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If you dodge the charm you should just be able to kill her. Early game you should be able to engage on her, and not die even if she lands the charm.
If Akali plays smart with W, and plays passive in the lane, there's not much you can do besides wait for ganks or roam. I recommend exhaust for this matchup, also a good ban.
Champ's just broken right now, my prefered ban.
Not very hard early game, engage on her right after she uses her stun and you should just kill her.
Aurelion Sol
Dodge his stars with Q, get up close to him and you should be fine. Make sure to ping roams.
Surprisingly annoying, use your Q to get past his soldiers right after he Q's, I recommend playing safe and waiting for your jungler. Almost worth dodging, I won't judge you if you do ;)
Early game just dodge her Q, engage when her W is on cooldown.
Easy to kill early game, especially if his W is on cooldown. Don't engage when he has package up, dodge his Q, and try to stay out of his E. You should just be able to outrange him late game.
Easy to poke down, dodge her Q and you should just win the fight.
Same as Diana but slightly harder, still easy to poke down, but he has a better engage on you. Easier to kill him if his Q or E is on CD.
Play around his E cooldown, most won't expect your early game damage. Be careful poking him, as his engage is very strong with his Q and E. Watch out during your ult, as he can hold E for the end of it and kill you. I recommend exhaust for this matchup.
If he tries to poke with Q, engaging on him is pretty easy. Try not to play pushed up, unless he used ult to roam, then you can just push for turret platings.
He may seem intimidating early, but if you dodge his stun you can engage on him easily. You can also play passive and wait for jungle.
Get your jungle to help shut him down or dive him early, otherwise he just outscales you to shit. Try and let him push up if you can for your jungler.
Dodge daggers, and poke if she tries to go for CS. Most won't expect your E damage, you should win if she tries to engage on you level 3. If kat gets ahead, she's going to snowball out of control, so make sure to ping roams.
I recommend exhaust for this matchup.
hehe look it's you
Stay out of her poke range early game, engage on her after she uses W. Use your E before she gets the clone, will reveal the correct one.
Easy matchup, play around her W and don't dive her when she has ult up.
Same as neeko, Q is really helpful for dodging her abilities, and you have ult to stop her from oneshotting you mid-late
Pay the 1300 gold tax (QSS), and make sure to take out his minions when he wants to push. Otherwise, he's pretty immoble, so you can just kill him if he's pushed up.
Dodging her abilities should be relatively easy if your Q isn't on cooldown, try to use E before she clones so you can track the right one.
Her poke is really annoying, but she's otherwise pretty immobile. Let her push up , you and your jungler should be able to kill her easily.
Make sure to E after him so he can't negate the damage. If he ever roams with ult just push for turret.
If she's smart she'll just spam grass Q in lane so you can't poke her, if so just wait until she's out of mana. use R right before she ults, if she doesn't use her grass Q you should just be able to kill her.
Don't play inside of your wave, so his E doesn't hit you. if he uses E on minions and it misses you, you don't have to worry about his root and can engage on him. If he messes up, you can snowball on him pretty well, he will eventually outscale you though if you don't end early.
Dodge the root and you will have no problems killing her. Try not to get poked down early.
Dodge his root and he'll lose a lot of his poke. If possible, bait out his ult. Try not to be near minions when he ults so he heals less.
Most Kindred players can't use their ult properly, sylas players definitely can't either. Dodge his Q poke early, and his E engage if you can. Make sure to dodge his E after your ult so you don't just die. Most will try to W inside of your ult, and will waste it.
Very immobile, if she misses the stun you can engage on her easily.
If you dodge either of his W you should just win the fight, easy to poke down in lane. Save your ult for his ult.
Twisted Fate
Try to not get poked by his Q in the lane. He's relatively immobile, so just engage on him after he uses his W. Make sure to push for turret if he roams with R.
Very immobile, just make sure you don't get stunned. If you can, use your R when he does, he shouldn't be able to kill you early-mid game. Make sure to end early, or he will just start oneshotting everyone.
Same as xerath but more annoying. Dodge the knock-up and wait for him to push up.
One of my least favourite matchups, he's difficult to engage on, outpokes you, and outscales you. I personally just dodge this matchup.
Get executioners early, and dodge his empowered Q. Stay behind minions to block his E, hope to bait out his pool so you and your jungler can engage on him.
Same as Orianna but easier. Dodge his Q's and stuns, and if he's pushed up you should have no problem killing him.
Early game he's not much of a problem, if the yasuo is bad you can play around his windwall relatively easily. Just get your jungler to come and you should be fine. I recommend exhaust for this matchup.
Yasuo 2 electric boogaloo is equally annoying. Just poke him down early and wait for ganks. Try to R if his E is almost out and he's close to it, so you can E kill him once he leaves it.
Not as difficult as you might think, take exhaust and dodge his double Q's early game. Pretty easy to poke out early game, and if he tries to W poke you should have no trouble engaging on him.
Same as xerath, dodge his poke and wait for him to push up.
Can be RNG based, depending on what she picks up from her W. Her E is kind of annoying to dodge, but if you do, you should be able to kill her easily.
Knocks people out of your ult, very helpful
Can pull people out of your ult, or silence them so they can't use an ability to escape when it ends.
Can knock people out of your ult, and prevent them from going back in
Can ult you right after your ult ends, lets you clean up everyone easily.
Can knock people out of your ult
Engage tank supports are very good with kindred, either if you're the ADC, or they roam up to mid. She can stun people who try to survive in your ult, free kills.
Knocks people out of your ult
Knocks people out of your ult
Almost like kayle, ults after your ult so you can possible not die
Same as leona, but she can also pull people out of your ult with her ult.
Very useful for cleaning up after your ult, try not to use your ults at the same time
Very fun, Taric ults right after you, basically unkillable.
You can't get your marks through him, even if you damage a camp then he smites it, you just don't get the mark.
Almost like taric, but not as good. Ults when your ult ends, big shield.
Knocks people out of your ult
Lee Sin
Knocks people out of your ult
Something's not right here, but I can't put my finger on it
Knocks people out of your ult, very helpful
Can pull people out of your ult, or silence them so they can't use an ability to escape when it ends.
Can knock people out of your ult, and prevent them from going back in
Can ult you right after your ult ends, lets you clean up everyone easily.
Can knock people out of your ult
Engage tank supports are very good with kindred, either if you're the ADC, or they roam up to mid. She can stun people who try to survive in your ult, free kills.
Knocks people out of your ult
Knocks people out of your ult
Almost like kayle, ults after your ult so you can possible not die
Same as leona, but she can also pull people out of your ult with her ult.
Very useful for cleaning up after your ult, try not to use your ults at the same time
Very fun, Taric ults right after you, basically unkillable.
You can't get your marks through him, even if you damage a camp then he smites it, you just don't get the mark.
Almost like taric, but not as good. Ults when your ult ends, big shield.
Knocks people out of your ult
Lee Sin
Knocks people out of your ult
Something's not right here, but I can't put my finger on it
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