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Aurora Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Aurora Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Aurora Jungle

Updated on December 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 7 0 11,794 Views 0 Comments
7 0 11,794 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Aurora Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on December 12, 2024
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Runes: Early Burst

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Aurora Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
Mage, Mid-Laner, Top-Laner, Assassin, Mana, Ranged, Magic
Clearing: Average, Unhealthy [3:37]
Ganking: Good
Speciality: Jumping In-And-Out of Fights
Why Jungle Aurora? Aurora is a offmeta jungle pick that is near impossible not to have fun on. She's flashy and does great damage at all points in the game, and after the first items she has a very steady clear speed. Her ganks are relatively reliable with her invisibility on W, good damage, and double slow with her ultimate. She's a very mobile mage and a very reliable teamfighter, so long as she isn't targeted and shutdown early on in a fight. Extended fights are preferred for her.
Pros and Cons


Very Good Earlygame
Good Utility


Low Range
Weak to CC
High CD's
Weak First Clear

Aurora has rather long cooldowns - not impossibly so, but definitely longer than a mage likes to have. Her ultimate is her best tool as it does great damage to multiple targets at once and provides two slows on impact and when trying to leave the circle. This build prioritizes having a lower cooldown so you can throw your ultimate more often.

A lot of times, especially in the early game, Aurora just barely doesn't do enough damage to kill off a target before they retreat into safety. With a burn build, she usually scores more kills on her targets by killing them with damage over time after her initial burst.

Aurora tank isn't all that impressive - she still dies rather quickly, but just slightly less so. It prioritizes building AP items with health attached to it as a bonus, which is always nice to have and keeps her doing heavy damage and lasting just a wee bit longer when caught out.
Skill Order
Spirit Abjuration
Aurora's auto attacks and abilities apply a stack of Spirit Abjuration to enemies, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 3 times. The third stack against a target consumes them all to deal bonus magic damage equal to the target's maximum health. Upon consuming the stacks from a champion, Aurora additionally gains Realm Hopper for 4 seconds and freeing a Spirit from the target that follows her for the same duration. For each active Spirit, Aurora is healed slightly.

REALM HOPPER: Aurora gains bonus Movement Speed for each active Spirit.

In the Jungle, this passive is used as a normal three hit passive on jungle camps for a bit of extra damage. It's main usage comes later on in team fights, giving Aurora extra Movement Speed to weave in and out of the fight, dodging skillshots and becoming much more difficult to hit and shutdown while also doing extra auto damage.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Twofold Hex
Aurora fires a bolt of energy in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit. It can be recasted when at least one target is marked. The recast deals bonus magic damage and increased based on targets missing health.

In the Jungle, this is Aurora's main damaging ability against champions and jungle camps. It can hit multiple targets and provides two stacks of Electrocute, making it very easy to do a large burst of damage to an enemy very quickly.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Across the Veil
Aurora hops in a direction inside a portal to the Spirit Realm. Upon completing the dash, she becomes invisible for a duration and gains Realm Hopper for a few seconds. Attacking or casting abilities ends the stealth immediately. Scoring a takedown against an enemy champion refreshes the cooldown.

In the Jungle, this is used as an initiation and an escape tool. Across the Veil can be used to hop over medium walls, giving Aurora new entry and escape routes that some other junglers and champions don't have access to without burning flash. Especially with how it is refreshed on kill - she can hop over a wall, score a takedown, then hop back like nothing happened.
The Weirding
Aurora blasts energy in a line in the target direction and recoils backwards, dealing magic damage and slowing enemies hit. Between Worlds can be cast during the dash.

In the Jungle, The Weirding is used as a secondary damage tool to be paired with her Q. It has soft CC, so it should be queued up after your first cast of Q to proc Electrocute on the secondary cast. It can also be used to backwards hop over thin walls.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Between Worlds
Aurora leaps in a direction, gains Realm Hopper, and unleashes a pulse of energy in front of herself than extends outward in a circle, dealing magic damage and slowing all enemies hit. Once the pulse has fully expanded, it manifests a circular rift to the Spirit Realm for a duration. While Aurora is inside the rift, she doubles the bonus Movement Speed from Realm Hopper, alongside being able to hit the walls of the circle to teleport to the opposite side. Enemies that hit the walls of the circle will be slowed upon exiting it.

In the Jungle, this tool can nichely be used as an escape as it allows Aurora to hop over thin walls during the cast. It can be used to surprise enemies in this way also, but it's main use is a burst of damage to all targets and soft CC to multiple people at once.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Aurora can't reliably solo dragons. She can do it on some occasions, but it's better to not try and do it consistently as to not risk dying or being caught when extremely low with no mana or cooldowns.

Aurora benefits the most from Cloud Soul, giving her extra movement speed in the jungle and out of combat. This stacks nicely with her Realm Hopper, W, and Ultimate, making her a very speedy bunny.
Aurora can solo Voidgrubs without too much hassle, and should always go for them unless a dragon is free and the jungler has been spotted on topside whilst your enemy bot laners are pushed in, distracted, or just dead.
Aurora can solo herald reasonably fast, although she does slightly lack in the clear speed that many other junglers do not lack in. It's best to ask for help, especially if there is a mobile jungler on the enemy team that can come running if you're standing on vision during the fight.
Aurora benefits greatly from Nashor. Paired with her very strong wave clear, even when behind, Aurora can split push from her team (or push with them, if that's that better option and there isn't an easy to access tower for her to steal) with such incredibly fast wave clear, the enemy will barely know what hit them before minions are in their base.
Elder Drake can be incredibly beneficial to Aurora due to her heavy burst. If you're in a position to take drake, absolutely do it. If you're in a position to steal it, I suggest using R to hop over the wall, steal it, then use W to hop back over before they can kill you.


Aurora uses a lot of AOE damage and benefits from burn damage by starting red buff. Therefore, her most optimal first clear path is by starting with a leash on red side. She starts Red Brambleback before moving into Krugs then Raptors before migrating blue side. She can start on blue side if it is a personal preference, but Aurora does not struggle from a mana depletion in her first clear and her cooldowns aren't hellishly unbearable. She should come her second after red side, going to Wolves, Blue Sentinel, and Gromp before moving to the easiest to fight for both Scuttle's.
Core Items

Sorcerer's Shoes > MAGIC PENETRATION
Ideally, Sorcerer's Shoes are the only boots you'll build. It's an easy way for early magic penetration, which leads to an easy way for more damage in general in the early game.Ionian Boots of Lucidity > COOLDOWN
You can take these as a replacement for Sorc's if you want more ability haste on some builds, namely, the ability haste one...

EARLY GAME: Aurora has a very good early game in terms of damage. Her clear is lacking, not entirely due to speed as she can be at first scuttle spawn, but because of her low hp that leaves her vulnerable to invades from the enemy. She can still defend herself though, likely more than the enemies will expect. Before they know it, they'll likely be half health from one full combo of her Q,E, and auto attacks.
MID GAME: When Aurora gets her ultimate, she becomes much more of a problem for the enemy team as a proper jungler with the ability to gank reliably. She can throw down her ultimate and bounce around enemies, especially during objective skirmishes - which is where she excels. Always go to objectives, even if you don't think you can get them, and ping for your teammates to come with as well.
LATE GAME: By the late game, some of Aurora's early game pressure and power has likely fallen off. Enemies won't be quite as scared as they were in the earlier parts of the game and will jump on you. You need to be prepared for this and keep your reaction speed high, jumping around as you did before and scoring sneaky kills in teamfights while your team face tanks and distracts t he blunt force of the enemy for you.
Patch Notes
11/25/2024: Guide Created.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer
AverageLilliaPlayer Aurora Guide
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The ALP Guide to Aurora Jungle

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