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Choose Champion Build:
full tanky jungle
Ap tanky ( if u get many kills
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Sap Magic (PASSIVE)
Maokai Passive Ability
They are basic for the tank. First able u have to have good items for jungling. Also gives u bonus armor and health points. After that u should do someting for your team, as u know u have low dmg so u should gets some auras for the team. Extra wards are always good in the map. Also I add some dmg in the end.
We start from wolfs, then making blue adding
Sapling TossSapling Toss and Arcane SmashArcane Smash then we go on wraiths and golums. Now on 3 lvl we updating
Twisted AdvanceTwisted Advance and go for first gank on bottom.
Also we can start from red but we have to do it smiteless and buy 1 or 2
Mana Potion mana potions. After blue we can gank top or mid.
In mid game we have to watch how fights are going and use our ulti smart. Roots enemy and slowing them for kills. Its nice to use combo W , Q, R ,E if we have ap or ad carry near by enemy should be smash.
In Late game we have to watch where are our allience because we have low dmg and
Maokai Maokai is not good fighter in 1 vs 1 agains other fighters when we are full tanky.

Also we can start from red but we have to do it smiteless and buy 1 or 2

In mid game we have to watch how fights are going and use our ulti smart. Roots enemy and slowing them for kills. Its nice to use combo W , Q, R ,E if we have ap or ad carry near by enemy should be smash.
In Late game we have to watch where are our allience because we have low dmg and

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