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Quinn Build Guide by DarwinGaming

Top Skirmisher Quinn / In Depth Guide

Top Skirmisher Quinn / In Depth Guide

Updated on March 1, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarwinGaming Build Guide By DarwinGaming 3,494 Views 0 Comments
3,494 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DarwinGaming Quinn Build Guide By DarwinGaming Updated on March 1, 2018
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Why should I play Quinn?

I currently am in the process of gathering BE to get Quinn, but that's irrelevant at the current moment in time, so back to the Important stuff.

Quinn is a very good top laner whose playrate basically no longer exists, she is one of the least played top laners in League of Legends. Before we go into depth on why you should play her and why she's good, let's be honest, you wanna play her cause she hard counters Darius, I know that's why I'm playing her. Quinn, being a marksmen on the top lane, is a ranged champion. Like almost all ADC's, you build primarily critical strike on her and she has extremely good late game scaling. Quinn is exceptional in the top lane, but not for the faint of heart, sh is a very "high risk, high reward" champion, as seen in statistics, she the best kill ratio, but the worst death ratio, so you're primarily going to be focusing on trading. Quinn exceeds in the top lane because not only are most top laners melee, and she is ranged, but also because her entire kit is built around staying a safe distance away from the enemy, then being able to easily chase after them and eliminate them if they fall below 1/2 health. Now, if you're too lazy to just read over her abilities in the ability portion, I'll review what her abilities do.

Quinns passive makes the next auto attack against a champion marked vulnerable will do bonus damage scaling by your level and AD, it's cooldown is also reduced based on your critical strike chance. Quinn's Q is a skillshot that goes through minions, activating on the first enemy champion hit, when activated, it nearsights the enemy and activates you passive damage if the target is vulnerable. Quinn's W grants passive attack speed and when activated, reveals the area around you ( the active has a pretty long cooldown). Quinn's E is a jump that hits the target enemy champions, slows them, activates your passive damage if they are vulnerable, and after hitting the enemy champion, launches you backward to your maximum auto attack range. Quinn's R grants her bonus movement speed after a channel, which continues until she uses a damaging ability or reactivates it, when done so, arrows fill fall from the sky, damaging all enemies in the radius.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DarwinGaming
DarwinGaming Quinn Guide
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