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Recommended Items
Runes: Early Burst
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Q Max
Spirit Abjuration (PASSIVE)
Aurora Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction
Ganking: Good Speciality: Jumping In-And-Out of Fights Why Jungle Aurora? Aurora is a offmeta jungle pick that is near impossible not to have fun on. She's flashy and does great damage at all points in the game, and after the first items she has a very steady clear speed. Her ganks are relatively reliable with her invisibility on W, good damage, and double slow with her ultimate. She's a very mobile mage and a very reliable teamfighter, so long as she isn't targeted and shutdown early on in a fight. Extended fights are preferred for her. |
Pros and Cons
Aurora has rather long cooldowns - not impossibly so, but definitely longer than a mage likes to have. Her ultimate is her best tool as it does great damage to multiple targets at once and provides two slows on impact and when trying to leave the circle. This build prioritizes having a lower cooldown so you can throw your ultimate more often. | A lot of times, especially in the early game, Aurora just barely doesn't do enough damage to kill off a target before they retreat into safety. With a burn build, she usually scores more kills on her targets by killing them with damage over time after her initial burst. | Aurora tank isn't all that impressive - she still dies rather quickly, but just slightly less so. It prioritizes building AP items with health attached to it as a bonus, which is always nice to have and keeps her doing heavy damage and lasting just a wee bit longer when caught out. |
Skill Order
DRAGON Aurora benefits the most from Cloud Soul, giving her extra movement speed in the jungle and out of combat. This stacks nicely with her Realm Hopper, W, and Ultimate, making her a very speedy bunny. |
Aurora uses a lot of AOE damage and benefits from burn damage by starting red buff. Therefore, her most optimal first clear path is by starting with a leash on red side. She starts Red Brambleback before moving into Krugs then Raptors before migrating blue side. | She can start on blue side if it is a personal preference, but Aurora does not struggle from a mana depletion in her first clear and her cooldowns aren't hellishly unbearable. She should come her second after red side, going to Wolves, Blue Sentinel, and Gromp before moving to the easiest to fight for both Scuttle's. |
Patch Notes
11/25/2024: Guide Created.
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