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Jax Humor Guide by Legend of the League

AD Offtank (S5) 40% CDR Jax | Impossible To Duel

AD Offtank (S5) 40% CDR Jax | Impossible To Duel

Updated on January 14, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Legend of the League Build Guide By Legend of the League 32,800 Views 8 Comments
32,800 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Legend of the League Jax Build Guide By Legend of the League Updated on January 14, 2015
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Short Introduction

Hello there! I'm not here to waste your time, I'm here to show you a new way to play Jax that is extremely strong against a team full of autoattack reliant champions and mostly just a fun build.

So without more waiting, lets get started!
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Pros and Cons


- 3 Second dodge tool
- Amazing gapcloser
- Usual TriForce+BoTRK combo making damage still good
- RIP autoattack champions


- Less health than typical build
- Needs a lot of gold
- Mages hurt on this guy a lot
- Complains about not having a real weapon
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Runes are fairly important on Jax as they will either let you succeed or fail in lane.

Cooldown Rune page


Fleet Footwork
Dark Harvest
Phase Rush

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On 40% CDR Jax, there are two options. 9/21/0 and 21/9/0, however I strongly recommend the former as 9/21/0 makes sure you don't fall flat in lane if you mess up. Below are lengthy explanations for my reasons of taking certain mastery points.


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It doesn't matter what you take on Jax, just don't take anything in the Utility tree as it doesn't benefit Jax at all compared to the Offense and Defense trees
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Skill Sequence


We always take our Empower first because it lets us deal the most damage, lets us win trades most of the time and the CDR per level on Empower has a bigger impact than Counter Strike or Leap Strike.

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Why don't we max Leap Strike first?

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Why don't we max Counter Strike first?

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Very strong passive that grants free attack speed, synergises well with you Master-At-Arms's passive. Make sure to keep these stacks up, but not at your own risk.

Our gapcloser and escape tool (using wards). You can make it stronger by doing your Empower before you Leap Strike. Just remember it doesn't trigger on-hit effects like Sheen's passive.

An autoattack modifier, adds good magic damage to Jax's kit. You can reset your autoattack animation with this. Just note that it will not work on structures, although you can still do it to proc Sheen's passive.

The notorious dodge tool. Really hurts autoattack champions, and with our 40% CDR, it's going to hurt a lot more as it will be up nearly twice as much. Remember that you can end the dodge period early to get a quicker stun. The more autoattacks you dodge during the dodge period, the more damage it will do (goes up in percentages.)

While on paper our ultimate looks boring, just grants free magic damage and resists right? Wrong, it lets us be the ultimate dueler and without it, Jax wouldn't be the Grandmaster. The resists help us in teamfights and the passive helps us to kill enemy champions and makes CS'ing and splitpushing so much easier.
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Good Items

Recommended = Green
Preference = Blue
Not Recommended = Red

Mercury's Treads

A nice choice of boots that give Tenacity and Magic Resist. Only get these if you don't plan to get a Zephyr as the Tenacity passive doesn't stack.

Ninja Tabi

If you're going to get a Zephyr, then these boots are your recommend choice. You can get these boots in laning phase to reduce damage taken from autoattack reliant champions such as Xin Zhao, Tryndamere, Fiora and Aatrox. The passive on these boots is very nice, it does well late game.

Trinity Force

This is a must have item on Jax, it gives him so many great stats that are crucial on Jax such as Sheen's passive, AD, Attack Speed, AP, Movement Speed, Phage's passive and much more. The Critical Chance is wasted, however that 10% might just win you a fight. If only this item had CDR in it, which is surprising because it doesn't as it is an item that has "everything" in it. We get this item because it lets us deal tons of dam-.

Blade of The Ruined King (BoTRK)

Attack Speed, Lifesteal, AD and a HP stacking counter passive. This gives Jax a lot more kill potential with a great active which slows as well as leeches health. The sustain and passive is what we actually get it for. It lets us destroy tanks that stack lots of health and no armour.

Frozen Heart (FH)

Typically considered a sub-optimal item on Jax because the mana and armour is wasted and it gives no health but I disagree, even though your ult already gives you a lot of armour, more armour cannot be a bad thing. The CDR is what we really get it for. The mana is actually helpful so you can spam your abilities.

Iceborn Gauntlet (IBG)

A meh substitution for Trinity Force however it doesn't give Jax a lot of useful stats. Sure it gives CDR and a great slow, but we already have Blade of the Ruined King's active for the slow and sticking to a target is so easy with 40% CDR Jax. Don't buy this item with Frozen Heart as that much mana is completely wasted. Having a Frozen Heart in terms of mana is already overkill. Also don't stack this item with Trinity Force, something I see newbie Jax's and Nasus's doing a lot. Sheen has a unique passive.

Spirit Visage

Our best magic resist item, it increases your healing by 20% which is good since Blade of the Ruined King's lifesteal got hit early in 2014. Very good item, gives CDR and health as well. This is your go-to item for magic resist, you cannot go wrong with it. If you already have 40% CDR, then go for Banshee's Veil instead.

Hextech Gunblade

A nice item that should only be bought after you have got 40% CDR or a replacement item for Blade of the Ruined King if your team composition is all AD for some reason and you need more magic damage. The active is very strong and it's CD lowers every time you hit an enemy champion with a single target spell/skill. The spell vamp on this item makes it one good item for Jax, unfortunately there's never enough room for it in a build.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

A controversial item on Jax which happens to have a very awkward build path. It's passive and unique passive are both great though, letting you do clutch plays with the Surge knockoff unique passive and makes you stronger in long team fights with it's passive. Can be used like Hextech Gunblade. Again, get this after you get 40% CDR or replace Blade of the Ruined King if you crave magic damage.

Essence Reaver

Powerful item when ahead, combining it with Frozen Heart or Iceborn Gauntlet makes Jax practically resourceless as running out of mana is no longer a thing with this item. However I don't recommend this item if not ahead as it really only adds a dump of AD into your build. It does give 10% CDR, so after Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage it might be a decent item, but Zephyr outclasses this item fairly hard because of the attack speed Zephyr grants. Snowballing item after the TriBotrk combo, however rarely bought.

Warmog's Armor

A good item if you demand sustain and tankiness (especially against mages). Only get this after 40% CDR though. It does fill up a massive gap in our HP requirements however enemies like Vayne and Kog'Maw will chew through you easily, unless you use our not-so-secret weapon: Counter Strike.

Frozen Mallet (FM)

One of my personal favourite items on Jax because due to Relentless Assault granting tons of attack speed, we can keep an enemy perma-slowed very easily. You get a bit of armour out of the 30AD as well, so not a bad item. I recommend this over Warmog's Armor because it gives a good mesh of both stats. Again like many other items, get this only after 40% CDR.

Locket of the Iron Solari

An item to help your team out. Gives shields, magic resist and health regeneration against enemy siege compositions. Good item after Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage and can be used to substitute Spirit Visage if really necessary. However do not bother getting this item if you're splitpushing most of the time. This item is heavily preference, don't take it if you don't like it.

Ravenous Hydra

Debatable especially on Jax, however it truly fits onto every AD bruiser/AD offtank in the game because it gives great duelling potential against multiple targets and a great waveclear. If you ever need more lifesteal than Blade of the Ruined King or Hextech Gunblade then get this item. It also has a very neat active letting you do a reset after your Empowered autoattack. Just get this over Bloodthirster. Controversial item on Jax, as he his waveclear isn't the greatest without lots of attack speed. Preference.

Randuin's Omen

A very strong anti-AD item for Jax, gives him even more sticking potential due to the active and reduces ADC kiting because of the attack speed reduction. I highly recommend this item against any heavy AD team comp or even if that ADC is fed.

Zeke's Herald

Zeke's Herald (ZH)

An odd item, even though it has good synergy with Jax, it just falls flat due to the amount of health it grants. However, the free AD and lifesteal granted to your team and you is very nice. It gives a solid 20% CDR which is amazing! So one of these and a Frozen Heart is a strong pick against an enemy all AD team composition. Also a good item to build for an ADC that doesn't get a Bloodthirster like Vayne or Kog'Maw because Blade of the Ruined King doesn't sustain as well as a Bloodthirster and the lifesteal from this item will give them a helping hand. Preference item, don't take it if you don't feel like it's needed or if you dislike it.


Finally, try new things and don't stick to a cookie cutter build. Try to build around the enemy team and if you're taking my 40% CDR route, then there are a good amount of CDR items that grant defense and offense which can be built around the enemy composition.
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LotL, your build is bad (Explanation)

Prepare for a lengthy explanation:

Is it really? Think about it, Jax's strongest asset is his E in my opinion. When you think of Jax, you think of a hunchback with a lamppost dodging every autoattack you throw at him. You get to use your spells more without the fear of running out of mana due to a Frozen Heart. You can dump on nearly every autoattack champion in the game with such a small CD gapcloser and stun.

Sure you sacrifice health for 40% CDR, however if we do some simple maths we can see that CDR is very undervalued on Jax.

Ability (Max Level) - Without CDR - With CDR

Leap Strike - 6 - 3.6
Empower - 3 - 1.8
Counter Strike - 10 - 6
Master-At-Arms - 80 - 48

Q analysis:

We get a VERY small CD gapcloser, good luck running away from this Jax. This is also an escape, making Jax one mobile person. You can even take a Sightstone for maximum mobility if you get 5% CDR flat and 5% CDR Level 18 Glyphs. "Was that a Lee Sin or a Jax?"

W analysis:

We do more damage now, quicker autoattack reset, more magic damage. Using our Hybrid Pen runes, we do a lot of magic damage to squishies. Our W is the least benefitting spell/skill in our kit for 40% CDR, but it still makes a big change.

E analysis:

The biggest reason you would go 40% CDR. Lets see now; 6 second CD with 40% CDR, 2 seconds of it is used to dodge, 1 second for the stun. It has a 3 second CD in a melee duel with another champion. You take 25% less damage from AoE spells/skills as well, so AoE mages like Orianna can go cry in a corner.

R analysis:

Ever have that moment with Jax when you activate your ult to take reduced damage from a single autoattack? Don't fear, you have a 48 second CD on it now, so spam it as much as you want. Don't worry about "wasting" your ult anymore. We really have a 40 second CD on his ult if we count the 8 seconds that it is up. You can practically ult every minute.
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Teamfights and your Role in them

Here is one of the areas our 40% CDR Jax shines. Fed ADCs can't keep you off their backs, you can peel too with your low CD stun (activate it early for a quicker stun.) Having more CC is never a bad thing now is it?

Your role in teamfights should be an AD Offtank, dealing a bit of damage while soaking a lot of it up. You're an Attack Speed reducing ( Frozen Heart), shielding ( Locket of the Iron Solari), stunning ( Counter Strike) tank.

Remember, you can always get a Zeke's Herald to increase your team's strength if it's mostly an AD composition. Black Cleaver while not the greatest item on Jax, can still help if you have a fed ADC like Lucian, Vayne or Caitlyn. Don't get it to support ADCs like Ezreal or Kog'Maw who do more than a bit of hybrid damage and generally don't give you anytime to activate your Black Cleaver stacks.

Also remember never to get caught out. Seriously. If you went the Sightstone mobility route, make sure to ward deep and to web your own jungle so you can do your amazing Lee Sin Jax 40% CDR wardjumps. Your team should be very happy about it (especially your support.)
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Tips and Tricks

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Update Log and Final Words

Thanks for looking at my guide, please do leave comments and votes as I like criticism, no matter negative or positive! It helps me improve. Don't take this guide too seriously.

8/10/14 - Published
13/10/14 - Adjusted recommended items
24/12/14 - Small changes, better default build
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