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Recommended Items
Runes: My personal favorite
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Chilling Smite
Ability Order If you start at blue side
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
He is good in 1v1s in general. You need to land your Q but he can just shield it away. His ganks with ult are faster so it's hard to counter gank in time, especially because you can't see where to accurately ult. It's not permaban, but just try to avoid duealing with him
Any champion with slow, root, stun, knock up, or pull is amazing because you can easily finish pulling Q.
Any champion with slow, root, stun, knock up, or pull is amazing because you can easily finish pulling Q.
Champion Build Guide
Passive - Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard :
Kled rides his trusty steed, Skaarl, who takes damage for him. When Skaarl's health depletes, Kled dismounts. When Skaarl HP disappears Skaarl runs away and Kled is unforgettable for a short time. While dismounted, Kled's abilities change and he deals less damage to champions. Kled can restore Skaarl's courage by fighting enemies. At maximum courage, Kled remounts with a portion of Skaarl's health.
It is an amazing passive that allows you to go all-in, even under the tower thanks to untargetability. You just don't want to lose Skaarl during jungle clear.
Q - Beartrap on a rope/pocket pistol:
Kled throws a bear trap that damages and hooks an enemy champion. If shackled for a short duration, the target takes additional physical damage and is yanked toward Kled. When dismounted, this ability is replaced by Pocket Pistol, a ranged gun blast that knocks back Kled and restores courage
On Skaarl:
It's your most important ability. Duels will depend on your ability to land this skill shot as it deals nice damage, pulls the enemy to you, and applies grievous wounds, which is amazing because you have grievous wounds at LVL 1. After landing it on an enemy you have to stick to your target the whole time, but fortunately, other abilities will help you with thatOn feet :
It is your only mobility ability while on your feet and the only way to restore Skaarl's courage from range. You can use it to go over thin walls what is really nice.=========================================================================================================
W - Violent tendencies:
Kled gains massive attack speed for four attacks. The fourth attack deals more damage.
Worth noting is that it works like it's passive. You don't control when to activate it. It will always activate when you AA. It is your second most important ability. You don't want to enter a fight while it is on cooldown. 4th AA from Violent Tendencies does massive damage. I like to take Hail of Blades just so I can land those 4 AA super fast and do super-fast burst while ganking. Useful tip: If you have a lizard but it will run away really soon, don't attack the enemy with AA. This will trigger your Violent Tendencies cooldown and when you get dismounted it's hard to get the lizard back without it. AA after you get dismounted to active your W and get lizard faster
E - Jousting:
Kled dashes, dealing physical damage and gaining a short burst of speed. Kled can cast this ability again to dash back through his initial target, dealing the same damage.
It's your simplest and weakest ability but allows you to stick to the target pretty well. You can also counter enemy mobility as you can dash to times if you hit the first one. So after you hit your first part of E Jousting on a champion that has mobility, like Lucian for example, don't reuse it instantly. Wait until they use their dash to easily catch up to them. NOTE: YOU CAN NOT PASS OVER WALLS WITH THE FIRST DASH
Kled and Skaarl charge toward the target location, automatically navigating around terrain along the way. While charging, the duo gains bonus movement speed and a shield, both increasing over the duration. They also leave a trail that speeds up your teammates.
This ult is amazing. You can use it to gank from far, you can use it to engage, you can use it for quick CC in a duel, you can use it to tower dive more safely and you can use it to escape. It is beautiful how versatile Chaaaaaaaarge!!! is.
How to clear each camp:
Red buff: just use your abilities between your AA
Raptors: Start with your AA to agro them, then use Q so that it hits as many raptors as possible, then E all of them and E back. It is not a healthy camp until you have Tiamat, so keep that in mind
Murk wolf:Same as with raptors
Blue buff: same as red buff
Gromp:same as red buff
Scuttler: start with Q and wait till it pulls it for destroying shield. After that AA and E to animation cancel
Krugs:start with Q so that it hits smaller first and then larger one. Then E, AA, E, and just go with this cycle of abilities till you kill them
1st clear on the blue side:
If you are on the blue side start with Red buff. If you have tank support ask if he could tank the first few attacks from the red buff. It is not necessary but will help you a lot because you have a rather unhealthy 1st clear. Then go for raports with your Q and E and remember NOT TO LOSE YOUR LIZARD. Then murk wolf, gromp, blue buff, scuttler, recall and buy Tiamat. If you cant afford Tiamat, go gank mid or top or clear krugs1st clear on the red side:
Do blue buff exactly the same but realy ask your tank support to tank first few attacks (let's say 3). It's not necessary but very helpful, especially on Red side. Then go gromp with leveled W. Then murk wolf, raptors, red buff, scuttler. If you can't afford Tiamat gank or clear krugsWho to gank:
Easiest to gank for you are Top and Mid. You do very well when fighting one enemy at once. If you want to gank bot, which is obviously necessary sometimes, try to gank with your ult or when enemies pushed lane under your turret. You can do 1v2 there and get a kill (rarely two) if this enemy is not tank and is about 1/3 HP. Best if they are enchanters. Always ping when ganking because any sort of CC from your laner will be very helpfull.How to gank:
You can start with two ways before LVL 6. You can start with Q Beartrap on a Rope and then go for E Jousting, or first go for E Jousting and then for Q Beartrap on a Rope. Both ways have pros and cons and have a different time to use, so:Q to E
: You want to do that when the lane is pushed by the enemy and/or when the enemy is mobile. When the lane is pushed is easier for you to hit Q because the enemy has to come your way to go to the turret. If their use their mobile spell you can follow up with them with E so they won't break your Q rope. Also, this gank often wastes enemy flash.E to Q
: More assassin-like gank. It's faster and can be more deadly. Do not require a lane to be pushed by an enemy, but an enemy can escape it more easily and it can be harder to hit Q. Hail of blades is useful here because it is faster.When you have ult you can pressure the whole map. Try to target the back of the enemy. When enemies hear your ult they usually go under turrets so try to aim your ult there. If they won't back off, now you have an enemy between you and your laner.
Important tips:
- Try to do this simple combo (it's almost always guaranteed burst on champions that don't have mobility or have it on cooldown): Q -> AA -> E to animation cancel -> AA -> Second E -> AA -> AA (last one from your W). It is a quick and powerful burst, which is easier if you have Hail of blades as your main rune
- Kled is really strong in 1v1 so try to gank lane even when your laner is far from the lane or dead. However, while doing this try to avoid using E until you are sure you can kill. If not, save it for escape
- Don't be afraid of tower dives too much. You are amazing at it as you get nice shield from your ult and untargetability when you lose Skarrl.
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