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Azir Build Guide by AverageLilliaPlayer

Jungle The ALP Guide to Azir Jungle

Jungle The ALP Guide to Azir Jungle

Updated on December 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer 2,775 Views 0 Comments
2,775 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AverageLilliaPlayer Azir Build Guide By AverageLilliaPlayer Updated on December 12, 2024
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Runes: Attack Speed

1 2 3
Lethal Tempo
Absorb Life
Legend: Alacrity
Cut Down

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

The ALP Guide to Azir Jungle

By AverageLilliaPlayer
About Me
Hello, my name is Average Lillia Player (or ALP for short) though ingame I go by Yoon. As the name suggests, I main Lillia and prefer to avoiding laning as a whole, often queuing for Jungle or Support (but mostly Jungle). Almost all of my time in the game is spent making extremely strange picks in the Jungle work out, anything from meta to borderline throwing, I'm determined to make it work.
Champion Introduction

Azir, the Emperor of the Sands
Specialist, Mage, Marksman, Mid-Laner, Mana, Ranged, Magic
Clearing: Very Bad [4:13]
Ganking: Difficult
Speciality: Attack Speed, Poke
Why Jungle Azir? Well first of all, don't do it. It's very difficult and unrewarding for everyone involved. But if you want to do it for fun purposes, it's doable if you're already an Azir main to begin with. If you're intent on playing Azir Jungle, he can be quite a powerhouse in the late game provided he's kept up enough to have good items. When positioned correctly he can be an unreachable target doing a lot of very serious damage. His mobility is very good for such a powerful mage as well, allowing him to dance around jungle camps and gank over walls.
Pros and Cons


Good Zoning
Good Damage
Great Late Game
Poke Damage
Great Defender


Difficult Combos
Needs Good Positioning
Horrible Early
Bad Clear
Difficult to Learn
High Mana Costs

This is really the only optimal build and also the build Azir takes normally in mid lane. It focuses on his soldiers doing damage, as they scale off of ability power and deal AP damage off of every auto attack. Attack speed lets this proc more as it procs ap per auto attack.

I've tried to make AD Azir work a few times and while it is moderately successful, it isn't worthwhile. Again, Azir jungle is a real hassle to do anything with. His AD is decent for clearing, but in fights he can't hold his own without soldiers being up and dealing damage for him.

AP is really his only option, there isn't anything he can do efficiently outside of building Nashors and spiraling into other AP items outside of his usual build. For now.
Skill Order
Conquering Sands

3 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13

1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9
Shifting Sands

2 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
Emperor's Divide

6 / 11 / 16
> > >
Azir relies entirely on his soldiers for everything - damage, mobility, initiating, and escaping. His entire kit revolving around them ensures they must be leveled up first. We go for Q next to have a lower cooldown on moving and repositioning our soldiers. As for the first three levels, we go W as it is the only thing the game will let us start, then E for the shield into Q for the repositioning damage.
Ability Order in Jungle
Shurima's Legacy
Whenever a turret outside the enemy team's base is destroyed, Azir can click on the remains to construct a Sun Disc from the rubble. The Sun Disc functions the same as a standard inner turret but deals magic damage and gives kill credit to Azir. It will slowly deteriorate health and dies faster if Azir dies or is too far away.

In the Jungle, his passive does not serve much purpose. It is exclusively used when pushing to defend from backside ganks or to keep inner turrets alive when defending from a very heavy push.

This scales slightly off of Ability Power.
Conquering Sands
Azir orders all Sand Soldiers to dash toward the target location, dealing magic damage to all enemies they pass through as well as those in front of them upon arrival, and slowing them.

In the Jungle, Q is used as an initiation tool alongside W and E to throw your soldiers, and yourself using E onto them, over walls and towards enemies. It can also act as very soft CC.

This scales slightly off of Ability Power.
Azir summons a Sand Soldier at the target location that is untargetable to any enemy. It grants sight of its surroundings and, when commanded by Azir, attack enemies around them, dealing magic damage.

In the Jungle, this serves as Azir's primary damage in all circumstances. The soldiers are his clearing, his attacking, and the source of his mobility as he can only dash to them.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Shifting Sands
Azir grants himself a shield and dashes to the target Sand Soldier, dealing magic damage to enemies within his path. If an enemy champion interrupts this, he gains a charge of Arise! and stops.

In the Jungle, this is a sustain ability for clears, particularly the early ones. The cooldowns are rather awful early, but every bit of extra damage you can take it helpful. Outside of clearing, it is a very useful mobility tool when paired with W and Q. You can dash with E and send out the soldiers with Q to follow their destination and have an extended dash on Q.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Emperor's Divide
Azir calls forth a phalanx of soldiers from behind him, catching enemies and throwing them with the charge forwards. Enemies impacted by the charge are dealt magic damage and knocked in front of Azir. Upon finishing their charge, the soldiers stand as a wall for 5 seconds, acting as impassible terrain against enemies and granting sight of their surroundings, though allies and Azir can pass through them.

In the Jungle, this is a very easy way to throw enemies into your tower during ganks. It can be difficult to hit without messing up and throwing enemies away, similar to how Alistar Jungle works. It takes some forethought and dash combinations, but when done properly it can be a pristine ganking and escape tool.

This scales off of Ability Power.
Azir can't solo any objectives, and dragon is no different. One thing he can do well is use one of his soldiers in place of a ward over the dragon pit wall.

Azir benefits the most from Hextech Soul, granting him and his soldiers a slow on the "zap" passive. Any type of CC or Slow is great for Azir to be able to hit more auto attacks with his soldiers.
Azir can get one or two grubs before his health gets dangerously low and he should back off. It's best to grab one and then W-E over the wall to avoid a fight that will very quickly end in your death. If possible, hop over the wall to steal one to stop enemies from getting all stacks.
Azir can "solo" herald, but it won't be very fast. It is his easiest objective, however, and by utilizing the vision from his W and a ward, he can cover all bases and safely get herald killed without risking his neck too much.
Azir cannot solo baron and shouldn't attempt to do it without three of his teammates helping him. His wave clear is pretty decent, so it's a good objective to gather, especially since he can grab a tower and escape with his high mobility over walls. He can also use his ultimate to secure the dragon pit.
Azir benefits a lot from Elder, being able to do very strong amounts of safe damage that can quickly proc the execute. He can also use his ultimate to secure the dragon pit.


Azir struggles on both sides, but has a bit of an easier time after starting red side due to the heal on red buff. It's a small heal and doesn't do all too much groundbreaking work for him, but it's just enough to not make him absolutely fall over and die. He should NOT go for scuttle and instead painstakingly go through the full clear. Start Red Brambleback, Krugs, Raptors, then move to blue side. Azir does have some mana issues, but not enough to impact his clear due to the long cooldowns on his abilities and the slow clear in general. For this reason, he does not start blue and rotates here after his red side clear, going to Wolves, Blue Sentinel, and ending on Gromp.
Core Items

Sorcerer's Shoes > MAGIC PENETRATION
Azir won't be looking to get any magic penetration for a while, usually being one of the last things he builds in favor of attack speed from nashors and ap from liandry's. These help get him the early magic pen he needs to survive until the late game when it really matters.
Berserker's Greaves > ATTACK SPEED
This is a personal preference type of pick. Some Azir players like to have extra attack speed earlier on, but it's not the most optimal choice.

EARLY GAME: Azir has a god awful early game. He has little health and littler damage, along with high mana costs and high cooldowns. There really isn't anything going for him early, and his best bet is to lay low and make himself as unkillable as possible until he has Nashor's Tooth.
MID GAME: Around the midgame, Azir can actually participate in fights and do something. It might lead to him baiting his teammates a little bit to get ahead, and it might be difficult to score kills completely on his own, but with his mobility, escape, and ultimate, he can find himself in much more favorable situations.
LATE GAME: A fed Azir is unlikely as a jungler, but not impossible. If he's ahead, with proper positioning he's unstoppable and a huge teamfighting champion capable of doing very serious damage. If he's behind, he takes up more of a supportive role to peel for his teammates and use his soldiers to zone out areas of the map or lanes.
Patch Notes
11/29/2024: Guide Created.
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