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Ryze Build Guide by Anonias

AP Carry Ryze: Magic Damage "ADC" w/ tankiness

AP Carry Ryze: Magic Damage "ADC" w/ tankiness

Updated on June 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Anonias Build Guide By Anonias 9,543 Views 1 Comments
9,543 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Anonias Ryze Build Guide By Anonias Updated on June 29, 2013
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Hello, this is my Ryze guide. I've played quite a bit of games as Ryze and I'd say Ryze has carried me to platinum in ranked. I am a Plat 5 player with 130+ games played and a 66% win rate (at the time of writing) In my opinion, Ryze is one of the best champions to carry at low elo with as he is a mid-late game monster who can single-handedly carry teamfights. This guide is a work in progress so please provide tips on how I may improve it, I aim to make this into one of the most practical Ryze guides on the interwebz.
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Laning Tips

Ryze is very weak early game so seek to farm up until roughly lvl 8 where you become quite strong.

Try not to use your mana for csing if you don't have to (obviously), Ryze is mana constrained early game.

Don't forget to buy wards, wards save lives (obviously). If you do place a ward, remember to hang out on the side the ward is place on as it is your "safe" (relatively) zone.

More tips to be added in the future.
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To Be Added

"Comboing", "Laning Tips", "Teleganking tips" and other sections will be added in the hopefully near future.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Anonias
Anonias Ryze Guide
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Ryze: Magic Damage "ADC" w/ tankiness

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