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Talon Build Guide by King Turtle

Middle [Patch 11.23] Menace To LoL Talon

Middle [Patch 11.23] Menace To LoL Talon

Updated on November 17, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author King Turtle Build Guide By King Turtle 9,004 Views 2 Comments
9,004 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author King Turtle Talon Build Guide By King Turtle Updated on November 17, 2021
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Runes: HeeHee

Fleet Footwork
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Standard Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

[Patch 11.23] Menace To LoL Talon

By King Turtle
Build Introduction
I woke up earlier this week and when I go on mobafire I had a message from someone who asked for me to try Talon and see if I could make a build for him, so here I am with my own version of Talon Mid, Menace To LoL Talon. It takes advantage of his interaction with crit while still keeping him feeling healthy as an assassin. The reason being that from what I could see from crit talon builds is that they tried to go full ADC, which isn't a terrible idea, aside from the fact that you're so squishy that even the slightest bit of CC takes you out of the game once you get past 30 minutes. This build is to make sure you can be an assassin and still use Crit effectively. We'll go over the Pros and Cons, and then the Items and the Runes below.
-Lots of Damage: Talon as a champion just does **** loads of damage because of his insane scalings and lethality. With this build you still get a healthy amount of lethality to keep you strong throughout the game and avoid turning him into an ADC wannabe. For tanks you get plenty of armor pen with LDR and Eclipse mythic passive to also keep you strong for both types of champions.

-Tons of Healing: This build as a whole has an overwhelming amount of healing and survivability despite not being entirely focused on it. Eclipse, Dorans Blade, and Ravenous Hunter give omnivamp, and Fleet Footwork gives healing that scales with .4 AD(which is pretty good considering the champion we're playing). You ever wanted to do wolves as Talon and just heal back 75% of your HP? With this build you literally can.

-Carry Harder: Since we have a bunch of healing with this build you can carry harder as Talon if the game starts dragging out. Normal talon can delete 1-2 people then probably has to leave because he's too banged up to fight and has no healing. With this build you can delete 1-2 people, kill a few minions or wolves, and then go back in and delete 1-2 more people. You're always a threat at all times and since you stacks Fleet Footwork so quickly, you're almost always guaranteed to have it up for more all ins and engages.

-Good Costing Build: One small thing is that this build is a fairly good build for costs. You get a lot of value from each item's base stats and passives and most of them are only 3000 gold or less. This is great because Talon is a very kill reliant champion meaning he isn't going to be averaging nine CS a game, so the lower the builds costs are the better.
-Squishy: Despite how much healing we have with this build, you're still Talon, and you're still squishy. Hard CC will pretty much **** you over like Morg Q or just Amumu. Try to avoid being overconfident against CC comps as they can and will bend you over even if you are fed.

-Farming: Now this may just be me, but with how much you roam as Talon it can be hard to find time to farm, and you don't really CS at the most efficient level if you're always spending your time harassing the enemy bot lane. Again, could just be me not understanding proper roam mechanics but it's an issue I've ran into.

-Touchy Early Game: One risk of Talon is always going to be the fact that him roaming so often can make or break a game. A good talon can set his team up and make it so every lane has a lead, but a bad talon will go into bot lane and make the enemy vayne 10/2 by 15 minutes then blame the support for it. It's a very give and take playstyle and it can be difficult to properly balance around if you aren't used to it.

  • Fleet Footwork is going to be a nice sustain tool to stay health between fights, and to make dueling feel better so you can go aggressive without risking overextending and getting the tables turned on you. It can also be charged up extremely quick as each Talon E gives around 25-35 charge depending on your terrain choice. You can essentially use it mid, roam bot, hop 2 walls, and have it back up again for your next gank.

  • Presence Of Mind will gives some mana retention so it doesn't hurt as much to W spam your enemy laner until you're strong enough to roam reliably. It's also going to be active throughout the entire match so it always has some form of value.

  • Alacrity is just a small attack speed boost incase you get into a fight and need to rely on autos to finish off a target, it's also the only rune choice in its branch that I felt was useful.

  • Coup De Grace is going to be for low health enemies and making sure that you kill whoever you're aiming for without spending too much time exposed.

  • Sudden Impact is going to be a great rune for ambushing other lanes and getting quick kills in teamfights and skirmishes. You can go in with R, Q an enemy and gain that bonus penetration from Sudden Impact.

  • Eyeball Collection is a great rune for Talon as his AD scalings are some of the highest consistently in the game and he makes great use of the bonus AD. Even if it's only 18, it's more AD to throw at enemy teams.
Eclipse is an item I've taken a liking to lately, with Menace To LoL Jarvan having some incredible results during the testing period, so I tried it on Talon and it turned to be just as fun. You still do normal talon damage since it's a lethality item, but now you get omnivamp, a shield that can be easily activated, and your mythic passive is great for comps with mixed tank/squishy champions as it gives armor pen. It's an underrated item on Talon imo and should be built more. It's also a good mythic for the cost as it's pretty efficient for all the stats it gives. I believe it's the most effecient mythic on him for general use and all around enjoyability.
Lucidity Boots
Lucidity Boots are standard talon as they're really the only boots that give him a proper boost aside from movement speed. They're also a very good cost for boots and give him some much needed ability haste that you don't get too much of with Assassin builds.
Essence Reaver
Essence Reaver is a good cost efficient item that has more than one usage for Talon. Sheen is incredibly easy to proc with Talon as it procs on every ability and makes your engage so much deadlier as you're guaranteed an auto on Long Q which will be a sheen auto. You also get crit to add up to 60% for Infinity Edge, gives 20 ability haste, and helps negate your early mana issues without needing Manamune. It's the best early game crit item on Talon if you're not looking purely for damage.
Collector is a staple item on Talon as it gives you bonus gold on kills, crit, good Ad, AND lethality. It's the perfect all around item on him and makes crit builds more viable as it still allows you to get assassin stats. It's not too expensive and is an amazing early/mid game item on him. The Execute is also incredible for him as you can all-in someone, trigger bleed, and if you don't kill them on the spot they can bleed out until they get low enough and get executed. It's the item I would build on Talon no matter what I wanted to try for this build.
Axiom Arc
Axiom Arc is going to be incredible with Talon as you can go in, get a kill, and get out with relative ease. Each time you get a kill Axiom Arc's cooldown reduction actives so you can go in, get a kill and get out, then do it again 30 seconds later. It's pretty crazy how good this item is on assassins, Talon included. Definitely worth the pickup. It's a rare ability haste assassin item that you can pair with Youmuu's Ghostblade as well, and should be a solid item on Talon for a long period of time, or until Riot decides to gut it.
Youmuus Ghostblade
Youmuu's Ghostblade is a rare type of assassin item as it gives both Lethality, AD, and ability haste. This makes it very worth buying and combined with Axiom Arc tops you off for a decent amount of ability haste for an assassin. Youmuu's Ghostblade makes you faster out of combat so you can roam in the late game and get to your destination sooner. You can also use the active on ganks and when entering teamfights to get in, kill an enemy, and zoom out with ease. Youmuu's makes it so you aren't going to be in one place for too long and is a great addition for anti-squishy comps.
Tank Comp-LDR
Lord Dominik's is the 3rd item for our Tank Comp build because around mid game is when people start bulking up and getting more HP from items, add on the fact that the only health gain we gets is the natural HP gain per level and you get around 5-8% bonus physical damage at 20 minutes, which boosts up to 15% against champions with 4200 HP. It's likely that you'll be around 10% against bruisers like Sett, which is still pretty great considering how high your AD scalings are. The longer the game goes on the more power this item gains, AND it feeds into your IE passive, along with the 35% armor pen it already gives to help take down tanks before they can get overly impossible to kill.
Early Game
Early Game is going to be standard Talon. You go W level 1, get Level 2 Q, then try to all-in the enemy laner when you can find an opening. If you get the kill, you can either back if you need to heal up then get long swords, or if you're healthy you can stay until you have enough gold for Serrated Dirk. It doesn't hurt to roam for easy kills or if the enemy is a bit banged up and overstaying, but also try to make sure you apply mid pressure and keep waves off your tower. The sooner you get fed, the sooner you can roam more. Just be sure not to over-extend too much as it could lead to you falling behind in levels and giving the enemy team free kills.
Mid Game
By now you're either fed and making it bot lanes problem, or you're figuring out how to get kills fast. You should have Eclipse and Essence Reaver at this point, so all ins will be more viable if you can position yourself properly in fights and avoid hard inting as much as possible. You could also apply more pressure to mid by taking tower before spending most of your time around bot lane bullying the enemy aphelios for playing aphelios. If possible, take enemy jungle camps to get gold faster and get to Collector/LDR as soon as possible.
Late Game
Once Late Game rolls around you either become the hard carry with a pet murder kitten drugging you harder than Mundo Ult or you're spending all your time killing the ADC. over. and over. and over again. Depending on the comp you face you're going to get 1 of 2 items. For anti-tank you'll want Lord Dominik's Regards, and for anti-squishy you'll want Youmuu's Ghostblade. Once you get full build spend the rest of the game getting picks and destroying the enemy teams backline. Get AD elixir after full build and use your 400 AD to **** on everyone relentlessly.
Build Conclusion
This build was an idea I got from going into a game and throwing items together to see what piqued my interest. The final result is a high damage, high healing, crit talon build that actually keeps him as a viable assassin that can do all the things normal talon does. It's been incredibly fun testing this build and I think it's going to be an enjoyable build for anyone who wishes to test it out. GLHF and see you on the rift!
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