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Shen Build Guide by Aroufoxx

[S8] Shen Sup/Top/Jungle | The Best Champion

[S8] Shen Sup/Top/Jungle | The Best Champion

Updated on July 5, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Aroufoxx Build Guide By Aroufoxx 9,536 Views 0 Comments
9,536 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Aroufoxx Shen Build Guide By Aroufoxx Updated on July 5, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Shen
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    Good Top Lane Shen
  • LoL Champion: Shen
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  • LoL Champion: Shen

Passive : Ki Barrer

After casting a spell, Shen gets a shield. Affecting other champions reduces the cooldown of this effect.
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Q Spell : Twilight Assault

Cost: 140/130/120/110/100 Energy
Range: 400

Shen recalls his spirit blade to attack with it, dealing damage based on the target's max health. The attacks are greatly empowered if it collides with an enemy champion, and all collided enemies are slowed while running away from Shen.

Shen recalls his spirit blade and draws it. Enemies it collides with are slowed by 35% when moving away from Shen for the next 2 seconds.Shen's next 3 attacks deal 0 plus 2/2.5/3/3.5/4 (+ 1.5% per 100 AP) of their target's max health as bonus magic damage. If the spirit blade collided with an enemy champion, those attacks deal 0 plus 4/4.5/5/5.5/6 (+ 2% per 100 AP) instead and have +50% Attack Speed.Each attack deals 100% increased damage to monsters (capped at 75/100/125/150/175).
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W Spell : Spirit's Refuge

Cost: 40 Energy
Range: 400

Attacks that would hit Shen or his allies near his spirit blade are blocked.

Shen's spirit blade creates a defensive zone for 1.75 seconds. Basic attacks that would hit Shen or an allied champion in the zone are blocked.If there are no champions to protect in the zone when it starts, the spirit blade will not activate until one enters or 2 seconds pass.
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E Spell : Shadow Dash

Cost: 150 Energy
Range: 600

Shen dashes in a direction, taunting enemies in his path.

Passive: Dealing damage with Shadow Dash or Twilight Assault recovers 0 Energy.
Active: Shen dashes in a direction, dealing 50/75/100/125/150 [+0] physical damage to enemy champions and neutral monsters in his path and taunting them for 1.5 seconds.
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R Spell : Stand United

Cost: No Cost
Range: 35000

Shen shields target allied champion from incoming damage, and soon after teleports to their location.

Shen grants a shield to a target allied champion that lasts 5 seconds and absorbs up to 175/350/525 (+135% Ability Power) to 280/560/840 (+0) damage based on their missing health. After channeling for 0 seconds, Shen and his spirit blade teleport to the ally's location.
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Good Items

King's Vow : This item have a very good helpfull passive (you have more resistance), with this you can help more easier your ADC and have a tanky body.
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Create by Aroufoxx (My LoL account is TheGodLemon)

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