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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
+Good sustain with item build and Feint
+Good ganks with Shadow Dash
+Can save teammates with Stand United
+Awesome split pushing because you can ult into team fights
+Decent harass with Vorpal Blade
+Great CC in team fight with multiply taunt with Shadow Dash
-Expensive build
-Relatively low damage output
-Won't get many kills
-Gets blamed a lot for not using Stand United to save teammates
-Requires good map awareness
+Good sustain with item build and Feint
+Good ganks with Shadow Dash
+Can save teammates with Stand United
+Awesome split pushing because you can ult into team fights
+Decent harass with Vorpal Blade
+Great CC in team fight with multiply taunt with Shadow Dash
-Expensive build
-Relatively low damage output
-Won't get many kills
-Gets blamed a lot for not using Stand United to save teammates
-Requires good map awareness
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration For better harass with Vorpal Blade in lane phase
Greater Seal of Armor For sustainability
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist For sustainability
Greater Quintessence of Armor Again sustainability and tankiness
Greater Quintessence of Magic Resist Prefer to use more mr because its easier to build armor
I like to pick up teleport because it gives you more map presence along with your ultimate. Try to keep it in mind that you can use teleport on wards along with creeps and towers.
I grab flash for escapes and engages plus getting over walls
Other Viable Spells
Ghost works nicely on Shen in place of flash because it allows you to get around the map quicker and go through creeps to catch enemies and you can still escape over walls with Shadow Dash
Helps secure kills with enemies low on health
I grab flash for escapes and engages plus getting over walls
Other Viable Spells
Ghost works nicely on Shen in place of flash because it allows you to get around the map quicker and go through creeps to catch enemies and you can still escape over walls with Shadow Dash
Helps secure kills with enemies low on health
- You can keep the shop open with Enchantment: Homeguard and then quickly use Stand United on a teammate and you will still benefit from Enchantment: Homeguard
- Make sure you don't miss Shadow Dash because it refunds energy
- Don't forget about your passive Ki Strike because it helps you farm faster, do more damage, and refund energy so do you best to stay on enemy champions
- Always Feint after Shadow Dash
- Let your team know you have Stand United up
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