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Garen Build Guide by HelloStranger

Top Low ELO Garen Guide [DETAILED MATCHUPS] | 12.10

Top Low ELO Garen Guide [DETAILED MATCHUPS] | 12.10

Updated on May 28, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HelloStranger Build Guide By HelloStranger 7 1 10,258 Views 0 Comments
7 1 10,258 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HelloStranger Garen Build Guide By HelloStranger Updated on May 28, 2022
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Runes: Stock Standard

1 2 3 4 5
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
Sigma Male
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Low ELO Garen Guide [DETAILED MATCHUPS] | 12.10

By HelloStranger
About Me
Hello, I'm HelloStranger the creator of this guide. I started playing League of Legends in season 8 but only started to pick up ranked in season 9 placing Silver IV. Wow!!! I moved up to S3 in Season 10 and peaking Gold II Promotions in Season 11 before I decided to go on a champ break spree. Currently I am in the pits of Gold IV losers queue, exploring this deep hell hole of ranked. I aimed this guide towards helping new players adapt and understand how to play Garen at a lower elo as many fundamentals are different compared to high elo. As time progresses I will update this guide more as this is my first time making a guide.

I have problems with sticking with a singular champion in ranked due to lack of freshness within my games. This often results in me going off to play random ******** and end up being 0/12. At the end of the day it's losers queue so 80% of the lobby needs the practice to deal with inting teammates :^). Currently I have a 73% WR with nearly 50 games on Garen in Losers Queue. This champ is incredible at 1v9'ing which I will cover below. If you have the mind to grind 100 garen games in a row you should have no problem promoting to the rank you desire.
Garen is a "unique" champ in terms of it's simplicity. Through his playstyle we are able to focus more on macro and micro as well as practicing to ignore flame instead of stressing on your champion. Garen is extremely easy to pick up yet can be played in a variety of ways which really opens up your playstyle with him. The first step to mastering this champ is to understand that the champ is "braindead". Ignoring this fact is gonna get you screwed over when you believe your champ can outplay something it clearly cannot. It has limitations and understanding where these limitations come from is vital to winning more games and not ending up becoming a delusional player who thinks all matchups are winnable.

Garen has a variety of advantages and disadvantages that make the champion specific in certain conditions. In Low ELO this can usually be ignored as any sense of morality or sense is lost within the pits of hell.

1. Easy Kit that helps you focus on Macro/Micro and other things
2. OP Ultimate that remains relevant throughout entire game
3. Good passive for laning

1. Slow without Q. Can be kited extremely easy. Hard to do anything VS ranged top :(
2. Counterpicks which make you not want to play the game
3. In the case where you vs a smurf, you can be outskilled quite easy as there is only so much you can do with this champ
1. Learn how to code better
2. Rune Explanations
3. Item Explanations
4. Combos (That don't exist)
5. Explain the "LOW ELO WAY" of winning
6. Garen Skin tier list
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HelloStranger
HelloStranger Garen Guide
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Low ELO Garen Guide [DETAILED MATCHUPS] | 12.10

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