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Leona Build Guide by Labyrinto

Leona - The Power of Light

Leona - The Power of Light

Updated on July 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Labyrinto Build Guide By Labyrinto 4,483 Views 2 Comments
4,483 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Labyrinto Leona Build Guide By Labyrinto Updated on July 15, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Leona
  • LoL Champion: Leona


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Hello this is my second guide on MobaFIRE, and this is how I play Leona - The Radiant Dawn. I believe Leona is a great initiator tank with plenty of CC, and can help secure plenty of early game kills while fulfilling the initiator role in late game. I play Leona as either a pure tank (Build 1) or tanky dps (Build 2). I think she has great fighting capabilities, but also great tanking, so play whichever your team needs. I am having a look at how she goes building AP or tanky AP but I don't have high hopes. I will be adding some videos and such soon, so stay tuned.
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Pros / Cons

- Great initiator
- Plenty of CC
- Tanky as hell
- Not bad damage output

- Once she's done her combo she can't do much
- Team-dependent
- Lengthy CDs
- Skill shots (possibly pro, most likely a con for most people though)
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Leona's Abilities

Shield of Daybreak
"Leona's next basic attack will deal additional magic damage and stun the target for 1.25 seconds."
Pretty straightforward, this is great for securing early game kills. I max this second as the stun does not increase from 1 to 5, so it's just the damage you want to measure, and Eclipse's output is better.

"Leona raises her shield to gain bonus Armor and Magic Resistance for 3 seconds. When the effect ends she deals magic damage to nearby enemies and prolongs the effect for a bonus 3 seconds if any enemies are struck."
I'm not sure if I like this skill, I think when the shield blows up it should slow, or the shield should actually shield HP not just increase stats, but whatever it's a straightforward skill, just press it before you go into any fight. Also your farming skill, once you get Phage (if you get it), you can take out the caster minions with one auto attack each and Eclipse.

Zenith Blade
"Leona projects a solar image of her sword, which deals magic damage to all enemies in a line. When the image fades, the last enemy champion struck will be briefly immobilized and Leona will dash to them."
Your tricky skillshot, it has a pretty decent range and sometimes it will cling on to people that are slightly out of range of the skillshot due to it's animation (I think), but yeah it's basic enough, just use this to start fights (with Solar Flare), make sure you hit as many people as possible with it. Try to get it so you cling on to their carry, and if you activate Shield of Daybreak mid-ability, you will stun them when you get there as the auto-attack resets.

Solar Flare (ult)
"After a brief delay, Leona calls down a beam of solar energy dealing damage and slowing enemies by 80% for 1.5 seconds. Enemies in the center of the beam are stunned instead of slowed."
It's basically Brand's W, but it does less damage, and stuns / slows people. It's not a bad initiator but it's no Idol of Durand, it has a bit of a delay and the stun radius is rather small. Luckily it's on about a 40 second CD at 16 with this build, so you can use it for any kill you want secured, just don't waste it in a team fight, it can change the tides.

Sunlight (passive)
"Leona's damaging spells affect the target with Sunlight for 3.5 seconds. When allied champions deal damage to those targets they consume the Sunlight debuff to deal 20 / 35 / 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 / 125 / 140 additional magic damage. Leona is unable to activate the additional damage herself."
You don't even have to worry about this, just try to hit as many people with your abilities as you can, and let your team mate auto attack the enemy between each ability when going for early game kills, to proc the passive as much as you can (this is not as important as landing all abilities though, so make sure they die, but if possible spread them out a little bit).
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Greater Seal of Vitality

I took a pretty standard tank rune setup, with some flat magic pen marks for early game harassment, magic resist glyphs to take some damage before you get Banshee's Veil, some HP/18 seals of vitality to beef you up a bit early-mid game, and quints of armor for the same reason as the glyphs.


Greater Mark of Desolation Greater Quintessence of Desolation

For my tanky dps, I take marks of armor pen so you get that early game advantage and damage output, then I take some CDR glyphs to chop off a bit of those 12 second (********) cooldowns, then some magic resist seals to stop those pesky casters securing first blood on you, and finally some more armor pen in the quints.
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I just make sure to max out Hardiness, Resistance and Veteran's Scars in the Defense tree and Perseverance and Expanded Mind in the Utility tree, other than that it's pretty much up to you. If you wanted, you could maybe take 4 points in Evasion and 1 point in Nimbleness if you wanted the dodge proc, but I think she is better off just going straight tank masteries.


In my tanky dps masteries I focus Alacrity, Sunder and improved exhaust in the offense tree, Hardiness and Strength of Spirit in the defense tree and improved Ghost in the utility tree.
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Summoner Spells


Tier One:

Tier Two:

Tier Three:

The rest. Do not take Rally, Smite or Revive.


Tier One:

Tier Two:

Tier Three:

The rest. Do not take Rally, Smite or Revive.
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My build is HP tank with a focus on MR and anti-CC items.

Early Game

Early game I start with either a Doran's Shield or Ruby Crystal, then grab Boots and Heart of Gold as soon as I have the cash. If I'm farming really well I'll grab either Ionian Boots of Lucidity or Mercury's Treads straight up with the HoG. I finish my early game setup with a Kindlegem for cooldowns.

Mid Game

Mid game, I rush Aegis of the Legion, try to gank as much as you can and get some gold from assists, the Aegis isn't too pricey so you should get it pretty quick, especially with the HoG. Next I finish my Randuin's Omen from the HoG (Remember to put it in slot 1 for easy casting), then build Banshee's Veil for some CC reduction, health, mana and magic resist (everything you need at this point).

Late Game

Late game is really situational and you should really know what to get and what you need anyway, but here are some good items that I like to take. My favourite build so far is Soul Shroud and Guardian Angel, but it's really up to you.

Banshee's Veil
Guardian Angel
Soul Shroud <- Can build Kindlegem into this, otherwise sell Kindlegem for your 5th item
Force of Nature
Frozen Heart
Sunfire Aegis
Warmog's Armor
Atma's Impaler


Early Game

Philosopher's Stone

Early game, I start with a Doran's Blade as it gives us what we want for dps Leona - HP, AD and life steal. Alternatively you could probably grab a Long Sword or even a doran's shield but I like the blade. Anyway I usually grab CD boots as tanky dps Leona as I don't have time to buy it elsewhere in the build, you could maybe grab berzerker's or mercs if you wanted. I will make sure to grab some kind of gp5 as Leona isn't the best farmer until you get level 4 of Eclipse, so I grab either Heart of Gold or Philosopher's Stone (not usually both as the build says), then finish it all off with a Phage.

Mid Game

Mid game is where we get our tanky dps items, I finish my Phage into a Frozen Mallet, then grab Atma's Impaler or Banshee's Veil, usually both. I will usually get the Negatron Cloak, then the Chain Vest, then finish Banshee's and the Atma's. Just seems to work best that way, you're not left with too little armor or MR at any point but you get the items you need.

Late Game

This is where you could pretty much grab whatever you want. I'll just list appropriate items for each situation below.

Other team is AD heavy?
Frozen Heart
Sunfire Aegis
Aegis of the Legion
Guardian Angel
Randuin's Omen <- Should get, HoG is in recipe.

Other team is AP heavy?
Force of Nature
Guardian Angel
Wit's End
Quicksilver Sash

Your team lacking dps / AD?
Zeke's Harbinger <- Personal fav, just seems to work so well.
Last Whisper
Madred's Bloodrazor
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Skill Sequence

I choose to max Shield of Daybreak first, however you could probably just as easily max out Eclipse for the AoE, which helps with farming. I max out Zenith Blade last and make sure to grab Solar Flare at 6, 11 and 16.

Early game kills

Early game your combo is this:

Activate Eclipse, wait 1.5 seconds and then cast Zenith Blade towards whoever you want dead, then activate Shield of Daybreak and stun them. From here it's really up to whoever you're laning with to secure the kill, all you can do now is auto attack and use your abilities as they come off CD.

Mid game kills / ganks

Leona is actually a pretty good ganker if you can land your skillshots and get the combo right. Here's how I do it:

Once again activate Eclipse, then cast Solar Flare and make sure you stun one or both of them, then Zenith Blade in and Shield of Daybreak the weaker one. As is the case in early game kills, from here all you can do is auto attack until you come off CD again.

Team fights

Leona is really just there to start the teamfight and then walk around soaking up damage in late game. What you want to do is our basic mid game combo, however this time open up with solar flare.

Solar Flare -> Eclipse -> Zenith Blade -> Randuin's Omen -> Shield of Daybreak

Rinse and repeat.
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So yeah that's pretty much it, I hope you liked my guide, please if you -1 give me some feedback don't just say this is ****. I plan to make this the most comprehensive guide on Moba for the first female tank. I will be uploading some videos on gameplay soon.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Labyrinto
Labyrinto Leona Guide
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Leona - The Power of Light

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