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Ability Order
Deathbringer Stance (PASSIVE)
Aatrox Passive Ability
Hello and Welcome to my Guide for Aatrox - the Darkin Blade.
Because this is my first Guide Im open for constructive criticism and tips.
Let me know in the comment section.
Because this is my first Guide Im open for constructive criticism and tips.
Let me know in the comment section.
- Nice sustain
- Strong 1v1
- The Q ( Dark Flight) is amazing to Open, chase or escape
- Passive is Life-saving and nice for baits
- Playabe in Top, Mid and Jungle
- Burst Ultimate
- Cant sustain vs. High Burst
- A bit weak in teamfights
- No sustain without attacking
Blood Well
Make Sure before your engage that your Bloodwell is (nearly) Full
Very Importent because of the Attackspeed (1%+AS for every 2% in the Blood Well)
and if your Opponent is stronger then you got an Life-saver.
Dark Flight
Care with this in the Laning Phase!
If you dont see the enemy Jungle elsewere keep it off Cooldown. Its your most useful escape tool!
If you use it in fights. Make sure to knock em up!
Blood Thirst / Blood Price
Awesome Heals below 50% every 3rd attack.
Mostly i keep this off. But when you need it, e.g. for a Tank or while chasing someone, turn it on.
If you can handle it hit til you get the stack of the Bonus Heal and change to Blood price. You keep the Stack and do then the Bonus damage hit. So when you engage: Get the stack, turn on and go.
Blades of Torment
Nice slow, average damage.
Use this to Fill your Blood Well when you need save distance.
Awesome ult. Instant Magic damage by activation,
and attack Speed + Range for 12 Seconds.
Use this for higher damage Opponents for sustain or in Teamfights. You will handle the timing ;)
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