Ability
Pros and Cons Of Top Lane Kha'zix
Can have good trades with AA tiamat Q AA
You can play Kha'zix top instead of jungle
Isn't as viable as jungle K'6
Not meant to be top lane.
Isn't as viable as jungle K'6
Has no cc or engages like some bruisers
Isn't as viable as jungle K'6
During laning phase you will be trading so on Kha'zix for trading you will usually be proccing you passive by going in bush and going up to the enemy to aa q aa. If you are planning to burst the enemy you will W E tiamat q aa or aa tiamat w q aa.
You can always reproc passive by going in a bush that isn't warded and your passive procs a slight slow but you should try to proc it when your jg comes and gank. I recommend implementing aa's between abilities such as aa q aa w aa to maximize damage. You can use your leap to take the duration of cc just like Tristana's leap mechanic or you can use ult while cc so they can't damage you with targeted abilities or AA's. Ult can also be used to cancel abilites such as ulting when darius ults which will cause darius to not perform his ultimate and possibly saving you from being killed.
You can always reproc passive by going in a bush that isn't warded and your passive procs a slight slow but you should try to proc it when your jg comes and gank. I recommend implementing aa's between abilities such as aa q aa w aa to maximize damage. You can use your leap to take the duration of cc just like Tristana's leap mechanic or you can use ult while cc so they can't damage you with targeted abilities or AA's. Ult can also be used to cancel abilites such as ulting when darius ults which will cause darius to not perform his ultimate and possibly saving you from being killed.
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