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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This matchup is tough because a good Annie will almost always have her stun on Pyromania up. Keep an eye on her HUD, because she might be saving her passive at 3 stacks. Ask your jungler to help you out by letting him/her engage first. Bait out her stun before going all in and using your ultimate. Be aware of her power spike at level 6. Tibbers can do a lot of damage in a very short amount of time.
Welcome Hi there, and welcome to my Katarina mid guide! I hope to teach you how to play this champion and why the build presented is the optimal way to build her. You will be shown example build paths, how to use her abilities, her teamfight potential, and all of the things that make Katarina a viable assassin. About Katarina Why is Katarina a viable choice? Katarina is classified as an assassin because she can pull off huge amounts of damage in a very short amount of time. She is very mobile with her Shunpo, her passive reset makes her extremely difficult to lock down. Her early game is not be the most powerful, but in teamfights she is a terrifying force to deal with. She excels at deleting squishy targets from the fight, and can deal multi-target damage as well. |
About Me
I'm Emikadon, currently a Gold I (still climbing!) ranked player on the NA Server. I main Support, but I have come to love the mid lane as well for the carry potential. Katarina was my second most played champion in season 5, and I had over a 60% win rate with her. If you liked this guide, you should check out my others as well! Side Note This guide is extremely long, since I will cover everything you need to know in order to master Katarina. If it was helpful in any way, please upvote my guide to let me know I've done a good job! If you disagree with anything I have to say or have any questions regarding the build, leave a comment and I will respond as soon as I am able to :) |
Pros + High damage + No Mana + No Skillshots + Very mobile + AOE Abilities + Ability Resets |
Katarina, like all assassins, has a high amount of burst damage. Between her abilities and passive, she can easily melt down squishy targets. In addition, her abilities are completely free of cost and none of her abilities are skillshots. Positioned well, her abilities can't miss and can't be avoided. She has high mobility with her E and speed boost from W. Katarina is also teamfight oriented, since 3 out her 4 abilities are multi-target. Added in with her passive resets, cleaning up after fights is extremely easy.
Katarina's main weakness lies in the fact that she is melee. It is always dangerous to walk up to CS, since the enemy laner can turn on you. Her kit has no built in CC. If not positioned correctly, the enemy can easily escape. Since she is an assassin that builds purely damage, she has no defensive capabilities. This often leads to her being focused, since most people don't want to deal with her in teamfights. Finally, her ultimate is a channeled ability and can be interrupted with CC (stuns, knock backs, silences, pulls). |
Cons - Melee - No built-in CC - Weak against CC - Squishy - Often focused - Ult can cancel |
Flash is always a good pick due the sheer amount of ways it can be used. Blinking over walls can save your life 9 times out of 10, and you can use it to reposition yourself if needed. In addition, you can make so many plays with it. You can use it to get in range for a double blink with Shunpo or to land that last Q that'll finish off a low health target. This summoner spell is a fantastic choice on almost every champion, and Katarina is no exception. |
Ignite is a great spell to have, since it adds even more damage to your burst. It adds a lot of kill potential to your kit, especially if your own jungler comes to gank. It's also fantastic for finishing off those low health targets. Not to mention late game, the healing reduction helps if the enemy ADC is doing a lot of life stealing in teamfights. |
Teleport will allow for a lot more map pressure, both early and late game. In general, you don't need this unless you're going top lane because you're in the center of the map as a mid laner, so you can already roam pretty effectively. You can easily gank lanes early game by teleporting to wards, or you can regroup with your team if there's an impending fight later on. This requires a lot of communication though, so be sure when to use it! |
In certain matchups, Exhaust can be a viable choice due to the peeling potential. If you are going against an assassin such as Zed or Yasuo, taking exhaust can reduce their damage output by a lot, while still allowing you to pull off your own. In addition, it can secure kills because of the movement speed slow. |
Voracity (Passive) Scoring a kill or assist will reduce the cooldown of Katarina's abilities by 15 seconds. |
Useful tips
Things to note
Striking a marked target with an ability or basic attack will consume the mark on the target and deal additional magic damage. |
Range: 675 Cooldown: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 Dagger Magic Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 45% AP) Mark Magic Damage: 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+ 15% AP) Total Damage: 75 / 115 / 155 / 195 / 235 (+ 60% AP) |
Useful tips
Things to note
sinister steel |
Sinister Steel (W) Katarina whirls her daggers, instantly dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies. If she damages an enemy champion, she gains movement speed for 1 second. |
Range: 375 Cooldown: 4 Magic Damage 40 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 180 (+ 25% AP) (+ 60% bonus AD) Movement Speed: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 35% |
Useful tips
Things to note
Shunpo (E) Katarina teleports to target unit and gains 15% damage reduction for 1.5 seconds. If the target is an enemy, the target takes magic damage. |
Range: 700 Cooldown: 12 / 10.5 / 9 / 7.5 / 6 Magic Damage: 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 40% AP) |
Useful tips
Things to note
Range: 550 Cooldown: 90 / 60 / 45 Magic Damage per Dagger: 35 / 55 / 75 (+ 25% AP) (+ 37.5% bonus AD) Maximum Damage to Each Enemy: 350 / 550 / 750 (+ 250% AP) (+ 375% bonus AD) |
Useful tips
Things to note
Bouncing Blades Sinister Steel Shunpo Death Lotus |
Sinister Steel
sinister steel
sinister steel
sinister steel
sinister steel
On Katarina, you want to max your Q, Bouncing Blades first.1 Since your main disadvantage in lane is your lack of range, the shorter cooldown and higher damage makes both CSing and harassing much easier. Next, you want to start maxing your W, sinister steel. This is your second major damage dealing tool, and used in conjunction with your Q can chip down an opponent's health bar very quickly. The bonus movement speed is also good since it helps with your mobility in lane. Lastly, you want to max your E, Shunpo. I feel like this ability is a "one point wonder" type, since the defining attribute of it is the instant teleport. Always take a point in your ultimate, Death Lotus whenever you can. 1There are certain matchups in which you can max your W for close range trading and faster MS buff. This is usually when the enemy opponent is extremely kiteable and you can spam W multiple times per trade. |
Usually, you want to put your very first point into Bouncing Blades for the range, which can be useful both when going directly to lane or invading. In addition, it can be used for early harass by tossing it to the enemy as they go up for CS. Next, I typically want to take a point into E just in case the jungler comes for an early gank. Even if he doesn't, you can potentially all in the enemy for some early burst. By tossing a Q and triggering the mark with your E, you can avoid a lot of retaliation trade with the damage reduction from Shunpo. Alternatively, you can take sinister steel second. This will give you some additional pushing power, and will make CSing a little easier. However, be careful if the jungler does indeed come to gank! The slight movement speed buff is nice for avoiding a little bit of harass, but doesn't do much against all-ins! Finally, whether you take sinister steel or a second point into Bouncing Blades if completely up to your playstyle. I myself prefer having the extra pushing power and utility, but the extra damage on Q's on hit and mark detonation is pretty nice early game as well. Thank you Ubnoxius for this suggestion! However, if you did actually take W second, do not delay your E, Shunpo any longer. That ability is too important to give up, especially around level 3 because the jungler could show up any moment to gank. |
Standard Combo |
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sinister steel
This is the Standard Combo you're going to use when playing as Katarina. Throwing your Q, Bouncing Blades, you apply a mark that can be detonated with either your basic attack or an ability. You then immediately E, Shunpo to them to consume this debuff and deal bonus magic damage. Once you get into range, activate your W, sinister steel for more burst, as well as detonating the marks of any surrounding enemies. Once you've done this, use the movement speed granted from W to get out of retaliation range. In addition, the damage reduction from your E should still last for the second that you're running. This tactic is used in lane to slowly chip down your opponent's health bar. All of the other combos are very similar to this one, with the addition of a few other abilities as well. |
Surprise Combo |
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sinister steel
Brought up by Pallis123, this combo can take your opponent by surprise. Instead of starting off with your long ranged Q and following it up with your gap closer, you first Shunpo to the enemy and take them by surprise. This can allow you to take away the half a second warning given when you throw your Bouncing Blades, and let you take advantage of any surprise/hesitation the enemy might show. Be careful, as this requires some practice. If you aren't fast enough, the enemy might get away before you can proc the mark with your W, sinister steel. |
Killing Combo |
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sinister steel
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This is the combo you want to use when you're going for the kill. Do the exact same thing as the standard combo, except you don't run away after using W, sinister steel. Instead, use the movement speed to reposition yourself so that you're ult will hit the enemy for as long as possible. Once you're in a good position (usually right next to your target), you use your R Death Lotus. As the enemy tries to run, you'll be dealing damage to them as well as up to 2 other enemy champions. Don't forget to use your ignite if it's up, as that'll deal damage as well. In addition, be careful not to move or activate any abilities/items! Doing so will interrupt your channel. The only exception are summoner spells, such as Ignite or Heal. Finally, once you get the kill, use your reset E to get to safety and/or jump to another target to repeat the same combo. |
Diving Combo |
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sinister steel
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When diving the enemy champion, there are many things you have to take into account to reduce the chance of dying to turret aggro.
Single then Multi-Target Combo |
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sinister steel
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sinister steel
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This combo is used when cleaning up at the end of a teamfight. Basically, you use the Standard Combo, and then chain that into the Killing Combo. The first wave of abilities is to kill a single, low health target. You want to avoid using your ult, since it takes a couple kills/assists to completely refresh the cooldown. After you kill the single target, you jump to a group of low health targets and do the same thing. This time though, you add your ultimate Death Lotus so you can hit up to 3 different enemy champions at once. And then with those kills/assists, you use the reset to jump to the final person, if they haven't died already. With this combo timed correctly, you can easily get a Quadra, or even a Penta kill! |
Multi then Single-Target Combo |
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sinister steel
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sinister steel
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Pretty much the opposite of the Single then Multi-Target Combo. Instead of initially going after the single, low health target, you immediately focus a group of enemies instead. You do the standard combo and ult afterwards to hit as many people as possible. At a rank three Death Lotus, it only takes 3 kills to completely reset your ult. Keeping this in mind, you jump to the single target and do the exact same thing. If you're ult's up, use it if they haven't died already. If it's not up, it should be up soon. To be honest though, if you're timing is correct, you shouldn't need to use it anyways. The single target should be already really low, and a simple Standard Combo should be enough to net the kill. |
Zhonya's Hourglass Combo |
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sinister steel
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This combo is if you need to play a more teamfight oriented playstyle. Usually, you're just the clean up crew and you just keep procing your passive for the resets. However, sometimes your team needs you to actually participate in the teamfight itself. To do this without dying, using this combo can allow you 2.5 seconds of invulnerability, which will give your teammates time to back you up. Basically, you do the Standard Combo, and then once you get dangerously low you hit Zhonya's Hourglass. Be warned though! If you activate this while your ult is still channeling, you'll cancel the channel and you won't deal any more damage! Timing your active is just as important as timing your entrance into teamfights. |
If you're going against ranged enemies that poke with their autoattacks a lot, Doran's Shield is the best choice to go with. This is especially useful against champions like Kayle. The passive will reduce any incoming damage from AAs (which is very likely, since you are melee) and gives you a lot of early game sustain. The additional 80 health makes you pretty bulky and will help with trading. If you're going against champions that rely mostly on landing skill shots, you can pick up Boots for the additional mobility. The bonus movement speed is nice to dodge skill shots from champions like Lux. In addition, you have more health pots as well as that extra MS that can allow you to roam more quickly. If you're going against melee mids like Zed, Yasuo or Kha'Zix, this start is really useful. It'll make you pretty tanky since the armor works well with your health runes. The 5 health pots will keep up your sustain, and this can later be upgraded into an early Seeker's Armguard. Depending on the situation, it can actually be rushed into an early Zhonya's Hourglass. |
Considering you are dealing mostly magic damage, you want to amplify that as much as you possibly can. By grabbing Sorc Shoes early, you can cut through most of the base MR the enemy might have. |
If you're ahead...
> This item is one of the best choices you can pick up early game. If you're extremely ahead and you can afford to go with this high burst build, pick this up for the insane damage. It will help you snowball through early game and will scale well later into mid-late game. |
> One of the main reasons is that not only does it boost your damage output, but also it is a 100 AP item. This means that the overall item gold/item slot efficiency is pretty high, especially if you take into account the charge passive. However, it is very expensive, and for the reason, should only be bought if you're ahead.
> The movement multiplier adds to Katarina's abundance of mobility. It helps with juking skill shots and poke while in lane, and later on will help with roaming/getting in range for ability combos. This leads directly to the charge passive, which will stack very quickly because of both Katarina's mobility and ability reliance.
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> If you're not doing too well against an AD mid, having the armor against them would be super helpful, and the active can help if you ever get caught out. > If you're against an AD champion, you can get Zhonya's Hourglass. The 50 armor will help when you're behind since it'll give you a nice chunk of defense, all the while still maintaining your role as an AP assassin with the 70 AP. > The active is huge in teamfights. If you couldn't kill anyone, the invulnerability will allow your teammates to clean up, procing your passive for the resets. | . |
> If you're against an AP champion who's killing you too often for your liking, you can rush Abyssal Mask for the MR. The 60 magic resistance will make you pretty tanky and you'll be harder to kill. It still gives a good amount of AP. > While you are getting more defense, you are sacrificing a huge chunk of your damage. 40 AP is a lot to be giving up, even with the MR reduction aura that comes with this item. > If you want to keep this item, keep it as a defensive one. It does not replace Void Staff, nor does it replace Zhonya's. Good if you're going against heavy AP teams lack a lot of CC. |
A must take on any AP burst champion. Once you get it, boosts your AP by a huge margin. The passive gives you AP based on how much you already have, which is a really nice item to round off with. This will make your mid-late game assassinations beyond deadly, especially when added in with your other items. Since it gives you more AP based on how much you have, it isn't as gold efficient early laning phase because you don't have very much AP. Get this item after you get your first big item (discussed last section). |
Usually, you want to get Void Staff once the enemy really starts to start MR. This will shred enemies even more when stacked with your runes/masteries and Sorcerer's Shoes. The 70 AP is nothing to laugh at either. While it may not seem like much compared to Rabadon's, the passive Magic Pen is beyond enough to make up for it. More often than not, this should be the second or third major item you build, unless the enemy team is really dumb and doesn't build MR whatsoever. Even then though, you should get this item, because you'll start dealing close to true damage. |
> Guardian Angel is usually everyone's go to defensive item. It gives both Armor and MR, so it'll help against both the enemy ADC and APC. > The passive revive is really nice if you're being focused in teamfights. If the enemy team focuses everything on you so that you'll die once, they'll have nothing to stop you once you're alive a second time. > Make sure you don't get caught out when you have this item! The passive is wasted for an entire 5 minutes if it's popped. |
> This choice is good if the enemy has skill shot reliant champions like Morgana, Nidalee or Blitzcrank. If anyone of these that hit you you're probably dead, since you're building almost no defense. > The chunk of HP that comes with this item is really nice for survivability. Regardless of whether or not you're going into teamfights late, you're still going to be in melee range of the enemy. The health is always appreciated. > The MR is really useful, especially if the enemy has a lot of magic damage. Building an early Negatron Cloak into a Spectre's Cowl will increase your survivability against AP teams by a lot. |
Hextech on Katarina can be argued, but I personally don't like it very much. Not only are the Lifesteal stats wasted on her, but the the item is incredibly expensive and the build path makes her laning phase very weak. It's very difficult to get this item unless you're drowning in gold, and even if you are swimming in money, Bilgewater Cutless doesn't help Kat snowball very well. If you want survivability get Zhonya's for the invulnerability active. If you want damage get a get the AP boost from Rabadon's. If you want sustain buy a health pot, which is cheap and doesn't require you to use your abilities. If you want a slow... Well then upgrade your boots! These items are much more efficient, give more AP, synergize better with Katarina's kit, and all of them are cheaper. When to get this item: This could potentially be picked up as a last item. In Patch 5.2, Hextech Gunblade was buffed slightly for AP based champions because of the additional Ability Power. It is still extremely expensive, and the components are really weak until you can combine them, so I would never advise this as a first item pick. For this reason, I would recommend you get it later in the game, after you get your major items for your 5th or 6th item. |
You may think to yourself, "Well, Katarina's ultimate is a channeled ability, so I want the enemy to stay in my channel for as long as possible. I guess the best way to do that is to get an item that slows!" This is what I mean by theoretically, Rylai's may seem like a nice item to have. However, the negative aspects are overlooked: If you think about it, a slow isn't going to help against hard CC, jump/dash spells (like Flash), and the the reduction itself is only 15% because 3 out of your 4 spells are multi-target. If you're rooted by, let's say a Morgana, then the tiny movement speed impairment isn't going to help you catch up after not being able to move for nearly 3 seconds and blinks like Ezreal's Arcane Shift or dashes like Caitlyn's 90 Caliber Net. When to get this item: One of the good things about this item is the huge amount of AP it gives. If you've already gotten all of your core items and you want more #damages instead or a defensive item, this is probably the best choice because of the pure AP you can use. While the slow isn't as effective because pretty much all of your spells are multi-target, bonus health can be viable if you're getting killed too quickly. |
When I first started playing Katarina, I was under the impression that you wanted to get an early Haunting Guise for the health and magic pen. However, I was told by a friend that this was not the case. His exact words: "The reason for not buying Haunting Guise is because the upgrade into Liandry's Torment isn't cost effective on Katarina because of the way the passive works. The passive does 2% of HP on current health and because Katarina is supposed to be used as clean-up/reset hero, she isn't going to be engaging. Especially not on their front line, which would have the most amount of health." Liandry's provides a moderate amount of AP (not as much as other items) but deals a lot of damage against tanky, health stacking champions because of the percent health passive. However, your purpose as Katarina is to kill the enemy carries, not their tanks. As your target gets squishier, Liandry's gets worse since the damage is reduced the lower the enemy is in terms of health. It will not help you quickly kill and pick up resets, since the passive deals damage over time. When to get this item: Again, I would recommend this as a last item pick if you're going against tanky, health-stacking enemies. The MPen isn't a lot because it is a flat amount, but it can still boost your damage by a little bit. The health can be useful with soaking damage, but keep in mind the little to moderate amount of AP! |
Farming/Last Hitting
Pre-6, your main objective is to get as much farm as you possibly can. Since walking up to hit the creeps at melee range can be dangerous, you can use your Bouncing Blades or sinister steel to get those that are out of your range. However, you can't always just use your abilities to farm. If you are forced to manually basic attack, wait until the enemy is auto attacking as well. If they're attacking the minion, they can't attack you at the same time. At the 10 minute mark, there are 114 minions available. However, this is perfect CS and does not count any other factors—harass, ganks, deaths, kills, recalling, etc. You want to have a realistic goal, though. I'd recommend trying to get about 80 farm by 10 minutes. Keep in mind it is very difficult to get perfect CS consistently, and it will only come with practice. Try opening up a custom game and just last hit for 10 minutes. Remember that each kill on average is worth about 15-20 minions. Also, if you manage to get a kill on the enemy laner pre-6, you're not only allowed a short amount of time to just purely free farm, but you're also denying them their own farm. |
Using your abilities to farm and poke
Don't be stingy about when to use your abilities. You want to take as little damage as possible, and if using your abilities will protect you, by all means use it. Use your Q, Bouncing Blades to get out of range minions or your W, sinister steel to hit multiple creeps at once. One advantage that Katarina has is that she doesn't have to worry about mana. Cooldowns are the only limiting factor. In lane, there are 2 stances that you can take. One: The CSing stance, where you're safely behind your minions. This stance is used when your own minions are low and you want to focus on getting last hits. Two: The Trading stance, where you're at your melee creep line. This stance is used when the enemy minions are low and the opposite laner want to get last hits. If you throw your Q at the enemy while they're trying to get the CS, they'll have to make the choice of either giving up the creep or taking free damage. This tactic is discussed here, in Phroxzon's Leaguecraft101 lectures. If you haven't seen these before, I highly recommend you check them out. |
Another really neat use for wards is your ability to use it as an escape option by quickly placing a ward and Shunpoing to it. Keeping a couple of extra wards can help you escape sticky situations like when the jungler comes to gank. All you have to do is place it on the ground near your tower and then activate your E to jump to it. Now let's get even fancier! Ward jumping can also be used to cross over terrain. Of course, you can place down a ward over a wall and then jump to it, but there are certain places on the map where you can cross terrain without there physically being a ward there! Here is a video demonstrating what I mean. The reason why this happens is because Katarina's Shunpo places her behind the target. If the ward is right next to a wall, then Shunpoing behind it will put you on the ground behind the wall! |
Briefly mentioned in the last chapter, roaming is a huge part of playing in the mid lane. Since you are in the center of the map, you are expected to travel either top or bot to gank their lanes. This puts massive amounts of pressure on the enemy team, as well as will allow you to help your own team to snowball. |
When you roam, you are leaving your lane to visit other lanes to potentially net a kill or take an objective. Why do you do this? Well firstly, it puts tremendous amounts of pressure across the map. If you just stayed in your own lane and did nothing but farm, the enemy top and bottom lanes have only the jungler to watch and keep track of. However, if you throw in a second roaming entity, you throw in twice the amount of map awareness needed. By forcing the enemy to multitask as they try to keep track of when and where you are, they are more prone to making mistakes that you and your teammates can capitalize on. |
In addition, by roaming to (let's say) bot lane, you can possibly net a few kills, as well as forcing the enemies to use their summoners to try and escape. Since summoners have such a long cooldown, you are ensuring an advantage for your teammates. If you do end up getting a kill, you get massive amounts of gold (both from the kill, as well as the assists). By eliminating the champions around important objectives, particularly Dragon, you can take them for free and get one step closer to winning the game. |
How do you roam? |
Once you've done this, it's time to start actually running to different lanes. Keep in mind that should you run into any wards, a smart enemy will immediately back off and you will have wasted your time. Usually to minimize this as much as possible, I ask my teammates whether or not the river/tribush is warded, and adjust my pathing with the information. If your allies don't know, this is the general pathing you should take, depending on which side of the map you are on. When on the blue side of the map, it is easiest to roam to the top lane. You can gank top unseen by walking behind the Baron Nashor cove, and cut off the escape by surrounding in the enemy. Roaming when playing on the purple side of the map is very similar to doing so on the blue side except that you will be walking behind the Dragon cove to gank the enemy bottom lane. |
Before the fight erupts |
Pre-teamfight, your main job is to not get caught out. In this build, Katarina is extremely squishy due to nearly all of her items being damage ones. If you get caught out, 90% of the time you're most likely dead. That, or you'll be chunked down to the point where you cannot help your teamfights. Either way, you leave your team at an enormous disadvantage. To avoid doing as described above, try not to stray too far from your team. If a Dragon fight is about to break out, don't decide to go and farm Wolves when everyone else is all the way across the map. Also, learning to dodge important skill shots is vital. If you get stunned by a Leona ult or snared by a Morgana, that's several crucial seconds in which you are completely useless. |
Your role in teamfights
It is not your job to protect your ADC, it is not your task to initiate, and it is not your responsibility to melt down tanks. Your role is to clean up after teamfights and abuse your passive to the fullest. Wait until the enemy team is extremely low before jumping in and killing all of them. Timing is everything. If you go in too early, you'll be locked down and killed. If you go in too late, your teammates will die. The ideal time to enter the fight is right after most of the enemy CC has been spent and the enemy team is very low health. Pay attention to the fight and be aware of what abilities have been used. Their support has Exhaust? Don't go in until you know it's been used. The enemy has a Sona? Wait until she's used her Crescendo. Has Thresh used his Flay or The Box yet? If you know the enemy still has some CC left in their arsenal, be prepared. Have Zhonya's or Flash or Guardian Angel or whatever for of defense you have just in case. |
Example of timing on Katarina |
In the video to the right, this is a really good example of what a teamfight with Katarina is like. Voyboy saw that the enemy Lulu and Tristana were pushing up pretty far down bot lane, and he grouped with Zyra and Olaf. Initially he went in early, and you can see how he was CC'd immediately. Had the enemy team been there, he probably would have died after being polymorphed. Fortunately, they weren't present to capitalize on it. |
The most important part about this clip is the end, where the Karma was slowed by Zyra's plants and everyone else was at about 20% health. Here, is where Voyboy timed his entrance perfectly: Lulu had used both her polymorph and her ult earlier, Tristana had no ult to peel for herself, and Karma and Zed don't have any hard CC. Voyboy went in, got the reset off of Karma, jumped to Tristana and went for Lulu. Finishing off Lulu with sinister steel, he got another reset to E-W and killed Trist and Zed. Just for extra awesome points, he used Zhonya's Hourglass to avoid Zed's ultimate :) |
Taking Objectives
Let's say the best case scenario and you've successfully gotten a Pentakill with Katarina. The enemy team is dead with 40 second timers. What you do now is take objectives. It doesn't matter how low you and your teammates are. It doesn't matter that you have 3k gold in your inventory. If there are objectives to be secured, take them. The enemy team is dead, so they can't possibly kill you (Unless there's a Teemo. Then you have to be careful of shrooms). The point is, if you've won the teamfight, you have to take an objective. If there's a minion wave, go and kill the tower. If there's an open inhibitor, destroy it so that you'll have a pushing lane for the next 5 minutes. If your team is healthy enough, go and secure Baron. The worst thing you can do is all start recalling and waste the free 40 seconds in which the enemy team can't do anything. Even in the video above, you can see that Voyboy had less than 150 health, yet he still stayed with his teammates and helped destroy that turret. |
Start with boots of speed and a few health potions for the mobility and sustain. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Akali | MEDIUM | MAX sinister steel | START
Start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots for the mobility. Max W to counter her Twilight Shroud and increase short ranged trading potential. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and MS quints for the kiting potential.
Annie | HARD | MAX
Start with Doran's Shield and a health pot for the AA block against her 625 range. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Azir | HARD | MAX
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions for help dodging his Sand Soldiers. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and MS quints for the extra mobility.
Brand | EASY | MAX
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions for the mobility and sustain. Max Q for the long ranged poke. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots so you can avoid her Crescent Strike. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safe farming distance. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and MS quints for mobility to dodge her skills.
Fiddlesticks | HARD | MAX
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions so you can sustain through his poke. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots for the mobility against his Urchin Strike. Max Q for the long ranged poke. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Heimerdinger | HARD | MAX
Start with Doran's Shield and a health pot to sustain through his little turrets. Max Q to safely farm from a distance. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and MS quints for the roaming potential.
Karthus | EASY | MAX
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions to sustain and dodge his Lay Waste. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Kassadin | MEDIUM | MAX sinister steel | START
Start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots for the mobility and extra sustain. Max W for the MS buff to avoid extended trades against him. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and MS quints for the roaming potential.
Kha'Zix | EASY | MAX sinister steel | START
Start with Cloth Armor since Kha'zix is AD and 5 health pots for sustain. Max W to hit him while he's in stealth. Run Magic Pen marks, Armor seals, AP glyphs and quints for the early game power.
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions for the extra mobility and sustain. Max Q for the safer farming and poke. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Lissandra | HARD | MAX
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions for the extra mobility and sustain. Max Q for the safer farming and poke. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots for sustain against her passive proc and overall harass. Max Q for the safer farming and poke. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and MS quints for easier dodging.
Morgana | EASY | MAX
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions for the mobility and sustain to match hers. Max Q for the long ranged poke. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Orianna | MEDIUM / HARD | MAX
Start with Doran's Shield and a health pot for AA block and sustain against her poke. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Start with Doran's Shield and a health pot for the AA block and extra health to survive his ult. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Syndra | MEDIUM / HARD | MAX
Start with boots of speed and 4 health potions for the mobility to dodge Dark Spheres. Max Q for the long ranged harass and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Talon | MEDIUM / HARD | MAX sinister steel | START
Start with Cloth Armor and 5 health pots because of the defense against AD and the sustain against poke. Max W for close range trading power. Run Magic Pen marks, Armor seals, AP glyphs and MS quints for the mobility.
Twisted Fate | EASY / MEDIUM | MAX
Start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots so you can sustain, as well as roam when he ults. Max Q for the long ranged harass and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and MS quints to keep up with his roaming.
Yasuo | MEDIUM | MAX sinister steel | START
Start with Cloth Armor and 5 health pots to block some physical damage. Max W for the extra mobility. Run Magic Pen marks, Armor seals, AP glyphs and MS quints for the increased mobility.
Start with Cloth Armor and 5 health pots since he's AD and for the sustain. Max Q for the long ranged poke and safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Armor seals, AP glyphs and quints for the early damage.
Ziggs | HARD | MAX
Start with Boots of Speed and 4 health pots so you can dodge his abilities. Max Q for the much safer farming. Run Magic Pen marks, Health seals, MR glyphs, and AP quints for the early damage.
Q: Why do you take Void Staff so early in the game? I thought people don't have much MR at 25 minutes. |
> The reason why you want to get Void staff as either your second or third item is because of the 40% Magic Penetration as well as the 70 AP. > While it is true that most people don't have extreme amounts of MR 25 minutes into the game, they still do have their base defenses in addition to runes/masteries. > Katarina is a champion that actually scales incredibly well with MPen. Once you get to a certain point, your abilities will do damage in the thousands, but this will be mitigated with any MR the enemy has. |
Q: No Haunting Guise? |
> I do not get Haunting Guise for several reasons: For one, the upgrade into Liandry's Torment isn't very good. See Misconceptions. > Second, while the the bonus AP and health are extremely useful, it is not cost efficient to buy an item that's only average and then sell it later. > Finally, in this guide I highlight that Katarina is played as a reset hero/assassin. The health does not help when you are bursting people down in less than a second, and the small amount of AP does not help very much either. |
Q: Why do you leave Zhonya's Hourglass so late in the build? Isn't the active supposedly really great? |
> The only times I get Zhonya's Hourglass earlier than listed is when I'm against an AD mid or my team needs me to have a greater teamfight presence. > As said many, many times in this guide, Katarina is a champion who helps her team by cleaning up and killing off low health targets. If you find yourself being locked down by CC and your combo being interrupted often, this means that your entrance into fights is not timed correctly. |
Q: Are there are any additional runes/masteries that I can run? |
> For Runes, click here, as there is a spoiler filled with all of the alternatives that are viable on Katarina. > For masteries, the standard page is 21/9/0, where you have a healthy mix of offense and defense to keep you alive. Alternatively, you can put the 9 points of defense into utility. > Scout allows you to jump farther with your trinket, Fleet of Foot gives a nice MS boost, Summoner's Insight reduces the cooldown on your Flash, and Alchemist and Culinary Master will help sustain. |
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