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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+2% Movement Speed
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order Q -> E -> W
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Annoying combination of wave clear and spell shield. You can't even leave your ADC alone because Sivir will poke and shove them under tower, making them vulnerable to dives.
Pyke synergizes with CC abilities and sustained damage. Similar champions include Brand, Cassiopeia, Viktor, etc. Zyra in particular was recently buffed for jungle.
Pyke synergizes with CC abilities and sustained damage. Similar champions include Brand, Cassiopeia, Viktor, etc. Zyra in particular was recently buffed for jungle.
Champion Build Guide

Then why not break the rules?

Why not build a Pyke which can remain effective at all stages of the game, win games consistently, and still be scary and get the highest kill participation in the team? Make your games more stable and consistent, take off the pressure, and just chill?

Please disregard those Kayn jungle games, and yes, that is Sylas support.
Without further ado let's

Why Glacial Augment?

Another important reason is a particular rune in the Inspiration tree: Hextech Flashtraption.
Why Hextech Flashtraption?
Basically this is a minor rune which can provide the value of a whole keystone.
- Makes bushes even scarier for enemies in bot lane.
- You can flash more aggressively, thus using it more often than the enemy and gaining tempo.
- Shortens reaction time to ganks from out of a bush, particularly mid lane bushes.
- Reduces travel time through the jungle.
- When traveling to a skirmish, you can save your E for enemies instead of going through a wall.
- And much more. Simply having the option enables you to do things. Go and limit test.
More on Runes
The rest of the rune choices are fairly straightforward.
Triple Tonic gives some gold, and a skill point which you can put in
E for a 50 damage boost.
Jack of all Trades gives extra stats for free, and you can stack it easily as support.
Ghost Poro is stacked more quickly than
Zombie Ward if you're deep warding, which you should be doing. The automatic pings force people to look at the map at the right times. Having lots of vision and knowing where the enemy isn't is also valuable information.
Naturally Pyke likes more roaming.
Why Exhaust?

Exhaust reduces both enemy damage and movement speed, which gives you a huge advantage in early trades. Later in the game, the value of Exhaust increases as the enemy deals more damage.
For Pyke, Exhaust can be used to set up

Why the lack of damage?
It might seem like this guide intentionally avoids damage, and that is uncomfortable for assassin players. But that's not the case. Pyke's damage abilities

Besides, Pyke's personal damage as support is usually among the lowest in a game even when building damage. Therefore, enabling your teammates increases your overall team damage more than maximizing your own damage.
Why only one point in R?
Additional points only reduce the cooldown, and does not increase the damage. You get enough haste from items to reduce the cooldown to a reasonable amount. With just one point, you will always have R available for a teamfight. You can spend the extra skill point to improve

The only reason for reducing the cooldown further is so that you can use it more often as a gap closer to set up your other abilities. But there will be very few opportunities to do this, so reducing your cooldown doesn't make much of a difference.
About Jack of All Trades
Getting those extra stats is worth the trouble.

In most games, you will benefit from building

Unfortunately, if you need to build

Don't forget that

About core items
Here are the items which are most relevant to the success of this build.
Celestial Opposition: makes you harder to kill, simple. It synergizes with your
passive because you can heal a % of the damage back. Since this is front-loaded defensive ability, you can use it to tank important abilities or CC. Of course try to dodge them anyway - every ability you dodge also increases the value of this item.
Mercury's Treads: also makes you harder to kill, and synergizes with Celestial Opposition.
Plated Steelcaps: your other option, if you're up against full AD teams, or you're targeting specific carries.
Youmuu's Ghostblade: excellent choice for a rush item. Good stats, and allows you to be everywhere at once when combined with
Relentless Hunter - no need for
mobis. The active can be used to catch someone out of position or reach teamfights faster.
Umbral Glaive: said to be Pyke's favorite item, but in S14 it's no longer a good rush item because it's expensive and delays your Ghostblade. It's NOT a substitute for smart use of your
sweeper. Nonetheless good for vision control. Rush only if you chose
Zombie Ward.
Locket of the Iron Solari: all valuable stats for Pyke, and very cheap. The shield is useful for teammates, and you can apply it more effectively than other supports with your movement speed.
Guardian Angel: if you need extra armor after building everything else, this is your best choice. Wasting enemy abilities is a great way to enable your team to do damage, plus set up some
executes for yourself. Just don't get killed in a dumb spot...
More situational items
Items which are useful but less so in general situations.
Edge of Night: lethality items have diminishing return, and Pyke has Ghostblade and Umbral. While those two are generally useful, Edge of Night is situational because you need to have a specific champion and their specific ability or combo in mind - hence it's better for picks than for teamfighting.
Death's Dance: synergizes with your other items very well, and protects against mixed damage. However, it's expensive and does not provide utility.
Maw of Malmortius: in the rare case of mostly magic damage, this is the best MR choice for Pyke.
Knight's Vow: if you need an armor item but are short on gold. Synergizes with Locket, turning you into a sort of enchanter. The main challenge is choosing the correct ally.
Frozen Heart: it needs to be noted that this item is often a trap. It's highly situational and very good in said situations... and bad otherwise. Unlike
Nasus, Pyke doesn't survive long against
late game carries with attack speed. Its primary use is to be built early (first or second item) and stacked with Exhaust to shut down carries during mid game.
What about Control Wards?
Should you always buy a Control Ward on every back? NO - that is bad advice. If you buy too many, you will waste your money and delay your important items. Control Wards are NOT a substitute for good

Then what kind of a situation is a

As for when to buy, when in doubt you should prioritize your items and

Laning phase
Instead of

You'll still try to get level 2 before the enemy by using your support item charges on the melee minions in the second wave. If you get level 2 first and they are out of position, you can

Now even if your Flash is down, you still have

As Pyke, you should be roaming as often as possible, and part of your job is to know when that is possible. With Hexflash, you can go through a wall without using

Mid ganks also become more effective with Hexflash because you can flash out of the bush and shorten enemy reaction time. Exhaust works well against high mobility champions common in mid lane.
Place wards in the enemy jungle. When in doubt, simply placing them at jungle camps works, because the automatic pings from

Come mid game, you will start fighting over objectives. Not a whole lot is different from playing other builds, except Exhaust scales noticeably better than Ignite, and Ghost Poro can be used to set up extra vision well in advance.
As Pyke, you should try and bait some enemy abilities by dancing around them and fishing for

Once you have

A note about R
Pyke's R is considered to be the powerhouse of his kit. Is that really true? He seemingly gives an

However, the true value is closer to 150 gold, because either Pyke or his ally would have gotten an assist anyway. Since Pyke is the one who always gets a cut, it always works out to a net gain of 150 for Pyke himself. And he doesn't really depend on items beyond the first 2 lethality items. It also may have the unfortunate effect of stealing shutdown gold from an ally.
So you don't need to believe that Pyke's kit revolves around his R. You should try to land it anyway to get resets though.
Late game tips
Pyke's late game is widely considered to be bad. Luckily this build is designed to mitigate Pyke's late game weaknesses.
- Collect XP from minion waves when nothing is going on. Minimize downtime and travel time with your
roaming abilities.
- As always, look for a pick to reduce enemy numbers. Even if you hook a tank, you have
Glacial Augment so your allies might follow up with enough damage to cripple them.
Exhaust is OP. Identify the damage threats in a teamfight and pick the right time to use it on them. For example, use it on
Yasuo or
Zed when they use their ultimate, or on a ranged enemy before an ally jumps on them.
Locket of the Iron Solari can save a dying ally, but in late game fights you might not have time to react. Try using it proactively like you would a
Taric ult except with a shorter delay.
- Before teamfights, place wards slightly behind or around where the fight will likely occur so that you can safely approach from behind or from the sides.
- There's little you can do against a death ball. All else fails,
E ->
Flash through as many enemies as possible followed by a
hook on a carry, then pray that your allies do enough damage and maybe revive with
Guardian Angel.
Elixirs exist. Either one works. Buy when you anticipate an important teamfight and you don't have enough gold for a good item or component.
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